- chemical_potentialThe chemical potential
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:The chemical potential
- electric_conductivityThe electric conductivity tensor
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:The electric conductivity tensor
- electric_potentialThe electric potential
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Description:The electric potential
- electrochemical_energy_densityName of the electrochemical energy density
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:Name of the electrochemical energy density
- faraday_constantFaraday's constant
C++ Type:double
Description:Faraday's constant
The Migration has not been documented. The content listed below should be used as a starting point for documenting the class, which includes the typical automatic documentation associated with a MooseObject; however, what is contained is ultimately determined by what is necessary to make the documentation clear for users.
This class computes the electrochemical energy density and its corresponding thermodynamic forces. We assume the electrochemical energy density depends on the gradients of electrical potential and chemical potential This class defines the electrochemical potential for the migration mechanism
Example Input File Syntax
Input Parameters
- blockThe list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied
C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>
Description:The list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied
- boundaryThe list of boundaries (ids or names) from the mesh where this object applies
C++ Type:std::vector<BoundaryName>
Description:The list of boundaries (ids or names) from the mesh where this object applies
- computeTrueWhen false, MOOSE will not call compute methods on this material. The user must call computeProperties() after retrieving the MaterialBase via MaterialBasePropertyInterface::getMaterialBase(). Non-computed MaterialBases are not sorted for dependencies.
C++ Type:bool
Description:When false, MOOSE will not call compute methods on this material. The user must call computeProperties() after retrieving the MaterialBase via MaterialBasePropertyInterface::getMaterialBase(). Non-computed MaterialBases are not sorted for dependencies.
- constant_onNONEWhen ELEMENT, MOOSE will only call computeQpProperties() for the 0th quadrature point, and then copy that value to the other qps.When SUBDOMAIN, MOOSE will only call computeQpProperties() for the 0th quadrature point, and then copy that value to the other qps. Evaluations on element qps will be skipped
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Description:When ELEMENT, MOOSE will only call computeQpProperties() for the 0th quadrature point, and then copy that value to the other qps.When SUBDOMAIN, MOOSE will only call computeQpProperties() for the 0th quadrature point, and then copy that value to the other qps. Evaluations on element qps will be skipped
- declare_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any declared properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any declared properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
- prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.
Optional Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.
- implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
C++ Type:bool
Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form
- seed0The seed for the master random number generator
C++ Type:unsigned int
Description:The seed for the master random number generator
- use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
C++ Type:bool
Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.
Advanced Parameters
- output_propertiesList of material properties, from this material, to output (outputs must also be defined to an output type)
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Description:List of material properties, from this material, to output (outputs must also be defined to an output type)
- outputsnone Vector of output names where you would like to restrict the output of variables(s) associated with this object
C++ Type:std::vector<OutputName>
Description:Vector of output names where you would like to restrict the output of variables(s) associated with this object
Outputs Parameters
Input Files
m = 1 # larger m means more migration compared to diffusion
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse -I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse -1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
Vmax = 4.3 #V
vf_se = 0.3
vf_cp = 0.5
vf_ca = 0.2
sigma_a = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_se = 0.1 #mS/mm
sigma_cp = 0.05 #mS/mm
sigma_ca = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_e = ${sigma_se}
sigma_c = '${fparse vf_se*sigma_se + vf_cp*sigma_cp + vf_ca*sigma_ca}'
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
c0_a = 1e-4
c0_e = 5e-4
c0_c = 1e-3
M_a = 8e-11
M_se = '${fparse sigma_se/F/F/m}'
M_cp = 4e-14
M_ca = 1e-13
M_e = ${M_se}
M_c = '${fparse vf_se*M_se + vf_cp*M_cp + vf_ca*M_ca}'
T0 = 300 #K
i0_a = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_c) q zeta m'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
block_pairs = '1 2'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = anode_elyte
block_pairs = '2 3'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
factor_neighbor = 1
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = left
function = in
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = right
value = 0
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'M'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${M_a} elyte ${M_e} cathode ${M_c}'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
reference_chemical_potential = 1e3
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'ramp'
prop_values = 'if(t<${t0},t/${t0},1)'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
function = in
outputs = none
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*in*${width}'
pp_names = 'dt in'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = Terminator
expression = 'V >= ${Vmax}'
message = 'Voltage reached Vmax'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
line_search = none
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
l_max_its = 150
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
dtmax = 1
end_time = 100000
file_base = 'diffusion_vs_migration'
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse 1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
sigma_a = 1e0 #mS/mm
sigma_e = 1e-1 #mS/mm
sigma_c = 1e-2 #mS/mm
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmin = 1e-4 #mmol/mm^3
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
D_a = 1e-3 #mm^2/s
D_e = 1e-4 #mm^2/s
D_c = 5e-5 #mm^2/s
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
T0 = 300 #K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
i0_a = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
E_c = 1e5
E_e = 1e4
E_a = 2e5
nu_c = 0.3
nu_e = 0.25
nu_a = 0.3
u_penalty = 1e8
Omega = 60
beta = 1e-3
CTE = 1e-5
rho = 2.5e-9 #Mg/mm^3
cv = 2.7e8 #mJ/Mg/K
kappa = 2e-4 #mJ/mm/K/s
T_penalty = 2e-1
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_m) dot(psi_c) chi q zeta m'
deformation_gradient = F
mechanical_deformation_gradient = Fm
eigen_deformation_gradient = Fg
swelling_deformation_gradient = Fs
thermal_deformation_gradient = Ft
restart_file_base = 'CV_charging_I_${I}_cp/LATEST'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmin}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = '${fparse (cmax+cmin)/2}'
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmax}
block = 'cathode'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
# Momentum balance
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_x
component = 0
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_y
component = 1
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
# Energy balance
type = EnergyBalanceTimeDerivative
variable = T
density = rho
specific_heat = cv
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
boundary = 'elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
prop = he
factor = 1
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_x
neighbor_var = disp_x
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_y
neighbor_var = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
penalty = ${T_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = left
function = in
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = right
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
value = 0
boundary = 'left right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
value = 0
boundary = 'bottom'
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
type = EqualValueBoundaryConstraint
variable = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
secondary = top
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'D'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${D_a} elyte ${D_e} cathode ${D_c}'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = M
args = 'c_ref T_ref'
material_property_names = 'D'
function = 'D*c_ref/${R}/T_ref'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)'
args = c
block = 'anode'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)'
args = c
block = 'cathode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_anode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_cathode'
# Thermal
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'rho cv kappa'
prop_values = '${rho} ${cv} ${kappa}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
# Mechanical
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_c*nu_c/(1+nu_c)/(1-2*nu_c)} ${fparse E_c/2/(1+nu_c)}'
block = cathode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_e*nu_e/(1+nu_e)/(1-2*nu_e)} ${fparse E_e/2/(1+nu_e)}'
block = elyte
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_a*nu_a/(1+nu_a)/(1-2*nu_a)} ${fparse E_a/2/(1+nu_a)}'
block = anode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'beta'
prop_values = '${beta}'
type = SwellingDeformationGradient
concentration = c
reference_concentration = c_ref
molar_volume = ${Omega}
swelling_coefficient = beta
type = ThermalDeformationGradient
temperature = T
reference_temperature = T_ref
CTE = ${CTE}
type = MechanicalDeformationGradient
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = NeoHookeanSolid
elastic_energy_density = psi_m
lambda = lambda
shear_modulus = G
concentration = c
temperature = T
type = FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
first_piola_kirchhoff_stress = pk1
deformation_gradient_rate = dot(F)
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = ADSideIntegralMaterialProperty
property = i
component = 0
boundary = right
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*I'
pp_names = 'dt I'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = Terminator
expression = 'c_a_min <= ${cmin}'
message = 'Concentration in anode is below the minimum allowable value.'
type = Terminator
expression = 'c_c_max >= ${cmax}'
message = 'Concentration in cathode exceeds the maximum allowable value.'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
start_time = 0
end_time = 100000
file_base = 'CC_discharging_I_${I}'
csv = true
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
checkpoint = true
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse -I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse -1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
Vmax = 4.3 #V
vf_se = 0.3
vf_cp = 0.5
vf_ca = 0.2
sigma_a = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_se = 0.1 #mS/mm
sigma_cp = 0.05 #mS/mm
sigma_ca = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_e = ${sigma_se}
sigma_c = '${fparse vf_se*sigma_se + vf_cp*sigma_cp + vf_ca*sigma_ca}'
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
c0_a = 1e-4
c0_e = 5e-4
c0_c = 1e-3
M_a = 8e-11
M_se = 1e-11
M_cp = 4e-14
M_ca = 1e-13
M_e = ${M_se}
M_c = '${fparse vf_se*M_se + vf_cp*M_cp + vf_ca*M_ca}'
T0 = 300 #K
i0_a = 0.1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 0.1 #mA/mm^2
rho = 2.5e-9 #Mg/mm^3
cv = 2.7e8 #mJ/Mg/K
kappa = 2e-4 #mJ/mm/K/s
hconv = 9.5e-3 #mJ/mm^2/K/s
T_penalty = 2e-1
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_c) q zeta chi m'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
block_pairs = '1 2'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = anode_elyte
block_pairs = '2 3'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
initial_condition = ${T0}
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
# Energy balance
type = EnergyBalanceTimeDerivative
variable = T
density = rho
specific_heat = cv
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
factor_neighbor = 1
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
prop = he
factor = 1
factor_neighbor = 1
boundary = 'anode_elyte cathode_elyte'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
penalty = ${T_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte cathode_elyte'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = left
function = in
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = right
value = 0
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
type = ADMatNeumannBC
variable = T
boundary = 'left right'
value = -1
boundary_material = qconv
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'M'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${M_a} elyte ${M_e} cathode ${M_c}'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
reference_chemical_potential = 1e3
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'ramp'
prop_values = 'if(t<${t0},t/${t0},1)'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
# Thermal
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'rho cv kappa'
prop_values = '${rho} ${cv} ${kappa}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = qconv
expression = 'htc*(T-T_inf)'
coupled_variables = 'T'
constant_names = 'htc T_inf'
constant_expressions = '${hconv} ${T0}'
boundary = 'left right'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = enthalpy
function = 'rho*cv*(T-T_ref)'
args = 'T T_ref'
material_property_names = 'rho cv'
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
function = in
outputs = none
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*in*${width}'
pp_names = 'dt in'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = ADElementIntegralMaterialProperty
mat_prop = enthalpy
block = anode
type = ADElementIntegralMaterialProperty
mat_prop = enthalpy
block = elyte
type = ADElementIntegralMaterialProperty
mat_prop = enthalpy
block = cathode
type = Terminator
expression = 'V >= ${Vmax}'
message = 'Voltage reached Vmax'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
line_search = none
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
l_max_its = 150
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
dtmax = 1
end_time = 100000
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
T0 = 300 #K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
in = '${fparse 1e3/pi/34^2}'
sigma_con = 1
c_ref = 1e-3
c_ref_ent = 1e-6
M_con = 1e-1
kappa_con = 398 #mJ/mm/K/s
kappa_air = 3.98 #mJ/mm/K/s
kappa_ins = 0.29 #mJ/mm/K/s
kappa_jac = 0.39 #mJ/mm/K/s
E_con = 1.1e5
E_air = 1e2
E_ins = 6e2
E_jac = 3e2
nu_con = 0.32
nu_air = 0.25
nu_ins = 0.4
nu_jac = 0.3
CTE = 1e-5
htc = 1e1
energy_densities = 'q dot(psi_c) zeta m chi dot(psi_m)'
deformation_gradient = F
mechanical_deformation_gradient = Fm
eigen_deformation_gradient = Fg
thermal_deformation_gradient = Ft
kernel_coverage_check = false
material_coverage_check = false
type = FileMeshGenerator
file = 'gold/cable.msh'
use_displaced_mesh = false
block = 'conductor'
initial_condition = ${c_ref}
block = 'conductor'
initial_condition = ${T0}
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = ADRankTwoScalarAux
rank_two_tensor = pk1
scalar_type = Hydrostatic
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 100'
y = '0 ${in}'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
block = 'conductor'
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
block = 'conductor'
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
block = 'conductor'
# Energy balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
# Momentum balance
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_x
component = 0
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_y
component = 1
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_z
component = 2
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = 'conductor_top'
function = current_density
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = 'conductor_bottom'
value = 0
type = ADMatNeumannBC
variable = T
boundary = 'outer'
value = -1
boundary_material = qconv
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
boundary = 'center piny'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
boundary = 'center pinx'
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_z
boundary = 'conductor_bottom air_bottom insulator_bottom jacket_bottom'
value = 0
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'conductor ${sigma_con}'
block = 'conductor'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
block = 'conductor'
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
block = 'conductor'
# Chemistry
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'M'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'conductor ${M_con}'
block = 'conductor'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = ${c_ref_ent}
block = 'conductor'
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
block = 'conductor'
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
block = 'conductor'
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
block = 'conductor'
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
block = 'conductor'
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
block = 'conductor'
# Thermal
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'kappa'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'conductor ${kappa_con} air ${kappa_air} insulator ${kappa_ins} jacket ${kappa_jac}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = qconv
function = 'htc*(T-T_inf)'
args = 'T'
constant_names = 'htc T_inf'
constant_expressions = '${htc} ${T0}'
boundary = 'outer'
# Mechanics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'lambda'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'conductor ${fparse E_con*nu_con/(1+nu_con)/(1-2*nu_con)} air ${fparse E_air*nu_air/(1+nu_air)/(1-2*nu_air)} insulator ${fparse E_ins*nu_ins/(1+nu_ins)/(1-2*nu_ins)} jacket ${fparse E_jac*nu_jac/(1+nu_jac)/(1-2*nu_jac)}'
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'G'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'conductor ${fparse E_con/2/(1+nu_con)} air ${fparse E_air/2/(1+nu_air)} insulator ${fparse E_ins/2/(1+nu_ins)} jacket ${fparse E_jac/2/(1+nu_jac)}'
type = ThermalDeformationGradient
temperature = T
reference_temperature = ${T0}
CTE = ${CTE}
type = MechanicalDeformationGradient
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y disp_z'
type = NeoHookeanSolid
elastic_energy_density = psi_m
lambda = lambda
shear_modulus = G
concentration = c
temperature = T
type = FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
first_piola_kirchhoff_stress = pk1
deformation_gradient_rate = dot(F)
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = T
block = 'conductor'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options = '-ksp_converged_reason'
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
# petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart -pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold -pc_hypre_boomeramg_interp_type -pc_hypre_boomeramg_coarsen_type -pc_hypre_boomeramg_agg_nl -pc_hypre_boomeramg_agg_num_paths -pc_hypre_boomeramg_truncfactor'
# petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 301 0.25 ext+i PMIS 4 2 0.4'
automatic_scaling = true
ignore_variables_for_autoscaling = 'T c'
verbose = true
line_search = none
l_max_its = 300
l_tol = 1e-6
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-8
nl_max_its = 12
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
type = FunctionDT
function = 'if(t<100,10,100)'
end_time = 100
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse -I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse -1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
sigma_a = 1e0 #mS/mm
sigma_e = 1e-1 #mS/mm
sigma_c = 1e-2 #mS/mm
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmin = 1e-4 #mmol/mm^3
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
D_a = 1e-3 #mm^2/s
D_e = 1e-4 #mm^2/s
D_c = 5e-5 #mm^2/s
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
T0 = 300 #K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
i0_a = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
E_c = 1e5
E_e = 1e4
E_a = 2e5
nu_c = 0.3
nu_e = 0.25
nu_a = 0.3
u_penalty = 1e8
Omega = 60
beta = 1e-3
CTE = 1e-5
rho = 2.5e-9 #Mg/mm^3
cv = 2.7e8 #mJ/Mg/K
kappa = 2e-4 #mJ/mm/K/s
T_penalty = 2e-1
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_m) dot(psi_c) chi q zeta m'
deformation_gradient = F
mechanical_deformation_gradient = Fm
eigen_deformation_gradient = Fg
swelling_deformation_gradient = Fs
thermal_deformation_gradient = Ft
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
initial_condition = ${T0}
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${cmin}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = '${fparse (cmax+cmin)/2}'
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${cmax}
block = 'cathode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmin}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = '${fparse (cmax+cmin)/2}'
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmax}
block = 'cathode'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
# Momentum balance
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_x
component = 0
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_y
component = 1
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
# Energy balance
type = EnergyBalanceTimeDerivative
variable = T
density = rho
specific_heat = cv
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
boundary = 'elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
prop = he
factor = 1
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_x
neighbor_var = disp_x
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_y
neighbor_var = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
penalty = ${T_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = left
function = in
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = right
value = 0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
value = 0
boundary = 'left right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
value = 0
boundary = 'bottom'
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
type = EqualValueBoundaryConstraint
variable = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
secondary = top
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'D'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${D_a} elyte ${D_e} cathode ${D_c}'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = M
args = 'c_ref T_ref'
material_property_names = 'D'
function = 'D*c_ref/${R}/T_ref'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'ramp'
prop_values = 'if(t<${t0},t/${t0},1)'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)*ramp'
args = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
block = 'anode'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)*ramp'
args = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
block = 'cathode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_anode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_cathode'
# Thermal
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'rho cv kappa'
prop_values = '${rho} ${cv} ${kappa}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
# Mechanical
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_c*nu_c/(1+nu_c)/(1-2*nu_c)} ${fparse E_c/2/(1+nu_c)}'
block = cathode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_e*nu_e/(1+nu_e)/(1-2*nu_e)} ${fparse E_e/2/(1+nu_e)}'
block = elyte
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_a*nu_a/(1+nu_a)/(1-2*nu_a)} ${fparse E_a/2/(1+nu_a)}'
block = anode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'beta'
prop_values = '${beta}'
type = SwellingDeformationGradient
concentration = c
reference_concentration = c_ref
molar_volume = ${Omega}
swelling_coefficient = beta
type = ThermalDeformationGradient
temperature = T
reference_temperature = T_ref
CTE = ${CTE}
type = MechanicalDeformationGradient
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = NeoHookeanSolid
elastic_energy_density = psi_m
lambda = lambda
shear_modulus = G
concentration = c
temperature = T
type = FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
first_piola_kirchhoff_stress = pk1
deformation_gradient_rate = dot(F)
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = ADSideIntegralMaterialProperty
property = i
component = 0
boundary = right
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*I'
pp_names = 'dt I'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = Terminator
expression = 'c_a_max >= ${cmax}'
message = 'Concentration in anode exceeds the maximum allowable value.'
type = Terminator
expression = 'c_c_min <= ${cmin}'
message = 'Concentration in cathode is below the minimum allowable value.'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
line_search = none
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
end_time = 100000
file_base = 'CC_charging_I_${I}'
csv = true
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
checkpoint = true
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse -I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse -1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
Vmax = 4.3 #V
vf_se = 0.3
vf_cp = 0.5
vf_ca = 0.2
sigma_a = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_se = 0.1 #mS/mm
sigma_cp = 0.05 #mS/mm
sigma_ca = 0.2 #mS/mm
sigma_e = ${sigma_se}
sigma_c = '${fparse vf_se*sigma_se + vf_cp*sigma_cp + vf_ca*sigma_ca}'
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
c0_a = 1e-4
c0_e = 5e-4
c0_c = 1e-3
M_a = 8e-11
M_se = 1e-11
M_cp = 4e-14
M_ca = 1e-13
M_e = ${M_se}
M_c = '${fparse vf_se*M_se + vf_cp*M_cp + vf_ca*M_ca}'
T0 = 300 #K
i0_a = 0.1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 0.1 #mA/mm^2
rho = 2.5e-9 #Mg/mm^3
cv = 2.7e8 #mJ/Mg/K
kappa = 2e-4 #mJ/mm/K/s
hconv = 9.5e-3 #mJ/mm^2/K/s
T_penalty = 2e-1
E_e = 1e4
E_a = 2e5
nu_e = 0.25
nu_a = 0.3
nu_c = 0.3
d = 0
E_e_bar = '${fparse E_e/(1-nu_e*nu_e)}'
E_c_bar = '${fparse (1+d)/(1-d)*E_e_bar}'
E_c = '${fparse (1-nu_c*nu_c)*E_c_bar}'
Omega = 140
beta = 1
CTE = 1e-5
u_penalty = 1e8
P = 10
center = 0.12
spread = 0.01
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_m) dot(psi_c) q zeta chi m'
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
deformation_gradient = F
mechanical_deformation_gradient = Fm
eigen_deformation_gradient = Fg
swelling_deformation_gradient = Fs
thermal_deformation_gradient = Ft
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
block_pairs = '1 2'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = anode_elyte
block_pairs = '2 3'
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
initial_condition = ${T0}
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = ADMaterialRealVectorValueAux
property = j
component = 0
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_a}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_e}
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${c0_c}
block = 'cathode'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
use_displaced_mesh = true
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
use_displaced_mesh = true
# Energy balance
type = EnergyBalanceTimeDerivative
variable = T
density = rho
specific_heat = cv
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
use_displaced_mesh = true
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
# Momentum balance
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_x
component = 0
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_y
component = 1
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
factor_neighbor = 1
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
prop = he
factor = 1
factor_neighbor = 1
boundary = 'anode_elyte cathode_elyte'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
penalty = ${T_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_x
neighbor_var = disp_x
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_y
neighbor_var = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = Phi
boundary = left
function = in
type = DirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = right
value = 0
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
type = ADMatNeumannBC
variable = T
boundary = 'left right'
value = -1
boundary_material = qconv
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
value = 0
boundary = 'left right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
value = 0
boundary = 'bottom'
enable = false
type = FunctionNeumannBC
variable = disp_y
boundary = 'top'
function = '-if(t<${t0},t/${t0}*${P},${P})/${spread}/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-0.5*(x-${center})^2/${spread}^2)'
enable = false
type = EqualValueBoundaryConstraint
variable = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
secondary = top
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'M'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${M_a} elyte ${M_e} cathode ${M_c}'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
reference_chemical_potential = 1e3
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADGenericFunctionMaterial
prop_names = 'ramp'
prop_values = 'if(t<${t0},t/${t0},1)'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = U
expression = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)*ramp'
coupled_variables = c
material_property_names = 'ramp'
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
# Thermal
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'rho cv kappa'
prop_values = '${rho} ${cv} ${kappa}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
type = ADParsedMaterial
property_name = qconv
expression = 'htc*(T-T_inf)'
coupled_variables = 'T'
constant_names = 'htc T_inf'
constant_expressions = '${hconv} ${T0}'
boundary = 'left right'
# Mechanical
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_c*nu_c/(1+nu_c)/(1-2*nu_c)} ${fparse E_c/2/(1+nu_c)}'
block = cathode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_e*nu_e/(1+nu_e)/(1-2*nu_e)} ${fparse E_e/2/(1+nu_e)}'
block = elyte
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_a*nu_a/(1+nu_a)/(1-2*nu_a)} ${fparse E_a/2/(1+nu_a)}'
block = anode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'beta'
prop_values = '${beta}'
type = SwellingDeformationGradient
concentration = c
reference_concentration = c_ref
molar_volume = ${Omega}
swelling_coefficient = beta
type = ThermalDeformationGradient
temperature = T
reference_temperature = T_ref
CTE = ${CTE}
type = MechanicalDeformationGradient
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = NeoHookeanSolid
elastic_energy_density = psi_m
lambda = lambda
shear_modulus = G
concentration = c
temperature = T
non_swelling_pressure = p
output_properties = 'p'
outputs = exodus
type = FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
first_piola_kirchhoff_stress = pk1
deformation_gradient_rate = dot(F)
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
function = in
outputs = none
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*in*${width}'
pp_names = 'dt in'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '${E_c_bar}'
execute_on = INITIAL
pp_names = ''
type = Terminator
expression = 'V >= ${Vmax}'
message = 'Voltage reached Vmax'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
line_search = none
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
l_max_its = 150
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
dtmax = 1
end_time = 100000
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
I = 3e-3 #mA
width = 0.03 #mm
in = '${fparse -I/width}'
t0 = '${fparse -1e-2/in}'
dt = '${fparse t0/100}'
sigma_a = 1e0 #mS/mm
sigma_e = 1e-1 #mS/mm
sigma_c = 1e-2 #mS/mm
l0 = 0
l1 = 0.04
l2 = 0.07
l3 = 0.12
cmin = 1e-4 #mmol/mm^3
cmax = 1e-3 #mmol/mm^3
D_a = 1e-3 #mm^2/s
D_e = 1e-4 #mm^2/s
D_c = 5e-5 #mm^2/s
R = 8.3145 #mJ/mmol/K
T0 = 300 #K
F = 96485 #mC/mmol
i0_a = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
i0_c = 1e-1 #mA/mm^2
E_c = 1e5
E_e = 1e4
E_a = 2e5
nu_c = 0.3
nu_e = 0.25
nu_a = 0.3
u_penalty = 1e8
Omega = 60
beta = 1e-3
CTE = 1e-5
rho = 2.5e-9 #Mg/mm^3
cv = 2.7e8 #mJ/Mg/K
kappa = 2e-4 #mJ/mm/K/s
T_penalty = 2e-1
energy_densities = 'dot(psi_m) dot(psi_c) chi q zeta m'
deformation_gradient = F
mechanical_deformation_gradient = Fm
eigen_deformation_gradient = Fg
swelling_deformation_gradient = Fs
thermal_deformation_gradient = Ft
restart_file_base = 'CC_charging_I_${I}_cp/LATEST'
type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
dim = 2
xmin = ${l0}
xmax = ${l3}
ymin = 0
ymax = ${width}
nx = 60
ny = 15
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = battery
block_id = 1
block_name = anode
bottom_left = '${l0} 0 0'
top_right = '${l1} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = anode
block_id = 2
block_name = elyte
bottom_left = '${l1} 0 0'
top_right = '${l2} ${width} 0'
type = SubdomainBoundingBoxGenerator
input = elyte
block_id = 3
block_name = cathode
bottom_left = '${l2} 0 0'
top_right = '${l3} ${width} 0'
type = BreakMeshByBlockGenerator
input = cathode
add_interface_on_two_sides = true
split_interface = true
initial_condition = ${T0}
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmin}
block = 'anode'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = '${fparse (cmax+cmin)/2}'
block = 'elyte'
type = ConstantIC
variable = c_ref
value = ${cmax}
block = 'cathode'
type = ParsedAux
variable = Phi0
function = 'Phi'
args = 'Phi'
execute_on = 'INITIAL'
# Charge balance
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = Phi
vector = i
# Mass balance
type = TimeDerivative
variable = c
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = c
vector = j
# Momentum balance
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_x
component = 0
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
type = RankTwoDivergence
variable = disp_y
component = 1
tensor = pk1
factor = -1
# Energy balance
type = EnergyBalanceTimeDerivative
variable = T
density = rho
specific_heat = cv
type = RankOneDivergence
variable = T
vector = h
type = MaterialSource
variable = T
prop = r
coefficient = -1
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
factor = -1
boundary = 'elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = Phi
neighbor_var = Phi
prop = ie
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = MaterialInterfaceNeumannBC
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
prop = he
factor = 1
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode elyte_anode cathode_elyte'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_x
neighbor_var = disp_x
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = disp_y
neighbor_var = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = InterfaceContinuity
variable = T
neighbor_var = T
penalty = ${T_penalty}
boundary = 'anode_elyte elyte_cathode'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t0}'
y = '0 ${in}'
type = CoupledVarDirichletBC
variable = Phi
boundary = 'left right'
value = Phi0
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_x
value = 0
boundary = 'left right'
type = DirichletBC
variable = disp_y
value = 0
boundary = 'bottom'
type = OpenBC
variable = c
flux = jm
boundary = 'left right'
type = EqualValueBoundaryConstraint
variable = disp_y
penalty = ${u_penalty}
secondary = top
# Electrodynamics
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'sigma'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${sigma_a} elyte ${sigma_e} cathode ${sigma_c}'
type = BulkChargeTransport
electrical_energy_density = q
electric_potential = Phi
electric_conductivity = sigma
temperature = T
type = CurrentDensity
current_density = i
electric_potential = Phi
# Chemical reactions
type = ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterial
prop_name = 'D'
subdomain_to_prop_value = 'anode ${D_a} elyte ${D_e} cathode ${D_c}'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = M
args = 'c_ref T_ref'
material_property_names = 'D'
function = 'D*c_ref/${R}/T_ref'
type = EntropicChemicalEnergyDensity
chemical_energy_density = psi_c
concentration = c
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
reference_concentration = c_ref
type = ChemicalPotential
chemical_potential = mu
concentration = c
type = MassDiffusion
dual_chemical_energy_density = zeta
chemical_potential = mu
mobility = M
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = j
chemical_potential = mu
# Migration
type = Migration
electrochemical_energy_density = m
electric_potential = Phi
chemical_potential = mu
electric_conductivity = sigma
faraday_constant = ${F}
type = MassFlux
mass_flux = jm
energy_densities = 'm'
chemical_potential = mu
# Redox
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; -(122.12*x^6-321.81*x^5+315.59*x^4-141.26*x^3+28.218*x^2-1.9057*x+0.0785)'
args = c
block = 'anode'
type = ADParsedMaterial
f_name = U
function = 'x:=c/${cmax}; (6.0826-6.9922*x+7.1062*x^2-5.4549e-5*exp(124.23*x-114.2593)-2.5947*x^3)'
args = c
block = 'cathode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'anode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_a}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_anode'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = true
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'cathode_elyte'
type = ChargeTransferReaction
electrode = false
charge_transfer_current_density = ie
charge_transfer_mass_flux = je
charge_transfer_heat_flux = he
electric_potential = Phi
neighbor_electric_potential = Phi
charge_transfer_coefficient = 0.5
exchange_current_density = ${i0_c}
faraday_constant = ${F}
ideal_gas_constant = ${R}
temperature = T
open_circuit_potential = U
boundary = 'elyte_cathode'
# Thermal
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'rho cv kappa'
prop_values = '${rho} ${cv} ${kappa}'
type = FourierPotential
thermal_energy_density = chi
thermal_conductivity = kappa
temperature = T
type = HeatFlux
heat_flux = h
temperature = T
type = VariationalHeatSource
heat_source = r
temperature = T
# Mechanical
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_c*nu_c/(1+nu_c)/(1-2*nu_c)} ${fparse E_c/2/(1+nu_c)}'
block = cathode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_e*nu_e/(1+nu_e)/(1-2*nu_e)} ${fparse E_e/2/(1+nu_e)}'
block = elyte
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'lambda G'
prop_values = '${fparse E_a*nu_a/(1+nu_a)/(1-2*nu_a)} ${fparse E_a/2/(1+nu_a)}'
block = anode
type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
prop_names = 'beta'
prop_values = '${beta}'
type = SwellingDeformationGradient
concentration = c
reference_concentration = c_ref
molar_volume = ${Omega}
swelling_coefficient = beta
type = ThermalDeformationGradient
temperature = T
reference_temperature = T_ref
CTE = ${CTE}
type = MechanicalDeformationGradient
displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'
type = NeoHookeanSolid
elastic_energy_density = psi_m
lambda = lambda
shear_modulus = G
concentration = c
temperature = T
type = FirstPiolaKirchhoffStress
first_piola_kirchhoff_stress = pk1
deformation_gradient_rate = dot(F)
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = left
outputs = none
type = SideAverageValue
variable = Phi
boundary = right
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = 'V_r - V_l'
pp_names = 'V_l V_r'
type = ADSideIntegralMaterialProperty
property = i
component = 0
boundary = right
type = TimestepSize
outputs = none
type = ParsedPostprocessor
function = '-dt*I'
pp_names = 'dt I'
outputs = none
type = CumulativeValuePostprocessor
postprocessor = dC
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = cathode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = min
block = anode
type = NodalExtremeValue
variable = c
value_type = max
block = cathode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = anode
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = elyte
type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
variable = c
block = cathode
type = Terminator
expression = '-I <= 1e-6'
message = 'No current.'
type = Transient
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
petsc_options_value = 'lu'
automatic_scaling = true
nl_rel_tol = 1e-6
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 20
type = SimplePredictor
scale = 1
skip_after_failed_timestep = true
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = ${dt}
optimal_iterations = 7
iteration_window = 2
growth_factor = 1.2
cutback_factor = 0.5
cutback_factor_at_failure = 0.2
linear_iteration_ratio = 1000000
start_time = 0
end_time = 100000
steady_state_start_time = 10
steady_state_detection = true
file_base = 'CV_charging_I_${I}'
csv = true
exodus = true
print_linear_residuals = false
checkpoint = true