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  • LoadingUnloadingDirichletBCThis class applies a loading/unloading BC. The load ramps up linearly until it reaches the load cap. Once the load cap is reached, the load cap is incremented and unlading begins. Once the unloaded indicator becomes negative, loading starts. If the load cap exceeds the ultimate load, the entire loading/unloading terminates, and the current simulation is terminated.
  • ModeISurfingDirichletBCThis class applies the Dirichlet BC conforming with the analytical solution of a Mode-I crack. The crack is assumed to be emanating from the origin. For the BC ramps up linearly to match the initial crack tip position, and for , the crack tip advances to the right with a velocity of v


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  • ConditionalBoundsAuxThis class conditionally enforces a lower bound. When the variable value is below a given threshold, a constant value is used as the bound; when the variable value is above a given threshold, irreversibility is enforced.


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  • BrittleDamageICThis class initializes the phase-field with the closed-form solution associated with the quadratic crack geometric function , i.e. .
  • CohesiveDamageICThis class initializes the phase-field with the closed-form solution associated with a linear crack geometric function , i.e. .


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  • ADCoefMatDiffusionDiffsuion term optionally multiplied with a coefficient and material properties. The weak form is , where is the product of all multipliers.
  • ADCoefMatReactionReaction term optionally multiplied with a coefficient and material properties. The weak form is , where is the product of all multipliers.
  • ADCoefMatSourceSource term defined by the product of a coefficient and material properties
  • ADPFFDiffusionThe diffusion term in the phase-field evolution equation. The weak form is .
  • ADPFFPressureThis class computes the pressure term in the phase-field evolution equation for pressurized crack. The weak form is .
  • ADPFFSourceThe source term in the phase-field evolution equation. The weak form is .
  • ADPressurizedCrackThis class computes the body force term from pressurized phase-field fracture. The weak form is .


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  • ArrheniusLawThis class computes the Arrhenius coefficient , where is the activation energy, is the ideal gas constant, and is the temperature.
  • ArrheniusLawHardeningPlastic hardening following a temperature dependent Arrhenius law.
  • CNHIsotropicElasticityIsotropic Compressible Neo-Hookean hyperelasticity model.
  • ComputeDeformationGradientThis class computes the deformation gradient. Eigen deformation gradients are extracted from the total deformation gradient. The F-bar approach can optionally be used to correct volumetric locking.
  • ComputeEigenstrainFromFunctionInitialStressThis class computes the eigenstrain given a predefined intial stress. The eigenstrain is defined as , where is the compliance tensor. Isotropic linear elasticity is assumed.
  • ComputeLargeDeformationStressStress calculator given an elasticity model, a plasticity model and a viscoelasticity model. Large deformation is assumed.
  • ComputeSmallDeformationStressThe stress calculator given an elasticity model and a plasticity model. Small deformation is assumed.
  • ComputeThermalExpansionEigenDeformationGradientThis class computes the thermal deformation gradient, , where is the thermal expansion coefficient, is the temperature, and is the reference temperature corresponding to zero thermal expansion.
  • CrackGeometricFunctionThis is a wrapper of ADDerivativeParsedMaterial to conveniently define a crack geometric function. The initial derivative as well as the normalization constant are automatically populated given the function definition.
  • CrackSurfaceDensityThis class computes the crack surface density , where is the crack geometric function, is the normalization constant, and is the phase-field regularization length.
  • ExponentialHardeningPlastic hardening in exponential form.
  • HenckyIsotropicElasticityIsotropic Hencky-type hyperelasticity model. The logarithmic right Cauchy-Green strain tensor is used as the strain measure.
  • JohnsonCookHardeningThe Johnson-Cook plasticity model.
  • KLBFNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Kumar et al. (2020)
  • KLRNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Kumar et al. (2022)
  • LDLNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Larsen et al. (2024)
  • LargeDeformationJ2PlasticityLarge deformation plasticity. The exponential constitutive update is used to update the plastic deformation.
  • LargeDeformationJ2PowerLawCreepLarge deformation power-law creep. This is an approximation to the consistent plasticity model using the update formula .
  • LargeDeformationNewtonianViscosityNewtonian viscosity.
  • LinearHardeningPlastic hardening following a linear isotropic law.
  • NoDegradationDummy function for no degradation, i.e. .
  • PowerDegradationFunctiondefines the power degradation function .
  • PowerLawHardeningPlastic hardening following a power law.
  • PressureDensityThis class computes the effective pressure density , where is the indicator function.
  • RationalDegradationFunctionDefines the rational degradation function where . is the fracture toughness, is the critical fracture energy, is the derivative of the local fracture energy at , is the normalization constant, and is the regularization length.
  • SmallDeformationIsotropicElasticityIsotropic elasticity under small strain asumptions.
  • SmallDeformationJ2PlasticitySmall deformation plasticity. The plastic deformation is updated using the additive decompsition of strain.
  • ThinFilmInterfaceEnergyDensityThis class compute the interface energy density corresponding to a shear-lag model, i.e. .


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  • ExternalWorkThis class computes the total external work. The power expenditure (rate of external work) is defined as . The power expenditure is integrated in time to get the total work.
  • KineticEnergyThis class computes the total kinetic energy of the form .
  • LargeDeformationJIntegralThis class computes the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
  • PhaseFieldJIntegralCompute the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
  • SolutionChangeNormThis class computes the solution change (L2) norm of selected variables.


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  • ExternalWorkThis class computes the total external work. The power expenditure (rate of external work) is defined as . The power expenditure is integrated in time to get the total work.
  • KineticEnergyThis class computes the total kinetic energy of the form .
  • LargeDeformationJIntegralThis class computes the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
  • PhaseFieldJIntegralCompute the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
  • SolutionChangeNormThis class computes the solution change (L2) norm of selected variables.
