List of tutorials

commentnote:Before you proceed

All tutorials are written assuming that you are reasonably familiar with MOOSE. If you find most of the tutorials difficult to follow, please refer to the official MOOSE website for learning resources.

Tutorial 3: Mode-II crack propagation

In this tutorial, we will set up the model for Mode-II crack propagation. This problem is almost identical to Tutorial 2 except for its mesh and boundary conditions.

Figure 1: Geometry and boundary conditions of the Mode-II crack propagation problem.

Mesh generators

Since we can no longer utilize half symmetry in the Mode-II problem, we will have to mesh the full computational domain. There are many ways of generating the mesh. Here, we demonstrate the use of first-class MeshGenerators to generate the mesh:

    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 2
    nx = 30
    ny = 15
    ymin = 0
    ymax = 0.5
    boundary_id_offset = 0
    boundary_name_prefix = top_half
    type = BoundingBoxNodeSetGenerator
    input = top_half
    new_boundary = top_stitch
    bottom_left = '0.5 0 0'
    top_right = '1 0 0'
    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 2
    nx = 30
    ny = 15
    ymin = -0.5
    ymax = 0
    boundary_id_offset = 5
    boundary_name_prefix = bottom_half
    type = BoundingBoxNodeSetGenerator
    input = bottom_half
    new_boundary = bottom_stitch
    bottom_left = '0.5 0 0'
    top_right = '1 0 0'
    type = StitchedMeshGenerator
    inputs = 'top_stitch bottom_stitch'
    stitch_boundaries_pairs = 'top_stitch bottom_stitch'
  construct_side_list_from_node_list = true

First, the top half of the domain is meshed using the GeneratedMeshGenerator, and a node set named "top_stitch" is identified using the BoundingBoxNodeSetGenerator. Next, similarly, the bottom half of the domain is meshed and a node set named "bottom_stitch" is identified. Finally, the top half and the bottom half meshes are "stitched" together by merging the "top_stitch" and the "bottom_stitch" node sets using the StitchedMeshGenerator. The parameter construct_side_list_from_node_list is set to true to construct side sets from all of the node sets.

elasticity.i: The displacement subproblem

The displacement subproblem is almost identical to that in the previous tutorial, except for the boundary conditions Figure 1:

    type = FunctionDirichletBC
    variable = 'disp_x'
    boundary = 'top_half_top'
    function = 't'
    preset = false
    type = DirichletBC
    variable = 'disp_y'
    boundary = 'top_half_top bottom_half_bottom'
    value = 0
    type = DirichletBC
    variable = 'disp_x'
    boundary = 'bottom_half_bottom'
    value = 0

The bottom boundary of the bottom half of the mesh is fixed in both x- and y- directions, while the top boundary of the top half of the mesh is subject to x-displacement with roller support.

The complete input files