AuxVariables System
The AuxVariables block within the input file may be used to create "auxiliary" variables that act, with respect to the interaction with other objects, like "nonlinear" variables (see Variables System). Please refer to the AuxKernels System for complete details regarding the use of auxiliary variables.
Available Objects
- Moose App
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange or Nedelec
- Navier Stokes App
- BernoulliPressureVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- INSFVEnergyVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- INSFVPressureVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- INSFVScalarFieldVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- INSFVVelocityVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- PINSFVSuperficialVelocityVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- PiecewiseConstantVariableBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
Available Actions
- Moose App
- AddAuxVariableActionAdd auxiliary variable to the simulation.
- CopyNodalVarsActionCopies variable information from a file.