

ElemExtrema is a helper struct for identifying if a Ray has intersected the "extrema" of an element during tracing. In 2D, an element extrema is defined as a vertex. In 3D, an element extrema is defined as a vertex or an edge.

The intersected element extrema is avaiable in RayKernels and RayBCs during a trace as the _current_intersected_extrema member variable.

The methods of interest for use during tracing on ElemExtrema are:

  • atExtrema() - Whether or not the interesction is at an extrema.

  • atVertex() - Whether or not the intersection is at a vertex.

  • atEdge() - Whether or not the intersection is at an edge.

  • vertex() - The local vertex index that was intersected.

  • vertexPoint() - The point of the vertex that was intersected.

  • edgeVertices() - The vertices that define the edge that was intersected.

  • buildEdge() - Builds an Elem that is the edge that was intersected.