Install MOOSE environment

commentnote:Toubleshooting Conda

If you have any issue with Conda, first read the troubleshooting guide for Conda.

First, install Miniconda if you haven't already:

  • Linux:

    curl -L -O
    bash -b -p ~/miniconda3

  • Macintosh:

    curl -L -O
    bash -b -p ~/miniconda3

With Miniconda installed to your home directory, export PATH, so that it may be used:

export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH

Configure Conda to work with conda-forge and the idaholab channel:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels
warningwarning:sudo is not necessary

If you find yourself applying the use of sudo for any of the above conda commands... something's not right. The most common reason for needing sudo, is due to an improper installation. Conda should be installed to your home directory, and without any use of sudo.

Now, you have a choice to make:

  • [Option 1] (Recommended) Use compiled libMesh from Conda

    Use this option if you don't need to do libMesh development. If you are unsure about that, then proceed with this option. Install the moose-libmesh and moose-tools package, and name your environment 'moose':

    conda create --name moose moose-libmesh moose-tools

  • [Option 2] Configure your own libMesh

    In case you want to do developments with libMesh, it may be convenient to compile your own libMesh. In this case, only install the moose-tools package, and name your environment 'moose':

    conda create --name moose moose-tools

Then you can activate the moose environment (do this for any new terminal opened):

conda activate moose
commentnote:First time using conda

Some folks may receive additional instructions when attempting to activate a profile. Follow those instructions, and try to activate the moose environment again. You will have successfully activated the moose environment when you see the environment name within your prompt.

commentnote:Activate conda environment for every ner terminal

If you close, and re-open the terminal window, know that you will need to activate the environment again. You will need to do this for each terminal you open. If you wish to make this automatic, you may append conda activate moose to your shell profiles.

Next, head back to the installation instructions and continue from Step 2.