Line data Source code
1 : //* This file is part of the RACCOON application 2 : //* being developed at Dolbow lab at Duke University 3 : //* 4 : 5 : #include "ModeISurfingDirichletBC.h" 6 : 7 : registerMooseObject("raccoonApp", ModeISurfingDirichletBC); 8 : 9 : InputParameters 10 138 : ModeISurfingDirichletBC::validParams() 11 : { 12 138 : InputParameters params = NodalBC::validParams(); 13 138 : params.addClassDescription( 14 : "This class applies the Dirichlet BC conforming with the analytical solution of a Mode-I " 15 : "crack. The crack is assumed to be emanating from the origin. For $t \\in [0, 1]$ the BC " 16 : "ramps up linearly to match the initial crack tip position, and for $t \\in [1, \\infty)$, " 17 : "the crack tip advances to the right with a velocity of v"); 18 138 : params.addParam<Point>( 19 138 : "initial_crack_tip_position", RealVectorValue(0, 0, 0), "Initial crack tip position"); 20 138 : params.addParam<RealVectorValue>("crack_propagation_velocity", 21 138 : RealVectorValue(1, 0, 0), 22 : "Velocity of the crack tip, crack starts to propagate at t = 1"); 23 276 : params.addRequiredParam<unsigned int>("component", "0 for x, 1 for y"); 24 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("Gc", "Fracture toughness"); 25 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("K", "Bulk modulus"); 26 276 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("G", "Shear modulus"); 27 138 : return params; 28 0 : } 29 : 30 0 : ModeISurfingDirichletBC::ModeISurfingDirichletBC(const InputParameters & parameters) 31 : : NodalBC(parameters), 32 0 : _c(getParam<Point>("initial_crack_tip_position")), 33 0 : _v(getParam<RealVectorValue>("crack_propagation_velocity")), 34 0 : _component(getParam<unsigned int>("component")), 35 0 : _Gc(getParam<Real>("Gc")), 36 0 : _K(getParam<Real>("K")), 37 0 : _G(getParam<Real>("G")) 38 : { 39 0 : } 40 : 41 : Real 42 0 : ModeISurfingDirichletBC::computeQpResidual() 43 : { 44 0 : Real E = 9 * _K * _G / (3 * _K + _G); 45 0 : Real nu = (3 * _K - 2 * _G) / 2 / (3 * _K + _G); 46 0 : Real Kolosov = (3 - 4 * nu); 47 : 48 0 : Point c = _c; 49 0 : if (_t > 1) 50 0 : c += _v * (_t - 1); 51 0 : Real x = (*_current_node)(0) - c(0); 52 0 : Real y = (*_current_node)(1) - c(1); 53 0 : Real theta = std::atan2(y, x); 54 0 : Real r = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y); 55 0 : Real K1 = std::sqrt(E * _Gc / (1 - nu * nu)); 56 0 : K1 *= _t < 1 ? _t : 1; 57 : 58 0 : Real u = K1 / 2 / _G * std::sqrt(r / 2 / M_PI) * (Kolosov - std::cos(theta)); 59 0 : if (_component == 0) 60 0 : u *= std::cos(theta / 2); 61 0 : if (_component == 1) 62 0 : u *= std::sin(theta / 2); 63 0 : return _u[_qp] - u; 64 : }