Complete Syntax




  • Moose App
  • AddElementalFieldActionAdds elemental auxiliary variable for adaptivity system.
  • AddMarkerActionAdd a Marker object to a simulation.
  • ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
  • BoundaryMarkerMarks all elements with sides on a given boundary for refinement/coarsening
  • BoundaryPreservedMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the provided marker value, while preserving the given boundary.
  • BoxMarkerMarks the region inside and outside of a 'box' domain for refinement or coarsening.
  • ComboMarkerA marker that converts many markers into a single marker by considering the maximum value of the listed markers (i.e., refinement takes precedent).
  • ErrorFractionMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the fraction of the min/max error from the supplied indicator.
  • ErrorToleranceMarkerCoarsen or refine elements based on an absolute tolerance allowed from the supplied indicator.
  • MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
  • MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
  • MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
  • OrientedBoxMarkerMarks inside and outside a box that can have arbitrary orientation and center point.
  • ReporterPointMarkerMarks the region inside or empty if it contains a reporter defined point for refinement or coarsening.
  • UniformMarkerUniformly mark all elements for refinement or coarsening.
  • ValueRangeMarkerMark elements for adaptivity based on the supplied upper and lower bounds and the specified variable.
  • ValueThresholdMarkerThe refinement state based on a threshold value compared to the specified variable.
  • VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange or Nedelec
  • Navier Stokes App
  • BernoulliPressureVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • INSFVEnergyVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • INSFVPressureVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • INSFVScalarFieldVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • INSFVVelocityVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • PINSFVSuperficialVelocityVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
  • PiecewiseConstantVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type


  • Moose App
  • AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
  • ADDivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ADFunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • ADFunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • ADFunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • ADMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • ADMaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • ADMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • ADMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • ADMaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • ADVectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • AdvectiveFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for advection problems .
  • ArrayParsedAuxSets field array variable values to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ArrayVarReductionAuxTakes an array variable and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as a standard variable.
  • ArrayVariableComponentCopy a component of an array variable.
  • BuildArrayVariableAuxCombines multiple standard variables into an array variable.
  • ConstantAuxCreates a constant field in the domain.
  • ConstantBoundsAuxProvides constant bound of a variable for the PETSc's variational inequalities solver
  • ContainsPointAuxComputes a binary field where the field is 1 in the elements that contain the point and 0 everywhere else
  • CopyValueAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a simple copy of the variable values.
  • DebugResidualAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with the residual contribution of a variable.
  • DiffusionFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for diffusion problems .
  • DivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ElemExtraIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ElementH1ErrorFunctionAuxComputes the H1 or W^{1,p} error between an exact function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementIntegerAuxCreates a field showing the element integer.
  • ElementL2ErrorFunctionAuxA class for computing the element-wise L^2 (Euclidean) error between a function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementLengthAuxCompute the element size using Elem::hmin() or Elem::hmax() from libMesh.
  • ElementLpNormAuxCompute an elemental field variable (single value per element) equal to the Lp-norm of a coupled Variable.
  • ElementQualityAuxGenerates a field containing the quality metric for each element. Useful for visualizing mesh quality.
  • ElementUOAuxAux Kernel to display generic spatial (elemental) information from a UserObject that satisfies the underlying ElementUOProvider interface.
  • ExtraElementIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ForcingFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that adds a forcing function to the value of an AuxVariable from the previous time step.
  • FunctionArrayAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates an array field variable by sampling functions through space and time.
  • FunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function through space and time.
  • FunctorADMatPropElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorMatPropElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • GapValueAuxReturn the nearest value of a variable on a boundary from across a gap.
  • GhostingAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
  • HardwareIDAuxCreates a field showing the assignment of partitions to physical nodes in the cluster.
  • InterfaceValueUserObjectAuxGet stored value from the specified InterfaceQpUserObjectBase.
  • MaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • MaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • MaterialRealDenseMatrixAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with an entry from a dense matrix material property.
  • MaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • MaterialStdVectorRealGradientAuxExtracts a component of a material's std::vector<RealGradient> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • NearestNodeDistanceAuxStores the distance between a block and boundary or between two boundaries.
  • NearestNodeValueAuxRetrieves a field value from the closest node on the paired boundary and stores it on this boundary or block.
  • NormalizationAuxNormalizes a variable based on a Postprocessor value.
  • ParsedAuxSets a field variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ParsedVectorAuxSets a field vector variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • PenetrationAuxAuxiliary Kernel for computing several geometry related quantities between two contacting bodies.
  • ProcessorIDAuxCreates a field showing the processors and partitioning.
  • ProjectionAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • QuotientAuxDivides two coupled variables.
  • SecondTimeDerivativeAuxReturns the second order time derivative of the specified variable as an auxiliary variable.
  • SelfAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • SolutionAuxCreates fields by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
  • SpatialUserObjectAuxPopulates an auxiliary variable with a spatial value returned from a UserObject spatialValue method.
  • TagMatrixAuxCouple the diagonal of a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
  • TagVectorArrayVariableAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its evaluations at degree of freedom indices corresponding to the coupled array variable.
  • TagVectorArrayVariableValueAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its array value.
  • TagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its nodal value
  • TimeDerivativeAuxReturns the time derivative of the specified variable/functor as an auxiliary variable.
  • VariableGradientComponentCreates a field consisting of one component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
  • VariableOldValueBoundsAuxUses the old variable values as the bounds for the new solve.
  • VariableTimeIntegrationAuxIntegrates a field variable in time.
  • VectorFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a vector field variable by sampling a Function object, via the vectorValue method, through space and time.
  • VectorMagnitudeAuxCreates a field representing the magnitude of three coupled variables using an Euclidean norm.
  • VectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • VectorPostprocessorVisualizationAuxRead values from a VectorPostprocessor that is producing vectors that are 'number of processors' * in length. Puts the value for each processor into an elemental auxiliary field.
  • VectorVariableComponentAuxCreates a field consisting of one component of a coupled vector variable.
  • VectorVariableMagnitudeAuxCreates a field consisting of the magnitude of a coupled vector variable.
  • VolumeAuxAuxiliary Kernel that samples volumes.
  • WeightedGapAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with the same value.
  • Navier Stokes App
  • CourantComputes |u| dt / h_min.
  • EnthalpyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the specific enthalpy of the fluidfrom the total energy and the pressure.
  • HasPorosityJumpFaceShows whether an element has any attached porosity jump faces
  • INSCourantComputes h_min / |u|.
  • INSFVMixingLengthTurbulentViscosityAuxComputes the turbulent viscosity for the mixing length model.
  • INSQCriterionAuxThis class computes the Q criterion, a scalar whichaids in vortex identification in turbulent flows
  • INSStressComponentAuxThis class computes the stress component based on pressure and velocity for incompressible Navier-Stokes
  • InternalEnergyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the internal energy based on the equation of state / fluid properties and the local pressure and density.
  • NSInternalEnergyAuxAuxiliary kernel for computing the internal energy of the fluid.
  • NSLiquidFractionAuxComputes liquid fraction given the temperature.
  • NSMachAuxAuxiliary kernel for computing the Mach number assuming an ideal gas.
  • NSPressureAuxNodal auxiliary variable, for computing pressure at the nodes.
  • NSSpecificTotalEnthalpyAuxNodal auxiliary variable, for computing enthalpy at the nodes.
  • NSTemperatureAuxTemperature is an auxiliary value computed from the total energy based on the FluidProperties.
  • NSVelocityAuxVelocity auxiliary value.
  • PecletNumberFunctorAuxComputes the Peclet number: u*L/alpha.
  • ReynoldsNumberFunctorAuxComputes rho*u*L/mu.
  • SpecificInternalEnergyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the specific internal energy based from the total and the kinetic energy.
  • SpecificVolumeAuxThis auxkernel computes the specific volume of the fluid.
  • WallDistanceMixingLengthAuxComputes the turbulent mixing length by assuming that it is proportional to the distance from the nearest wall. The mixinglength is capped at a distance proportional to inputted parameter delta.
  • WallFunctionWallShearStressAuxCalculates the wall shear stress based on algebraic standard velocity wall functions.
  • WallFunctionYPlusAuxCalculates y+ value according to the algebraic velocity standard wall function.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • JouleHeatingHeatGeneratedAuxCompute heat generated from Joule heating .
  • Fluid Properties App
  • FluidDensityAuxComputes density from pressure and temperature
  • PressureAuxComputes pressure given specific volume and specific internal energy
  • SaturationTemperatureAuxComputes saturation temperature from pressure and 2-phase fluid properties object
  • SpecificEnthalpyAuxComputes specific enthalpy from pressure and temperature
  • StagnationPressureAuxComputes stagnation pressure from specific volume, specific internal energy, and velocity
  • StagnationTemperatureAuxComputes stagnation temperature from specific volume, specific internal energy, and velocity
  • TemperatureAuxComputes temperature given specific volume and specific internal energy
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADKineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
  • ADRankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
  • ADRankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
  • ADRankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
  • AccumulateAux
  • CylindricalRankTwoAuxTakes RankTwoTensor material and outputs component in cylindrical coordinates
  • DomainIntegralQFunctionComputes the q-function for a segment along the crack front, used in the calculation of the J-integral
  • DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunctionDetermines if a node is within the ring of the crack front defintion; this object is normally created by the DomainIntegralAction.
  • ElasticEnergyAuxCompute the local elastic energy
  • GlobalDisplacementAuxAuxKernel to visualize the displacements generated by the global strain tensor
  • KineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
  • NewmarkAccelAuxComputes the current acceleration using the Newmark method.
  • NewmarkVelAuxCalculates the current velocity using Newmark method.
  • NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
  • RadialDisplacementCylinderAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for cylindrical models.
  • RadialDisplacementSphereAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for spherical models.
  • RankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
  • RankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
  • RankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
  • RotationAngleCompute the field of angular rotations of points around an axis defined by an origin point and a direction vector
  • TestNewmarkTIAssigns the velocity/acceleration calculated by time integrator to the velocity/acceleration auxvariable.




  • Moose App
  • AddBCActionAdd a BoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
  • ADConservativeAdvectionBCBoundary condition for advection when it is integrated by parts. Supports Dirichlet (inlet-like) and implicit (outlet-like) conditions.
  • ADDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is calculated by a function.
  • ADFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • ADFunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADMatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • ADMatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ADNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ADPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ADVectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • ADVectorFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • ADVectorMatchedValueBCImplements a ADVectorNodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • ArrayDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • ArrayHFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • ArrayNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • ArrayPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense with , where is the constant scalar penalty; is the test functions and is the differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • ArrayVacuumBCImposes the Robin boundary condition .
  • ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
  • CoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
  • DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBCDiffusion Dirichlet boundary condition for discontinuous Galerkin method.
  • DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • EigenArrayDirichletBCArray Dirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
  • FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionGradientNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition arising from integration by parts of a diffusion/heat conduction operator, and where the exact solution can be specified.
  • FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • FunctorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a functor.
  • HFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
  • LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • MatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
  • MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
  • NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
  • OneDEqualValueConstraintBCComputes the integral of lambda times dg term from the mortar method (for two 1D domains only).
  • PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • PostprocessorDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • PostprocessorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
  • SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
  • TargetFeedbackDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with simple linear feedback control
  • VacuumBCVacuum boundary condition for diffusion.
  • VectorCurlPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for the curl of vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • VectorDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
  • VectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
  • VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
  • VectorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
  • WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
  • Periodic
  • Navier Stokes App
  • AdvectionBCBoundary conditions for outflow/outflow of advected quantities: phi * velocity * normal, where phi is the advected quantitiy
  • EnergyFreeBCImplements free advective flow boundary conditions for the energy equation.
  • FluidWallMomentumBCImplicitly sets normal component of velocity to zero if the advection term of the momentum equation is integrated by parts
  • INSADDisplaceBoundaryBCBoundary condition for displacing a boundary
  • INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBCThis object adds Jacobian entries for the boundary displacement dependence on the velocity
  • INSADMomentumNoBCBCThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'Laplace' form of the viscous stress tensor.
  • INSADVaporRecoilPressureMomentumFluxBCVapor recoil pressure momentum flux
  • INSFEFluidEnergyBCSpecifies flow of energy through a boundary
  • INSFEFluidEnergyDirichletBCImposes a Dirichlet condition on temperature at inlets. Is not applied at outlets
  • INSFEFluidMassBCSpecifies flow of mass through a boundary given a velocity function or postprocessor
  • INSFEFluidMomentumBCSpecifies flow of momentum through a boundary
  • INSFEFluidWallMomentumBCImplicitly sets normal component of velocity to zero if the advection term of the momentum equation is integrated by parts
  • INSFEMomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
  • INSMomentumNoBCBCLaplaceFormThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'Laplace' form of the viscous stress tensor.
  • INSMomentumNoBCBCTractionFormThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'traction' form of the viscous stress tensor.
  • INSTemperatureNoBCBCThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition discussed by Griffiths, Papanastiou, and others.
  • ImplicitNeumannBCThis class implements a form of the Neumann boundary condition in which the boundary term is treated 'implicitly'.
  • MDFluidEnergyBCSpecifies flow of energy through a boundary
  • MDFluidEnergyDirichletBCImposes a Dirichlet condition on temperature at inlets. Is not applied at outlets
  • MDFluidMassBCSpecifies flow of mass through a boundary given a velocity function or postprocessor
  • MDFluidMomentumBCSpecifies flow of momentum through a boundary
  • MDMomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
  • MassFreeBCImplements free advective flow boundary conditions for the mass equation.
  • MomentumFreeBCImplements free flow boundary conditions for one of the momentum equations.
  • MomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedDensityAndVelocityBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedPressureBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidUnspecifiedBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
  • NSEnergyViscousBCThis class couples together all the variables for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations to allow them to be used in derived IntegratedBC classes.
  • NSEnergyWeakStagnationBCThe inviscid energy BC term with specified normal flow.
  • NSImposedVelocityBCImpose Velocity BC.
  • NSImposedVelocityDirectionBCThis class imposes a velocity direction component as a Dirichlet condition on the appropriate momentum equation.
  • NSInflowThermalBCThis class is used on a boundary where the incoming flow values (rho, u, v, T) are all completely specified.
  • NSMassSpecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class implements the mass equation boundary term with a specified value of rho*(u.n) imposed weakly.
  • NSMassUnspecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class implements the mass equation boundary term with the rho*(u.n) boundary integral computed implicitly.
  • NSMassWeakStagnationBCThe inviscid energy BC term with specified normal flow.
  • NSMomentumConvectiveWeakStagnationBCThe convective part (sans pressure term) of the momentum equation boundary integral evaluated at specified stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure, and flow direction values.
  • NSMomentumInviscidNoPressureImplicitFlowBCMomentum equation boundary condition used when pressure is not integrated by parts.
  • NSMomentumInviscidSpecifiedNormalFlowBCMomentum equation boundary condition in which pressure is specified (given) and the value of the convective part is allowed to vary (is computed implicitly).
  • NSMomentumInviscidSpecifiedPressureBCMomentum equation boundary condition in which pressure is specified (given) and the value of the convective part is allowed to vary (is computed implicitly).
  • NSMomentumPressureWeakStagnationBCThis class implements the pressure term of the momentum equation boundary integral for use in weak stagnation boundary conditions.
  • NSMomentumViscousBCThis class corresponds to the viscous part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the momentum equations.
  • NSPenalizedNormalFlowBCThis class penalizes the the value of u.n on the boundary so that it matches some desired value.
  • NSPressureNeumannBCThis kernel is appropriate for use with a 'zero normal flow' boundary condition in the context of the Euler equations.
  • NSStagnationPressureBCThis Dirichlet condition imposes the condition p_0 = p_0_desired.
  • NSStagnationTemperatureBCThis Dirichlet condition imposes the condition T_0 = T_0_desired.
  • NSThermalBCNS thermal BC.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • ADConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
  • ADFunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
  • ADInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
  • ConvectiveFluxFunctionDetermines boundary value by fluid heat transfer coefficient and far-field temperature
  • ConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
  • CoupledConvectiveFlux
  • CoupledConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by auxiliary variables.
  • DirectionalFluxBCApplies a directional flux multiplied by the surface normal vector. Can utilize the self shadowing calculation from a SelfShadowSideUserObject.
  • FunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
  • GapHeatTransferTransfers heat across a gap between two surfaces dependent on the gap geometry specified.
  • GaussianEnergyFluxBCDescribes an incoming heat flux beam with a Gaussian profile
  • GrayLambertNeumannBCThis BC imposes a heat flux density that is computed from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase userobject.
  • HeatConductionBC
  • InfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
  • Rdg App
  • AEFVBCA boundary condition kernel for the advection equation using a cell-centered finite volume method.
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADPenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
  • ADPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
  • ADTorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
  • CoupledPressureBCApplies a pressure from a variable on a given boundary in a given direction
  • DashpotBC
  • DisplacementAboutAxisImplements a boundary condition that enforces rotationaldisplacement around an axis on a boundary
  • InteractionIntegralBenchmarkBCImplements a boundary condition that enforces a displacement field around a crack tip based on applied stress intensity factors.
  • PenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
  • PresetAccelerationPrescribe acceleration on a given boundary in a given direction
  • PresetDisplacementPrescribe the displacement on a given boundary in a given direction.
  • PresetVelocity
  • PressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
  • StickyBCImposes the boundary condition if exceeds the bounds provided
  • TorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
  • CavityPressure
  • CoupledPressure
  • InclinedNoDisplacementBC
  • Pressure
  • Eel App
  • CoupledVarDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition
  • OpenBCAn open BC where matters can freely flow in and out.







  • Moose App
  • AddBoundsVectorsActionAction to add vectors to nonlinear system when using the Bounds syntax.
  • AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
  • ADDivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ADFunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • ADFunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • ADFunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • ADMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • ADMaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • ADMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • ADMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • ADMaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • ADVectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • AdvectiveFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for advection problems .
  • ArrayParsedAuxSets field array variable values to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ArrayVarReductionAuxTakes an array variable and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as a standard variable.
  • ArrayVariableComponentCopy a component of an array variable.
  • BuildArrayVariableAuxCombines multiple standard variables into an array variable.
  • ConstantAuxCreates a constant field in the domain.
  • ConstantBoundsAuxProvides constant bound of a variable for the PETSc's variational inequalities solver
  • ContainsPointAuxComputes a binary field where the field is 1 in the elements that contain the point and 0 everywhere else
  • CopyValueAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a simple copy of the variable values.
  • DebugResidualAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with the residual contribution of a variable.
  • DiffusionFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for diffusion problems .
  • DivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
  • ElemExtraIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ElementH1ErrorFunctionAuxComputes the H1 or W^{1,p} error between an exact function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementIntegerAuxCreates a field showing the element integer.
  • ElementL2ErrorFunctionAuxA class for computing the element-wise L^2 (Euclidean) error between a function and a coupled variable.
  • ElementLengthAuxCompute the element size using Elem::hmin() or Elem::hmax() from libMesh.
  • ElementLpNormAuxCompute an elemental field variable (single value per element) equal to the Lp-norm of a coupled Variable.
  • ElementQualityAuxGenerates a field containing the quality metric for each element. Useful for visualizing mesh quality.
  • ElementUOAuxAux Kernel to display generic spatial (elemental) information from a UserObject that satisfies the underlying ElementUOProvider interface.
  • ExtraElementIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
  • ForcingFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that adds a forcing function to the value of an AuxVariable from the previous time step.
  • FunctionArrayAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates an array field variable by sampling functions through space and time.
  • FunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function through space and time.
  • FunctorADMatPropElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorMatPropElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
  • FunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
  • GapValueAuxReturn the nearest value of a variable on a boundary from across a gap.
  • GhostingAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
  • HardwareIDAuxCreates a field showing the assignment of partitions to physical nodes in the cluster.
  • InterfaceValueUserObjectAuxGet stored value from the specified InterfaceQpUserObjectBase.
  • MaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
  • MaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
  • MaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
  • MaterialRealDenseMatrixAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with an entry from a dense matrix material property.
  • MaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
  • MaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • MaterialStdVectorRealGradientAuxExtracts a component of a material's std::vector<RealGradient> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
  • NearestNodeDistanceAuxStores the distance between a block and boundary or between two boundaries.
  • NearestNodeValueAuxRetrieves a field value from the closest node on the paired boundary and stores it on this boundary or block.
  • NormalizationAuxNormalizes a variable based on a Postprocessor value.
  • ParsedAuxSets a field variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • ParsedVectorAuxSets a field vector variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
  • PenetrationAuxAuxiliary Kernel for computing several geometry related quantities between two contacting bodies.
  • ProcessorIDAuxCreates a field showing the processors and partitioning.
  • ProjectionAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • QuotientAuxDivides two coupled variables.
  • SecondTimeDerivativeAuxReturns the second order time derivative of the specified variable as an auxiliary variable.
  • SelfAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
  • SolutionAuxCreates fields by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
  • SpatialUserObjectAuxPopulates an auxiliary variable with a spatial value returned from a UserObject spatialValue method.
  • TagMatrixAuxCouple the diagonal of a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
  • TagVectorArrayVariableAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its evaluations at degree of freedom indices corresponding to the coupled array variable.
  • TagVectorArrayVariableValueAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its array value.
  • TagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its nodal value
  • TimeDerivativeAuxReturns the time derivative of the specified variable/functor as an auxiliary variable.
  • VariableGradientComponentCreates a field consisting of one component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
  • VariableOldValueBoundsAuxUses the old variable values as the bounds for the new solve.
  • VariableTimeIntegrationAuxIntegrates a field variable in time.
  • VectorFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a vector field variable by sampling a Function object, via the vectorValue method, through space and time.
  • VectorMagnitudeAuxCreates a field representing the magnitude of three coupled variables using an Euclidean norm.
  • VectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
  • VectorPostprocessorVisualizationAuxRead values from a VectorPostprocessor that is producing vectors that are 'number of processors' * in length. Puts the value for each processor into an elemental auxiliary field.
  • VectorVariableComponentAuxCreates a field consisting of one component of a coupled vector variable.
  • VectorVariableMagnitudeAuxCreates a field consisting of the magnitude of a coupled vector variable.
  • VolumeAuxAuxiliary Kernel that samples volumes.
  • WeightedGapAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with the same value.
  • Navier Stokes App
  • CourantComputes |u| dt / h_min.
  • EnthalpyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the specific enthalpy of the fluidfrom the total energy and the pressure.
  • HasPorosityJumpFaceShows whether an element has any attached porosity jump faces
  • INSCourantComputes h_min / |u|.
  • INSFVMixingLengthTurbulentViscosityAuxComputes the turbulent viscosity for the mixing length model.
  • INSQCriterionAuxThis class computes the Q criterion, a scalar whichaids in vortex identification in turbulent flows
  • INSStressComponentAuxThis class computes the stress component based on pressure and velocity for incompressible Navier-Stokes
  • InternalEnergyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the internal energy based on the equation of state / fluid properties and the local pressure and density.
  • NSInternalEnergyAuxAuxiliary kernel for computing the internal energy of the fluid.
  • NSLiquidFractionAuxComputes liquid fraction given the temperature.
  • NSMachAuxAuxiliary kernel for computing the Mach number assuming an ideal gas.
  • NSPressureAuxNodal auxiliary variable, for computing pressure at the nodes.
  • NSSpecificTotalEnthalpyAuxNodal auxiliary variable, for computing enthalpy at the nodes.
  • NSTemperatureAuxTemperature is an auxiliary value computed from the total energy based on the FluidProperties.
  • NSVelocityAuxVelocity auxiliary value.
  • PecletNumberFunctorAuxComputes the Peclet number: u*L/alpha.
  • ReynoldsNumberFunctorAuxComputes rho*u*L/mu.
  • SpecificInternalEnergyAuxThis AuxKernel computes the specific internal energy based from the total and the kinetic energy.
  • SpecificVolumeAuxThis auxkernel computes the specific volume of the fluid.
  • WallDistanceMixingLengthAuxComputes the turbulent mixing length by assuming that it is proportional to the distance from the nearest wall. The mixinglength is capped at a distance proportional to inputted parameter delta.
  • WallFunctionWallShearStressAuxCalculates the wall shear stress based on algebraic standard velocity wall functions.
  • WallFunctionYPlusAuxCalculates y+ value according to the algebraic velocity standard wall function.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • JouleHeatingHeatGeneratedAuxCompute heat generated from Joule heating .
  • Fluid Properties App
  • FluidDensityAuxComputes density from pressure and temperature
  • PressureAuxComputes pressure given specific volume and specific internal energy
  • SaturationTemperatureAuxComputes saturation temperature from pressure and 2-phase fluid properties object
  • SpecificEnthalpyAuxComputes specific enthalpy from pressure and temperature
  • StagnationPressureAuxComputes stagnation pressure from specific volume, specific internal energy, and velocity
  • StagnationTemperatureAuxComputes stagnation temperature from specific volume, specific internal energy, and velocity
  • TemperatureAuxComputes temperature given specific volume and specific internal energy
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADKineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
  • ADRankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
  • ADRankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
  • ADRankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
  • AccumulateAux
  • CylindricalRankTwoAuxTakes RankTwoTensor material and outputs component in cylindrical coordinates
  • DomainIntegralQFunctionComputes the q-function for a segment along the crack front, used in the calculation of the J-integral
  • DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunctionDetermines if a node is within the ring of the crack front defintion; this object is normally created by the DomainIntegralAction.
  • ElasticEnergyAuxCompute the local elastic energy
  • GlobalDisplacementAuxAuxKernel to visualize the displacements generated by the global strain tensor
  • KineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
  • NewmarkAccelAuxComputes the current acceleration using the Newmark method.
  • NewmarkVelAuxCalculates the current velocity using Newmark method.
  • NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
  • RadialDisplacementCylinderAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for cylindrical models.
  • RadialDisplacementSphereAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for spherical models.
  • RankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
  • RankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
  • RankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
  • RotationAngleCompute the field of angular rotations of points around an axis defined by an origin point and a direction vector
  • TestNewmarkTIAssigns the velocity/acceleration calculated by time integrator to the velocity/acceleration auxvariable.


  • Moose App
  • AddConstraintActionAdd a Constraint object to the simulation.
  • ADPenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
  • ADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
  • ADPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
  • CoupledTiedValueConstraintRequires the value of two variables to be the consistent on both sides of an interface.
  • EqualGradientConstraintEqualGradientConstraint enforces continuity of a gradient component between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • EqualValueBoundaryConstraintConstraint for enforcing that variables on each side of a boundary are equivalent.
  • EqualValueConstraintEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • EqualValueEmbeddedConstraintThis is a constraint enforcing overlapping portions of two blocks to have the same variable value
  • LinearNodalConstraintConstrains secondary node to move as a linear combination of primary nodes.
  • OldEqualValueConstraintOldEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
  • PenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
  • PenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
  • PeriodicSegmentalConstraintPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
  • TiedValueConstraintConstraint that forces the value of a variable to be the same on both sides of an interface.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • ADInterfaceJouleHeatingConstraintJoule heating model, for the case of a closed gap interface, to calculate the heat flux contribution created when an electric potential difference occurs across that interface.
  • GapConductanceConstraintComputes the residual and Jacobian contributions for the 'Lagrange Multiplier' implementation of the thermal contact problem. For more information, see the detailed description here:
  • ModularGapConductanceConstraintComputes the residual and Jacobian contributions for the 'Lagrange Multiplier' implementation of the thermal contact problem. For more information, see the detailed description here:
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • NodalFrictionalConstraintFrictional nodal constraint for contact
  • NodalStickConstraintSticky nodal constraint for contact


  • Moose App
  • AddControlActionAdd a Control object to the simulation.
  • BoolFunctionControlSets the value of a 'bool' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • ConditionalFunctionEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a function value is true
  • PIDTransientControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameter (or postprocessor) based on a Proportional Integral Derivative control of a postprocessor to match a target a target value.
  • RealFunctionControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
  • TimePeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with time.
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • StepPeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with user-provided simulation steps.


  • Moose App
  • AddDGKernelActionAdd a DGKernel object to the simulation.
  • ADDGAdvectionAdds internal face advection flux contributions for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations
  • ADDGDiffusionDG kernel for diffusion operator
  • ArrayDGDiffusionImplements interior penalty method for array diffusion equations.
  • ArrayHFEMDiffusionImposes the constraints on internal sides with HFEM.
  • DGConvectionDG upwinding for the convection
  • DGDiffusionComputes residual contribution for the diffusion operator using discontinous Galerkin method.
  • HFEMDiffusionImposes the constraints on internal sides with HFEM.
  • HFEMTestJumpImposes constraints for HFEM with side-discontinuous variables.
  • HFEMTrialJumpImposes constraints for HFEM with side-discontinuous variables.
  • Rdg App
  • AEFVKernelA dgkernel for the advection equation using a cell-centered finite volume method.








  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • DomainIntegralActionCreates the MOOSE objects needed to compute fraction domain integrals



  • Moose App
  • AdaptivityActionAdd libMesh based adaptation schemes via the Executioner/Adaptivity input syntax.


  • Moose App
  • SetupPredictorActionAdd a Predictor object to the simulation.
  • AdamsPredictorImplements an explicit Adams predictor based on two old solution vectors.
  • SimplePredictorAlgorithm that will predict the next solution based on previous solutions.



  • Moose App
  • SetupTimeIntegratorActionAdd a TimeIntegrator object to the simulation.
  • AStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages plus an update.
  • ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • BDF2Second order backward differentiation formula time integration scheme.
  • CentralDifferenceImplementation of explicit, Central Difference integration without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
  • CrankNicolsonCrank-Nicolson time integrator.
  • ExplicitEulerTime integration using the explicit Euler method.
  • ExplicitMidpointTime integration using the explicit midpoint method.
  • ExplicitSSPRungeKuttaExplicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods
  • ExplicitTVDRK2Explicit TVD (total-variation-diminishing) second-order Runge-Kutta time integration method.
  • HeunHeun's (aka improved Euler) time integration method.
  • ImplicitEulerTime integration using the implicit Euler method.
  • ImplicitMidpointSecond-order Runge-Kutta (implicit midpoint) time integration.
  • LStableDirk2Second order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with two stages.
  • LStableDirk3Third order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages.
  • LStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with five stages.
  • NewmarkBetaComputes the first and second time derivative of variable using Newmark-Beta method.
  • RalstonRalston's time integration method.





  • Moose App
  • CheckFVBCActionCheck that boundary conditions are defined correctly for finite volume problems.
  • AddFVBCActionAdd a FVBoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
  • FVADFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
  • FVBoundaryIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVConstantScalarOutflowBCConstant velocity scalar advection boundary conditions for finite volume method.
  • FVDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • FVFunctionNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
  • FVFunctorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for the finite volume method.
  • FVNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • FVOrthogonalBoundaryDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion boundary term with specified boundary function.
  • FVPostprocessorDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • FVFunctorConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficient given by functors.
  • FVInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinder where the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
  • FVThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance Heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
  • FunctorThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
  • Navier Stokes App
  • CNSFVHLLCFluidEnergyImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the fluid energy equation for an HLLC discretization
  • CNSFVHLLCFluidEnergyStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary fluid energy flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
  • CNSFVHLLCMassImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the mass equation for an HLLC discretization
  • CNSFVHLLCMassStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary mass flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
  • CNSFVHLLCMomentumImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the momentum equation for an HLLC discretization
  • CNSFVHLLCMomentumSpecifiedPressureBCImplements an HLLC boundary condition for the momentum conservation equation in which the pressure is specified.
  • CNSFVHLLCMomentumStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary momentum flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • CNSFVMomImplicitPressureBCAdds an implicit pressure flux contribution on the boundary using interior cell information
  • INSFVAveragePressureValueBCThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • INSFVInletVelocityBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
  • INSFVMassAdvectionOutflowBCOutflow boundary condition for advecting mass.
  • INSFVMomentumAdvectionOutflowBCFully developed outflow boundary condition for advecting momentum. This will impose a zero normal gradient on the boundary velocity.
  • INSFVNaturalFreeSlipBCImplements a free slip boundary condition naturally.
  • INSFVNoSlipWallBCImplements a no slip boundary condition.
  • INSFVOutletPressureBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • INSFVSymmetryPressureBCThough not applied to velocity, this object ensures that the flux (velocity times the advected quantity) into a symmetry boundary is zero. When applied to pressure for the mass equation, this makes the normal velocity zero since density is constant
  • INSFVSymmetryScalarBCThough not applied to velocity, this object ensures that the flux (velocity times the advected quantity) into a symmetry boundary is zero. When applied to pressure for the mass equation, this makes the normal velocity zero since density is constant
  • INSFVSymmetryVelocityBCImplements a symmetry boundary condition for the velocity.
  • INSFVWallFunctionBCImplements a wall shear BC for the momentum equation based on algebraic standard velocity wall functions.
  • NSFVFunctorHeatFluxBCConstant heat flux boundary condition with phase splitting for fluid and solid energy equations
  • NSFVHeatFluxBCConstant heat flux boundary condition with phase splitting for fluid and solid energy equations
  • NSFVOutflowTemperatureBCOutflow velocity temperature advection boundary conditions for finite volume method allowing for thermal backflow.
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
  • PCNSFVImplicitMomentumPressureBCSpecifies an implicit pressure at a boundary for the momentum equations.
  • PCNSFVStrongBCComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
  • PINSFVMomentumAdvectionOutflowBCOutflow boundary condition for advecting momentum in the porous media momentum equation. This will impose a zero normal gradient on the boundary velocity.
  • PINSFVSymmetryVelocityBCImplements a symmetry boundary condition for the velocity.
  • PWCNSFVMomentumFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for porous momentum advection.
  • WCNSFVEnergyFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for energy advection.
  • WCNSFVInletTemperatureBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • WCNSFVInletVelocityBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
  • WCNSFVMassFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for mass advection.
  • WCNSFVMomentumFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for momentum advection.
  • WCNSFVScalarFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for scalar quantity advection.



  • Moose App
  • AddFVKernelActionAdd a FVKernel object to the simulation.
  • FVAdvectionResidual contribution from advection operator for finite volume method.
  • FVAnisotropicDiffusionComputes residual for anisotropic diffusion operator for finite volume method.
  • FVBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into finite volume kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors.
  • FVBoundedValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce a min or max value for a finite volume variable
  • FVCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable.
  • FVDiffusionComputes residual for diffusion operator for finite volume method.
  • FVFunctorTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of an AD functor (default is the variable this kernel is acting upon if the 'functor' parameter is not supplied) for the finite volume method.
  • FVIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVMatAdvectionComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
  • FVOrthogonalDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion term.
  • FVPointValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVReactionSimple consuming reaction term
  • FVScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • FVTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of a variable for the finite volume method.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • FVHeatConductionTimeDerivativeAD Time derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
  • Navier Stokes App
  • CNSFVFluidEnergyHLLCImplements the fluid energy flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization.
  • CNSFVMassHLLCImplements the mass flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization.
  • CNSFVMomentumHLLCImplements the momentum flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization.
  • FVMatPropTimeKernelReturns a material property which should correspond to a time derivative.
  • FVPorosityTimeDerivativeA time derivative multiplied by a porosity material property
  • INSFVBodyForceBody force that contributes to the Rhie-Chow interpolation
  • INSFVEnergyAdvectionAdvects energy, e.g. rho*cp*T. A user may still override what quantity is advected, but the default is rho*cp*T
  • INSFVEnergyTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the incompressible Navier-Stokes energy equation.
  • INSFVMassAdvectionObject for advecting mass, e.g. rho
  • INSFVMixingLengthReynoldsStressComputes the force due to the Reynolds stress term in the incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations.
  • INSFVMixingLengthScalarDiffusionComputes the turbulent diffusive flux that appears in Reynolds-averaged fluid conservation equations.
  • INSFVMomentumAdvectionObject for advecting momentum, e.g. rho*u
  • INSFVMomentumBoussinesqComputes a body force for natural convection buoyancy.
  • INSFVMomentumDiffusionImplements the Laplace form of the viscous stress in the Navier-Stokes equation.
  • INSFVMomentumFrictionImplements a basic linear or quadratic friction model as a volumetric force, for example for the X-momentum equation: and for the linear and quadratic models respectively. A linear dependence is expected for laminar flow, while a quadratic dependence is more common for turbulent flow.
  • INSFVMomentumGravityComputes a body force due to gravity in Rhie-Chow based simulations.
  • INSFVMomentumPressureIntroduces the coupled pressure term into the Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • INSFVMomentumTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • INSFVScalarFieldAdvectionAdvects an arbitrary quantity, the associated nonlinear 'variable'.
  • NSFVEnergyAmbientConvectionImplements a solid-fluid ambient convection volumetric term proportional to the difference between the fluid and ambient temperatures : .
  • NSFVPhaseChangeSourceComputes the energy source due to solidification/melting.
  • PCNSFVDensityTimeDerivativeA time derivative kernel for which the form is eps * ddt(rho*var).
  • PCNSFVFluidEnergyHLLCImplements the fluid energy flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization.
  • PCNSFVKTComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
  • PCNSFVKTDCComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method using a deferred correction approach.
  • PCNSFVMassHLLCImplements the mass flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization.
  • PCNSFVMomentumFrictionComputes a friction force term on fluid in porous media in the Navier Stokes i-th momentum equation.
  • PCNSFVMomentumHLLCImplements the momentum flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization.
  • PINSFVEnergyAdvectionAdvects energy, e.g. rho*cp*T. A user may still override what quantity is advected, but the default is rho*cp*T
  • PINSFVEnergyAmbientConvectionImplements the solid-fluid ambient convection term in the porous media Navier Stokes energy equation.
  • PINSFVEnergyAnisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic diffusion term in the porous media incompressible Navier-Stokes equations : -div(kappa grad(T))
  • PINSFVEnergyDiffusionDiffusion term in the porous media incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid energy equations :
  • PINSFVEnergyTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the Navier-Stokes energy equation: for fluids: d(eps * rho * cp * T)/dt, for solids: (1 - eps) * d(rho * cp * T)/dtMaterial property derivatives are ignored if not provided.
  • PINSFVMassAdvectionObject for advecting mass in porous media mass equation
  • PINSFVMomentumAdvectionObject for advecting superficial momentum, e.g. rho*u_d, in the porous media momentum equation
  • PINSFVMomentumBoussinesqComputes a body force for natural convection buoyancy in porous media: eps alpha (T-T_0)
  • PINSFVMomentumDiffusionViscous diffusion term, div(mu eps grad(u_d / eps)), in the porous media incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • PINSFVMomentumFrictionComputes a friction force term on fluid in porous media in the Navier Stokes i-th momentum equation in Rhie-Chow (incompressible) contexts.
  • PINSFVMomentumFrictionCorrectionComputes a correction term to avoid oscillations from average pressure interpolation in regions of high changes in friction coefficients.
  • PINSFVMomentumGravityComputes a body force, due to gravity on fluid in porous media in Rhie-Chow (incompressible) contexts.
  • PINSFVMomentumPressureIntroduces the coupled pressure term into the Navier-Stokes porous media momentum equation.
  • PINSFVMomentumPressureFluxMomentum pressure term eps grad_P, as a flux kernel using the divergence theoreom, in the porous media incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation. This kernel is also executed on boundaries.
  • PINSFVMomentumPressurePorosityGradientIntroduces the coupled pressure times porosity gradient term into the Navier-Stokes porous media momentum equation.
  • PINSFVMomentumTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term: d(rho u_d) / dt to the porous media incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • PNSFVMomentumPressureFluxRZAdds the porous term into the radial component of the Navier-Stokes momentum equation for the problems in the RZ coordinate system when integrating by parts.
  • PNSFVMomentumPressureRZAdds the porous term into the radial component of the Navier-Stokes momentum equation for the problems in the RZ coordinate system when integrating by parts.
  • PNSFVPGradEpsilonIntroduces a -p * grad_eps term.
  • PWCNSFVMassTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the porous weakly-compressible Navier-Stokes continuity equation.
  • WCNSFVEnergyTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • WCNSFVMassTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the weakly-compressible Navier-Stokes continuity equation.
  • WCNSFVMixingLengthEnergyDiffusionComputes the turbulent diffusive flux that appears in Reynolds-averaged fluid energy conservation equations.
  • WCNSFVMomentumTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative term to the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.






  • Moose App
  • GlobalParamsActionAction used to aid in the application of parameters defined in the GlobalParams input block.


  • Heat Conduction App
  • RadiationTransferActionThis action sets up the net radiation calculation between specified sidesets.


  • Moose App
  • AddInitialConditionActionAdd an InitialCondition object to the simulation.
  • ArrayConstantICSets constant component values for an array field variable.
  • ArrayFunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
  • BoundingBoxICBoundingBoxIC allows setting the initial condition of a value inside and outside of a specified box. The box is aligned with the x, y, z axes
  • ConstantICSets a constant field value.
  • FunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
  • FunctionScalarICInitializes a scalar variable using a function.
  • IntegralPreservingFunctionICFunction initial condition that preserves an integral
  • RandomICInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following either a uniform distribution or a user-defined distribution
  • ScalarComponentICInitial condition to set different values on each component of scalar variable.
  • ScalarConstantICInitalize a scalar variable with a constant value prescribed by an input parameter.
  • ScalarSolutionICSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • ScalarSolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • SolutionICSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • SolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
  • VectorConstantICSets constant component values for a vector field variable.
  • VectorFunctionICSets component values for a vector field variable based on a vector function.
  • Fluid Properties App
  • RhoFromPressureTemperatureICComputes the density from pressure and temperature.
  • RhoVaporMixtureFromPressureTemperatureICComputes the density of a vapor mixture from pressure and temperature.
  • SpecificEnthalpyFromPressureTemperatureICComputes the specific enthalpy from pressure and temperature.
  • Navier Stokes App
  • NSFunctionInitialConditionSets intial values for all variables.
  • NSInitialConditionNSInitialCondition sets intial constant values for all variables.
  • PNSInitialConditionPNSInitialCondition sets intial constant values for any porous flow variable.
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • VolumeWeightedWeibullInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following a volume-weighted Weibull distribution



  • Moose App
  • AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
  • ADBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • ADCoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
  • ADConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
  • ADCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • ADCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • ADDiffusionSame as Diffusion in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation
  • ADMatCoupledForceKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a material property coefficient, is a coupled scalar field variable, and Jacobian derivatives are calculated using automatic differentiation.
  • ADMatDiffusionDiffusion equation kernel that takes an isotropic diffusivity from a material property
  • ADMatReactionKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a reaction rate material property, is a scalar variable (nonlinear or coupled), and whose Jacobian contribution is calculated using automatic differentiation.
  • ADMaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
  • ADReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
  • ADScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • ADTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • ADVectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of . The Jacobian is computed using automatic differentiation
  • ADVectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • AnisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic diffusion kernel with weak form given by .
  • ArrayBodyForceApplies body forces specified with functions to an array variable.
  • ArrayDiffusionThe array Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • ArrayReactionThe array reaction operator with the weak form of .
  • ArrayTimeDerivativeArray time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • BodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • CoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
  • CoefTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • ConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
  • CoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • CoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
  • DiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • FunctionDiffusionThe Laplacian operator with a function coefficient.
  • MassEigenKernelAn eigenkernel with weak form where is the eigenvalue.
  • MassLumpedTimeDerivativeLumped formulation of the time derivative . Its corresponding weak form is where denotes the time derivative of the solution coefficient associated with node .
  • MatCoupledForceImplements a forcing term RHS of the form PDE = RHS, where RHS = Sum_j c_j * m_j * v_j. c_j, m_j, and v_j are provided as real coefficients, material properties, and coupled variables, respectively.
  • MatDiffusionDiffusion equation Kernel that takes an isotropic Diffusivity from a material property
  • MatReactionKernel to add -L*v, where L=reaction rate, v=variable
  • MaterialDerivativeRankFourTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank four tensor material property.
  • MaterialDerivativeRankTwoTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank two tensor material property.
  • MaterialDerivativeTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a scalar material property.
  • MaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
  • NullKernelKernel that sets a zero residual.
  • ReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
  • ScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • ScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
  • TimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • UserForcingFunctionDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • VectorBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • VectorCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled vector variable. Weak form: .
  • VectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
  • VectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • Navier Stokes App
  • DistributedForceImplements a force term in the Navier Stokes momentum equation.
  • DistributedPowerImplements the power term of a specified force in the Navier Stokes energy equation.
  • INSADBoussinesqBodyForceComputes a body force for natural convection buoyancy.
  • INSADEnergyAdvectionThis class computes the residual and Jacobian contributions for temperature advection for a divergence free velocity field.
  • INSADEnergyAmbientConvectionComputes a heat source/sink due to convection from ambient surroundings.
  • INSADEnergySUPGAdds the supg stabilization to the INS temperature/energy equation
  • INSADEnergySourceComputes an arbitrary volumetric heat source (or sink).
  • INSADGravityForceComputes a body force due to gravity.
  • INSADHeatConductionTimeDerivativeAD Time derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
  • INSADMassThis class computes the mass equation residual and Jacobian contributions (the latter using automatic differentiation) for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
  • INSADMassPSPGThis class adds PSPG stabilization to the mass equation, enabling use of equal order shape functions for pressure and velocity variables
  • INSADMeshConvectionCorrects the convective derivative for situations in which the fluid mesh is dynamic.
  • INSADMomentumAdvectionAdds the advective term to the INS momentum equation
  • INSADMomentumCoupledForceComputes a body force due to a coupled vector variable or a vector function
  • INSADMomentumPressureAdds the pressure term to the INS momentum equation
  • INSADMomentumSUPGAdds the supg stabilization to the INS momentum equation
  • INSADMomentumTimeDerivativeThis class computes the time derivative for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • INSADMomentumViscousAdds the viscous term to the INS momentum equation
  • INSADSmagorinskyEddyViscosityComputes eddy viscosity term using Smagorinky's LES model
  • INSChorinCorrectorThis class computes the 'Chorin' Corrector equation in fully-discrete (both time and space) form.
  • INSChorinPredictorThis class computes the 'Chorin' Predictor equation in fully-discrete (both time and space) form.
  • INSChorinPressurePoissonThis class computes the pressure Poisson solve which is part of the 'split' scheme used for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
  • INSCompressibilityPenaltyThe penalty term may be used when Dirichlet boundary condition is applied to the entire boundary.
  • INSFEFluidEnergyKernelAdds advection, diffusion, and heat source terms to energy equation, potentially with stabilization
  • INSFEFluidMassKernelAdds advective term of mass conservation equation along with pressure-stabilized Petrov-Galerkin terms
  • INSFEFluidMomentumKernelAdds advection, viscous, pressure, friction, and gravity terms to the Navier-Stokes momentum equation, potentially with stabilization
  • INSMassThis class computes the mass equation residual and Jacobian contributions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • INSMassRZThis class computes the mass equation residual and Jacobian contributions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation in RZ coordinates.
  • INSMomentumLaplaceFormThis class computes momentum equation residual and Jacobian viscous contributions for the 'Laplacian' form of the governing equations.
  • INSMomentumLaplaceFormRZThis class computes additional momentum equation residual and Jacobian contributions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation in RZ (axisymmetric cylindrical) coordinates, using the 'Laplace' form of the governing equations.
  • INSMomentumTimeDerivativeThis class computes the time derivative for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • INSMomentumTractionFormThis class computes momentum equation residual and Jacobian viscous contributions for the 'traction' form of the governing equations.
  • INSMomentumTractionFormRZThis class computes additional momentum equation residual and Jacobian contributions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation in RZ (axisymmetric cylindrical) coordinates.
  • INSPressurePoissonThis class computes the pressure Poisson solve which is part of the 'split' scheme used for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
  • INSProjectionThis class computes the 'projection' part of the 'split' method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes.
  • INSSplitMomentumThis class computes the 'split' momentum equation residual.
  • INSTemperatureThis class computes the residual and Jacobian contributions for the incompressible Navier-Stokes temperature (energy) equation.
  • INSTemperatureTimeDerivativeThis class computes the time derivative for the incompressible Navier-Stokes momentum equation.
  • MDFluidEnergyKernelAdds advection, diffusion, and heat source terms to energy equation, potentially with stabilization
  • MDFluidMassKernelAdds advective term of mass conservation equation along with pressure-stabilized Petrov-Galerkin terms
  • MDFluidMomentumKernelAdds advection, viscous, pressure, friction, and gravity terms to the Navier-Stokes momentum equation, potentially with stabilization
  • MassConvectiveFluxImplements the advection term for the Navier Stokes mass equation.
  • MomentumConvectiveFluxImplements the advective term of the Navier Stokes momentum equation.
  • NSEnergyInviscidFluxThis class computes the inviscid part of the energy flux.
  • NSEnergyThermalFluxThis class is responsible for computing residuals and Jacobian terms for the k * grad(T) * grad(phi) term in the Navier-Stokes energy equation.
  • NSEnergyViscousFluxViscous flux terms in energy equation.
  • NSGravityForceThis class computes the gravity force contribution.
  • NSGravityPowerThis class computes the momentum contributed by gravity.
  • NSMassInviscidFluxThis class computes the inviscid flux in the mass equation.
  • NSMomentumInviscidFluxThe inviscid flux (convective + pressure terms) for the momentum conservation equations.
  • NSMomentumInviscidFluxWithGradPThis class computes the inviscid flux with pressure gradient in the momentum equation.
  • NSMomentumViscousFluxDerived instance of the NSViscousFluxBase class for the momentum equations.
  • NSSUPGEnergyCompute residual and Jacobian terms form the SUPG terms in the energy equation.
  • NSSUPGMassCompute residual and Jacobian terms form the SUPG terms in the mass equation.
  • NSSUPGMomentumCompute residual and Jacobian terms form the SUPG terms in the momentum equation.
  • NSTemperatureL2This class was originally used to solve for the temperature using an L2-projection.
  • PINSFEFluidPressureTimeDerivativeAdds the transient term of the porous-media mass conservation equation
  • PINSFEFluidTemperatureTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • PINSFEFluidVelocityTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • PMFluidPressureTimeDerivativeAdds the transient term of the porous-media mass conservation equation
  • PMFluidTemperatureTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • PMFluidVelocityTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
  • PressureGradientImplements the pressure gradient term for one of the Navier Stokes momentum equations.
  • TotalEnergyConvectiveFluxImplements the advection term for the Navier Stokes energy equation.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • ADHeatConductionSame as Diffusion in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation
  • ADHeatConductionTimeDerivativeAD Time derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
  • ADJouleHeatingSourceCalculates the heat source term corresponding to electrostatic Joule heating, with Jacobian contributions calculated using the automatic differentiation system.
  • ADMatHeatSourceForce term in thermal transport to represent a heat source
  • AnisoHeatConductionAnisotropic HeatConduction kernel with weak form given by .
  • AnisoHomogenizedHeatConductionKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity when anisotropic thermal conductivities are used
  • HeatCapacityConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation with the heat capacity as an argument.
  • HeatConductionComputes residual/Jacobian contribution for term.
  • HeatConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
  • HeatSourceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
  • HomogenizedHeatConductionKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity
  • JouleHeatingSourceCalculates the heat source term corresponding to electrostatic Joule heating.
  • SpecificHeatConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation with the specific heat and the density as arguments.
  • TrussHeatConductionComputes conduction term in heat equation for truss elements, taking cross-sectional area into account
  • TrussHeatConductionTimeDerivativeComputes time derivative term in heat equation for truss elements, taking cross-sectional area into account
  • Eel App
  • EnergyBalanceTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation.
  • MaterialSourceSource term defined by the material property
  • PrimalDualProjectionProjecting a primal variable onto a dual variable
  • RankOneDivergenceThis class implements the weak form for the divergence of a vector.
  • RankTwoDivergenceThis class implements the weak form for the divergence of a second order tensor
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADDynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
  • ADGravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
  • ADInertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
  • ADInertialForceShellCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
  • ADStressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
  • ADStressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
  • ADStressDivergenceShellQuasi-static stress divergence kernel for Shell element
  • ADStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
  • ADSymmetricStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
  • ADWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
  • AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationKernelKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
  • CosseratStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel for the Cartesian coordinate system
  • DynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
  • GeneralizedPlaneStrainOffDiagGeneralized Plane Strain kernel to provide contribution of the out-of-plane strain to other kernels
  • GravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
  • HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceTotal Lagrangian stress equilibrium kernel with homogenization constraint Jacobian terms
  • InertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
  • InertialForceBeamCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
  • InertialTorqueKernel for inertial torque: density * displacement x acceleration
  • MaterialVectorBodyForceApply a body force vector to the coupled displacement component.
  • MomentBalancing
  • OutOfPlanePressureApply pressure in the out-of-plane direction in 2D plane stress or generalized plane strain models
  • PhaseFieldFractureMechanicsOffDiagStress divergence kernel for phase-field fracture: Computes off diagonal damage dependent Jacobian components. To be used with StressDivergenceTensors or DynamicStressDivergenceTensors.
  • PlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = coeff * stress * plastic_strain_rate
  • PoroMechanicsCouplingAdds , where the subscript is the component.
  • StressDivergenceBeamQuasi-static and dynamic stress divergence kernel for Beam element
  • StressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
  • StressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
  • StressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel for the Cartesian coordinate system
  • StressDivergenceTensorsTrussKernel for truss element
  • TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
  • TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceAxisymmetricCylindricalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates.
  • TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceCentrosymmetricSphericalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
  • TotalLagrangianWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
  • UpdatedLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with an updated Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
  • WeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
  • DynamicTensorMechanics
  • PoroMechanics
  • TensorMechanics



  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • PoroMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic




  • Moose App
  • CreateDisplacedProblemActionCreate a Problem object that utilizes displacements.
  • DisplayGhostingActionAction to setup AuxVariables and AuxKernels to display ghosting when running in parallel
  • ElementIDOutputActionAction for copying extra element IDs into auxiliary variables for output.
  • SetupMeshActionAdd or create Mesh object to the simulation.
  • SetupMeshCompleteActionPerform operations on the mesh in preparation for a simulation.
  • AddMeshGeneratorActionAdd a MeshGenerator object to the simulation.
  • AddMetaDataGeneratorThis mesh generator assigns extraneous mesh metadata to the input mesh
  • AdvancedExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
  • AllSideSetsByNormalsGeneratorAdds sidesets to the entire mesh based on unique normals.
  • AnnularMeshGeneratorFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created at dmin and dmax, and given these names
  • BlockDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes elements from the specified subdomains
  • BlockToMeshConverterGeneratorConverts one or more blocks (subdomains) from a mesh into a stand-alone mesh with a single block in it.
  • BoundaryDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes side sets
  • BoundingBoxNodeSetGeneratorAssigns all of the nodes either inside or outside of a bounding box to a new nodeset.
  • BreakBoundaryOnSubdomainGeneratorBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name
  • BreakMeshByBlockGeneratorBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name. At the momentthis only works on REPLICATED mesh
  • CartesianMeshGeneratorThis CartesianMeshGenerator creates a non-uniform Cartesian mesh.
  • CircularBoundaryCorrectionGeneratorThis CircularBoundaryCorrectionGenerator object is designed to correct full or partial circular boundaries in a 2D mesh to preserve areas.
  • CombinerGeneratorCombine multiple meshes (or copies of one mesh) together into one (disjoint) mesh. Can optionally translate those meshes before combining them.
  • ConcentricCircleMeshGeneratorThis ConcentricCircleMeshGenerator source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
  • DistributedRectilinearMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ElementGeneratorGenerates individual elements given a list of nodal positions.
  • ElementSubdomainIDGeneratorAllows the user to assign each element the subdomain ID of their choice
  • ExplodeMeshGeneratorBreak all element-element interfaces in the specified subdomains.
  • ExtraNodesetGeneratorCreates a new node set and a new boundary made with the nodes the user provides.
  • FancyExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
  • FileMeshGeneratorRead a mesh from a file.
  • FillBetweenCurvesGeneratorThis FillBetweenCurvesGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
  • FillBetweenPointVectorsGeneratorThis FillBetweenPointVectorsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer with two sides containing different numbers of nodes.
  • FillBetweenSidesetsGeneratorThis FillBetweenSidesetsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
  • GeneratedMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ImageMeshGeneratorGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
  • ImageSubdomainGeneratorSamples an image at the coordinates of each element centroid, using the resulting pixel color value as each element's subdomain ID
  • LowerDBlockFromSidesetGeneratorAdds lower dimensional elements on the specified sidesets.
  • MeshCollectionGeneratorCollects multiple meshes into a single (unconnected) mesh.
  • MeshDiagnosticsGeneratorRuns a series of diagnostics on the mesh to detect potential issues such as unsupported features
  • MeshExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes the entire structure along the specified axis increasing the dimensionality of the mesh.
  • MeshRepairGeneratorMesh generator to perform various improvement / fixing operations on an input mesh
  • MoveNodeGeneratorModifies the position of one or more nodes
  • NodeSetsFromSideSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs node sets from side sets
  • OrientedSubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines a subdomain inside or outside of a bounding box with arbitrary orientation.
  • ParsedCurveGeneratorThis ParsedCurveGenerator object is designed to generate a mesh of a curve that consists of EDGE2 elements.
  • ParsedElementDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements such that the parsed expression is evaluated as strictly positive. The parameters of the parsed expression can be the X,Y,Z coordinates of the element vertex average (must be 'x','y','z' in the expression), the element volume (must be 'volume' in the expression) and the element id ('id' in the expression).
  • ParsedGenerateSidesetA MeshGenerator that adds element sides to a sideset if the centroid satisfies the combinatorial_geometry expression. Optionally, element sides are also added if they are included in included_subdomain_ids and if they feature the designated normal.
  • ParsedNodeTransformGeneratorApplies a transform to a the x,y,z coordinates of a Mesh
  • ParsedSubdomainMeshGeneratorUses a parsed expression (combinatorial_geometry) to determine if an element (via its centroid) is inside the region defined by the expression and assigns a new block ID.
  • PatchMeshGeneratorCreates 2D or 3D patch meshes.
  • PatternedMeshGeneratorCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
  • PlaneDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements lying 'above' the plane (in the direction of the normal).
  • PlaneIDMeshGeneratorAdds an extra element integer that identifies planes in a mesh.
  • PolyLineMeshGeneratorGenerates meshes from edges connecting a list of points.
  • RefineBlockGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more blocks in an existing mesh
  • RefineSidesetGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more sidesets
  • RenameBlockGeneratorChanges the block IDs and/or block names for a given set of blocks defined by either block ID or block name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of blocks is supported.
  • RenameBoundaryGeneratorChanges the boundary IDs and/or boundary names for a given set of boundaries defined by either boundary ID or boundary name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of boundaries is supported.
  • RinglebMeshGeneratorCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
  • SideSetExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes a selected sideset along the specified axis.
  • SideSetsAroundSubdomainGeneratorAdds element faces that are on the exterior of the given block to the sidesets specified
  • SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGeneratorMeshGenerator that creates a sideset composed of the nodes located between two or more subdomains.
  • SideSetsFromBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines new sidesets using currently-defined sideset IDs inside or outside of a bounding box.
  • SideSetsFromNodeSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs side sets from node sets
  • SideSetsFromNormalsGeneratorAdds a new named sideset to the mesh for all faces matching the specified normal.
  • SideSetsFromPointsGeneratorAdds a new sideset starting at the specified point containing all connected element faces with the same normal.
  • SmoothMeshGeneratorUtilizes a simple Laplacian based smoother to attempt to improve mesh quality. Will not move boundary nodes or nodes along block/subdomain boundaries
  • SphereMeshGeneratorGenerate a 3-D sphere mesh centered on the origin
  • SpiralAnnularMeshGeneratorCreates an annular mesh based on TRI3 or TRI6 elements on several rings.
  • StackGeneratorUse the supplied meshes and stitch them on top of each other
  • StitchedMeshGeneratorAllows multiple mesh files to be stitched together to form a single mesh.
  • SubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorChanges the subdomain ID of elements either (XOR) inside or outside the specified box to the specified ID.
  • SubdomainIDGeneratorSets all the elements of the input mesh to a unique subdomain ID.
  • SymmetryTransformGeneratorApplies a symmetry transformation to the entire mesh.
  • TiledMeshGeneratorUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x, y, and z directions.
  • TransfiniteMeshGeneratorCreates a QUAD4 mesh given a set of corner vertices and edge types. The edge type can be either LINE, CIRCARC, DISCRETE or PARSED, with LINE as the default option. For the non-default options the user needs to specify additional parameters via the edge_parameter option as follows: for CIRCARC the deviation of the midpoint from an arccircle, for DISCRETE a set of points, or a paramterization via the PARSED option. Opposite edges may have different distributions s long as the number of points is identical. Along opposite edges a different point distribution can be prescribed via the options bias_x or bias_y for opposing edges.
  • TransformGeneratorApplies a linear transform to the entire mesh.
  • UniqueExtraIDMeshGeneratorAdd a new extra element integer ID by finding unique combinations of the existing extra element integer ID values
  • XYDelaunayGeneratorTriangulates meshes within boundaries defined by input meshes.
  • XYMeshLineCutterThis XYMeshLineCutter object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on one side of a given straight line with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting line to ensure a smooth cross-section.
  • AnnularMeshFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created a dmin and dmax, and given these names
  • ConcentricCircleMeshThis ConcentricCircleMesh source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
  • FileMeshRead a mesh from a file.
  • GeneratedMeshCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
  • ImageMeshGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
  • MeshGeneratorMeshMesh generated using mesh generators
  • PatternedMeshCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
  • RinglebMeshCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
  • SpiralAnnularMeshCreates an annual mesh based on TRI3 elements (it can also be TRI6 elements) on several rings.
  • StitchedMeshReads in all of the given meshes and stitches them all together into one mesh.
  • TiledMeshUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x,y, and z directions.
  • Partitioner
  • Heat Conduction App
  • PatchSidesetGeneratorDivides the given sideset into smaller patches of roughly equal size.




  • Navier Stokes App
  • CNSActionThis class allows us to have a section of the input file like the following which automatically adds Kernels and AuxKernels for all the required nonlinear and auxiliary variables.




  • Heat Conduction App
  • ThermalContactActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of Thermal Contact


  • Navier Stokes App
  • INSActionThis class allows us to have a section of the input file for setting up incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.


  • Navier Stokes App
  • NSFVActionThis class allows us to set up Navier-Stokes equations for porous medium or clean fluid flows using incompressible or weakly compressible approximations with a finite volume discretization.







  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • CommonLineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
  • LineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.




  • Heat Conduction App
  • MortarGapHeatTransferActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of heat transfer through an open/closed gap using a mortar formulation and a modular design approach


  • Moose App
  • AddMultiAppActionAdd a MultiApp object to the simulation.
  • CentroidMultiAppAutomatically generates Sub-App positions from centroids of elements in the parent app mesh.
  • FullSolveMultiAppPerforms a complete simulation during each execution.
  • QuadraturePointMultiAppAutomatically generates sub-App positions from the elemental quadrature points, with the default quadrature, in the parent mesh.
  • TransientMultiAppMultiApp for performing coupled simulations with the parent and sub-application both progressing in time.



  • Moose App
  • AddNodalNormalsActionCreates Auxiliary variables and objects for computing the outward facing normal from a node.


  • Moose App
  • CommonOutputActionAdds short-cut syntax and common parameters to the Outputs block.
  • AddOutputActionAction responsible for creating Output objects.
  • CSVOutput for postprocessors, vector postprocessors, and scalar variables using comma seperated values (CSV).
  • CheckpointOutput for MOOSE recovery checkpoint files.
  • ConsoleObject for screen output.
  • ControlOutputOutput for displaying objects and parameters associated with the Control system.
  • DOFMapOutput degree-of-freedom (DOF) map.
  • ExodusObject for output data in the Exodus II format
  • GMVObject for outputting data in the GMV format
  • GnuplotOutput for postprocessors and scalar variables in GNU plot format.
  • JSONOutput for Reporter values using JSON format.
  • MaterialPropertyDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying material property information.
  • NemesisObject for output data in the Nemesis (parallel ExodusII) format.
  • PerfGraphOutputControls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE
  • ReporterDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying Reporter information.
  • SolutionHistoryOutputs the non-linear and linear iteration solve history.
  • TecplotObject for outputting data in the Tecplot format
  • TopResidualDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying the top contributing residuals.
  • VTKOutput data using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK).
  • VariableResidualNormsDebugOutputReports the residual norm for each variable.
  • XDAObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
  • XDRObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
  • XMLOutputOutput for VectorPostprocessor using XML format.
  • Ray Tracing App
  • RayTracingExodusOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Exodus format.
  • RayTracingNemesisOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Nemesis format.




  • Moose App
  • SetupPreconditionerActionAdd a Preconditioner object to the simulation.
  • AddFieldSplitActionAdd a Split object to the simulation.
  • SplitField split based preconditioner for nonlinear solver.
  • FDPFinite difference preconditioner (FDP) builds a numerical Jacobian for preconditioning, only use for testing and verification.
  • FSPPreconditioner designed to map onto PETSc's PCFieldSplit.
  • PBPPhysics-based preconditioner (PBP) allows individual physics to have their own preconditioner.
  • SMPSingle matrix preconditioner (SMP) builds a preconditioner using user defined off-diagonal parts of the Jacobian.
  • VCPVarialble condensation preconditioner (VCP) condenses out specified variable(s) from the Jacobian matrix and produces a system of equations with less unkowns to be solved by the underlying preconditioners.


  • Moose App
  • CreateProblemActionAdd a Problem object to the simulation.
  • DynamicObjectRegistrationActionRegister MooseObjects from other applications dynamically.
  • DisplacedProblemA Problem object for providing access to the displaced finite element mesh and associated variables.
  • DumpObjectsProblemSingle purpose problem object that does not run the given input but allows deconstructing actions into their series of underlying Moose objects and variables.
  • EigenProblemProblem object for solving an eigenvalue problem.
  • FEProblemA normal (default) Problem object that contains a single NonlinearSystem and a single AuxiliarySystem object.
  • ReferenceResidualProblemProblem that checks for convergence relative to a user-supplied reference quantity rather than the initial residual


  • Ray Tracing App
  • AddRayBCActionAdds a RayBC for use in ray tracing to the simulation.
  • KillRayBCA RayBC that kills a Ray on a boundary.
  • NullRayBCA RayBC that does nothing to a Ray on a boundary.
  • ReflectRayBCA RayBC that reflects a Ray in a specular manner on a boundary.
  • Heat Conduction App
  • ViewFactorRayBCThis ray boundary condition is applied on all sidesets bounding a radiation cavity except symmetry sidesets. It kills rays that hit the sideset and scores the ray for computation of view factors.


  • Ray Tracing App
  • AddRayKernelActionAdds a RayKernel for use in ray tracing to the simulation.
  • ADLineSourceRayKernelDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into RayKernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, postprocessors, and data on rays. Implements the weak form along a line.
  • FunctionIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a function along a Ray.
  • KillRayKernelA RayKernel that kills a Ray.
  • LineSourceRayKernelDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into RayKernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, postprocessors, and data on rays. Implements the weak form along a line.
  • MaterialIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a Material property along a Ray.
  • NullRayKernelA RayKernel that does nothing.
  • RayDistanceAuxAccumulates the distance traversed by each Ray segment into an aux variable for the element that the segments are in.
  • VariableIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a Variable or AuxVariable along a Ray.


  • Moose App
  • AddReporterActionAdd a Reporter object to the simulation.
  • AccumulateReporterReporter which accumulates the value of a inputted reporter value over time into a vector reporter value of the same type.
  • ConstantReporterReporter with constant values to be accessed by other objects, can be modified using transfers.
  • ElementVariableStatisticsElement reporter to get statistics for a coupled variable. This can be transfered to other apps.
  • ExtraIDIntegralReporterThis ExtraIDIntegralReporter source code is to integrate variables based on parsed extra IDs based on reporter system.
  • IterationInfoReport the time and iteration information for the simulation.
  • MeshInfoReport mesh information, such as the number of elements, nodes, and degrees of freedom.
  • NodalVariableStatisticsNodal reporter to get statistics for a coupled variable. This can be transfered to other apps.
  • PerfGraphReporterReports the full performance graph from the PerfGraph.
  • SolutionInvalidityReporterReports the Summary Table of Solution Invalid Counts.




  • Heat Conduction App
  • ThermalContactActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of Thermal Contact






  • Moose App
  • AddVectorPostprocessorActionAdd a VectorPostprocessor object to the simulation.
  • CSVReaderConverts columns of a CSV file into vectors of a VectorPostprocessor.
  • ConstantVectorPostprocessorPopulate constant VectorPostprocessorValue directly from input file.
  • CylindricalAverageCompute a cylindrical average of a variableas a function of radius throughout the simulation domain.
  • EigenvaluesReturns the Eigen values from the nonlinear Eigen system.
  • ElementValueSamplerSamples values of elemental variable(s).
  • ElementVariablesDifferenceMaxComputes the largest difference between two variable fields.
  • ElementsAlongLineOutputs the IDs of every element intersected by a user-defined line
  • ElementsAlongPlaneOutputs the IDs of every element intersected by a user-defined plane
  • ExtraIDIntegralVectorPostprocessorIntegrates variables based on extra element IDs
  • HistogramVectorPostprocessorCompute a histogram for each column of a VectorPostprocessor
  • IntersectionPointsAlongLineGet the intersection points for all of the elements that are intersected by a line.
  • LeastSquaresFitPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor
  • LeastSquaresFitHistoryPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor and stores the full time history of the coefficients
  • LineFunctionSamplerSample one or more functions along a line.
  • LineMaterialRealSamplerSamples real-valued material properties for all quadrature points in all elements that are intersected by a specified line
  • LineValueSamplerSamples variable(s) along a specified line
  • MaterialVectorPostprocessorRecords all scalar material properties of a material object on elements at the indicated execution points.
  • NearestPointIntegralVariablePostprocessorCompute element variable integrals for nearest-point based subdomains
  • NodalValueSamplerSamples values of nodal variable(s).
  • PointValueSamplerSample a variable at specific points.
  • SideValueSamplerSample variable(s) along a sideset, internal or external.
  • SidesetInfoVectorPostprocessorThis VectorPostprocessor collects meta data for provided sidesets.
  • SpatialUserObjectVectorPostprocessorOutputs the values of a spatial user object in the order of the specified spatial points
  • SphericalAverageCompute a spherical average of a variable as a function of radius throughout the simulation domain.
  • VariableValueVolumeHistogramCompute a histogram of volume fractions binned according to variable values.
  • VectorMemoryUsageGet memory stats for all ranks in the simulation
  • VectorOfPostprocessorsOutputs the values of an arbitrary user-specified set of postprocessors as a vector in the order specified by the user
  • VolumeHistogramCompute a histogram of volume fractions binned according to variable values.
  • WorkBalanceComputes several metrics for workload balance per processor
  • Navier Stokes App
  • WaveSpeedVPPExtracts wave speeds from HLLC userobject for a given face
  • Heat Conduction App
  • SurfaceRadiationVectorPostprocessorVectorPostprocessor for accessing information stored in surface radiation user object
  • ViewfactorVectorPostprocessorVectorPostprocessor for accessing view factors from GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase UO
  • Tensor Mechanics App
  • ADInteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
  • InteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
  • JIntegralComputes the J-Integral, a measure of the strain energy release rate at a crack tip, which can be used as a criterion for fracture growth. It can, alternatively, compute the C(t) integral
  • LineMaterialRankTwoSamplerAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
  • LineMaterialRankTwoScalarSamplerCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
  • MixedModeEquivalentKComputes the mixed-mode stress intensity factor given the , , and stress intensity factors
  • Ray Tracing App
  • PerProcessorRayTracingResultsVectorPostprocessorAccumulates ray tracing results (information about the trace) on a per-processor basis.