Line data Source code
1 : //* This file is part of the RACCOON application 2 : //* being developed at Dolbow lab at Duke University 3 : //* 4 : 5 : #include "LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity.h" 6 : #include "RaccoonUtils.h" 7 : 8 : registerMooseObject("raccoonApp", LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity); 9 : 10 : InputParameters 11 328 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::validParams() 12 : { 13 328 : InputParameters params = LargeDeformationPlasticityModel::validParams(); 14 328 : params.addClassDescription("Large deformation $J_2$ plasticity. The exponential constitutive " 15 : "update is used to update the plastic deformation."); 16 328 : return params; 17 0 : } 18 : 19 39 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity(const InputParameters & parameters) 20 39 : : LargeDeformationPlasticityModel(parameters) 21 : { 22 39 : _check_range = true; 23 39 : } 24 : 25 : void 26 234024 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::updateState(ADRankTwoTensor & stress, ADRankTwoTensor & Fe) 27 : { 28 : // First assume no plastic increment 29 234024 : ADReal delta_ep = 0; 30 234024 : Fe = Fe * _Fp_old[_qp].inverse(); 31 234024 : stress = _elasticity_model->computeMandelStress(Fe); 32 : 33 : // Compute the flow direction following the Prandtl-Reuss flow rule. 34 : // We guard against zero denominator. 35 234024 : ADRankTwoTensor stress_dev = stress.deviatoric(); 36 234024 : ADReal stress_dev_norm = stress_dev.doubleContraction(stress_dev); 37 234024 : if (MooseUtils::absoluteFuzzyEqual(stress_dev_norm, 0)) 38 32840 : stress_dev_norm.value() = libMesh::TOLERANCE * libMesh::TOLERANCE; 39 468048 : stress_dev_norm = std::sqrt(1.5 * stress_dev_norm); 40 468048 : _Np[_qp] = 1.5 * stress_dev / stress_dev_norm; 41 : // Return mapping 42 234024 : ADReal phi = computeResidual(stress_dev_norm, delta_ep); 43 234024 : if (phi > 0) 44 96845 : returnMappingSolve(stress_dev_norm, delta_ep, _console); 45 : 46 468048 : _ep[_qp] = _ep_old[_qp] + delta_ep; 47 : 48 : // Avoiding /0 issues for rate dependent models 49 234024 : _ep[_qp] = (_ep[_qp] == 0) ? 1e-20 : _ep[_qp]; 50 : 51 468048 : ADRankTwoTensor delta_Fp = RaccoonUtils::exp(delta_ep * _Np[_qp]); 52 234024 : _Fp[_qp] = delta_Fp * _Fp_old[_qp]; 53 : 54 : // Update stress and energy 55 234024 : Fe = Fe * delta_Fp.inverse(); 56 234024 : stress = _elasticity_model->computeCauchyStress(Fe); 57 : 58 234024 : _hardening_model->plasticEnergy(_ep[_qp]); 59 234024 : _hardening_model->plasticDissipation(delta_ep, _ep[_qp], 0); 60 : 61 : // Avoiding NaN issues for rate depedent models 62 234024 : if (_t_step > 0) 63 : { 64 451712 : _heat[_qp] = _hardening_model->plasticDissipation(delta_ep, _ep[_qp], 1) * delta_ep / _dt; 65 : 66 451712 : _heat[_qp] += _hardening_model->thermalConjugate(_ep[_qp]) * delta_ep / _dt; 67 : } 68 : else 69 8168 : _heat[_qp] = 0; 70 234024 : } 71 : 72 : Real 73 296823 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::computeReferenceResidual(const ADReal & effective_trial_stress, 74 : const ADReal & delta_ep) 75 : { 76 593646 : return raw_value(effective_trial_stress - _elasticity_model 77 593646 : ->computeMandelStress(delta_ep * _Np[_qp], 78 : /*plasticity_update = */ true) 79 593646 : .doubleContraction(_Np[_qp])); 80 : } 81 : 82 : ADReal 83 523479 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::computeResidual(const ADReal & effective_trial_stress, 84 : const ADReal & delta_ep) 85 : { 86 523479 : ADReal ep = _ep_old[_qp] + delta_ep; 87 : 88 : // Avoiding /0 errors for rate depedent models 89 523479 : ep = (ep == 0) ? 1e-20 : ep; 90 : 91 523479 : return effective_trial_stress - 92 523479 : _elasticity_model 93 1046958 : ->computeMandelStress(delta_ep * _Np[_qp], 94 : /*plasticity_update = */ true) 95 523479 : .doubleContraction(_Np[_qp]) - 96 523479 : _hardening_model->plasticEnergy(ep, 1) - 97 1046958 : _hardening_model->plasticDissipation(delta_ep, ep, 1); 98 : } 99 : 100 : ADReal 101 291223 : LargeDeformationJ2Plasticity::computeDerivative(const ADReal & /*effective_trial_stress*/, 102 : const ADReal & delta_ep) 103 : { 104 291223 : ADReal ep = _ep_old[_qp] + delta_ep; 105 291223 : if (ep == 0) 106 : { 107 970 : ep = 1e-20; 108 : } 109 582446 : return -_elasticity_model->computeMandelStress(_Np[_qp], /*plasticity_update = */ true) 110 291223 : .doubleContraction(_Np[_qp]) - 111 291223 : _hardening_model->plasticEnergy(ep, 2) - 112 582446 : _hardening_model->plasticDissipation(delta_ep, ep, 2); 113 : }