
Fluid properties for flibe


The FlibeFluidProperties class provides fluid properties for a peritectic molar composition of 67% LiF and 33% BeF, commonly referred to as 'flibe'.

Density is calculated from Richard et al. (2014), but with a pressure dependence added to ensure finite derivatives with respect to pressure needed by some applications. The partial derivative of density with respect to pressure is assumed to be 1.7324e-7 kg/m/Pa Richard et al. (2014), but this may be set to a user-defined value. Slightly increasing the partial derivative of density with respect to pressure may improve convergence of compressible flow equations without significantly affecting the physical accuracy of the density estimation Scarlat (2012). In the absense of the pressure dependence, the uncertainty on density is 0.05% Richard et al. (2014).

Viscosity, isobaric specific heat, and thermal conductivity are calculated with uncertainties of 20%, 2%, and 15%, respectively Richard et al. (2014). The viscosity of LiF and BeF vary by eight orders of magnitude, so caution should be used if applying these fluid properties to LiF-BeF mixtures with slightly different ratios Romatoski and Hu (2017).

Isochoric specific heat is calculated according to its definition as

which becomes, after substituting the definition for ,

Molar mass is calculated assuming 99.995% enrichment of lithium in the Li-7 isotope.

Range of Validity

These fluid properties are only applicable to liquid flibe. At atmospheric pressure, the melting and boiling points of flibe are approximately 458C and 1400C, respectively Richard et al. (2014). These fluid properties should not be used outside this range.

Input Parameters

  • drho_dp1.7324e-07derivative of density with respect to pressure (at constant temperature)


    C++ Type:double


    Description:derivative of density with respect to pressure (at constant temperature)

  • execute_onTIMESTEP_ENDThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed, the available options include NONE, INITIAL, LINEAR, NONLINEAR, TIMESTEP_END, TIMESTEP_BEGIN, MULTIAPP_FIXED_POINT_END, MULTIAPP_FIXED_POINT_BEGIN, FINAL, CUSTOM, ALWAYS.


    C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum



    Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed, the available options include NONE, INITIAL, LINEAR, NONLINEAR, TIMESTEP_END, TIMESTEP_BEGIN, MULTIAPP_FIXED_POINT_END, MULTIAPP_FIXED_POINT_BEGIN, FINAL, CUSTOM, ALWAYS.

  • prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

    C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName


    Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

Optional Parameters

  • T_initial_guess400Temperature initial guess for Newton Method variable set conversion


    C++ Type:double


    Description:Temperature initial guess for Newton Method variable set conversion

  • p_initial_guess200000Pressure initial guess for Newton Method variable set conversion


    C++ Type:double


    Description:Pressure initial guess for Newton Method variable set conversion

  • tolerance1e-08Tolerance for 2D Newton variable set conversion


    C++ Type:double


    Description:Tolerance for 2D Newton variable set conversion

Variable Set Conversions Newton Solve Parameters

  • allow_duplicate_execution_on_initialFalseIn the case where this UserObject is depended upon by an initial condition, allow it to be executed twice during the initial setup (once before the IC and again after mesh adaptivity (if applicable).


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:In the case where this UserObject is depended upon by an initial condition, allow it to be executed twice during the initial setup (once before the IC and again after mesh adaptivity (if applicable).

  • allow_imperfect_jacobiansFalsetrue to allow unimplemented property derivative terms to be set to zero for the AD API


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:true to allow unimplemented property derivative terms to be set to zero for the AD API

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • execution_order_group0Execution order groups are executed in increasing order (e.g., the lowest number is executed first). Note that negative group numbers may be used to execute groups before the default (0) group. Please refer to the user object documentation for ordering of user object execution within a group.


    C++ Type:int


    Description:Execution order groups are executed in increasing order (e.g., the lowest number is executed first). Note that negative group numbers may be used to execute groups before the default (0) group. Please refer to the user object documentation for ordering of user object execution within a group.

  • force_postauxFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in POSTAUX


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in POSTAUX

  • force_preauxFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in PREAUX


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in PREAUX

  • force_preicFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in PREIC during initial setup


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in PREIC during initial setup

  • fp_typesingle-phase-fpType of the fluid property object


    C++ Type:FPType


    Description:Type of the fluid property object

  • use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.

Advanced Parameters


  1. J. Richard, D. Wang, G. Yoder, J. Carbajo, D. Williams, B. Forget, and C. Forsberg. Implementation of Liquid Salt Working Fluids Into TRACE. In Proceedings of ICAPP 2014. 2014.[BibTeX]
  2. R.R. Romatoski and L.W. Hu. Fluoride Salt Coolant Properties for Nuclear Reactor Applications: A Review. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 109:635–647, 2017.[BibTeX]
  3. R.O. Scarlat. Design of Complex Systems to Achieve Passive Safety: Natural Circulation Cooling of Liquid Salt Pebble Bed Reactors. PhD thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 2012.[BibTeX]