Thermal Contact

This syntax is used to model thermal contact between surfaces using a node-on-face approach.

Gap offset parameters

Gap offset can be provided to the current contact formulation via the PenetrationAux. It can be either secondary_gap_offset (gap offset from secondary side) or mapped_primary_gap_offset (gap offset from primary side but mapped to secondary side). Use of these gap offset parameters treats the surfaces as if they were virtually extended (positive offset value) or narrowed (negative offset value) by the specified amount, so that the surfaces are treated as if they are closer or further away than they actually are. There is no resistance to heat transfer within the material in this gap offset region.

Multiple contact pairs (node/face)

Users may need to set up thermal contact between multiple contact pairs. For that application, users can provide arrays of primary and secondary boundary names which will match consecutively to define thermal contact pairs. The same thermal contact-related input parameters will be applied to all contact pairs defined in the action input.

    type = GapHeatTransfer
    variable = temperature
    primary = '101 201'
    secondary = '100 200'
    emissivity_primary = 0
    emissivity_secondary = 0
    gap_conductance = 1.0e9