FVBCs System
For an overview of MOOSE FV please see Finite Volume Design Decisions in MOOSE.
The finite volume method (FVM) distinguishes between two types of boundary conditions.
* FVDirichletBC
prescribes values of the FVM variables on the boundary. This boundary condition acts similarly to Dirichlet boundary conditions in FEM but it is implemented using a ghost element method.
* FVFluxBC
prescribes the flux on a boundary. This boundary condition is similar to integrated boundary conditions in FEM.
Currently, the FVDirichletBC
category only contains a single class that applies a fixed value on the boundary. In the future, more specialized classes will be added.
FVBCs block
FVM boundary conditions are added to simulation input files in the FVBCs
as in the example below.
Listing 1: Example of the FVBCs block in a MOOSE input file.
type = FVNeumannBC
variable = v
boundary = left
value = 5
type = FVDirichletBC
variable = v
boundary = right
value = 42
(moose/test/tests/fvkernels/fv_simple_diffusion/neumann.i)In this example input, a diffusion equation with flux boundary conditions on the left and Dirichlet boundary conditions on the right is solved. To understand the differences between these two boundary conditions, let's start with the diffusion equation:
and the boundary conditions on the left:
where is the outward normal and on the right:
For seeing how the flux boundary condition is applied, the diffusion equation is integrated over the extent of an element adjacent to the left boundary and Gauss' theorem is appied to the divergence:
where is the element volume, are all faces that belong to the left sideset, are all faces, and is the area of face. Flux boundary conditions are applied by replacing appropriate terms in the FVM balance by the value of the flux prescribed on the boundary.
Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied differently. Let us first write a balance equation for an element that is adjacent to the right boundary:
MOOSE uses the ghost element method to apply Dirichlet boundary conditions for FVM. The process of using a ghost elements is the following:
Place a virtual element across the Dirichlet boundary.
Compute the value of in the ghost element as the extrapolation of the element value and the desired value on the boundary.
Assign the value of in the ghost element.
Evaluate the numerical fluxes as if you were on an interior face.
For implementing the ghost element method an extrapolation must be selected. Currently, MOOSE FVM only supports linear extrapolation. If the value of the Dirichlet boundary condition is denoted by and the value in the element is denosted by , then the ghost element value is:
The parameters available in boundary conditions are equivalent to FEM boundary conditions and are not discussed in detail here.
FVBCs source code: FVDirichletBC
objects assigns a constant value on a boundary. Implementation of a FVM Dirichlet bondary condition usually only requires overriding the boundaryValue
method. The boundaryValue
method must return the value of the variable on the Dirichlet boundary.
Listing 2: Example source code for FVDirichletBC
#include "FVDirichletBC.h"
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", FVDirichletBC);
InputParameters params = FVDirichletBCBase::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Defines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.");
params.addRequiredParam<Real>("value", "value to enforce at the boundary face");
return params;
FVDirichletBC::FVDirichletBC(const InputParameters & parameters)
: FVDirichletBCBase(parameters), _val(getParam<Real>("value"))
FVDirichletBC::boundaryValue(const FaceInfo & /*fi*/) const
return _val;
(moose/framework/src/fvbcs/FVDirichletBC.C)FVBCs source code: FVFluxBC
objects assign a constant flux on a boundary. Implementation of a flux boundary condition usually only requires overriding the computeQpResidual()
method. FVNeumannBC
reads a constant value from the parameters and then returns it in computeQpResidual()
Listing 3: Example source code for FVNeumannBC
#include "FVNeumannBC.h"
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", FVNeumannBC);
InputParameters params = FVFluxBC::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Neumann boundary condition for finite volume method.");
params.addParam<Real>("value", 0.0, "The value of the flux crossing the boundary.");
return params;
FVNeumannBC::FVNeumannBC(const InputParameters & parameters)
: FVFluxBC(parameters), _value(getParam<Real>("value"))
return -_value;
(moose/framework/src/fvbcs/FVNeumannBC.C)FVBCs source code: FVBurgersOutflowBC
Flux boundary conditions can be more complicated than assigning a constant value. In this example, the outflow contribution for the Burgers' equation is computed. The relevant term is (note 1D):
where and are the values of on the left and right boundaries of the element and and are the outward normals on these faces. Let's assume that the left side is a boundary face where the FVBurgersOutflowBC
is applied. On that boundary we have . The FVBurgersOutflowBC
boundary condition uses upwinding, i.e. it uses the element value as boundary values on outflow faces.
The code listed below first checks if the left is actually an outflow side by using the cell value of the (element average, upwinding!) and dotting it with the normal. If , then the left is an outflow side. In this case the contribution is added, otherwise no contribution is added.
Listing 4: Outflow boundary condition for the Burgers' equation.
mooseAssert(_face_info->elem().dim() == 1, "FVBurgersOutflowBC works only in 1D");
ADReal r = 0;
// only add this on outflow faces
if (_u[_qp] * _normal(0) > 0)
r = 0.5 * _u[_qp] * _u[_qp] * _normal(0);
return r;
(moose/test/src/fvbcs/FVBurgersOutflowBC.C)In this case, the boundary condition does not represent a fixed inflow, but rather a free outflow condition.
Available Objects
- Moose App
- FVADFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
- FVBoundaryIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- FVConstantScalarOutflowBCConstant velocity scalar advection boundary conditions for finite volume method.
- FVDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FVFunctionNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
- FVFunctorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for the finite volume method.
- FVNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVOrthogonalBoundaryDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion boundary term with specified boundary function.
- FVPostprocessorDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- Heat Conduction App
- FVFunctorConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficient given by functors.
- FVInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinder where the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- FVThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance Heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
- FunctorThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
- Navier Stokes App
- CNSFVHLLCFluidEnergyImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the fluid energy equation for an HLLC discretization
- CNSFVHLLCFluidEnergyStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary fluid energy flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
- CNSFVHLLCMassImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the mass equation for an HLLC discretization
- CNSFVHLLCMassStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary mass flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
- CNSFVHLLCMomentumImplicitBCImplements an implicit advective boundary flux for the momentum equation for an HLLC discretization
- CNSFVHLLCMomentumSpecifiedPressureBCImplements an HLLC boundary condition for the momentum conservation equation in which the pressure is specified.
- CNSFVHLLCMomentumStagnationInletBCAdds the boundary momentum flux for HLLC when provided stagnation temperature and pressure
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- CNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the free-flow HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- CNSFVMomImplicitPressureBCAdds an implicit pressure flux contribution on the boundary using interior cell information
- INSFVAveragePressureValueBCThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- INSFVInletVelocityBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- INSFVMassAdvectionOutflowBCOutflow boundary condition for advecting mass.
- INSFVMomentumAdvectionOutflowBCFully developed outflow boundary condition for advecting momentum. This will impose a zero normal gradient on the boundary velocity.
- INSFVNaturalFreeSlipBCImplements a free slip boundary condition naturally.
- INSFVNoSlipWallBCImplements a no slip boundary condition.
- INSFVOutletPressureBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- INSFVSymmetryPressureBCThough not applied to velocity, this object ensures that the flux (velocity times the advected quantity) into a symmetry boundary is zero. When applied to pressure for the mass equation, this makes the normal velocity zero since density is constant
- INSFVSymmetryScalarBCThough not applied to velocity, this object ensures that the flux (velocity times the advected quantity) into a symmetry boundary is zero. When applied to pressure for the mass equation, this makes the normal velocity zero since density is constant
- INSFVSymmetryVelocityBCImplements a symmetry boundary condition for the velocity.
- INSFVWallFunctionBCImplements a wall shear BC for the momentum equation based on algebraic standard velocity wall functions.
- NSFVFunctorHeatFluxBCConstant heat flux boundary condition with phase splitting for fluid and solid energy equations
- NSFVHeatFluxBCConstant heat flux boundary condition with phase splitting for fluid and solid energy equations
- NSFVOutflowTemperatureBCOutflow velocity temperature advection boundary conditions for finite volume method allowing for thermal backflow.
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedMassFluxAndTemperatureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified mass fluxes and fluid temperature
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureFluidEnergyBCImplements the fluid energy boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMassBCImplements the mass boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- PCNSFVHLLCSpecifiedPressureMomentumBCImplements the momentum boundary flux portion of the porous HLLC discretization given specified pressure
- PCNSFVImplicitMomentumPressureBCSpecifies an implicit pressure at a boundary for the momentum equations.
- PCNSFVStrongBCComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
- PINSFVMomentumAdvectionOutflowBCOutflow boundary condition for advecting momentum in the porous media momentum equation. This will impose a zero normal gradient on the boundary velocity.
- PINSFVSymmetryVelocityBCImplements a symmetry boundary condition for the velocity.
- PWCNSFVMomentumFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for porous momentum advection.
- WCNSFVEnergyFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for energy advection.
- WCNSFVInletTemperatureBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- WCNSFVInletVelocityBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- WCNSFVMassFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for mass advection.
- WCNSFVMomentumFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for momentum advection.
- WCNSFVScalarFluxBCFlux boundary conditions for scalar quantity advection.