A parallel finite-element code for modeling batteries
EEL focuses on modeling battery-related physics, i.e.
Mass transport of charged species,
Mechanical deformation,
Thermal effects,
and arbitrary ways of coupling any of the above physics – thanks to the variational framework which provides a unified statement and enables a generic implementation interface.
EEL is developed within the MOOSE framework, that means EEL
uses the FEM discretization,
is massively parallel (MPI and thread),
is agnostic to the element implementation,
supports adaptive h/p refinement,
supports the HIT input file format,
supports a variety of mesh formats
and much, much more
Installing EEL is as easy as
Install the MOOSE framework following these instructions.
Compile EEL using
make -j N
That's it.
Useful resources
The EEL preprint summarizes the mathematial background of the problem.
The theory manual documents some verification tests.
The list of syntax provides a complete list of EEL objects and their usage.