List of tutorials

commentnote:Before you proceed

All tutorials are written assuming that you are reasonably familiar with MOOSE. If you find most of the tutorials difficult to follow, please refer to the official MOOSE website for learning resources.

Tutorial 2: Mode-I crack propagation

In this tutorial, we will set up the model for Mode-I crack propagation.

The geometry and boundary conditions are the same as those in Tutorial 1.

Figure 1: Geometry and boundary conditions of the Mode-I crack propagation problem.

At each time step, the alternative minimization scheme first solves the displacements with a fixed phase-field, then solves the phase-field with the updated displacements. This scheme is realized using MOOSE's MultiApp system. We will set up two input files. One for the displacement subproblem, and the other one for the phase-field subproblem.

elasticity.i: The displacement subproblem

First, we set up the displacement subproblem as our main app. Two additional global expressions are defined at the top of the input file:

Gc = 2.7
l = 0.02

The mesh is locally refined using initial adaptivity:

  marker = marker
  initial_marker = marker
  initial_steps = 2
  stop_time = 0
  max_h_level = 2
      type = BoxMarker
      bottom_left = '0.4 0 0'
      top_right = '1 0.05 0'
      outside = DO_NOTHING
      inside = REFINE

The quadratic degradation function is defined as

    type = PowerDegradationFunction
    property_name = g
    expression = (1-d)^p*(1-eta)+eta
    phase_field = d
    parameter_names = 'p eta '
    parameter_values = '2 1e-6'

fracture.i: The phase-field subproblem

Next, we set up the phase-field subproblem as our sub app. The sub app uses the same mesh as the main app. The equation we want to solve is

on the inactive set. The (local part of the) free energy, i.e. the term in the paranthesis, is defined using an ADDerivativeParsedMaterial:

    type = ADDerivativeParsedMaterial
    property_name = psi
    expression = 'alpha*Gc/c0/l+g*psie_active'
    coupled_variables = 'd psie_active'
    material_property_names = 'alpha(d) g(d) Gc c0 l'
    derivative_order = 1

With the definition of local free energy psi, the following kernels are used to construct the equation:

    type = ADPFFDiffusion
    variable = d
    fracture_toughness = Gc
    regularization_length = l
    normalization_constant = c0
    type = ADPFFSource
    variable = d
    free_energy = psi

The bound constraints on the active set is defined using

    type = VariableOldValueBounds
    variable = bounds_dummy
    bounded_variable = d
    bound_type = lower
    type = ConstantBounds
    variable = bounds_dummy
    bounded_variable = d
    bound_type = upper
    bound_value = 1

Transferring information between the main and the sub app

The displacement subproblem need to know the solution of the phase-field subproblem, and the phase-field subproblem need to know the active elastic energy psie_active. Therefore, some transfer of information between the two apps must exist.

To do that, we first let the displacement subproblem (the main app) be aware of its subapp by adding the following section to elasticity.i:

    type = TransientMultiApp
    input_files = fracture.i
    cli_args = 'Gc=${Gc};l=${l}'
    execute_on = 'TIMESTEP_END'

The cli_args makes sure and are consistent across the two apps. The execute_on flag tells the main app to execute the sub app at the end of the time step (after the displacements are solved).

Next, we set up the appropriate transfer:

    type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
    from_multi_app = 'fracture'
    variable = d
    source_variable = d
    type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
    to_multi_app = 'fracture'
    variable = psie_active
    source_variable = psie_active

The phase-field is retrieved from the sub app, and the main app sends the active elastic energy to the sub app.

The alternating minimization scheme

Now that we have set up the displacement subproblem, the phase-field subproblem, and the transfers between them, we are now in good shape to set up the alternating minimization scheme.

To do so, we rely on MOOSE's Picard iteration. In essence, a Picard solve iterates between the main app and the sub app(s) until the solution in the main app no longer changes between Picard iterations. We add the following parameters to the Executioner section to enable Picard iteration:

E = 2.1e5
nu = 0.3
K = '${fparse E/3/(1-2*nu)}'
G = '${fparse E/2/(1+nu)}'

Gc = 2.7
l = 0.02

    type = TransientMultiApp
    input_files = fracture.i
    cli_args = 'Gc=${Gc};l=${l}'
    execute_on = 'TIMESTEP_END'

    type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
    from_multi_app = 'fracture'
    variable = d
    source_variable = d
    type = MultiAppCopyTransfer
    to_multi_app = 'fracture'
    variable = psie_active
    source_variable = psie_active

  displacements = 'disp_x disp_y'

    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 2
    nx = 30
    ny = 15
    ymax = 0.5
    type = BoundingBoxNodeSetGenerator
    input = gen
    new_boundary = noncrack
    bottom_left = '0.5 0 0'
    top_right = '1 0 0'
  construct_side_list_from_node_list = true

  marker = marker
  initial_marker = marker
  initial_steps = 2
  stop_time = 0
  max_h_level = 2
      type = BoxMarker
      bottom_left = '0.4 0 0'
      top_right = '1 0.05 0'
      outside = DO_NOTHING
      inside = REFINE



    type = ADStressDivergenceTensors
    variable = disp_x
    component = 0
    type = ADStressDivergenceTensors
    variable = disp_y
    component = 1
    save_in = fy

    type = FunctionDirichletBC
    variable = disp_y
    boundary = top
    function = 't'
    type = DirichletBC
    variable = disp_y
    boundary = noncrack
    value = 0
    type = DirichletBC
    variable = disp_x
    boundary = top
    value = 0

    type = ADGenericConstantMaterial
    prop_names = 'K G'
    prop_values = '${K} ${G}'
    type = PowerDegradationFunction
    property_name = g
    expression = (1-d)^p*(1-eta)+eta
    phase_field = d
    parameter_names = 'p eta '
    parameter_values = '2 1e-6'
    type = ADComputeSmallStrain
    type = SmallDeformationIsotropicElasticity
    bulk_modulus = K
    shear_modulus = G
    phase_field = d
    degradation_function = g
    decomposition = NONE
    output_properties = 'elastic_strain psie_active'
    outputs = exodus
    type = ComputeSmallDeformationStress
    elasticity_model = elasticity
    output_properties = 'stress'
    outputs = exodus

    type = NodalSum
    variable = fy
    boundary = top

  type = Transient

  solve_type = NEWTON
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_factor_mat_solver_package'
  petsc_options_value = 'lu       superlu_dist                 '
  automatic_scaling = true

  nl_rel_tol = 1e-8
  nl_abs_tol = 1e-10

  dt = 2e-5
  end_time = 3.5e-3

  fixed_point_max_its = 20
  accept_on_max_fixed_point_iteration = true
  fixed_point_rel_tol = 1e-8
  fixed_point_abs_tol = 1e-10

  exodus = true
  print_linear_residuals = false

The complete input files