Line data Source code
1 : //* This file is part of the RACCOON application
2 : //* being developed at Dolbow lab at Duke University
3 : //*
4 :
5 : #include "JohnsonCookHardening.h"
6 :
7 : registerMooseObject("raccoonApp", JohnsonCookHardening);
8 :
9 : InputParameters
10 142 : JohnsonCookHardening::validParams()
11 : {
12 142 : InputParameters params = PlasticHardeningModel::validParams();
13 142 : params.addClassDescription("The Johnson-Cook plasticity model.");
14 :
15 284 : params.addRequiredParam<MaterialPropertyName>("sigma_0",
16 : "The reference yield stress $\\sigma_0$");
17 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("n", "The exponent n in the JC Model");
18 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("m", "The exponent m in the JC Model");
19 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("reference_plastic_strain",
20 : "The $\\epsilon_0$ parameter in the JC Model");
21 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("reference_plastic_strain_rate",
22 : "The ref plastic strain rate parameter in the JC model");
23 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("T0", "Reference temperature of the material");
24 284 : params.addRequiredCoupledVar("T", "Temperature");
25 284 : params.addRangeCheckedParam<Real>(
26 : "taylor_quinney_factor",
27 : 1,
28 : "taylor_quinney_factor<=1 & taylor_quinney_factor>=0",
29 : "The Taylor-Quinney factor. 1 (default) for purely dissipative, 0 for purely energetic.");
30 284 : params.addRequiredParam<MaterialPropertyName>("A", "'A' parameter for the JC model");
31 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("B", "'B' parameter for the JC model");
32 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("C", "'C' parameter for the JC model");
33 284 : params.addRequiredParam<Real>("Tm", "The melting temperature of the material");
34 :
35 284 : params.addRequiredCoupledVar("phase_field", "Name of the phase-field (damage) variable");
36 284 : params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>(
37 : "plastic_energy_density",
38 : "psip",
39 : "Name of the plastic energy density computed by this material model");
40 284 : params.addParam<MaterialPropertyName>("degradation_function", "gp", "The degradation function");
41 142 : return params;
42 0 : }
43 :
44 3 : JohnsonCookHardening::JohnsonCookHardening(const InputParameters & parameters)
45 : : PlasticHardeningModel(parameters),
46 : DerivativeMaterialPropertyNameInterface(),
47 6 : _sigma_0(getADMaterialProperty<Real>(prependBaseName("sigma_0", true))),
48 6 : _n(getParam<Real>("n")),
49 6 : _m(getParam<Real>("m")),
50 6 : _ep0(getParam<Real>("reference_plastic_strain")),
51 6 : _epdot0(getParam<Real>("reference_plastic_strain_rate")),
52 6 : _T0(getParam<Real>("T0")),
53 3 : _T(coupledValueOld("T")),
54 6 : _tqf(getParam<Real>("taylor_quinney_factor")),
55 6 : _A(getADMaterialProperty<Real>("A")),
56 6 : _B(getParam<Real>("B")),
57 6 : _C(getParam<Real>("C")),
58 6 : _Tm(getParam<Real>("Tm")),
59 6 : _d_name(getVar("phase_field", 0)->name()),
60 :
61 : // The strain energy density and its derivatives
62 3 : _psip_name(prependBaseName("plastic_energy_density", true)),
63 3 : _psip(declareADProperty<Real>(_psip_name)),
64 3 : _psip_active(declareADProperty<Real>(_psip_name + "_active")),
65 6 : _dpsip_dd(declareADProperty<Real>(derivativePropertyName(_psip_name, {_d_name}))),
66 :
67 : // The degradation function and its derivatives
68 3 : _gp_name(prependBaseName("degradation_function", true)),
69 3 : _gp(getADMaterialProperty<Real>(_gp_name)),
70 12 : _dgp_dd(getADMaterialProperty<Real>(derivativePropertyName(_gp_name, {_d_name})))
71 : {
72 9 : }
73 :
74 : ADReal // Temperature degradation
75 497400 : JohnsonCookHardening::temperatureDependence()
76 : {
77 497400 : return 1 - std::pow((_T[_qp] - _T0) / (_Tm - _T0), _m);
78 : }
79 :
80 : ADReal
81 6968 : JohnsonCookHardening::initialGuess(const ADReal & effective_trial_stress)
82 : {
83 : ADReal trial_over_stress =
84 13936 : effective_trial_stress / _sigma_0[_qp] / temperatureDependence() - _A[_qp];
85 6968 : if (trial_over_stress < 0)
86 0 : trial_over_stress = 0;
87 6968 : return std::max(_ep0 * std::pow(trial_over_stress / _B, 1 / _n),
88 13936 : libMesh::TOLERANCE * libMesh::TOLERANCE);
89 : }
90 :
91 : ADReal
92 239712 : JohnsonCookHardening::plasticEnergy(const ADReal & ep, const unsigned int derivative)
93 : {
94 239712 : if (derivative == 0)
95 : {
96 22048 : _psip_active[_qp] = (1 - _tqf) * _sigma_0[_qp] *
97 33072 : (_A[_qp] * ep + _B * _ep0 * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n + 1) / (_n + 1)) *
98 22048 : temperatureDependence();
99 22048 : _psip[_qp] = _gp[_qp] * _psip_active[_qp];
100 22048 : _dpsip_dd[_qp] = _dgp_dd[_qp] * _psip_active[_qp];
101 11024 : return _psip[_qp];
102 : }
103 :
104 228688 : if (derivative == 1)
105 : {
106 479424 : return _gp[_qp] * (1 - _tqf) * _sigma_0[_qp] * (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) *
107 239712 : temperatureDependence();
108 : }
109 108832 : if (derivative == 2)
110 : {
111 217664 : return _gp[_qp] * (1 - _tqf) * _sigma_0[_qp] * _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n - 1) * _n / _ep0 *
112 217664 : temperatureDependence();
113 : }
114 0 : mooseError(name(), "internal error: unsupported derivative order.");
115 : }
116 :
117 : ADReal
118 250720 : JohnsonCookHardening::plasticDissipation(const ADReal & delta_ep,
119 : const ADReal & ep,
120 : const unsigned int derivative)
121 : {
122 : // For all cases, we are splitting between rate dependent and non rate dependent portions to avoid
123 : // /0 errors
124 :
125 250720 : ADReal result = 0;
126 :
127 250720 : if (derivative == 0)
128 : {
129 44096 : result += (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) * _tqf * delta_ep;
130 11024 : if (_t_step > 0 && delta_ep > libMesh::TOLERANCE * libMesh::TOLERANCE)
131 13936 : result += (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) *
132 20904 : (_C * std::log(delta_ep / _dt / _epdot0) - _C) * delta_ep;
133 : }
134 :
135 250720 : if (derivative == 1)
136 : {
137 523456 : result += (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) * _tqf;
138 130864 : if (_t_step > 0 && delta_ep > libMesh::TOLERANCE * libMesh::TOLERANCE)
139 : result +=
140 579000 : (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) * (_C * std::log(delta_ep / _dt / _epdot0));
141 : }
142 :
143 250720 : if (derivative == 2)
144 : {
145 326496 : result += _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n - 1) * _n / _ep0 * _tqf;
146 108832 : if (_t_step > 0 && delta_ep > libMesh::TOLERANCE * libMesh::TOLERANCE)
147 : result +=
148 217664 : (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) * _C / delta_ep +
149 435328 : _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n - 1) * _n / _ep0 * _C * std::log(delta_ep / _dt / _epdot0);
150 : }
151 :
152 501440 : return _gp[_qp] * result * _sigma_0[_qp] * temperatureDependence();
153 :
154 : mooseError(name(), "internal error: unsupported derivative order.");
155 : }
156 :
157 : ADReal // Thermal conjugate term
158 11008 : JohnsonCookHardening::thermalConjugate(const ADReal & ep)
159 : {
160 :
161 11008 : return _gp[_qp] * _T[_qp] * (1 - _tqf) * _sigma_0[_qp] *
162 33024 : (_A[_qp] + _B * std::pow(ep / _ep0, _n)) *
163 22016 : (_m * (std::pow((_T0 - _T[_qp]) / (_T0 - _Tm), _m))) / (_T0 - _T[_qp]);
164 : }