3D laser welding
This input requires tests objects. It can only be run with the Navier Stokes module executable or an application that also compiled the Navier Stokes test objects. The --allow-test-objects
argument must be passed on the command line as well.
The input file below can be used to model a full rotation of a laser spot around the surface of a cubic representation of a welding material. This input, whose results are published in Lindsay et al. (2021), reproduces a model outlined in Noble et al. (2007). A simple Laplacian equation is used to model the displacement field:
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_x
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_y
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_z
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are solved for mass, momentum, and energy. These equations are run on the displaced mesh such that a mesh convection term (see INSADMeshConvection) must be added to correct the material velocity, as shown in equation 2 of Kong and Cai (2017). Both SUPG and PSPG stabilizations are used in this input. The kernels used to model the Navier-Stokes equations are shown below:
type = INSADMass
variable = p
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMassPSPG
variable = p
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumTimeDerivative
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMeshConvection
variable = vel
disp_x = disp_x
disp_y = disp_y
disp_z = disp_z
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumAdvection
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumViscous
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumPressure
variable = vel
pressure = p
integrate_p_by_parts = true
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumSUPG
variable = vel
velocity = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADEnergyAdvection
variable = T
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = T
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = T
thermal_conductivity = 'k'
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADEnergySUPG
variable = T
velocity = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)This simulation is driven by the rotating laser spot, whose effect is introduced via the GaussianEnergyFluxBC object
type = GaussianEnergyFluxBC
variable = T
boundary = 'front'
P0 = 159.96989792079225
R = 1.8257418583505537e-4
x_beam_coord = '2e-4 * cos(t * 2 * pi / ${period})'
y_beam_coord = '2e-4 * sin(t * 2 * pi / ${period})'
z_beam_coord = 0
use_displaced_mesh = true
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)In addition to this incoming heat flux, an outgoing radiative heat flux is modeled using FunctionRadiativeBC
type = FunctionRadiativeBC
variable = T
boundary = 'front'
emissivity_function = '1'
Tinfinity = 300
stefan_boltzmann_constant = ${sb}
use_displaced_mesh = true
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)Evaporation of material from the liquefied material surface helps drive momentum changes at the surface of the condensed phase; this effect is incorporated via the INSADVaporRecoilPressureMomentumFluxBC object
type = INSADVaporRecoilPressureMomentumFluxBC
variable = vel
boundary = 'front'
use_displaced_mesh = true
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)These surface momentum and velocity changes are then translated into mesh displacement through INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC objects
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_x'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 0
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_y'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 1
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_z'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 2
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)We also introduce INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC objects in order to fill the sparsity dependence of the surface displacement degrees of freedom on the surface velocity degrees of freedom before the Jacobian matrix is assembled prior to executing nodal boundary conditions. This sparsity filling is necessary in order to prevent new nonzero allocations from occurring when the INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
nodal boundary conditions are executed.
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_x'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 0
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_y'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 1
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_z'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 2
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)No-slip boundary conditions are applied at all surfaces other than at the front
surface where the laser spot is applied
type = ADVectorFunctionDirichletBC
variable = vel
boundary = 'bottom right left top back'
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)The back
surface is held at a constant temperature of 300 Kelvin
type = DirichletBC
variable = T
boundary = 'back'
value = 300
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)Zero displacements are applied at the back
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)Material properties are based on 304L stainless steel
type = AriaLaserWeld304LStainlessSteel
temperature = T
beta = 1e7
type = AriaLaserWeld304LStainlessSteelBoundary
boundary = 'front'
temperature = T
(moose/modules/navier_stokes/examples/laser-welding/3d.i)The full input is listed below
temperature = T
type = GeneratedMesh
dim = 3
xmin = -.35e-3
xmax = 0.35e-3
ymin = -.35e-3
ymax = .35e-3
zmin = -.7e-3
zmax = 0
nx = 2
ny = 2
nz = 2
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y disp_z'
uniform_refine = 2
type = FunctionIC
variable = T
function = '(${surfacetemp} - 300) / .7e-3 * z + ${surfacetemp}'
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_x
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_y
type = Diffusion
variable = disp_z
type = INSADMass
variable = p
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMassPSPG
variable = p
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumTimeDerivative
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMeshConvection
variable = vel
disp_x = disp_x
disp_y = disp_y
disp_z = disp_z
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumAdvection
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumViscous
variable = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumPressure
variable = vel
pressure = p
integrate_p_by_parts = true
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADMomentumSUPG
variable = vel
velocity = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADEnergyAdvection
variable = T
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADHeatConductionTimeDerivative
variable = T
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = ADHeatConduction
variable = T
thermal_conductivity = 'k'
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADEnergySUPG
variable = T
velocity = vel
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = 'back'
value = 0
type = ADVectorFunctionDirichletBC
variable = vel
boundary = 'bottom right left top back'
type = DirichletBC
variable = T
boundary = 'back'
value = 300
type = FunctionRadiativeBC
variable = T
boundary = 'front'
emissivity_function = '1'
Tinfinity = 300
stefan_boltzmann_constant = ${sb}
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = GaussianEnergyFluxBC
variable = T
boundary = 'front'
P0 = 159.96989792079225
R = 1.8257418583505537e-4
x_beam_coord = '2e-4 * cos(t * 2 * pi / ${period})'
y_beam_coord = '2e-4 * sin(t * 2 * pi / ${period})'
z_beam_coord = 0
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADVaporRecoilPressureMomentumFluxBC
variable = vel
boundary = 'front'
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_x'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 0
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_y'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 1
type = INSADDisplaceBoundaryBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_z'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 2
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_x'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 0
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_y'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 1
type = INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBC
boundary = 'front'
variable = 'disp_z'
velocity = 'vel'
component = 2
type = INSADStabilized3Eqn
velocity = vel
pressure = p
temperature = T
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = AriaLaserWeld304LStainlessSteel
temperature = T
beta = 1e7
type = AriaLaserWeld304LStainlessSteelBoundary
boundary = 'front'
temperature = T
type = GenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'abs sb_constant'
prop_values = '1 ${sb}'
type = SMP
full = true
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_shift_type -pc_factor_mat_solver_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu NONZERO strumpack'
type = Transient
end_time = ${endtime}
dtmin = 1e-8
dtmax = ${timestep}
petsc_options = '-snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -options_left'
solve_type = 'NEWTON'
line_search = 'none'
nl_max_its = 12
l_max_its = 100
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
optimal_iterations = 7
dt = ${timestep}
linear_iteration_ratio = 1e6
growth_factor = 1.5
type = Exodus
output_material_properties = true
show_material_properties = 'mu'
checkpoint = true
perf_graph = true
show_var_residual_norms = true
marker = combo
max_h_level = 4
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = T
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = disp_z
type = ErrorFractionMarker
refine = 0.4
coarsen = 0.2
indicator = error_T
type = ErrorFractionMarker
refine = 0.4
coarsen = 0.2
indicator = error_dispz
type = ComboMarker
markers = 'errorfrac_T errorfrac_dispz'
type = NumDOFs
system = 'NL'
type = NumNonlinearIterations
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = 'nl'
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