- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADKineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- ADRankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- ADRankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- AccumulateAux
- CylindricalRankTwoAuxTakes RankTwoTensor material and outputs component in cylindrical coordinates
- DomainIntegralQFunctionComputes the q-function for a segment along the crack front, used in the calculation of the J-integral
- DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunctionDetermines if a node is within the ring of the crack front defintion; this object is normally created by the DomainIntegralAction.
- ElasticEnergyAuxCompute the local elastic energy
- GlobalDisplacementAuxAuxKernel to visualize the displacements generated by the global strain tensor
- KineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- NewmarkAccelAuxComputes the current acceleration using the Newmark method.
- NewmarkVelAuxCalculates the current velocity using Newmark method.
- NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
- RadialDisplacementCylinderAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for cylindrical models.
- RadialDisplacementSphereAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for spherical models.
- RankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- RankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RotationAngleCompute the field of angular rotations of points around an axis defined by an origin point and a direction vector
- TestNewmarkTIAssigns the velocity/acceleration calculated by time integrator to the velocity/acceleration auxvariable.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainReferenceResidualGeneralized Plane Strain Reference Residual Scalar Kernel
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADPenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- ADPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- ADTorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CoupledPressureBCApplies a pressure from a variable on a given boundary in a given direction
- DashpotBC
- DisplacementAboutAxisImplements a boundary condition that enforces rotationaldisplacement around an axis on a boundary
- InteractionIntegralBenchmarkBCImplements a boundary condition that enforces a displacement field around a crack tip based on applied stress intensity factors.
- PenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- PresetAccelerationPrescribe acceleration on a given boundary in a given direction
- PresetDisplacementPrescribe the displacement on a given boundary in a given direction.
- PresetVelocity
- PressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- StickyBCImposes the boundary condition if exceeds the bounds provided
- TorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CavityPressure
- CoupledPressure
- InclinedNoDisplacementBC
- Pressure
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CavityPressureActionAction to setup cavity pressure boundary condition
- CavityPressurePPActionThis Action creates a CavityPressurePostprocessor.
- CavityPressureUOActionAction to add user objects for cavity pressure
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CoupledPressureActionSet up Coupled Pressure boundary conditions
- Tensor Mechanics App
- InclinedNoDisplacementBCActionSet up inclined no displacement boundary conditions
- Tensor Mechanics App
- PressureActionSet up Pressure boundary conditions
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADKineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- ADRankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- ADRankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- AccumulateAux
- CylindricalRankTwoAuxTakes RankTwoTensor material and outputs component in cylindrical coordinates
- DomainIntegralQFunctionComputes the q-function for a segment along the crack front, used in the calculation of the J-integral
- DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunctionDetermines if a node is within the ring of the crack front defintion; this object is normally created by the DomainIntegralAction.
- ElasticEnergyAuxCompute the local elastic energy
- GlobalDisplacementAuxAuxKernel to visualize the displacements generated by the global strain tensor
- KineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- NewmarkAccelAuxComputes the current acceleration using the Newmark method.
- NewmarkVelAuxCalculates the current velocity using Newmark method.
- NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
- RadialDisplacementCylinderAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for cylindrical models.
- RadialDisplacementSphereAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for spherical models.
- RankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- RankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RotationAngleCompute the field of angular rotations of points around an axis defined by an origin point and a direction vector
- TestNewmarkTIAssigns the velocity/acceleration calculated by time integrator to the velocity/acceleration auxvariable.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- NodalFrictionalConstraintFrictional nodal constraint for contact
- NodalStickConstraintSticky nodal constraint for contact
- Tensor Mechanics App
- StepPeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with user-provided simulation steps.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians
- ReferenceElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians
- Tensor Mechanics App
- DomainIntegralActionCreates the MOOSE objects needed to compute fraction domain integrals
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADAbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class relies on automatic differentiation and is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- ADCombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ADComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ADComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ADComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ADComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeFiniteShellStrainCompute a large strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADComputeGreenLagrangeStrainCompute a Green-Lagrange strain.
- ADComputeIncrementalShellStrainCompute a small strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorShellCompute a plane stress isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. A porosity material property is defined and is calculated from the trace of inelastic strain increment.
- ADComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ADComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ADComputeShellStressCompute in-plane stress using elasticity for shell
- ADComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model. Uses automatic differentiation
- ADComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ADComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ADEshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ADExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADHillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- ADHillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADLAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- ADLAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- ADMultiplePowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADNonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- ADPorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- ADPowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADPowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADPureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- ADRankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- ADRankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- ADScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- ADStrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADStrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADSymmetricIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADSymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADSymmetricLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADSymmetricSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADTemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- ADViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis material computes the non-linear homogenized gauge stress in order to compute the viscoplastic responce due to creep in porous materials. This material must be used in conjunction with ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStress
- AbaqusUMATStressCoupling material to use Abaqus UMAT models in MOOSE
- AbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- BiLinearMixedModeTractionMixed mode bilinear traction separation law.
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- CZMRealVectorCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RealVectorValue defined on a cohesive zone
- CZMRealVectorScalarCompute the normal or tangent component of a vector quantity defined on a cohesive interface.
- CappedDruckerPragerCosseratStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedDruckerPragerStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator
- CappedMohrCoulombCosseratStressUpdateCapped Mohr-Coulomb plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedMohrCoulombStressUpdateNonassociative, smoothed, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity capped with tensile (Rankine) and compressive caps, with hardening/softening
- CappedWeakInclinedPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak inclined plane plasticity stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneCosseratStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity Cosserat stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity stress calculator
- CombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- CompositeEigenstrainAssemble an Eigenstrain tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- CompositeElasticityTensorAssemble an elasticity tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ComputeBeamResultantsCompute forces and moments using elasticity
- ComputeConcentrationDependentElasticityTensorCompute concentration dependent elasticity tensor.
- ComputeCosseratElasticityTensorCompute Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors
- ComputeCosseratIncrementalSmallStrainCompute incremental small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCosseratLinearElasticStressCompute Cosserat stress and couple-stress elasticity for small strains
- ComputeCosseratSmallStrainCompute small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCrackedStressComputes energy and modifies the stress for phase field fracture
- ComputeCreepPlasticityStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as inelastic strains and internal parameters) using an Newton process for one creep and one plasticity model
- ComputeCrystalPlasticityThermalEigenstrain
- ComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ComputeDeformGradBasedStressComputes stress based on Lagrangian strain
- ComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ComputeEigenstrainBeamFromVariableComputes an eigenstrain from a set of variables
- ComputeEigenstrainFromInitialStressComputes an eigenstrain from an initial stress
- ComputeElasticityBeamComputes the equivalent of the elasticity tensor for the beam element, which are vectors of material translational and flexural stiffness.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCPCompute an elasticity tensor for crystal plasticity.
- ComputeElasticityTensorConstantRotationCPDeprecated Class: please use ComputeElasticityTensorCP instead. Compute an elasticity tensor for crystal plasticity, formulated in the reference frame, with constant Euler angles.
- ComputeExtraStressConstantComputes a constant extra stress that is added to the stress calculated by the constitutive model
- ComputeExtraStressVDWGasComputes a hydrostatic stress corresponding to the pressure of a van der Waals gas that is added as an extra_stress to the stress computed by the constitutive model
- ComputeFiniteBeamStrainCompute a rotation increment for finite rotations of the beam and computes the small/large strain increments in the current rotated configuration of the beam.
- ComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ComputeGlobalStrainMaterial for storing the global strain values from the scalar variable
- ComputeHomogenizedLagrangianStrain
- ComputeHypoelasticStVenantKirchhoffStressCalculate a small strain elastic stress that is equivalent to the hyperelastic St. Venant-Kirchhoff model if integrated using the Truesdell rate.
- ComputeIncrementalBeamStrainCompute a infinitesimal/large strain increment for the beam.
- ComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeInterfaceStressStress in the plane of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ComputeLagrangianLinearElasticStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainAxisymmetricCylindricalCompute strain in 2D axisymmetric RZ coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCentrosymmetricSphericalCompute strain in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWPSStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWrappedStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLayeredCosseratElasticityTensorComputes Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors relevant for simulations with layered materials. The layering direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the 'z' direction.
- ComputeLinearElasticPFFractureStressComputes the stress and free energy derivatives for the phase field fracture model, with small strain
- ComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ComputeLinearViscoelasticStressDivides total strain into elastic + creep + eigenstrains
- ComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeMultiPlasticityStressMaterial for multi-surface finite-strain plasticity
- ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStressCrystal Plasticity base class: handles the Newton iteration over the stress residual and calculates the Jacobian based on constitutive laws from multiple material classes that are inherited from CrystalPlasticityStressUpdateBase
- ComputeMultipleInelasticCosseratStressCompute state (stress and other quantities such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process, as well as Cosserat versions of these quantities. Only elasticity is currently implemented for the Cosserat versions.Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used
- ComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ComputeNeoHookeanStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ComputePlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = stress * plastic_strain_rate
- ComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ComputeReducedOrderEigenstrainaccepts eigenstrains and computes a reduced order eigenstrain for consistency in the order of strain and eigenstrains.
- ComputeSimoHughesJ2PlasticityStressThe Simo-Hughes style J2 plasticity.
- ComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model
- ComputeStVenantKirchhoffStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ComputeSurfaceTensionKKSSurface tension of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainBeamComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeUpdatedEulerAngleThis class computes the updated Euler angle for crystal plasticity simulations. This needs to be used together with the ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStress class, where the updated rotation material property is computed.
- ComputeVariableBaseEigenStrainComputes Eigenstrain based on material property tensor base
- ComputeVariableEigenstrainComputes an Eigenstrain and its derivatives that is a function of multiple variables, where the prefactor is defined in a derivative material
- ComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ComputeVolumetricDeformGradComputes volumetric deformation gradient and adjusts the total deformation gradient
- ComputeVolumetricEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain that is defined by a set of scalar material properties that summed together define the volumetric change. This also computes the derivatives of that eigenstrain with respect to a supplied set of variable dependencies.
- CrystalPlasticityHCPDislocationSlipBeyerleinUpdateTwo-term dislocation slip model for hexagonal close packed crystals from Beyerline and Tome
- CrystalPlasticityKalidindiUpdateKalidindi version of homogeneous crystal plasticity.
- CrystalPlasticityTwinningKalidindiUpdateTwinning propagation model based on Kalidindi's treatment of twinning in a FCC material
- DensityScaling
- EshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- FiniteStrainCPSlipRateResCrystal Plasticity base class: FCC system with power law flow rule implemented
- FiniteStrainCrystalPlasticityCrystal Plasticity base class: FCC system with power law flow rule implemented
- FiniteStrainHyperElasticViscoPlasticMaterial class for hyper-elastic viscoplatic flow: Can handle multiple flow models defined by flowratemodel type user objects
- FiniteStrainPlasticMaterialAssociative J2 plasticity with isotropic hardening.
- FiniteStrainUObasedCPUserObject based Crystal Plasticity system.
- FluxBasedStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on flux
- GBRelaxationStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on lattice relaxation at GB
- GeneralizedKelvinVoigtModelGeneralized Kelvin-Voigt model composed of a serial assembly of unit Kelvin-Voigt modules
- GeneralizedMaxwellModelGeneralized Maxwell model composed of a parallel assembly of unit Maxwell modules
- HillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- HillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HyperElasticPhaseFieldIsoDamageComputes damaged stress and energy in the intermediate configuration assuming isotropy
- HyperbolicViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material for a hyperbolic sine viscoplasticity model in which the effective plastic strain is solved for using a creep approach.
- InclusionProperties
- IsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- IsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- LAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- LAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- LinearElasticTrussComputes the linear elastic strain for a truss element
- LinearViscoelasticStressUpdateCalculates an admissible state (stress that lies on or within the yield surface, plastic strains, internal parameters, etc). This class is intended to be a parent class for classes with specific constitutive models.
- MultiPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress form multiple phase stresses
- NonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- PlasticTrussComputes the stress and strain for a truss element with plastic behavior defined by either linear hardening or a user-defined hardening function.
- PorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- PowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- PowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- PureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- RankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- RankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- SalehaniIrani3DCTraction3D Coupled (3DC) cohesive law of Salehani and Irani with no damage
- ScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- StrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StressBasedChemicalPotentialChemical potential from stress
- SumTensorIncrementsCompute tensor property by summing tensor increments
- SymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- TemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- TensileStressUpdateAssociative, smoothed, tensile (Rankine) plasticity with hardening/softening
- ThermalFractureIntegralCalculates summation of the derivative of the eigenstrains with respect to temperature.
- TwoPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress in a two phase model
- VolumeDeformGradCorrectedStressTransforms stress with volumetric term from previous configuration to this configuration
- Tensor Mechanics App
- VolumeWeightedWeibullInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following a volume-weighted Weibull distribution
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADCZMInterfaceKernelSmallStrainCZM Interface kernel to use when using the small strain kinematic formulation.
- ADCZMInterfaceKernelTotalLagrangianCZM Interface kernel to use when using the total Lagrangian formulation.
- CZMInterfaceKernelSmallStrainCZM Interface kernel to use when using the Small Strain kinematic formulation.
- CZMInterfaceKernelTotalLagrangian
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADDynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
- ADGravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
- ADInertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
- ADInertialForceShellCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
- ADStressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
- ADStressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
- ADStressDivergenceShellQuasi-static stress divergence kernel for Shell element
- ADStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
- ADSymmetricStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
- ADWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationKernelKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CosseratStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel for the Cartesian coordinate system
- DynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainOffDiagGeneralized Plane Strain kernel to provide contribution of the out-of-plane strain to other kernels
- GravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
- HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceTotal Lagrangian stress equilibrium kernel with homogenization constraint Jacobian terms
- InertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
- InertialForceBeamCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
- InertialTorqueKernel for inertial torque: density * displacement x acceleration
- MaterialVectorBodyForceApply a body force vector to the coupled displacement component.
- MomentBalancing
- OutOfPlanePressureApply pressure in the out-of-plane direction in 2D plane stress or generalized plane strain models
- PhaseFieldFractureMechanicsOffDiagStress divergence kernel for phase-field fracture: Computes off diagonal damage dependent Jacobian components. To be used with StressDivergenceTensors or DynamicStressDivergenceTensors.
- PlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = coeff * stress * plastic_strain_rate
- PoroMechanicsCouplingAdds , where the subscript is the component.
- StressDivergenceBeamQuasi-static and dynamic stress divergence kernel for Beam element
- StressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
- StressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
- StressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel for the Cartesian coordinate system
- StressDivergenceTensorsTrussKernel for truss element
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceAxisymmetricCylindricalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceCentrosymmetricSphericalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- UpdatedLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with an updated Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
- WeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- DynamicTensorMechanics
- PoroMechanics
- TensorMechanics
- Tensor Mechanics App
- LegacyDynamicTensorMechanicsActionSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Tensor Mechanics App
- PoroMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Tensor Mechanics App
- LegacyTensorMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADAbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class relies on automatic differentiation and is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- ADCombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ADComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ADComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ADComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ADComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeFiniteShellStrainCompute a large strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADComputeGreenLagrangeStrainCompute a Green-Lagrange strain.
- ADComputeIncrementalShellStrainCompute a small strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorShellCompute a plane stress isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. A porosity material property is defined and is calculated from the trace of inelastic strain increment.
- ADComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ADComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ADComputeShellStressCompute in-plane stress using elasticity for shell
- ADComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model. Uses automatic differentiation
- ADComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ADComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ADEshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ADExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADHillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- ADHillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADLAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- ADLAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- ADMultiplePowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADNonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- ADPorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- ADPowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADPowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADPureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- ADRankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- ADRankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- ADScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- ADStrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADStrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADSymmetricIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADSymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADSymmetricLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADSymmetricSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADTemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- ADViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis material computes the non-linear homogenized gauge stress in order to compute the viscoplastic responce due to creep in porous materials. This material must be used in conjunction with ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStress
- AbaqusUMATStressCoupling material to use Abaqus UMAT models in MOOSE
- AbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- BiLinearMixedModeTractionMixed mode bilinear traction separation law.
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- CZMRealVectorCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RealVectorValue defined on a cohesive zone
- CZMRealVectorScalarCompute the normal or tangent component of a vector quantity defined on a cohesive interface.
- CappedDruckerPragerCosseratStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedDruckerPragerStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator
- CappedMohrCoulombCosseratStressUpdateCapped Mohr-Coulomb plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedMohrCoulombStressUpdateNonassociative, smoothed, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity capped with tensile (Rankine) and compressive caps, with hardening/softening
- CappedWeakInclinedPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak inclined plane plasticity stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneCosseratStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity Cosserat stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity stress calculator
- CombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- CompositeEigenstrainAssemble an Eigenstrain tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- CompositeElasticityTensorAssemble an elasticity tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ComputeBeamResultantsCompute forces and moments using elasticity
- ComputeConcentrationDependentElasticityTensorCompute concentration dependent elasticity tensor.
- ComputeCosseratElasticityTensorCompute Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors
- ComputeCosseratIncrementalSmallStrainCompute incremental small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCosseratLinearElasticStressCompute Cosserat stress and couple-stress elasticity for small strains
- ComputeCosseratSmallStrainCompute small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCrackedStressComputes energy and modifies the stress for phase field fracture
- ComputeCreepPlasticityStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as inelastic strains and internal parameters) using an Newton process for one creep and one plasticity model
- ComputeCrystalPlasticityThermalEigenstrain
- ComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ComputeDeformGradBasedStressComputes stress based on Lagrangian strain
- ComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ComputeEigenstrainBeamFromVariableComputes an eigenstrain from a set of variables
- ComputeEigenstrainFromInitialStressComputes an eigenstrain from an initial stress
- ComputeElasticityBeamComputes the equivalent of the elasticity tensor for the beam element, which are vectors of material translational and flexural stiffness.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCPCompute an elasticity tensor for crystal plasticity.
- ComputeElasticityTensorConstantRotationCPDeprecated Class: please use ComputeElasticityTensorCP instead. Compute an elasticity tensor for crystal plasticity, formulated in the reference frame, with constant Euler angles.
- ComputeExtraStressConstantComputes a constant extra stress that is added to the stress calculated by the constitutive model
- ComputeExtraStressVDWGasComputes a hydrostatic stress corresponding to the pressure of a van der Waals gas that is added as an extra_stress to the stress computed by the constitutive model
- ComputeFiniteBeamStrainCompute a rotation increment for finite rotations of the beam and computes the small/large strain increments in the current rotated configuration of the beam.
- ComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ComputeGlobalStrainMaterial for storing the global strain values from the scalar variable
- ComputeHomogenizedLagrangianStrain
- ComputeHypoelasticStVenantKirchhoffStressCalculate a small strain elastic stress that is equivalent to the hyperelastic St. Venant-Kirchhoff model if integrated using the Truesdell rate.
- ComputeIncrementalBeamStrainCompute a infinitesimal/large strain increment for the beam.
- ComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeInterfaceStressStress in the plane of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ComputeLagrangianLinearElasticStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainAxisymmetricCylindricalCompute strain in 2D axisymmetric RZ coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCentrosymmetricSphericalCompute strain in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWPSStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWrappedStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLayeredCosseratElasticityTensorComputes Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors relevant for simulations with layered materials. The layering direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the 'z' direction.
- ComputeLinearElasticPFFractureStressComputes the stress and free energy derivatives for the phase field fracture model, with small strain
- ComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ComputeLinearViscoelasticStressDivides total strain into elastic + creep + eigenstrains
- ComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeMultiPlasticityStressMaterial for multi-surface finite-strain plasticity
- ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStressCrystal Plasticity base class: handles the Newton iteration over the stress residual and calculates the Jacobian based on constitutive laws from multiple material classes that are inherited from CrystalPlasticityStressUpdateBase
- ComputeMultipleInelasticCosseratStressCompute state (stress and other quantities such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process, as well as Cosserat versions of these quantities. Only elasticity is currently implemented for the Cosserat versions.Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used
- ComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ComputeNeoHookeanStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ComputePlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = stress * plastic_strain_rate
- ComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ComputeReducedOrderEigenstrainaccepts eigenstrains and computes a reduced order eigenstrain for consistency in the order of strain and eigenstrains.
- ComputeSimoHughesJ2PlasticityStressThe Simo-Hughes style J2 plasticity.
- ComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model
- ComputeStVenantKirchhoffStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ComputeSurfaceTensionKKSSurface tension of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainBeamComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeUpdatedEulerAngleThis class computes the updated Euler angle for crystal plasticity simulations. This needs to be used together with the ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStress class, where the updated rotation material property is computed.
- ComputeVariableBaseEigenStrainComputes Eigenstrain based on material property tensor base
- ComputeVariableEigenstrainComputes an Eigenstrain and its derivatives that is a function of multiple variables, where the prefactor is defined in a derivative material
- ComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ComputeVolumetricDeformGradComputes volumetric deformation gradient and adjusts the total deformation gradient
- ComputeVolumetricEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain that is defined by a set of scalar material properties that summed together define the volumetric change. This also computes the derivatives of that eigenstrain with respect to a supplied set of variable dependencies.
- CrystalPlasticityHCPDislocationSlipBeyerleinUpdateTwo-term dislocation slip model for hexagonal close packed crystals from Beyerline and Tome
- CrystalPlasticityKalidindiUpdateKalidindi version of homogeneous crystal plasticity.
- CrystalPlasticityTwinningKalidindiUpdateTwinning propagation model based on Kalidindi's treatment of twinning in a FCC material
- DensityScaling
- EshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- FiniteStrainCPSlipRateResCrystal Plasticity base class: FCC system with power law flow rule implemented
- FiniteStrainCrystalPlasticityCrystal Plasticity base class: FCC system with power law flow rule implemented
- FiniteStrainHyperElasticViscoPlasticMaterial class for hyper-elastic viscoplatic flow: Can handle multiple flow models defined by flowratemodel type user objects
- FiniteStrainPlasticMaterialAssociative J2 plasticity with isotropic hardening.
- FiniteStrainUObasedCPUserObject based Crystal Plasticity system.
- FluxBasedStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on flux
- GBRelaxationStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on lattice relaxation at GB
- GeneralizedKelvinVoigtModelGeneralized Kelvin-Voigt model composed of a serial assembly of unit Kelvin-Voigt modules
- GeneralizedMaxwellModelGeneralized Maxwell model composed of a parallel assembly of unit Maxwell modules
- HillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- HillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HyperElasticPhaseFieldIsoDamageComputes damaged stress and energy in the intermediate configuration assuming isotropy
- HyperbolicViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material for a hyperbolic sine viscoplasticity model in which the effective plastic strain is solved for using a creep approach.
- InclusionProperties
- IsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- IsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- LAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- LAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- LinearElasticTrussComputes the linear elastic strain for a truss element
- LinearViscoelasticStressUpdateCalculates an admissible state (stress that lies on or within the yield surface, plastic strains, internal parameters, etc). This class is intended to be a parent class for classes with specific constitutive models.
- MultiPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress form multiple phase stresses
- NonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- PlasticTrussComputes the stress and strain for a truss element with plastic behavior defined by either linear hardening or a user-defined hardening function.
- PorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- PowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- PowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- PureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- RankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- RankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- SalehaniIrani3DCTraction3D Coupled (3DC) cohesive law of Salehani and Irani with no damage
- ScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- StrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StressBasedChemicalPotentialChemical potential from stress
- SumTensorIncrementsCompute tensor property by summing tensor increments
- SymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- TemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- TensileStressUpdateAssociative, smoothed, tensile (Rankine) plasticity with hardening/softening
- ThermalFractureIntegralCalculates summation of the derivative of the eigenstrains with respect to temperature.
- TwoPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress in a two phase model
- VolumeDeformGradCorrectedStressTransforms stress with volumetric term from previous configuration to this configuration
- Tensor Mechanics App
- TensorMechanics
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CohesiveZoneMaster
- DynamicMaster
- GeneralizedPlaneStrain
- GlobalStrain
- LineElementMaster
- Master
- MaterialVectorBodyForce
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CommonCohesiveZoneActionStore common cohesive zone paramters
- CohesiveZoneActionAction to create an instance of the cohesive zone model kernel for each displacement component
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CommonTensorMechanicsActionStore common tensor mechanics parameters
- DynamicTensorMechanicsActionSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Tensor Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainActionSet up the GeneralizedPlaneStrain environment
- Tensor Mechanics App
- GlobalStrainActionSet up the GlobalStrainAction environment
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CommonLineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- LineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- CommonTensorMechanicsActionStore common tensor mechanics parameters
- TensorMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Tensor Mechanics App
- MaterialVectorBodyForceActionSet up volumetric body force kernels
- Tensor Mechanics App
- NodalGravityComputes the gravitational force for a given nodal mass.
- NodalRotationalInertiaCalculates the inertial torques and inertia proportional damping corresponding to the nodal rotational inertia.
- NodalTranslationalInertiaComputes the inertial forces and mass proportional damping terms corresponding to nodal mass.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADMassComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ADMaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- ADMaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- ADSidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationElasticConstantsPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CavityPressurePostprocessorInterfaces with the CavityPressureUserObject to store the initial number of moles of a gas contained within an internal volume.
- CrackFrontDataDetermines which nodes are along the crack front
- CriticalTimeStepComputes and reports the critical time step for the explicit solver.
- MassComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- MaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- MaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- MaterialTimeStepPostprocessorThis postprocessor estimates a timestep that reduces the increment change in a material property below a given threshold.
- NormalBoundaryDisplacementThis postprocessor computes the normal displacement on a given set of boundaries.
- PolarMomentOfInertiaCompute the polar moment of inertia of a sideset w.r.t. a point and a direction
- SidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- TorqueReactionTorqueReaction calculates the torque in 2D and 3Dabout a user-specified axis of rotation centeredat a user-specified origin.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainGeneralized Plane Strain Scalar Kernel
- GlobalStrainScalar Kernel to solve for the global strain
- HomogenizationConstraintScalarKernel
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADMassComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ADMaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- ADMaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- ADSidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- AbaqusUExternalDBCoupling user object to use Abaqus UEXTERNALDB subroutines in MOOSE
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationElasticConstantsPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CavityPressurePostprocessorInterfaces with the CavityPressureUserObject to store the initial number of moles of a gas contained within an internal volume.
- CavityPressureUserObjectUses the ideal gas law to compute internal pressure and an initial moles of gas quantity.
- CrackFrontDataDetermines which nodes are along the crack front
- CrackFrontDefinitionUsed to describe geometric characteristics of the crack front for fracture integral calculations
- CriticalTimeStepComputes and reports the critical time step for the explicit solver.
- CrystalPlasticitySlipRateGSSPhenomenological constitutive model slip rate class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticitySlipResistanceGSSPhenomenological constitutive models' slip resistance base class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticityStateVarRateComponentGSSPhenomenological constitutive model state variable evolution rate component base class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticityStateVarRateComponentVocePhenomenological Voce constitutive model state variable evolution rate component base class.
- CrystalPlasticityStateVariableCrystal plasticity state variable class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- EulerAngleFileReaderRead Euler angle data from a file and provide it to other objects.
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObjectGeneralized plane strain UserObject to provide residual and diagonal Jacobian entries.
- GlobalStrainUserObjectGlobal Strain UserObject to provide Residual and diagonal Jacobian entry
- HEVPEqvPlasticStrainUser Object to integrate equivalent plastic strain
- HEVPEqvPlasticStrainRateUser Object computing equivalent plastic strain rate
- HEVPFlowRatePowerLawJ2User object to evaluate power law flow rate and flow direction based on J2
- HEVPLinearHardeningUser Object for linear hardening
- HEVPRambergOsgoodHardeningUser object for Ramberg-Osgood hardening power law hardening
- HomogenizationConstraint
- LinearViscoelasticityManagerManages the updating of the semi-implicit single-step first-order finite difference time-stepping scheme
- MassComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- MaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- MaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- MaterialTimeStepPostprocessorThis postprocessor estimates a timestep that reduces the increment change in a material property below a given threshold.
- NodalPatchRecoveryMaterialPropertyPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property.
- NormalBoundaryDisplacementThis postprocessor computes the normal displacement on a given set of boundaries.
- PolarMomentOfInertiaCompute the polar moment of inertia of a sideset w.r.t. a point and a direction
- SidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- StepUserObject
- TensorMechanicsHardeningConstantNo hardening - the parameter is independent of the internal parameter(s)
- TensorMechanicsHardeningCubicHardening is Cubic
- TensorMechanicsHardeningCutExponentialHardening is Cut-exponential
- TensorMechanicsHardeningExponentialHardening is Exponential
- TensorMechanicsHardeningGaussianHardening is Gaussian
- TensorMechanicsHardeningPowerRuleHardening defined by power rule
- TensorMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with no smoothing of the cone tip.
- TensorMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerHyperbolicNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with hyperbolic smoothing of the cone tip.
- TensorMechanicsPlasticIsotropicSDIsotropicSD plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- TensorMechanicsPlasticJ2J2 plasticity, associative, with hardening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMeanCapClass that limits the mean stress. Yield function = a*mean_stress - strength. mean_stress = (stress_xx + stress_yy + stress_zz)/3
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMeanCapTCAssociative mean-cap tensile and compressive plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombMultiNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticOrthotropicOrthotropic plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- TensorMechanicsPlasticSimpleTesterClass that can be used for testing multi-surface plasticity models. Yield function = a*stress_yy + b*stress_zz + c*stress_xx + d*(stress_xy + stress_yx)/2 + e*(stress_xz + stress_zx)/2 + f*(stress_yz + stress_zy)/2 - strength
- TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, and tensile_strength = 1
- TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileMultiAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShearNon-associative finite-strain weak-plane shear perfect plasticity. Here cohesion = 1, tan(phi) = 1 = tan(psi)
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileNAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, with specified, fixed normal vector. (WeakPlaneTensile combined with specifying N in the Material might be preferable to you.)
- TorqueReactionTorqueReaction calculates the torque in 2D and 3Dabout a user-specified axis of rotation centeredat a user-specified origin.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADInteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
- InteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
- JIntegralComputes the J-Integral, a measure of the strain energy release rate at a crack tip, which can be used as a criterion for fracture growth. It can, alternatively, compute the C(t) integral
- LineMaterialRankTwoSamplerAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- LineMaterialRankTwoScalarSamplerCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- MixedModeEquivalentKComputes the mixed-mode stress intensity factor given the , , and stress intensity factors