Available Objects, Actions, and Subsystems
- Moose App
- AddBCActionAdd a BoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
- ADConservativeAdvectionBCBoundary condition for advection when it is integrated by parts. Supports Dirichlet (inlet-like) and implicit (outlet-like) conditions.
- ADDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ADFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is calculated by a function.
- ADFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- ADFunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ADMatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
- ADMatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- ADNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ADPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ADVectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- ADVectorFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- ADVectorMatchedValueBCImplements a ADVectorNodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- ArrayDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- ArrayHFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
- ArrayNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ArrayPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense with , where is the constant scalar penalty; is the test functions and is the differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ArrayVacuumBCImposes the Robin boundary condition .
- ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
- CoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
- DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBCDiffusion Dirichlet boundary condition for discontinuous Galerkin method.
- DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- EigenArrayDirichletBCArray Dirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
- EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
- FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionGradientNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition arising from integration by parts of a diffusion/heat conduction operator, and where the exact solution can be specified.
- FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- FunctorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a functor.
- HFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
- LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- MatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
- MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- OneDEqualValueConstraintBCComputes the integral of lambda times dg term from the mortar method (for two 1D domains only).
- PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- PostprocessorDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
- PostprocessorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
- SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- TargetFeedbackDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with simple linear feedback control
- VacuumBCVacuum boundary condition for diffusion.
- VectorCurlPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for the curl of vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- VectorDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- VectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
- VectorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- Periodic
- Navier Stokes App
- AdvectionBCBoundary conditions for outflow/outflow of advected quantities: phi * velocity * normal, where phi is the advected quantitiy
- EnergyFreeBCImplements free advective flow boundary conditions for the energy equation.
- FluidWallMomentumBCImplicitly sets normal component of velocity to zero if the advection term of the momentum equation is integrated by parts
- INSADDisplaceBoundaryBCBoundary condition for displacing a boundary
- INSADDummyDisplaceBoundaryIntegratedBCThis object adds Jacobian entries for the boundary displacement dependence on the velocity
- INSADMomentumNoBCBCThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'Laplace' form of the viscous stress tensor.
- INSADVaporRecoilPressureMomentumFluxBCVapor recoil pressure momentum flux
- INSFEFluidEnergyBCSpecifies flow of energy through a boundary
- INSFEFluidEnergyDirichletBCImposes a Dirichlet condition on temperature at inlets. Is not applied at outlets
- INSFEFluidMassBCSpecifies flow of mass through a boundary given a velocity function or postprocessor
- INSFEFluidMomentumBCSpecifies flow of momentum through a boundary
- INSFEFluidWallMomentumBCImplicitly sets normal component of velocity to zero if the advection term of the momentum equation is integrated by parts
- INSFEMomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
- INSMomentumNoBCBCLaplaceFormThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'Laplace' form of the viscous stress tensor.
- INSMomentumNoBCBCTractionFormThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition based on the 'traction' form of the viscous stress tensor.
- INSTemperatureNoBCBCThis class implements the 'No BC' boundary condition discussed by Griffiths, Papanastiou, and others.
- ImplicitNeumannBCThis class implements a form of the Neumann boundary condition in which the boundary term is treated 'implicitly'.
- MDFluidEnergyBCSpecifies flow of energy through a boundary
- MDFluidEnergyDirichletBCImposes a Dirichlet condition on temperature at inlets. Is not applied at outlets
- MDFluidMassBCSpecifies flow of mass through a boundary given a velocity function or postprocessor
- MDFluidMomentumBCSpecifies flow of momentum through a boundary
- MDMomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
- MassFreeBCImplements free advective flow boundary conditions for the mass equation.
- MomentumFreeBCImplements free flow boundary conditions for one of the momentum equations.
- MomentumFreeSlipBCImplements free slip boundary conditions for the Navier Stokesmomentum equation.
- NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
- NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedDensityAndVelocityBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
- NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
- NSEnergyInviscidSpecifiedPressureBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
- NSEnergyInviscidUnspecifiedBCThis class corresponds to the inviscid part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the energy equation.
- NSEnergyViscousBCThis class couples together all the variables for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations to allow them to be used in derived IntegratedBC classes.
- NSEnergyWeakStagnationBCThe inviscid energy BC term with specified normal flow.
- NSImposedVelocityBCImpose Velocity BC.
- NSImposedVelocityDirectionBCThis class imposes a velocity direction component as a Dirichlet condition on the appropriate momentum equation.
- NSInflowThermalBCThis class is used on a boundary where the incoming flow values (rho, u, v, T) are all completely specified.
- NSMassSpecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class implements the mass equation boundary term with a specified value of rho*(u.n) imposed weakly.
- NSMassUnspecifiedNormalFlowBCThis class implements the mass equation boundary term with the rho*(u.n) boundary integral computed implicitly.
- NSMassWeakStagnationBCThe inviscid energy BC term with specified normal flow.
- NSMomentumConvectiveWeakStagnationBCThe convective part (sans pressure term) of the momentum equation boundary integral evaluated at specified stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure, and flow direction values.
- NSMomentumInviscidNoPressureImplicitFlowBCMomentum equation boundary condition used when pressure is not integrated by parts.
- NSMomentumInviscidSpecifiedNormalFlowBCMomentum equation boundary condition in which pressure is specified (given) and the value of the convective part is allowed to vary (is computed implicitly).
- NSMomentumInviscidSpecifiedPressureBCMomentum equation boundary condition in which pressure is specified (given) and the value of the convective part is allowed to vary (is computed implicitly).
- NSMomentumPressureWeakStagnationBCThis class implements the pressure term of the momentum equation boundary integral for use in weak stagnation boundary conditions.
- NSMomentumViscousBCThis class corresponds to the viscous part of the 'natural' boundary condition for the momentum equations.
- NSPenalizedNormalFlowBCThis class penalizes the the value of u.n on the boundary so that it matches some desired value.
- NSPressureNeumannBCThis kernel is appropriate for use with a 'zero normal flow' boundary condition in the context of the Euler equations.
- NSStagnationPressureBCThis Dirichlet condition imposes the condition p_0 = p_0_desired.
- NSStagnationTemperatureBCThis Dirichlet condition imposes the condition T_0 = T_0_desired.
- NSThermalBCNS thermal BC.
- Heat Conduction App
- ADConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
- ADFunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
- ADInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- ConvectiveFluxFunctionDetermines boundary value by fluid heat transfer coefficient and far-field temperature
- ConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
- CoupledConvectiveFlux
- CoupledConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by auxiliary variables.
- DirectionalFluxBCApplies a directional flux multiplied by the surface normal vector. Can utilize the self shadowing calculation from a SelfShadowSideUserObject.
- FunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
- GapHeatTransferTransfers heat across a gap between two surfaces dependent on the gap geometry specified.
- GaussianEnergyFluxBCDescribes an incoming heat flux beam with a Gaussian profile
- GrayLambertNeumannBCThis BC imposes a heat flux density that is computed from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase userobject.
- HeatConductionBC
- InfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- Rdg App
- AEFVBCA boundary condition kernel for the advection equation using a cell-centered finite volume method.
- Tensor Mechanics App
- ADPenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- ADPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- ADTorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CoupledPressureBCApplies a pressure from a variable on a given boundary in a given direction
- DashpotBC
- DisplacementAboutAxisImplements a boundary condition that enforces rotationaldisplacement around an axis on a boundary
- InteractionIntegralBenchmarkBCImplements a boundary condition that enforces a displacement field around a crack tip based on applied stress intensity factors.
- PenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- PresetAccelerationPrescribe acceleration on a given boundary in a given direction
- PresetDisplacementPrescribe the displacement on a given boundary in a given direction.
- PresetVelocity
- PressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- StickyBCImposes the boundary condition if exceeds the bounds provided
- TorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CavityPressure
- CoupledPressure
- InclinedNoDisplacementBC
- Pressure
- Eel App
- CoupledVarDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition
- OpenBCAn open BC where matters can freely flow in and out.