Line data Source code
1 : //* This file is part of the RACCOON application 2 : //* being developed at Dolbow lab at Duke University 3 : //* 4 : 5 : #include "LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC.h" 6 : #include "FEProblemBase.h" 7 : 8 : registerMooseObject("raccoonApp", LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC); 9 : 10 : InputParameters 11 138 : LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC::validParams() 12 : { 13 138 : InputParameters params = DirichletBCBase::validParams(); 14 138 : params.addClassDescription( 15 : "This class applies a loading/unloading BC. The load ramps up linearly until it reaches the " 16 : "load cap. Once the load cap is reached, the load cap is incremented and unlading begins. " 17 : "Once the unloaded indicator becomes negative, loading starts. If the load cap exceeds the " 18 : "ultimate load, the entire loading/unloading terminates, and the current simulation is " 19 : "terminated."); 20 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>( 21 : "initial_load_cap", 22 : "Initial cap of the loading. The load is decreased once it reaches the cap, the cap is " 23 : "then increased according to the load cap increment."); 24 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("load_cap_increment", 25 : "The amount to increase the load cap everytime it is reached."); 26 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("load_step", "The amount to increase the load every step."); 27 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("ultimate_load", 28 : "The load, upon reached, to terminate the simulation."); 29 276 : params.addRequiredParam<PostprocessorName>( 30 : "unloaded_indicator", 31 : "A postprocessor whose value serves as an indicator for unloaded status. Once its value is " 32 : "below zero, the system is completely unloaded, and loading starts again."); 33 138 : return params; 34 0 : } 35 : 36 0 : LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC::LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC(const InputParameters & parameters) 37 : : DirichletBCBase(parameters), 38 0 : _load(0.0), 39 0 : _load_cap(getParam<Real>("initial_load_cap")), 40 0 : _load_cap_inc(getParam<Real>("load_cap_increment")), 41 0 : _load_step(getParam<Real>("load_step")), 42 0 : _ultimate_load(getParam<Real>("ultimate_load")), 43 0 : _unloaded_indicator(getPostprocessorValue("unloaded_indicator")), 44 0 : _loading(true) 45 : { 46 0 : } 47 : 48 : void 49 0 : LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC::timestepSetup() 50 : { 51 0 : _console << COLOR_BLUE << "Unloading indicator = " << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::scientific 52 0 : << _unloaded_indicator << std::endl; 53 0 : if (_unloaded_indicator < 0.0) 54 : { 55 0 : _loading = true; 56 0 : _console << COLOR_BLUE << "Completely unloaded, start loading next." << COLOR_DEFAULT 57 0 : << std::endl; 58 : } 59 : 60 0 : if (_loading) 61 : { 62 0 : _load += _load_step; 63 0 : if (_load > _load_cap) 64 : { 65 0 : _load_cap += _load_cap_inc; 66 0 : _load -= 2.0 * _load_step; 67 0 : _loading = false; 68 0 : _console << COLOR_BLUE << "Load cap exceeded, start unloading next." << COLOR_DEFAULT 69 0 : << std::endl; 70 0 : _console << COLOR_BLUE << "Load cap increased to " << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::scientific 71 0 : << _load_cap << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::endl; 72 : } 73 : } 74 : else 75 : { 76 0 : _load -= _load_step; 77 : } 78 : 79 0 : _console << COLOR_BLUE << "Current load = " << COLOR_DEFAULT << std::scientific << _load 80 0 : << std::endl 81 0 : << std::flush; 82 : 83 0 : if (_load > _ultimate_load) 84 0 : _fe_problem.terminateSolve(); 85 : 86 0 : fflush(stdout); 87 0 : } 88 : 89 : Real 90 0 : LoadingUnloadingDirichletBC::computeQpValue() 91 : { 92 0 : return _load; 93 : }