See below for complete lists of syntax for each of the module:
Below is a complete list of all syntax available in RACCOON:
- Moose App
- CombineComponentsMeshesCombines meshes generated by disjoined components.
- CreateMeshSetupActionsForComponentsAdds the SetupMesh-Actions to the simulation, if they are not created by the Mesh block.
- AddActionComponentActionAction responsible for creating component actions. A component action is a component derived from an Action base class
- CylinderComponentCylindrical component.
- MeshGeneratorComponentComponent with a mesh coming from a mesh generator.
- Moose App
- SetAdaptivityOptionsActionAction for defining adaptivity parameters.
- Indicators
- Markers
- Moose App
- AddElementalFieldActionAdds elemental auxiliary variable for adaptivity system.
- AddIndicatorActionAdd an Indicator object to a simulation.
- AnalyticalIndicatorCompute the square of the error as the difference between an unknown variable and an analytical solution.
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- GradientJumpIndicatorCompute the jump of the solution gradient across element boundaries.
- LaplacianJumpIndicatorCompute the jump of the solution laplacian across element bondaries.
- MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- ValueJumpIndicatorCompute the jump of the solution across element bondaries.
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
- Moose App
- AddElementalFieldActionAdds elemental auxiliary variable for adaptivity system.
- AddMarkerActionAdd a Marker object to a simulation.
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- BoundaryMarkerMarks all elements with sides on a given boundary for refinement/coarsening
- BoundaryPreservedMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the provided marker value, while preserving the given boundary.
- BoxMarkerMarks the region inside and outside of a 'box' domain for refinement or coarsening.
- ComboMarkerA marker that converts many markers into a single marker by considering the maximum value of the listed markers (i.e., refinement takes precedent).
- ErrorFractionMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the fraction of the min/max error from the supplied indicator.
- ErrorToleranceMarkerCoarsen or refine elements based on an absolute tolerance allowed from the supplied indicator.
- MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- OrientedBoxMarkerMarks inside and outside a box that can have arbitrary orientation and center point.
- ReporterPointMarkerMarks the region inside or empty if it contains a reporter defined point for refinement or coarsening.
- UniformMarkerUniformly mark all elements for refinement or coarsening.
- ValueRangeMarkerMark elements for adaptivity based on the supplied upper and lower bounds and the specified variable.
- ValueThresholdMarkerThe refinement state based on a threshold value compared to the specified variable.
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
- Phase Field App
- DiscreteNucleationMarkerMark new nucleation sites for refinement
- Moose App
- CreateApplicationBlockActionAdds application and application related parameters.
- Moose App
- AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
- ADDivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
- ADFunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
- ADFunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
- ADFunctorMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
- ADFunctorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- ADFunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
- ADMaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
- ADMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
- ADMaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
- ADMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
- ADMaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
- ADMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- ADMaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
- ADMaterialSymmetricRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
- ADMaterialSymmetricRankTwoTensorAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRankFourTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRealAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialRealVectorValueAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ADVectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
- AdvectiveFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for advection problems .
- ArrayParsedAuxSets field array variable values to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
- ArrayVarReductionAuxTakes an array variable and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as a standard variable.
- ArrayVariableComponentCopy a component of an array variable.
- BuildArrayVariableAuxCombines multiple standard variables into an array variable.
- ConstantAuxCreates a constant field in the domain.
- ContainsPointAuxComputes a binary field where the field is 1 in the elements that contain the point and 0 everywhere else
- CopyValueAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a simple copy of the variable values.
- DebugResidualAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with the residual contribution of a variable.
- DiffusionFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for diffusion problems .
- DivergenceAuxComputes the divergence of a vector of functors.
- ElemExtraIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
- ElementH1ErrorFunctionAuxComputes the H1 or W^{1,p} error between an exact function and a coupled variable.
- ElementIntegerAuxCreates a field showing the element integer.
- ElementL2ErrorFunctionAuxA class for computing the element-wise L^2 (Euclidean) error between a function and a coupled variable.
- ElementLengthAuxCompute the element size using Elem::hmin() or Elem::hmax() from libMesh.
- ElementLpNormAuxCompute an elemental field variable (single value per element) equal to the Lp-norm of a coupled Variable.
- ElementQualityAuxGenerates a field containing the quality metric for each element. Useful for visualizing mesh quality.
- ElementUOAuxAux Kernel to display generic spatial (elemental) information from a UserObject that satisfies the underlying ElementUOProvider interface.
- ExtraElementIDAuxPuts element extra IDs into an aux variable.
- ForcingFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that adds a forcing function to the value of an AuxVariable from the previous time step.
- FunctionArrayAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates an array field variable by sampling functions through space and time.
- FunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function through space and time.
- FunctorAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
- FunctorCoordinatesFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function with functors (variables, functions, others) as the coordinates.
- FunctorElementalAuxEvaluates a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element, quadrature point, or node.
- FunctorElementalGradientAuxEvaluates the gradient of a functor (variable, function or functor material property) on the current element or quadrature point.
- FunctorMaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
- FunctorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- FunctorVectorElementalAuxEvaluates a vector functor (material property usually) on the current element.For finite volume, this evaluates the vector functor at the centroid.
- GapValueAuxReturn the nearest value of a variable on a boundary from across a gap.
- GhostingAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
- GhostingFromUOAuxColors the elements ghosted to the chosen PID.
- HardwareIDAuxCreates a field showing the assignment of partitions to physical nodes in the cluster.
- InterfaceValueUserObjectAuxGet stored value from the specified InterfaceQpUserObjectBase.
- MaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
- MaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
- MaterialRateRealAuxOutputs element material properties rate of change
- MaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
- MaterialRealDenseMatrixAuxPopulate an auxiliary variable with an entry from a dense matrix material property.
- MaterialRealTensorValueAuxObject for extracting a component of a rank two tensor material property to populate an auxiliary variable.
- MaterialRealVectorValueAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- MaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector<Real> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
- MaterialStdVectorRealGradientAuxExtracts a component of a material's std::vector<RealGradient> to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned
- MaterialSymmetricRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
- MaterialSymmetricRankTwoTensorAuxCapture a component of a vector material property in an auxiliary variable.
- MeshDivisionAuxReturns the value of the mesh division index for each element / node
- NearestNodeDistanceAuxStores the distance between a block and boundary or between two boundaries.
- NearestNodeValueAuxRetrieves a field value from the closest node on the paired boundary and stores it on this boundary or block.
- NodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
- NormalizationAuxNormalizes a variable based on a Postprocessor value.
- ParsedAuxSets a field variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
- ParsedVectorAuxSets a field vector variable value to the evaluation of a parsed expression.
- PenetrationAuxAuxiliary Kernel for computing several geometry related quantities between two contacting bodies.
- ProcessorIDAuxCreates a field showing the processors and partitioning.
- ProjectedMaterialPropertyNodalPatchRecoveryAuxThis Auxkernel solves a least squares problem at each node to fit a value from quantities defined on quadrature points.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialRankFourTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialRankTwoTensorAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialRealAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialRealVectorValueAuxPicks a component of an indexable material property to get projected on an elemental Auxvariable. For use by ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.
- ProjectionAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
- QuotientAuxDivides two coupled variables.
- SecondTimeDerivativeAuxReturns the second order time derivative of the specified variable as an auxiliary variable.
- SelfAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with a projection of the source variable. If they are the same type, this amounts to a simple copy.
- SolutionAuxCreates fields by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
- SpatialUserObjectAuxPopulates an auxiliary variable with a spatial value returned from a UserObject spatialValue method.
- TagMatrixAuxCouple the diagonal of a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
- TagVectorArrayVariableAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its evaluations at degree of freedom indices corresponding to the coupled array variable.
- TagVectorArrayVariableValueAuxCouple a tagged vector, and return its array value.
- TagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its nodal value
- TimeDerivativeAuxReturns the time derivative of the specified variable/functor as an auxiliary variable.
- VariableGradientComponentCreates a field consisting of one component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
- VariableTimeIntegrationAuxIntegrates a field variable in time.
- VectorFunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a vector field variable by sampling a Function object, via the vectorValue method, through space and time.
- VectorMagnitudeAuxCreates a field representing the magnitude of three coupled variables using an Euclidean norm.
- VectorMaterialRealVectorValueAuxConverts a vector-quantity material property into a vector auxiliary variable
- VectorPostprocessorVisualizationAuxRead values from a VectorPostprocessor that is producing vectors that are 'number of processors' * in length. Puts the value for each processor into an elemental auxiliary field.
- VectorVariableComponentAuxCreates a field consisting of one component of a coupled vector variable.
- VectorVariableMagnitudeAuxCreates a field consisting of the magnitude of a coupled vector variable.
- VolumeAuxAuxiliary Kernel that samples volumes.
- WeightedGapAuxReturns the specified variable as an auxiliary variable with the same value.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADKineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- ADRankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- ADRankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- AccumulateAuxAccumulates one or more variables and this auxiliary variable into this auxiliary variable
- CylindricalRankTwoAuxTakes RankTwoTensor material and outputs component in cylindrical coordinates
- DomainIntegralQFunctionComputes the q-function for a segment along the crack front, used in the calculation of the J-integral
- DomainIntegralTopologicalQFunctionDetermines if a node is within the ring of the crack front defintion; this object is normally created by the DomainIntegralAction.
- ElasticEnergyAuxCompute the local elastic energy
- GlobalDisplacementAuxAuxKernel to visualize the displacements generated by the global strain tensor
- KineticEnergyAuxCompute the kinetic energy of continuum-based finite elements
- NewmarkAccelAuxComputes the current acceleration using the Newmark method.
- NewmarkVelAuxCalculates the current velocity using Newmark method.
- RadialDisplacementCylinderAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for cylindrical models.
- RadialDisplacementSphereAuxCompute the radial component of the displacement vector for spherical models.
- RankFourAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor
- RankTwoAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoScalarAuxCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RotationAngleCompute the field of angular rotations of points around an axis defined by an origin point and a direction vector
- ShellLocalCoordinatesAuxThis AuxKernel stores a specific component of a shell element's local coordinate vector in an auxiliary variable.
- ShellResultantsAuxComputes the local forces, bending moments and shear forces acting on shell elements
- TestNewmarkTIAssigns the velocity/acceleration calculated by time integrator to the velocity/acceleration auxvariable.
- Phase Field App
- BndsCalcAuxCalculate location of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- CrossTermGradientFreeEnergyFree energy contribution from the cross terms in ACMultiInterface
- DiscreteNucleationAuxProject the DiscreteNucleationMap state onto an AuxVariable
- EBSDReaderAvgDataAuxOutputs the requested EBSD reader average data, for a given phase if specified, for the grain at the local node/element.
- EBSDReaderPointDataAuxOutputs the requested EBSD reader point data.
- EulerAngleProvider2RGBAuxOutput RGB representation of crystal orientation from user object to an AuxVariable. The entire domain must have the same crystal structure.
- EulerAngleVariables2RGBAuxOutputs one color or a scalar for the RGB-encoding of the local Euler angles for the grain orientation
- FeatureFloodCountAuxFeature detection by connectivity analysis
- GrainAdvectionAuxCalculates the advection velocity of grain due to rigid body translation and rotation
- GrainBoundaryVelocityCompute the velocity of grain boundaries.
- KKSGlobalFreeEnergyTotal free energy in KKS system, including chemical, barrier and gradient terms
- KKSMultiFreeEnergyTotal free energy in multi-phase KKS system, including chemical, barrier and gradient terms
- LinearizedInterfaceAuxCalculates the order parameter from the linearized interface function
- OutputEulerAnglesOutput Euler angles from user object to an AuxVariable.
- PFCEnergyDensityComputes the crystal free energy density
- PFCRFFEnergyDensityComputes the crystal free energy density for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- SolutionAuxMisorientationBoundaryCalculate location of grain boundaries by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
- TotalFreeEnergyTotal free energy (both the bulk and gradient parts), where the bulk free energy has been defined in a material
- MatVecRealGradAuxKernel
- MaterialVectorAuxKernel
- MaterialVectorGradAuxKernel
- Heat Transfer App
- JouleHeatingHeatGeneratedAuxCompute heat generated from Joule heating .
- Phase Field App
- MatVecRealGradAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the gradient of the real standard vector-valued properties specified
- Phase Field App
- MaterialVectorAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the standard vector-valued properties specified
- Phase Field App
- MaterialVectorGradAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the gradient of the real standard vector-valued properties specified
- Moose App
- AddScalarKernelActionAdd a AuxScalarKernel object to the simulation.
- ConstantScalarAuxSets an auxiliary field variable to a controllable constant value.
- FunctionScalarAuxSets a value of a scalar variable based on a function.
- QuotientScalarAuxCompute the ratio of two scalar variables.
- ScalarTagMatrixAuxCouple a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
- ScalarTagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its value
- SolutionScalarAuxSets scalar variable by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
- Solid Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainReferenceResidualGeneralized Plane Strain Reference Residual Scalar Kernel
- Moose App
- AddAuxVariableActionAdd auxiliary variable to the simulation.
- CopyNodalVarsActionCopies variable information from a file.
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
- Moose App
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
- Phase Field App
- MultiAuxVariablesActionSet up auxvariables for components of MaterialProperty<std::vector<data_type> > for polycrystal sample.
- Moose App
- AddBCActionAdd a BoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
- ADConservativeAdvectionBCBoundary condition for advection when it is integrated by parts. Supports Dirichlet (inlet-like) and implicit (outlet-like) conditions.
- ADCoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
- ADDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ADFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is calculated by a function.
- ADFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- ADFunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ADMatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
- ADMatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- ADNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ADPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ADRobinBCImposes the Robin integrated boundary condition .
- ADVectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- ADVectorFunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- ADVectorMatchedValueBCImplements a ADVectorNodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- ADVectorRobinBCImposes the Robin integrated boundary condition .
- ArrayDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- ArrayHFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
- ArrayNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- ArrayPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense with , where is the constant scalar penalty; is the test functions and is the differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- ArrayVacuumBCImposes the Robin boundary condition .
- ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
- CoupledVarNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a variable.
- DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBCDiffusion Dirichlet boundary condition for discontinuous Galerkin method.
- DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- DirectionalNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
- DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- EigenArrayDirichletBCArray Dirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
- EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
- FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionGradientNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition arising from integration by parts of a diffusion/heat conduction operator, and where the exact solution can be specified.
- FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- FunctorDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet boundary condition , where is a functor and can have complex dependencies.
- FunctorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a functor.
- HFEMDirichletBCImposes the Dirichlet BC with HFEM.
- LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- MatNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, is a material property, and is a coefficient defined by the kernel for .
- MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- OneDEqualValueConstraintBCComputes the integral of lambda times dg term from the mortar method (for two 1D domains only).
- PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- PostprocessorDirichletBCDirichlet boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
- PostprocessorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition with value prescribed by a Postprocessor value.
- SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- VacuumBCVacuum boundary condition for diffusion.
- VectorCurlPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for the curl of vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- VectorDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- VectorDivPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces, in a weak sense, a Dirichlet boundary condition on the divergence of a nonlinear vector variable by applying a penalty to the difference between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- VectorFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
- VectorPenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition for vector nonlinear variables in a weak sense by applying a penalty to the difference in the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- Periodic
- Heat Transfer App
- ADConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficient given by material properties.
- ADFunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
- ADInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- ConvectiveFluxFunctionDetermines boundary value by fluid heat transfer coefficient and far-field temperature
- ConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by material properties.
- CoupledConvectiveFlux
- CoupledConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficent given by auxiliary variables.
- DirectionalFluxBCApplies a directional flux multiplied by the surface normal vector. Can utilize the self shadowing calculation from a SelfShadowSideUserObject.
- FunctionRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
- GapHeatTransferTransfers heat across a gap between two surfaces dependent on the gap geometry specified.
- GapPerfectConductanceEnforces equal temperatures across the gap.
- GaussianEnergyFluxBCDescribes an incoming heat flux beam with a Gaussian profile
- GrayLambertNeumannBCThis BC imposes a heat flux density that is computed from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase userobject.
- HeatConductionBC
- InfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinderwhere the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADPenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- ADPressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- ADTorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CoupledPressureBCApplies a pressure from a variable on a given boundary in a given direction
- DashpotBCModel a dashpot boundary condition where the traction is proportional to the normal velocity.
- DirectDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- DirectFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- DisplacementAboutAxisImplements a boundary condition that enforces rotationaldisplacement around an axis on a boundary
- InteractionIntegralBenchmarkBCImplements a boundary condition that enforces a displacement field around a crack tip based on applied stress intensity factors.
- PenaltyInclinedNoDisplacementBCPenalty Enforcement of an inclined boundary condition
- PresetAccelerationPrescribe acceleration on a given boundary in a given direction
- PresetDisplacementPrescribe the displacement on a given boundary in a given direction.
- PresetVelocitySets the boundary displacements through time from an imposed velocity
- PressureApplies a pressure on a given boundary in a given direction
- StickyBCImposes the boundary condition if exceeds the bounds provided
- TorqueApply a moment as tractions distributed over a surface around a pivot point. This should operate on the displaced mesh for large deformations.
- CavityPressure
- CoupledPressure
- InclinedNoDisplacementBC
- Pressure
- raccoon App
- LoadingUnloadingDirichletBCThis class applies a loading/unloading BC. The load ramps up linearly until it reaches the load cap. Once the load cap is reached, the load cap is incremented and unlading begins. Once the unloaded indicator becomes negative, loading starts. If the load cap exceeds the ultimate load, the entire loading/unloading terminates, and the current simulation is terminated.
- ModeISurfingDirichletBCThis class applies the Dirichlet BC conforming with the analytical solution of a Mode-I crack. The crack is assumed to be emanating from the origin. For the BC ramps up linearly to match the initial crack tip position, and for , the crack tip advances to the right with a velocity of v
- Solid Mechanics App
- CavityPressureActionAction to setup cavity pressure boundary condition
- CavityPressurePPActionThis Action creates a CavityPressurePostprocessor.
- CavityPressureUOActionAction to add user objects for cavity pressure
- Solid Mechanics App
- CoupledPressureActionSet up Coupled Pressure boundary conditions
- Solid Mechanics App
- InclinedNoDisplacementBCActionSet up inclined no displacement boundary conditions
- Moose App
- AddPeriodicBCActionAction that adds periodic boundary conditions
- Solid Mechanics App
- PressureActionSet up Pressure boundary conditions
- Moose App
- AddBoundsVectorsActionAction to add vectors to nonlinear system when using the Bounds syntax.
- AddBoundActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
- ConstantBoundsProvides constant bound of a variable for the PETSc's variational inequalities solver
- ConstantBoundsAuxProvides constant bound of a variable for the PETSc's variational inequalities solver
- VariableOldValueBoundsUses the old variable values as the bounds for the new solve.
- VariableOldValueBoundsAuxUses the old variable values as the bounds for the new solve.
- raccoon App
- ConditionalBoundsAuxThis class conditionally enforces a lower bound. When the variable value is below a given threshold, a constant value is used as the bound; when the variable value is above a given threshold, irreversibility is enforced.
- Moose App
- AddChainControlActionAdds a ChainControl to the control warehouse.
- GetFunctionValueChainControlCreates a control data and populates it by evaluating a Function.
- GetPostprocessorChainControlCopies a post-processor value into a ChainControlData.
- LimitChainControlLimits a control value by a range.
- PIDChainControlImplements a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller.
- ParsedChainControlParses and evaluates a function expression to populate a control value.
- RealToBoolChainControlConverts a Real-valued chain control data to boolean.
- ScaleOldChainControlScales an old control value by another control value.
- SetBoolValueChainControlSets parameter(s) of type 'bool' to a control data value of type 'bool'.
- SetRealValueChainControlSets parameter(s) of type 'double' to a control data value of type 'double'.
- SmootherChainControlComputes a moving average of the input control with a user-specified number of points to average.
- TerminateChainControlTerminates the simulation when a boolean chain control data has a certain value.
- UnitTripChainControlTrips a boolean value if an input boolean value is a certain value.
- Moose App
- AddConstraintActionAdd a Constraint object to the simulation.
- ADPenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
- ADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
- ADPeriodicSegmentalConstraintADPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
- CoupledTiedValueConstraintRequires the value of two variables to be the consistent on both sides of an interface.
- EqualGradientConstraintEqualGradientConstraint enforces continuity of a gradient component between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
- EqualValueBoundaryConstraintConstraint for enforcing that variables on each side of a boundary are equivalent.
- EqualValueConstraintEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
- EqualValueEmbeddedConstraintThis is a constraint enforcing overlapping portions of two blocks to have the same variable value
- LinearNodalConstraintConstrains secondary node to move as a linear combination of primary nodes.
- OldEqualValueConstraintOldEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using lagrange multipliers
- PenaltyEqualValueConstraintPenaltyEqualValueConstraint enforces solution continuity between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed)
- PenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraintPenaltyPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using a penalty approach (no Lagrange multipliers needed). Must be used alongside PenaltyEqualValueConstraint.
- PeriodicSegmentalConstraintPeriodicSegmentalConstraint enforces macro-micro periodic conditions between secondary and primary sides of a mortar interface using Lagrange multipliers.Must be used alongside EqualValueConstraint.
- TiedValueConstraintConstraint that forces the value of a variable to be the same on both sides of an interface.
- Heat Transfer App
- ADInterfaceJouleHeatingConstraintJoule heating model, for the case of a closed gap interface, to calculate the heat flux contribution created when an electric potential difference occurs across that interface.
- GapConductanceConstraintComputes the residual and Jacobian contributions for the 'Lagrange Multiplier' implementation of the thermal contact problem. For more information, see the detailed description here:
- ModularGapConductanceConstraintComputes the residual and Jacobian contributions for the 'Lagrange Multiplier' implementation of the thermal contact problem. For more information, see the detailed description here:
- Solid Mechanics App
- NodalFrictionalConstraintFrictional nodal constraint for contact
- NodalStickConstraintSticky nodal constraint for contact
- Moose App
- AddControlActionAdd a Control object to the simulation.
- BoolFunctionControlSets the value of a 'bool' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
- ConditionalFunctionEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a function value is true
- PIDTransientControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameter (or postprocessor) based on a Proportional Integral Derivative control of a postprocessor to match a target a target value.
- RealFunctionControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
- TimePeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with time.
- TimesEnableControlControl for enabling/disabling objects when a certain time is reached.
- WebServerControlStarts a webserver for sending/receiving JSON messages to get data and control a running MOOSE calculation
- Solid Mechanics App
- StepPeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with user-provided simulation steps.
- Moose App
- AddConvergenceActionAdd a Convergence object to the simulation.
- DefaultNonlinearConvergenceDefault convergence criteria for FEProblem.
- IterationCountConvergenceChecks the iteration count.
- ParsedConvergenceEvaluates convergence from a parsed expression.
- PostprocessorConvergenceCompares the absolute value of a post-processor to a tolerance.
- ReferenceResidualConvergenceCheck the convergence of a problem with respect to a user-supplied reference solution. Replaces ReferenceResidualProblem, currently still used in conjunction with it.
- Moose App
- AddCorrectorActionAdd a Corrector object to the simulation.
- PointwiseRenormalizeVectorPointwise renormalize the solution of a set of variables comprising a vector
- Moose App
- AddDGKernelActionAdd a DGKernel object to the simulation.
- ADDGAdvectionAdds internal face advection flux contributions for discontinuous Galerkin discretizations
- ADDGDiffusionDG kernel for diffusion operator
- ArrayDGDiffusionImplements interior penalty method for array diffusion equations.
- ArrayHFEMDiffusionImposes the constraints on internal sides with HFEM.
- DGConvectionDG upwinding for the convection
- DGDiffusionComputes residual contribution for the diffusion operator using discontinous Galerkin method.
- HFEMDiffusionImposes the constraints on internal sides with HFEM.
- HFEMTestJumpImposes constraints for HFEM with side-discontinuous variables.
- HFEMTrialJumpImposes constraints for HFEM with side-discontinuous variables.
- Moose App
- AddDamperActionAdd a Damper object to the simulation.
- BoundingValueElementDamperThis class implements a damper that limits the value of a variable to be within user-specified bounds.
- BoundingValueNodalDamperLimits the value of a variable to be within user-specified bounds.
- ConstantDamperModifies the non-linear step by applying a constant damping factor.
- MaxIncrementLimits a variable's update by some max fraction
- Solid Mechanics App
- ElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians
- ReferenceElementJacobianDamperDamper that limits the change in element Jacobians
- Moose App
- SetupDebugActionAdds various debugging type output to the simulation system.
- SetupResidualDebugActionAdds the necessary objects for computing the residuals for individual variables.
- MaterialDerivativeTest
- Moose App
- MaterialDerivativeTestActionAction for setting up the necessary objects for debugging material property derivatives.
- Moose App
- DeprecatedBlockActionTool for marking input syntax as deprecated.
- Moose App
- AddDiracKernelActionAdd a DiracKernel object to the simulation.
- ConstantPointSourceResidual contribution of a constant point source term.
- FunctionDiracSourceResidual contribution from a point source defined by a function.
- ReporterPointSourceApply a point load defined by Reporter.
- VectorConstantPointSourceResidual contribution of a constant point source term.
- Heat Transfer App
- GapHeatPointSourceMaster
- Moose App
- AddDistributionActionAdd a Distribution object to the simulation.
- Solid Mechanics App
- DomainIntegralActionCreates the MOOSE objects needed to compute fraction domain integrals
- Moose App
- CreateExecutionerActionAdd an Executioner object to the simulation.
- EigenvalueEigenvalue solves a standard/generalized linear or nonlinear eigenvalue problem
- InversePowerMethodInverse power method for eigenvalue problems.
- NonlinearEigenExecutioner for eigenvalue problems.
- SteadyExecutioner for steady-state simulations.
- TransientExecutioner for time varying simulations.
- Adaptivity
- Predictor
- Quadrature
- TimeIntegrator
- TimeIntegrators
- TimeStepper
- TimeSteppers
- Moose App
- AdaptivityActionAdd libMesh based adaptation schemes via the Executioner/Adaptivity input syntax.
- Moose App
- SetupPredictorActionAdd a Predictor object to the simulation.
- AdamsPredictorImplements an explicit Adams predictor based on two old solution vectors.
- SimplePredictorAlgorithm that will predict the next solution based on previous solutions.
- Moose App
- SetupQuadratureActionSets the quadrature type for the simulation.
- Moose App
- SetupTimeIntegratorActionAdd a TimeIntegrator object to the simulation.
- AStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages plus an update.
- ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- BDF2Second order backward differentiation formula time integration scheme.
- CentralDifferenceImplementation of explicit, Central Difference integration without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- CrankNicolsonCrank-Nicolson time integrator.
- ExplicitEulerTime integration using the explicit Euler method.
- ExplicitMidpointTime integration using the explicit midpoint method.
- ExplicitSSPRungeKuttaExplicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods
- ExplicitTVDRK2Explicit TVD (total-variation-diminishing) second-order Runge-Kutta time integration method.
- HeunHeun's (aka improved Euler) time integration method.
- ImplicitEulerTime integration using the implicit Euler method.
- ImplicitMidpointSecond-order Runge-Kutta (implicit midpoint) time integration.
- LStableDirk2Second order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with two stages.
- LStableDirk3Third order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages.
- LStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with five stages.
- NewmarkBetaComputes the first and second time derivative of variable using Newmark-Beta method.
- RalstonRalston's time integration method.
- Solid Mechanics App
- DirectCentralDifferenceImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- Moose App
- SetupTimeIntegratorActionAdd a TimeIntegrator object to the simulation.
- AStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages plus an update.
- ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- BDF2Second order backward differentiation formula time integration scheme.
- CentralDifferenceImplementation of explicit, Central Difference integration without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- CrankNicolsonCrank-Nicolson time integrator.
- ExplicitEulerTime integration using the explicit Euler method.
- ExplicitMidpointTime integration using the explicit midpoint method.
- ExplicitSSPRungeKuttaExplicit strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta methods
- ExplicitTVDRK2Explicit TVD (total-variation-diminishing) second-order Runge-Kutta time integration method.
- HeunHeun's (aka improved Euler) time integration method.
- ImplicitEulerTime integration using the implicit Euler method.
- ImplicitMidpointSecond-order Runge-Kutta (implicit midpoint) time integration.
- LStableDirk2Second order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with two stages.
- LStableDirk3Third order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with three stages.
- LStableDirk4Fourth-order diagonally implicit Runge Kutta method (Dirk) with five stages.
- NewmarkBetaComputes the first and second time derivative of variable using Newmark-Beta method.
- RalstonRalston's time integration method.
- Solid Mechanics App
- DirectCentralDifferenceImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- Moose App
- AddTimeStepperActionAdd a TimeStepper object to the simulation.
- AB2PredictorCorrectorImplements second order Adams-Bashforth method for timestep calculation.
- CSVTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points read in a file.
- CompositionDTThe time stepper takes all the other time steppers as input and returns the minimum time step size.
- ConstantDTTimestepper that takes a constant time step size
- ExodusTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of time points taken from a specified exodus file.
- FixedPointIterationAdaptiveDTComputes time step size based on a target number of fixed point iterations
- FunctionDTTimestepper whose steps vary over time according to a user-defined function
- IterationAdaptiveDTAdjust the timestep based on the number of iterations
- LogConstantDTTimeStepper which imposes a time step constant in the logarithmic space
- PostprocessorDTComputes timestep based on a Postprocessor value.
- SolutionTimeAdaptiveDTCompute simulation timestep based on actual solution time.
- TimeSequenceFromTimesSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of time points taken from a specified Times object.
- TimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points.
- Moose App
- ComposeTimeStepperActionAdd the composition time stepper if multiple time steppers have been created.
- AddTimeStepperActionAdd a TimeStepper object to the simulation.
- AB2PredictorCorrectorImplements second order Adams-Bashforth method for timestep calculation.
- CSVTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points read in a file.
- CompositionDTThe time stepper takes all the other time steppers as input and returns the minimum time step size.
- ConstantDTTimestepper that takes a constant time step size
- ExodusTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of time points taken from a specified exodus file.
- FixedPointIterationAdaptiveDTComputes time step size based on a target number of fixed point iterations
- FunctionDTTimestepper whose steps vary over time according to a user-defined function
- IterationAdaptiveDTAdjust the timestep based on the number of iterations
- LogConstantDTTimeStepper which imposes a time step constant in the logarithmic space
- PostprocessorDTComputes timestep based on a Postprocessor value.
- SolutionTimeAdaptiveDTCompute simulation timestep based on actual solution time.
- TimeSequenceFromTimesSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of time points taken from a specified Times object.
- TimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points.
- Moose App
- ReadExecutorParamsActionAdd an Executor object to the simulation.
- NullExecutorDummy executor that does nothing. Useful for testing among other things.
- Moose App
- CheckFVBCActionCheck that boundary conditions are defined correctly for finite volume problems.
- AddFVBCActionAdd a FVBoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
- FVADFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
- FVBoundaryIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = boundary area * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- FVConstantScalarOutflowBCConstant velocity scalar advection boundary conditions for finite volume method.
- FVDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FVFunctionNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVFunctorDirichletBCUses the value of a functor to set a Dirichlet boundary value.
- FVFunctorNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for the finite volume method.
- FVNeumannBCNeumann boundary condition for finite volume method.
- FVOrthogonalBoundaryDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion boundary term with specified boundary function.
- FVPostprocessorDirichletBCDefines a Dirichlet boundary condition for finite volume method.
- Heat Transfer App
- FVFunctorConvectiveHeatFluxBCConvective heat transfer boundary condition with temperature and heat transfer coefficient given by functors.
- FVFunctorRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange where the emissivity function is supplied by a Function.
- FVGaussianEnergyFluxBCDescribes an incoming heat flux beam with a Gaussian profile
- FVInfiniteCylinderRadiativeBCBoundary condition for radiative heat exchange with a cylinder where the boundary is approximated as a cylinder as well.
- FVMarshakRadiativeBCMarshak boundary condition for radiative heat flux.
- FVThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance Heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
- FunctorThermalResistanceBCThermal resistance heat flux boundary condition for the fluid and solid energy equations
- Moose App
- AddFVInitialConditionActionAdd an FVInitialCondition object to the simulation.
- FVConstantICSets a constant field value.
- FVFunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
- Moose App
- AddFVInterfaceKernelActionAdd a FVInterfaceKernel object to the simulation.
- FVDiffusionInterfaceComputes the residual for diffusion operator across an interface for the finite volume method.
- FVOneVarDiffusionInterfaceComputes residual for diffusion operator across an interface for finite volume method.
- FVTwoVarContinuityConstraintForces two variables to be equal on an interface for the finite volume method.
- Moose App
- AddFVKernelActionAdd a FVKernel object to the simulation.
- FVAdvectionResidual contribution from advection operator for finite volume method.
- FVAnisotropicDiffusionComputes residual for anisotropic diffusion operator for finite volume method.
- FVBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into finite volume kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors.
- FVBoundedValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce a min or max value for a finite volume variable
- FVCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable.
- FVDiffusionComputes residual for diffusion operator for finite volume method.
- FVDivergenceComputes the residual coming from the divergence of a vector fieldthat can be represented as a functor.
- FVFunctorTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of an AD functor (default is the variable this kernel is acting upon if the 'functor' parameter is not supplied) for the finite volume method.
- FVIntegralValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- FVMassMatrixComputes a 'mass matrix', which will just be a diagonal matrix for the finite volume method, meant for use in preconditioning schemes which require one
- FVMatAdvectionComputes the residual of advective term using finite volume method.
- FVOrthogonalDiffusionImposes an orthogonal diffusion term.
- FVPointValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- FVReactionSimple consuming reaction term
- FVScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = volume * phi_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- FVTimeKernelResidual contribution from time derivative of a variable for the finite volume method.
- Heat Transfer App
- FVHeatConductionTimeDerivativeAD Time derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
- FVThermalRadiationSourceSinkImplements the source and the sink terms for radiation heat transfer.
- Moose App
- AddFunctionActionAdd a Function object to the simulation.
- ADParsedFunctionFunction created by parsing a string
- ADPiecewiseLinearLinearly interpolates between pairs of x-y data
- Axisymmetric2D3DSolutionFunctionFunction for reading a 2D axisymmetric solution from file and mapping it to a 3D Cartesian model
- BicubicSplineFunctionDefine a bicubic spline function from interpolated data defined by input parameters.
- CoarsenedPiecewiseLinearPerform a point reduction of the tabulated data upon initialization, then evaluate using a linear interpolation.
- CompositeFunctionMultiplies an arbitrary set of functions together
- ConstantFunctionA function that returns a constant value as defined by an input parameter.
- ImageFunctionFunction with values sampled from an image or image stack.
- LinearCombinationFunctionReturns the linear combination of the functions
- ParsedFunctionFunction created by parsing a string
- ParsedGradFunctionDefines a function and its gradient using input file parameters.
- ParsedVectorFunctionReturns a vector function based on string descriptions for each component.
- PeriodicFunctionProvides a periodic function by repeating a user-supplied base function in time and/or any of the three Cartesian coordinate directions
- PiecewiseBilinearInterpolates values from a csv file
- PiecewiseConstantDefines data using a set of x-y data pairs
- PiecewiseConstantFromCSVUses data read from CSV to assign values
- PiecewiseLinearLinearly interpolates between pairs of x-y data
- PiecewiseLinearFromVectorPostprocessorProvides piecewise linear interpolation of from two columns of a VectorPostprocessor
- PiecewiseMulticonstantPiecewiseMulticonstant performs constant interpolation on 1D, 2D, 3D or 4D data. The data_file specifies the axes directions and the function values. If a point lies outside the data range, the appropriate end value is used.
- PiecewiseMultilinearPiecewiseMultilinear performs linear interpolation on 1D, 2D, 3D or 4D data. The data_file specifies the axes directions and the function values. If a point lies outside the data range, the appropriate end value is used.
- SolutionFunctionFunction for reading a solution from file.
- SplineFunctionDefine a spline function from interpolated data defined by input parameters.
- VectorPostprocessorFunctionProvides piecewise linear interpolation of from two columns of a VectorPostprocessor
- Phase Field App
- FourierNoiseGenerate noise from a fourier series
- Moose App
- AddFunctorMaterialActionAdd a Functor Material object to the simulation.
- ADGenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- ADGenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
- ADGenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- ADParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
- ADPiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- ADPiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- ADVectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.
- FVADPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- FVPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- FunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
- FunctorSmootherCreates smoother functor(s) using various averaging techniques
- GenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- GenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
- GenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- ParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
- PiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- PiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- VectorFunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
- VectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.
- Heat Transfer App
- ADConvectionHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes a convection heat flux from a solid surface to a fluid.
- ADCylindricalGapHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes cylindrical gap heat flux due to conduction and radiation.
- ADFinEfficiencyFunctorMaterialComputes fin efficiency.
- ADFinEnhancementFactorFunctorMaterialComputes a heat transfer enhancement factor for fins.
- ADRadiativeP1DiffusionCoefficientMaterialComputes the P1 diffusion coefficient from the opacity and effective scattering cross section.
- ConvectionHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes a convection heat flux from a solid surface to a fluid.
- CylindricalGapHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes cylindrical gap heat flux due to conduction and radiation.
- FinEfficiencyFunctorMaterialComputes fin efficiency.
- FinEnhancementFactorFunctorMaterialComputes a heat transfer enhancement factor for fins.
- RadiativeP1DiffusionCoefficientMaterialComputes the P1 diffusion coefficient from the opacity and effective scattering cross section.
- Moose App
- GlobalParamsActionAction used to aid in the application of parameters defined in the GlobalParams input block.
- Heat Transfer App
- RadiationTransferActionThis action sets up the net radiation calculation between specified sidesets.
- Moose App
- AddHDGBCActionAdd a hybridized integrated boundary condition object to the simulation.
- DiffusionHDGDirichletBCWeakly imposes Dirichlet boundary conditions for a hybridized discretization of a diffusion equation
- DiffusionHDGPrescribedGradientBCImplements a flux boundary condition for use with a hybridized discretization of the diffusion equation
- Moose App
- AddHDGKernelActionAdd a hybridized kernel object to the simulation.
- DiffusionHDGKernelImplements the diffusion equation for a hybridized discretization
- Moose App
- AddInitialConditionActionAdd an InitialCondition object to the simulation.
- ArrayConstantICSets constant component values for an array field variable.
- ArrayFunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
- BoundingBoxICBoundingBoxIC allows setting the initial condition of a value inside and outside of a specified box. The box is aligned with the x, y, z axes
- ConstantICSets a constant field value.
- FunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
- FunctionScalarICInitializes a scalar variable using a function.
- IntegralPreservingFunctionICFunction initial condition that preserves an integral
- RandomICInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following either a uniform distribution or a user-defined distribution
- ScalarComponentICInitial condition to set different values on each component of scalar variable.
- ScalarConstantICInitalize a scalar variable with a constant value prescribed by an input parameter.
- ScalarSolutionICSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
- ScalarSolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a scalar variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
- SolutionICSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
- SolutionInitialConditionSets the initial condition from a field variable stored in an Exodus file, retrieved by a SolutionUserObject
- VectorConstantICSets constant component values for a vector field variable.
- VectorFunctionICSets component values for a vector field variable based on a vector function.
- Solid Mechanics App
- VolumeWeightedWeibullInitialize a variable with randomly generated numbers following a volume-weighted Weibull distribution
- Phase Field App
- BimodalInverseSuperellipsoidsICBimodal size distribution of large particles (specified in input file, value invalue) and small particles (placed randomly inside the larger particles, value outvalue)
- BimodalSuperellipsoidsICBimodal size distribution of large particles (specified in input file) and small particles (placed randomly outside the larger particles)
- BndsCalcICInitialize the location of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- ClosePackICClose packed arrangement of smooth circles
- CoupledValueFunctionICInitialize the variable from a lookup function
- CrossICCross-shaped initial condition
- IsolatedBoundingBoxICSpecify variable values inside and outside a list of isolated boxes shaped axis-aligned regions defined by pairs of opposing corners
- LatticeSmoothCircleICPerturbed square lattice of smooth circles
- MultiBoundingBoxICAllows setting the initial condition of a value of a field inside and outside multiple bounding boxes.
- MultiSmoothCircleICRandom distribution of smooth circles with given minimum spacing
- MultiSmoothSuperellipsoidICRandom distribution of smooth ellipse with given minimum spacing
- NestedBoundingBoxICSpecify variable values inside a list of nested boxes shaped axis-aligned regions defined by pairs of opposing corners
- PFCFreezingICBase class for generating a random field for a variable.
- PolycrystalColoringICRandom Voronoi tesselation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiICAction)
- PolycrystalColoringICLinearizedInterfaceSets up polycrystal initial conditions from user objects for transformed linearized interface
- PolycrystalRandomICRandom initial condition for a polycrystalline material
- PolycrystalVoronoiVoidICRandom distribution of smooth circles with given minimum spacing
- RampICLinear ramp along the x-axis with given values at the left and right extreme points.
- ReconPhaseVarICSets the initial condition of the phase weights from the EBSD reader
- RndBoundingBoxICRandom noise with different min/max inside/outside of a bounding box
- RndSmoothCircleICRandom noise with different min/max inside/outside of a smooth circle
- SmoothCircleFromFileICMultiple smooth circles read from a text file
- SmoothCircleICCircle with a smooth interface
- SmoothCircleICLinearizedInterfaceCircle with a smooth interface transformed using the linearized interface function
- SmoothSuperellipsoidICSuperellipsoid with a smooth interface
- SpecifiedSmoothCircleICMultiple smooth circles with manually specified radii and center points
- SpecifiedSmoothSuperellipsoidICMultiple smooth superellipsoids with manually specified center points; semiaxes a,b,c; and exponents n
- ThumbICThumb shaped bicrystal for grain boundary mobility tests
- Tricrystal2CircleGrainsICTricrystal with two circles/bubbles
- TricrystalTripleJunctionICTricrystal with a triple junction
- PolycrystalICs
- raccoon App
- BrittleDamageICThis class initializes the phase-field with the closed-form solution associated with the quadratic crack geometric function , i.e. .
- CohesiveDamageICThis class initializes the phase-field with the closed-form solution associated with a linear crack geometric function , i.e. .
- Phase Field App
- BicrystalBoundingBoxICActionConstructs a bicrystal, where one grain is on the inside of the box and the other grain is the outside of the box
- Phase Field App
- BicrystalCircleGrainICActionBicrystal with a circular grain and an embedding outer grain
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalColoringICActionAction to create ICs for polycrystal variables from a UserObject
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalRandomICActionSets random polycrystal initial conditions for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalVoronoiVoidICActionSets polycrystal Voronoi void initial conditions for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- Tricrystal2CircleGrainsICActionSets initial conditions for the order parameters representing the tri-crystal grain structure
- Moose App
- AddInterfaceKernelActionAdd an InterfaceKernel object to the simulation.
- ADMatInterfaceReactionImplements a reaction to establish ReactionRate=k_f*u-k_b*v at interface.
- ADPenaltyInterfaceDiffusionA penalty-based interface condition that forcesthe continuity of variables and the flux equivalence across an interface.
- ADVectorPenaltyInterfaceDiffusionA penalty-based interface condition that forcesthe continuity of variables and the flux equivalence across an interface.
- InterfaceDiffusionThe kernel is utilized to establish flux equivalence on an interface for variables.
- InterfaceReactionImplements a reaction to establish ReactionRate=k_f*u-k_b*v at interface.
- PenaltyInterfaceDiffusionA penalty-based interface condition that forcesthe continuity of variables and the flux equivalence across an interface.
- VectorPenaltyInterfaceDiffusionA penalty-based interface condition that forcesthe continuity of variables and the flux equivalence across an interface.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADCZMInterfaceKernelSmallStrainCZM Interface kernel to use when using the small strain kinematic formulation.
- ADCZMInterfaceKernelTotalLagrangianCZM Interface kernel to use when using the total Lagrangian formulation.
- CZMInterfaceKernelSmallStrainCZM Interface kernel to use when using the Small Strain kinematic formulation.
- CZMInterfaceKernelTotalLagrangianCalculate residual contribution for balancing the traction across an interface (used in the cohesive zone method).
- Phase Field App
- EqualGradientLagrangeInterfaceEnforce componentwise gradient continuity between two different variables across a subdomain boundary using a Lagrange multiplier
- EqualGradientLagrangeMultiplierLagrange multiplier kernel for EqualGradientLagrangeInterface.
- InterfaceDiffusionBoundaryTermAdd weak form surface terms of the Diffusion equation for two different variables across a subdomain boundary
- InterfaceDiffusionFluxMatchEnforce flux continuity between two different variables across a subdomain boundary
- Heat Transfer App
- ConjugateHeatTransferThis InterfaceKernel models conjugate heat transfer. Fluid side must be primary side and solid side must be secondary side. T_fluid is provided in case that variable ( fluid energy variable) is not temperature but e.g. internal energy.
- SideSetHeatTransferKernelModeling conduction, convection, and radiation across internal side set.
- ThinLayerHeatTransferModel heat transfer across a thin domain with an interface.
- Moose App
- AddKernelActionAdd a Kernel object to the simulation.
- ADBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- ADCoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
- ADConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
- ADCoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- ADCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- ADDiffusionSame as
in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation - ADMatBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material property
- ADMatCoupledForceKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a material property coefficient, is a coupled scalar field variable, and Jacobian derivatives are calculated using automatic differentiation.
- ADMatDiffusionDiffusion equation kernel that takes an isotropic diffusivity from a material property
- ADMatReactionKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a reaction rate material property, is a scalar variable (nonlinear or coupled), and whose Jacobian contribution is calculated using automatic differentiation.
- ADMaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
- ADReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
- ADScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- ADTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- ADVectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of . The Jacobian is computed using automatic differentiation
- ADVectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- AnisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic diffusion kernel with weak form given by .
- ArrayBodyForceApplies body forces specified with functions to an array variable.
- ArrayCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Array Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: . The coupled variable and the variable must have the same dimensionality
- ArrayDiffusionThe array Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
- ArrayReactionThe array reaction operator with the weak form of .
- ArrayTimeDerivativeArray time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- BodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- CoefReactionImplements the residual term (p*u, test)
- CoefTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- ConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
- CoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- CoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- DiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
- DivFieldThe divergence operator optionally scaled by a constant scalar coefficient. Weak form: .
- FunctionDiffusionDiffusion with a function coefficient.
- GradFieldThe gradient operator optionally scaled by a constant scalar coefficient. Weak form: .
- MassEigenKernelAn eigenkernel with weak form where is the eigenvalue.
- MassLumpedTimeDerivativeLumped formulation of the time derivative . Its corresponding weak form is where denotes the time derivative of the solution coefficient associated with node .
- MassMatrixComputes a finite element mass matrix
- MatBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material property
- MatCoupledForceImplements a forcing term RHS of the form PDE = RHS, where RHS = Sum_j c_j * m_j * v_j. c_j, m_j, and v_j are provided as real coefficients, material properties, and coupled variables, respectively.
- MatDiffusionDiffusion equation Kernel that takes an isotropic Diffusivity from a material property
- MatReactionKernel to add -L*v, where L=reaction rate, v=variable
- MaterialDerivativeRankFourTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank four tensor material property.
- MaterialDerivativeRankTwoTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank two tensor material property.
- MaterialDerivativeTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a scalar material property.
- MaterialPropertyValueResidual term (u - prop) to set variable u equal to a given material property prop
- NullKernelKernel that sets a zero residual.
- ReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
- ScalarLMKernelThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- ScalarLagrangeMultiplierThis class is used to enforce integral of phi = V_0 with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- TimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- UserForcingFunctionDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- VectorBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- VectorCoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled vector variable. Weak form: .
- VectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
- VectorFunctionReactionKernel representing the contribution of the PDE term , where is a function coefficient and is a vector variable.
- VectorTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- raccoon App
- ADCoefMatDiffusionDiffsuion term optionally multiplied with a coefficient and material properties. The weak form is , where is the product of all multipliers.
- ADCoefMatReactionReaction term optionally multiplied with a coefficient and material properties. The weak form is , where is the product of all multipliers.
- ADCoefMatSourceSource term defined by the product of a coefficient and material properties
- ADPFFDiffusionThe diffusion term in the phase-field evolution equation. The weak form is .
- ADPFFPressureThis class computes the pressure term in the phase-field evolution equation for pressurized crack. The weak form is .
- ADPFFSourceThe source term in the phase-field evolution equation. The weak form is .
- ADPressurizedCrackThis class computes the body force term from pressurized phase-field fracture. The weak form is .
- Heat Transfer App
- ADHeatConductionSame as
in terms of physics/residual, but the Jacobian is computed using forward automatic differentiation - ADHeatConductionTimeDerivativeAD Time derivative term of the heat equation for quasi-constant specific heat and the density .
- ADJouleHeatingSourceCalculates the heat source term corresponding to electrostatic Joule heating, with Jacobian contributions calculated using the automatic differentiation system.
- ADMatHeatSourceForce term in thermal transport to represent a heat source
- AnisoHeatConductionAnisotropic diffusive heat conduction term of the thermal energy conservation equation
- AnisoHomogenizedHeatConductionKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity when anisotropic thermal conductivities are used
- HeatCapacityConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation with the heat capacity as an argument.
- HeatConductionDiffusive heat conduction term of the thermal energy conservation equation
- HeatConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the thermal energy conservation equation.
- HeatSourceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- HomogenizedHeatConductionKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity
- JouleHeatingSourceCalculates the heat source term corresponding to electrostatic Joule heating.
- SpecificHeatConductionTimeDerivativeTime derivative term of the heat equation with the specific heat and the density as arguments.
- TrussHeatConductionComputes conduction term in heat equation for truss elements, taking cross-sectional area into account
- TrussHeatConductionTimeDerivativeComputes time derivative term in heat equation for truss elements, taking cross-sectional area into account
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADDynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
- ADGravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
- ADInertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
- ADInertialForceShellCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
- ADStressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
- ADStressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
- ADStressDivergenceShellQuasi-static stress divergence kernel for Shell element
- ADStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
- ADSymmetricStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel with automatic differentiation for the Cartesian coordinate system
- ADWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationKernelKernel for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CosseratStressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence tensor with the additional Jacobian terms for the Cosserat rotation variables.
- DynamicStressDivergenceTensorsResidual due to stress related Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration terms
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainOffDiagGeneralized Plane Strain kernel to provide contribution of the out-of-plane strain to other kernels
- GravityApply gravity. Value is in units of acceleration.
- HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceTotal Lagrangian stress equilibrium kernel with homogenization constraint Jacobian terms
- InertialForceCalculates the residual for the inertial force () and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme ($\eta \cdot M \cdot ((1+\alpha)velq2-\alpha \cdot vel-old) $)
- InertialForceBeamCalculates the residual for the inertial force/moment and the contribution of mass dependent Rayleigh damping and HHT time integration scheme.
- InertialTorqueKernel for inertial torque: density * displacement x acceleration
- MaterialVectorBodyForceApply a body force vector to the coupled displacement component.
- MomentBalancingBalance of momentum for three-dimensional Cosserat media, notably in a Cosserat layered elasticity model.
- OutOfPlanePressureApply pressure in the out-of-plane direction in 2D plane stress or generalized plane strain models
- PhaseFieldFractureMechanicsOffDiagStress divergence kernel for phase-field fracture: Computes off diagonal damage dependent Jacobian components. To be used with StressDivergenceTensors or DynamicStressDivergenceTensors.
- PlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = coeff * stress * plastic_strain_rate
- PoroMechanicsCouplingAdds , where the subscript is the component.
- StressDivergenceBeamQuasi-static and dynamic stress divergence kernel for Beam element
- StressDivergenceRSphericalTensorsCalculate stress divergence for a spherically symmetric 1D problem in polar coordinates.
- StressDivergenceRZTensorsCalculate stress divergence for an axisymmetric problem in cylindrical coordinates.
- StressDivergenceTensorsStress divergence kernel for the Cartesian coordinate system
- StressDivergenceTensorsTrussKernel for truss element
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceAxisymmetricCylindricalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceCentrosymmetricSphericalEnforce equilibrium with a total Lagrangian formulation in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
- TotalLagrangianWeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- UpdatedLagrangianStressDivergenceEnforce equilibrium with an updated Lagrangian formulation in Cartesian coordinates.
- WeakPlaneStressPlane stress kernel to provide out-of-plane strain contribution.
- DynamicSolidMechanics
- DynamicTensorMechanics
- PoroMechanics
- SolidMechanics
- TensorMechanics
- Phase Field App
- ACBarrierFunctionAllen-Cahn kernel used when 'mu' is a function of variables
- ACGBPolyGrain-Boundary model concentration dependent residual
- ACGrGrElasticDrivingForceAdds elastic energy contribution to the Allen-Cahn equation
- ACGrGrMultiMulti-phase poly-crystalline Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACGrGrPolyGrain-Boundary model poly-crystalline interface Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACGrGrPolyLinearizedInterfaceGrain growth model Allen-Cahn Kernel with linearized interface variable transformation
- ACInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACInterface2DMultiPhase1Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where the derivative of interface parameter kappa wrt the gradient of order parameter is considered.
- ACInterface2DMultiPhase2Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where the interface parameter kappa is considered.
- ACInterfaceChangedVariableGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel using a change of variable
- ACInterfaceCleavageFractureGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where crack propagation along weakcleavage plane is preferred
- ACInterfaceKobayashi1Anisotropic gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 1
- ACInterfaceKobayashi2Anisotropic Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 2
- ACInterfaceStressInterface stress driving force Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACKappaFunctionGradient energy term for when kappa as a function of the variable
- ACMultiInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel with cross terms
- ACSEDGPolyStored Energy contribution to grain growth
- ACSwitchingKernel for Allen-Cahn equation that adds derivatives of switching functions and energies
- ADACBarrierFunctionAllen-Cahn kernel used when 'mu' is a function of variables
- ADACGrGrMultiMulti-phase poly-crystalline Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADACInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADACInterfaceKobayashi1Anisotropic gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 1
- ADACInterfaceKobayashi2Anisotropic Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 2
- ADACKappaFunctionGradient energy term for when kappa as a function of the variable
- ADACSwitchingKernel for Allen-Cahn equation that adds derivatives of switching functions and energies
- ADAllenCahnAllen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- ADCHSoretMobilityAdds contribution due to thermo-migration to the Cahn-Hilliard equation using a concentration 'u', temperature 'T', and thermal mobility 'mobility' (in units of length squared per time).
- ADCHSplitChemicalPotentialChemical potential kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- ADCHSplitConcentrationConcentration kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- ADCoefCoupledTimeDerivativeScaled time derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable
- ADCoupledSwitchingTimeDerivativeCoupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative by
- ADGrainGrowthGrain-Boundary model poly-crystalline interface Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADMatAnisoDiffusionDiffusion equation kernel that takes an anisotropic diffusivity from a material property
- ADSplitCHParsedSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- ADSplitCHWResSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- ADSplitCHWResAnisoSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- ADSusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a variable by a generalized susceptibility
- AllenCahnAllen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- AllenCahnElasticEnergyOffDiagThis kernel calculates off-diagonal Jacobian of elastic energy in AllenCahn with respect to displacements
- AntitrappingCurrentKernel that provides antitrapping current at the interface for alloy solidification
- CHBulkPFCTradCahn-Hilliard kernel for a polynomial phase field crystal free energy.
- CHInterfaceGradient energy Cahn-Hilliard Kernel with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- CHInterfaceAnisoGradient energy Cahn-Hilliard Kernel with a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- CHMathSimple demonstration Cahn-Hilliard Kernel using an algebraic double-well potential
- CHPFCRFFCahn-Hilliard residual for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- CHSplitChemicalPotentialChemical potential kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- CHSplitConcentrationConcentration kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- CHSplitFluxComputes flux as nodal variable
- CahnHilliardCahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy and a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- CahnHilliardAnisoCahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy and a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- ChangedVariableTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative bythe derivative of the nonlinear preconditioning function
- CoefCoupledTimeDerivativeScaled time derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable
- ConservedLangevinNoiseSource term for noise from a ConservedNoise userobject
- CoupledAllenCahnCoupled Allen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- CoupledMaterialDerivativeKernel that implements the first derivative of a function material property with respect to a coupled variable.
- CoupledSusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified coupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a coupled variable by a generalized susceptibility
- CoupledSwitchingTimeDerivativeCoupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative by
- DiscreteNucleationForceTerm for inserting grain nuclei or phases in non-conserved order parameter fields
- GradientComponentSet the kernel variable to a specified component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
- HHPFCRFFReaction type kernel for the RFF phase fit crystal model
- KKSACBulkCKKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSCHBulkKKS model kernel for the Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This operates on the concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable
- KKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase KKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSMultiACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSMultiPhaseConcentrationKKS multi-phase model kernel to enforce . The non-linear variable of this kernel is , the final phase concentration in the list.
- KKSPhaseChemicalPotentialKKS model kernel to enforce the pointwise equality of phase chemical potentials . The non-linear variable of this kernel is .
- KKSPhaseConcentrationKKS model kernel to enforce the decomposition of concentration into phase concentration . The non-linear variable of this kernel is .
- KKSSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable
- LangevinNoiseSource term for non-conserved Langevin noise
- LaplacianSplitSplit with a variable that holds the Laplacian of a phase field variable.
- MaskedBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material mask
- MaskedExponentialKernel to add dilute solution term to Poisson's equation for electrochemical sintering
- MatAnisoDiffusionDiffusion equation Kernel that takes an anisotropic Diffusivity from a material property
- MatGradSquareCoupledGradient square of a coupled variable.
- MultiGrainRigidBodyMotionAdds rigid body motion to grains
- NestedKKSACBulkCKKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase KKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable.
- NestedKKSSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable.
- SLKKSChemicalPotentialSLKKS model kernel to enforce the pointwise equality of sublattice chemical potentials in the same phase.
- SLKKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase SLKKS model kernel for the bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- SLKKSMultiPhaseConcentrationSLKKS multi-phase model kernel to enforce . The non-linear variable of this kernel is a phase's sublattice concentration
- SLKKSPhaseConcentrationSublattice KKS model kernel to enforce the decomposition of concentration into phase and sublattice concentrations The non-linear variable of this kernel is a sublattice concentration of phase b.
- SLKKSSumEnforce the sum of sublattice concentrations to a given phase concentration.
- SimpleACInterfaceGradient energy for Allen-Cahn Kernel with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter
- SimpleCHInterfaceGradient energy for Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter
- SimpleCoupledACInterfaceGradient energy for Allen-Cahn Kernel with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter for a coupled order parameter variable.
- SimpleSplitCHWResGradient energy for split Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant Mobility for a coupled order parameter variable.
- SingleGrainRigidBodyMotionAdds rigid mody motion to a single grain
- SoretDiffusionAdd Soret effect to Split formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel
- SplitCHMathSimple demonstration split formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel using an algebraic double-well potential
- SplitCHParsedSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- SplitCHWResSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- SplitCHWResAnisoSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- SusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a variable by a generalized susceptibility
- SwitchingFunctionConstraintEtaLagrange multiplier kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system. This kernel acts on a non-conserved order parameter eta_i.
- SwitchingFunctionConstraintLagrangeLagrange multiplier kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system. This kernel acts on the Lagrange multiplier variable.
- SwitchingFunctionPenaltyPenalty kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system.
- CHPFCRFFSplitKernel
- HHPFCRFFSplitKernel
- PFCRFFKernel
- PolycrystalElasticDrivingForce
- PolycrystalKernel
- PolycrystalStoredEnergy
- RigidBodyMultiKernel
- Phase Field App
- CHPFCRFFSplitKernelActionCreates the kernels for the transient Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Solid Mechanics App
- LegacyDynamicTensorMechanicsActionSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Solid Mechanics App
- LegacyDynamicTensorMechanicsActionSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Phase Field App
- HHPFCRFFSplitKernelActionSet up kernels for the rational function fit (RFF) phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PFCRFFKernelActionSet up kernels for the rational function fit (RFF) phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalElasticDrivingForceActionAction that adds the elastic driving force for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalKernelActionSet up ACGrGrPoly, ACInterface, TimeDerivative, and ACGBPoly kernels
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalStoredEnergyActionAction that adds the contribution of stored energy associated with dislocations to grain growth models
- Solid Mechanics App
- PoroMechanicsActionAdds the poro-mechanics coupling term
- Phase Field App
- RigidBodyMultiKernelActionAction for applying Allen-Cahn equations and SingleGrainRigidBodyMotion to grains
- Solid Mechanics App
- LegacyTensorMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Solid Mechanics App
- LegacyTensorMechanicsActionSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Moose App
- AddLinearFVBCActionAdd a LinearFVBoundaryCondition object to the simulation.
- LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionExtrapolatedBCAdds a boundary condition which calculates the face values and face gradients assuming one or two term expansions from the cell centroid. This kernel is only compatible with advection-diffusion problems.
- LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionFunctorDirichletBCAdds a dirichlet BC which can be used for the assembly of linear finite volume system and whose face values are determined using a functor. This kernel is only designed to work with advection-diffusion problems.
- LinearFVAdvectionDiffusionOutflowBCAdds a boundary condition which represents a surface with outflowing material with a constant velocity. This kernel is only compatible with advection-diffusion problems.
- Moose App
- AddLinearFVKernelActionAdd a LinearFVKernel object to the simulation.
- LinearFVAdvectionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of an advection term in a partial differential equation.
- LinearFVAnisotropicDiffusionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a diffusion term in a partial differential equation.
- LinearFVDiffusionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a diffusion term in a partial differential equation.
- LinearFVReactionRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a reaction term () in a partial differential equation.
- LinearFVSourceRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a solution-independent source term in a partial differential equation.
- LinearFVTimeDerivativeRepresents the matrix and right hand side contributions of a time derivative term in a partial differential equation.
- Moose App
- AddMaterialActionAdd a Material object to the simulation.
- ADCoupledValueFunctionMaterialCompute a function value from coupled variables
- ADDerivativeParsedMaterialParsed Function Material with automatic derivatives.
- ADDerivativeSumMaterialMeta-material to sum up multiple derivative materials
- ADGenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericConstantMaterialDeclares material properties based on names and values prescribed by input parameters.
- ADGenericConstantRankTwoTensorObject for declaring a constant rank two tensor as a material property.
- ADGenericConstantRealVectorValueObject for declaring a constant 3-vector as a material property.
- ADGenericConstantSymmetricRankTwoTensorObject for declaring a constant symmetric rank two tensor as a material property.
- ADGenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- ADGenericConstantVectorMaterialDeclares material properties based on names and vector values prescribed by input parameters.
- ADGenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctionMaterialMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of Function object.
- ADGenericFunctionRankTwoTensorMaterial object for defining rank two tensor properties using functions.
- ADGenericFunctionVectorMaterialMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of Function objects.
- ADGenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- ADGenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
- ADGenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- ADParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
- ADParsedMaterialParsed expression Material.
- ADPiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- ADPiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- ADPiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- ADPiecewiseLinearInterpolationMaterialCompute a property using a piecewise linear interpolation to define its dependence on a variable
- ADVectorFromComponentVariablesMaterialComputes a vector material property from coupled variables
- ADVectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.
- CoupledValueFunctionMaterialCompute a function value from coupled variables
- DerivativeParsedMaterialParsed Function Material with automatic derivatives.
- DerivativeSumMaterialMeta-material to sum up multiple derivative materials
- FVADPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- FVPropValPerSubdomainMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- FunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
- FunctorSmootherCreates smoother functor(s) using various averaging techniques
- GenericConstant2DArrayA material evaluating one material property in type of RealEigenMatrix
- GenericConstantArrayA material evaluating one material property in type of RealEigenVector
- GenericConstantFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericConstantMaterialDeclares material properties based on names and values prescribed by input parameters.
- GenericConstantRankTwoTensorObject for declaring a constant rank two tensor as a material property.
- GenericConstantRealVectorValueObject for declaring a constant 3-vector as a material property.
- GenericConstantSymmetricRankTwoTensorObject for declaring a constant symmetric rank two tensor as a material property.
- GenericConstantVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- GenericConstantVectorMaterialDeclares material properties based on names and vector values prescribed by input parameters.
- GenericFunctionFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctionMaterialMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of Function object.
- GenericFunctionRankTwoTensorMaterial object for defining rank two tensor properties using functions.
- GenericFunctionVectorMaterialMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of Function objects.
- GenericFunctorGradientMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of gradients of Functors (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of a Functor (a constant, variable, function or functor material property) objects.
- GenericFunctorTimeDerivativeMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring properties that are populated by evaluation of time derivatives of Functors objects. (such as variables, constants, postprocessors). The time derivative is only returned if the 'dot' functor routine is implemented.
- GenericVectorFunctorMaterialFunctorMaterial object for declaring vector properties that are populated by evaluation of functor (constants, functions, variables, matprops) object.
- InterpolatedStatefulMaterialRankFourTensorAccess old state from projected data.
- InterpolatedStatefulMaterialRankTwoTensorAccess old state from projected data.
- InterpolatedStatefulMaterialRealAccess old state from projected data.
- InterpolatedStatefulMaterialRealVectorValueAccess old state from projected data.
- MaterialADConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- MaterialConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- MaterialFunctorConverterConverts functor to non-AD and AD regular material properties
- ParsedFunctorMaterialComputes a functor material from a parsed expression of other functors.
- ParsedMaterialParsed expression Material.
- PiecewiseByBlockFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- PiecewiseByBlockVectorFunctorMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- PiecewiseConstantByBlockMaterialComputes a property value on a per-subdomain basis
- PiecewiseLinearInterpolationMaterialCompute a property using a piecewise linear interpolation to define its dependence on a variable
- RankFourTensorMaterialADConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- RankFourTensorMaterialConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- RankTwoTensorMaterialADConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- RankTwoTensorMaterialConverterConverts regular material properties to AD properties and vice versa
- VectorFromComponentVariablesMaterialComputes a vector material property from coupled variables
- VectorFunctorADConverterConverts regular functors to AD functors and AD functors to regular functors
- VectorMagnitudeFunctorMaterialThis class takes up to three scalar-valued functors corresponding to vector components or a single vector functor and computes the Euclidean norm.
- VectorMaterialFunctorConverterConverts functor to non-AD and AD regular material properties
- raccoon App
- ArrheniusLawThis class computes the Arrhenius coefficient , where is the activation energy, is the ideal gas constant, and is the temperature.
- ArrheniusLawHardeningPlastic hardening following a temperature dependent Arrhenius law.
- CNHIsotropicElasticityIsotropic Compressible Neo-Hookean hyperelasticity model.
- ComputeDeformationGradientThis class computes the deformation gradient. Eigen deformation gradients are extracted from the total deformation gradient. The F-bar approach can optionally be used to correct volumetric locking.
- ComputeEigenstrainFromFunctionInitialStressThis class computes the eigenstrain given a predefined intial stress. The eigenstrain is defined as , where is the compliance tensor. Isotropic linear elasticity is assumed.
- ComputeLargeDeformationStressStress calculator given an elasticity model, a plasticity model and a viscoelasticity model. Large deformation is assumed.
- ComputeSmallDeformationStressThe stress calculator given an elasticity model and a plasticity model. Small deformation is assumed.
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenDeformationGradientThis class computes the thermal deformation gradient, , where is the thermal expansion coefficient, is the temperature, and is the reference temperature corresponding to zero thermal expansion.
- CrackGeometricFunctionThis is a wrapper of ADDerivativeParsedMaterial to conveniently define a crack geometric function. The initial derivative as well as the normalization constant are automatically populated given the function definition.
- CrackSurfaceDensityThis class computes the crack surface density , where is the crack geometric function, is the normalization constant, and is the phase-field regularization length.
- ExponentialHardeningPlastic hardening in exponential form.
- HenckyIsotropicElasticityIsotropic Hencky-type hyperelasticity model. The logarithmic right Cauchy-Green strain tensor is used as the strain measure.
- JohnsonCookHardeningThe Johnson-Cook plasticity model.
- KLBFNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Kumar et al. (2020)
- KLRNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Kumar et al. (2022)
- LDLNucleationMicroForceThis class computes the external driving force for nucleation given a Drucker-Prager strength envelope developed by Larsen et al. (2024)
- LargeDeformationJ2PlasticityLarge deformation plasticity. The exponential constitutive update is used to update the plastic deformation.
- LargeDeformationJ2PowerLawCreepLarge deformation power-law creep. This is an approximation to the consistent plasticity model using the update formula .
- LargeDeformationNewtonianViscosityNewtonian viscosity.
- LinearHardeningPlastic hardening following a linear isotropic law.
- NoDegradationDummy function for no degradation, i.e. .
- PowerDegradationFunctiondefines the power degradation function .
- PowerLawHardeningPlastic hardening following a power law.
- PressureDensityThis class computes the effective pressure density , where is the indicator function.
- RationalDegradationFunctionDefines the rational degradation function where . is the fracture toughness, is the critical fracture energy, is the derivative of the local fracture energy at , is the normalization constant, and is the regularization length.
- SmallDeformationIsotropicElasticityIsotropic elasticity under small strain asumptions.
- SmallDeformationJ2PlasticitySmall deformation plasticity. The plastic deformation is updated using the additive decompsition of strain.
- ThinFilmInterfaceEnergyDensityThis class compute the interface energy density corresponding to a shear-lag model, i.e. .
- Heat Transfer App
- ADAnisoHeatConductionMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for anisotropic heat conduction
- ADConvectionHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes a convection heat flux from a solid surface to a fluid.
- ADCylindricalGapHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes cylindrical gap heat flux due to conduction and radiation.
- ADElectricalConductivityCalculates resistivity and electrical conductivity as a function of temperature, using copper for parameter defaults.
- ADFinEfficiencyFunctorMaterialComputes fin efficiency.
- ADFinEnhancementFactorFunctorMaterialComputes a heat transfer enhancement factor for fins.
- ADHeatConductionMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for heat conduction
- ADRadiativeP1DiffusionCoefficientMaterialComputes the P1 diffusion coefficient from the opacity and effective scattering cross section.
- AnisoHeatConductionMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for anisotropic heat conduction
- ConvectionHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes a convection heat flux from a solid surface to a fluid.
- CylindricalGapHeatFluxFunctorMaterialComputes cylindrical gap heat flux due to conduction and radiation.
- ElectricalConductivityCalculates resistivity and electrical conductivity as a function of temperature, using copper for parameter defaults.
- FinEfficiencyFunctorMaterialComputes fin efficiency.
- FinEnhancementFactorFunctorMaterialComputes a heat transfer enhancement factor for fins.
- FunctionPathEllipsoidHeatSourceDouble ellipsoid volumetric source heat with function path.
- GapConductance
- GapConductanceConstantMaterial to compute a constant, prescribed gap conductance
- HeatConductionMaterialGeneral-purpose material model for heat conduction
- RadiativeP1DiffusionCoefficientMaterialComputes the P1 diffusion coefficient from the opacity and effective scattering cross section.
- SemiconductorLinearConductivityCalculates electrical conductivity of a semiconductor from temperature
- SideSetHeatTransferMaterialThis material constructs the necessary coefficients and properties for SideSetHeatTransferKernel.
- ThermalComplianceComputes cost sensitivity needed for multimaterial SIMP method.
- ThermalSensitivityComputes cost sensitivity needed for multimaterial SIMP method.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADAbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class relies on automatic differentiation and is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- ADCZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- ADCombinedNonlinearHardeningPlasticityCombined isotropic and kinematic plasticity model with nonlinear hardening rules, including a Voce model for isotropic hardening and an Armstrong-Fredrick model for kinematic hardening.
- ADCombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- ADCompositePowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations. This class is an extension to include multi-phase capability.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ADComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ADComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ADComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ADComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ADComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeFiniteShellStrainCompute a large strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADComputeGreenLagrangeStrainCompute a Green-Lagrange strain.
- ADComputeIncrementalShellStrainCompute a small strain increment for the shell.
- ADComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADComputeIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ADComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorShellCompute a plane stress isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ADComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. A porosity material property is defined and is calculated from the trace of inelastic strain increment.
- ADComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ADComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ADComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ADComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ADComputeShellStressCompute in-plane stress using elasticity for shell
- ADComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model. Uses automatic differentiation
- ADComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ADComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ADComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ADComputeVolumetricEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain that is defined by a set of scalar material properties that summed together define the volumetric change.
- ADEigenDecompositionMaterialEmits material properties for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric rank two tensor.
- ADEshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ADExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADHillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- ADHillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADHillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADIsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADLAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- ADLAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- ADMultiplePowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADNonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- ADPorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- ADPowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- ADPowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ADComputeSmearedCrackingStress and relies on automatic differentiation.
- ADPureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- ADRankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- ADRankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- ADRankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- ADScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- ADStrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADStrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ADSymmetricFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ADSymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ADSymmetricLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ADSymmetricSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ADTemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- ADViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis material computes the non-linear homogenized gauge stress in order to compute the viscoplastic responce due to creep in porous materials. This material must be used in conjunction with ADComputeMultiplePorousInelasticStress
- AbaqusUMATStressCoupling material to use Abaqus UMAT models in MOOSE
- AbruptSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- BiLinearMixedModeTractionMixed mode bilinear traction separation law.
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpSmallStrainCompute the total displacement jump across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Small Strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeDisplacementJumpTotalLagrangianCompute the displacement jump increment across a czm interface in local coordinates for the Total Lagrangian kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionSmallStrainComputes the czm traction in global coordinates for a small strain kinematic formulation
- CZMComputeGlobalTractionTotalLagrangianCompute the equilibrium traction (PK1) and its derivatives for the Total Lagrangian formulation.
- CZMRealVectorCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RealVectorValue defined on a cohesive zone
- CZMRealVectorScalarCompute the normal or tangent component of a vector quantity defined on a cohesive interface.
- CappedDruckerPragerCosseratStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedDruckerPragerStressUpdateCapped Drucker-Prager plasticity stress calculator
- CappedMohrCoulombCosseratStressUpdateCapped Mohr-Coulomb plasticity stress calculator for the Cosserat situation where the host medium (ie, the limit where all Cosserat effects are zero) is isotropic. Note that the return-map flow rule uses an isotropic elasticity tensor built with the 'host' properties defined by the user.
- CappedMohrCoulombStressUpdateNonassociative, smoothed, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity capped with tensile (Rankine) and compressive caps, with hardening/softening
- CappedWeakInclinedPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak inclined plane plasticity stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneCosseratStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity Cosserat stress calculator
- CappedWeakPlaneStressUpdateCapped weak-plane plasticity stress calculator
- CombinedNonlinearHardeningPlasticityCombined isotropic and kinematic plasticity model with nonlinear hardening rules, including a Voce model for isotropic hardening and an Armstrong-Fredrick model for kinematic hardening.
- CombinedScalarDamageScalar damage model which is computed as a function of multiple scalar damage models
- ComplianceSensitivityComputes compliance sensitivity needed for SIMP method.
- CompositeEigenstrainAssemble an Eigenstrain tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- CompositeElasticityTensorAssemble an elasticity tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- CompositePowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations. This class is an extension to include multi-phase capability.
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strains in an axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetric1DSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric 1D problem
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment for finite strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains under axisymmetric assumptions.
- ComputeAxisymmetricRZSmallStrainCompute a small strain in an Axisymmetric geometry
- ComputeBeamResultantsCompute forces and moments using elasticity
- ComputeConcentrationDependentElasticityTensorCompute concentration dependent elasticity tensor.
- ComputeCosseratElasticityTensorCompute Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors
- ComputeCosseratIncrementalSmallStrainCompute incremental small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCosseratLinearElasticStressCompute Cosserat stress and couple-stress elasticity for small strains
- ComputeCosseratSmallStrainCompute small Cosserat strains
- ComputeCrackedStressComputes energy and modifies the stress for phase field fracture
- ComputeCreepPlasticityStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as inelastic strains and internal parameters) using an Newton process for one creep and one plasticity model
- ComputeCrystalPlasticityThermalEigenstrainComputes the deformation gradient associated with the linear thermal expansion in a crystal plasticity simulation
- ComputeCrystalPlasticityVolumetricEigenstrainComputes the deformation gradient from the volumetric eigenstrain due to spherical voids in a crystal plasticity simulation
- ComputeDamageStressCompute stress for damaged elastic materials in conjunction with a damage model.
- ComputeDeformGradBasedStressComputes stress based on Lagrangian strain
- ComputeDilatationThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the total dilatation as a function of temperature
- ComputeEigenstrainComputes a constant Eigenstrain
- ComputeEigenstrainBeamFromVariableComputes an eigenstrain from a set of variables
- ComputeEigenstrainFromInitialStressComputes an eigenstrain from an initial stress
- ComputeElasticityBeamComputes the equivalent of the elasticity tensor for the beam element, which are vectors of material translational and flexural stiffness.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCompute an elasticity tensor.
- ComputeElasticityTensorCPCompute an elasticity tensor for crystal plasticity.
- ComputeExtraStressConstantComputes a constant extra stress that is added to the stress calculated by the constitutive model
- ComputeExtraStressVDWGasComputes a hydrostatic stress corresponding to the pressure of a van der Waals gas that is added as an extra_stress to the stress computed by the constitutive model
- ComputeFiniteBeamStrainCompute a rotation increment for finite rotations of the beam and computes the small/large strain increments in the current rotated configuration of the beam.
- ComputeFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains.
- ComputeFiniteStrainElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for finite strains
- ComputeGlobalStrainMaterial for storing the global strain values from the scalar variable
- ComputeHomogenizedLagrangianStrainCalculate eigenstrain-like contribution from the homogenization strain used to satisfy the homogenization constraints.
- ComputeHypoelasticStVenantKirchhoffStressCalculate a small strain elastic stress that is equivalent to the hyperelastic St. Venant-Kirchhoff model if integrated using the Truesdell rate.
- ComputeIncrementalBeamStrainCompute a infinitesimal/large strain increment for the beam.
- ComputeIncrementalSmallStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ComputeIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for small strains.
- ComputeInstantaneousThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the instantaneous thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeInterfaceStressStress in the plane of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- ComputeLagrangianCauchyCustomStressCustom stress update providing the Cauchy stress
- ComputeLagrangianLinearElasticStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLagrangianObjectiveCustomStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLagrangianObjectiveCustomSymmetricStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainAxisymmetricCylindricalCompute strain in 2D axisymmetric RZ coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianStrainCentrosymmetricSphericalCompute strain in centrosymmetric spherical coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWPSStrainCompute strain in Cartesian coordinates.
- ComputeLagrangianWrappedStressStress update based on the small (engineering) stress
- ComputeLayeredCosseratElasticityTensorComputes Cosserat elasticity and flexural bending rigidity tensors relevant for simulations with layered materials. The layering direction is assumed to be perpendicular to the 'z' direction.
- ComputeLinearElasticPFFractureStressComputes the stress and free energy derivatives for the phase field fracture model, with small strain
- ComputeLinearElasticStressCompute stress using elasticity for small strains
- ComputeLinearViscoelasticStressDivides total strain into elastic + creep + eigenstrains
- ComputeMeanThermalExpansionFunctionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion using a function that describes the mean thermal expansion as a function of temperature
- ComputeMultiPlasticityStressMaterial for multi-surface finite-strain plasticity
- ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStressCrystal Plasticity base class: handles the Newton iteration over the stress residual and calculates the Jacobian based on constitutive laws from multiple material classes that are inherited from CrystalPlasticityStressUpdateBase
- ComputeMultipleInelasticCosseratStressCompute state (stress and other quantities such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process, as well as Cosserat versions of these quantities. Only elasticity is currently implemented for the Cosserat versions. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used
- ComputeMultipleInelasticStressCompute state (stress and internal parameters such as plastic strains and internal parameters) using an iterative process. Combinations of creep models and plastic models may be used.
- ComputeNeoHookeanStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputePlaneFiniteStrainCompute strain increment and rotation increment for finite strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneIncrementalStrainCompute strain increment for small strain under 2D planar assumptions.
- ComputePlaneSmallStrainCompute a small strain under generalized plane strain assumptions where the out of plane strain is generally nonzero.
- ComputePlasticHeatEnergyPlastic heat energy density = stress * plastic_strain_rate
- ComputeRSphericalFiniteStrainCompute a strain increment and rotation increment for finite strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalIncrementalStrainCompute a strain increment for incremental strains in 1D spherical symmetry problems.
- ComputeRSphericalSmallStrainCompute a small strain 1D spherical symmetry case.
- ComputeReducedOrderEigenstrainaccepts eigenstrains and computes a reduced order eigenstrain for consistency in the order of strain and eigenstrains.
- ComputeSimoHughesJ2PlasticityStressThe Simo-Hughes style J2 plasticity.
- ComputeSmallStrainCompute a small strain.
- ComputeSmearedCrackingStressCompute stress using a fixed smeared cracking model
- ComputeStVenantKirchhoffStressStress update based on the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ComputeStrainIncrementBasedStressCompute stress after subtracting inelastic strain increments
- ComputeSurfaceTensionKKSSurface tension of an interface defined by the gradient of an order parameter
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeThermalExpansionEigenstrainBeamComputes eigenstrain due to thermal expansion with a constant coefficient
- ComputeUpdatedEulerAngleThis class computes the updated Euler angle for crystal plasticity simulations. This needs to be used together with the ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStress class, where the updated rotation material property is computed.
- ComputeVariableBaseEigenStrainComputes Eigenstrain based on material property tensor base
- ComputeVariableEigenstrainComputes an Eigenstrain and its derivatives that is a function of multiple variables, where the prefactor is defined in a derivative material
- ComputeVariableIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute an isotropic elasticity tensor for elastic constants that change as a function of material properties
- ComputeVolumetricDeformGradComputes volumetric deformation gradient and adjusts the total deformation gradient
- ComputeVolumetricEigenstrainComputes an eigenstrain that is defined by a set of scalar material properties that summed together define the volumetric change. This also computes the derivatives of that eigenstrain with respect to a supplied set of variable dependencies.
- CrystalPlasticityHCPDislocationSlipBeyerleinUpdateTwo-term dislocation slip model for hexagonal close packed crystals from Beyerline and Tome
- CrystalPlasticityKalidindiUpdateKalidindi version of homogeneous crystal plasticity.
- CrystalPlasticityTwinningKalidindiUpdateTwinning propagation model based on Kalidindi's treatment of twinning in a FCC material
- DensityScalingAutomatically scale the material density to achieve the desired time step size to satisfy CFL conditions.
- EigenDecompositionMaterialEmits material properties for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric rank two tensor.
- EshelbyTensorComputes the Eshelby tensor as a function of strain energy density and the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
- ExponentialSofteningSoftening model with an exponential softening response upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- FiniteStrainCPSlipRateResDeprecated class: please use CrystalPlasticityKalidindiUpdate and ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStress instead.
- FiniteStrainCrystalPlasticityDeprecated class: please use CrystalPlasticityKalidindiUpdate and ComputeMultipleCrystalPlasticityStress instead. Crystal Plasticity base class: FCC system with power law flow rule implemented
- FiniteStrainHyperElasticViscoPlasticMaterial class for hyper-elastic viscoplatic flow: Can handle multiple flow models defined by flowratemodel type user objects
- FiniteStrainPlasticMaterialAssociative J2 plasticity with isotropic hardening.
- FiniteStrainUObasedCPUserObject based Crystal Plasticity system.
- FluxBasedStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on flux
- GBRelaxationStrainIncrementCompute strain increment based on lattice relaxation at grain boundaries
- GeneralizedKelvinVoigtModelGeneralized Kelvin-Voigt model composed of a serial assembly of unit Kelvin-Voigt modules
- GeneralizedMaxwellModelGeneralized Maxwell model composed of a parallel assembly of unit Maxwell modules
- HillConstantsBuild and rotate the Hill Tensor. It can be used with other Hill plasticity and creep materials.
- HillCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a generalized radial return anisotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillElastoPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic elasto-plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HillPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the generalized radial return for anisotropic plasticity model.This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- HyperElasticPhaseFieldIsoDamageComputes damaged stress and energy in the intermediate configuration assuming isotropy
- HyperbolicViscoplasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material for a hyperbolic sine viscoplasticity model in which the effective plastic strain is solved for using a creep approach.
- InclusionPropertiesCalculate quantities used to define the analytical elasticity solution to the inclusion problem.
- IsotropicPlasticityStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity model. This class is one of the basic radial return constitutive models, yet it can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- IsotropicPowerLawHardeningStressUpdateThis class uses the discrete material in a radial return isotropic plasticity power law hardening model, solving for the yield stress as the intersection of the power law relation curve and Hooke's law. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- LAROMANCEPartitionStressUpdateLAROMANCE base class for partitioned reduced order models
- LAROMANCEStressUpdateBase class to calculate the effective creep strain based on the rates predicted by a material specific Los Alamos Reduced Order Model derived from a Visco-Plastic Self Consistent calculations.
- LinearElasticTrussComputes the linear elastic strain for a truss element
- LinearViscoelasticStressUpdateCalculates an admissible state (stress that lies on or within the yield surface, plastic strains, internal parameters, etc). This class is intended to be a parent class for classes with specific constitutive models.
- MultiPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress from multiple phase stresses
- NEML2ToMOOSERankFourTensorMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type RankFourTensorTempl<double>.) - NEML2ToMOOSERankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type RankTwoTensorTempl<double>.) - NEML2ToMOOSERealMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type double.) - NEML2ToMOOSERealVectorValueMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type libMesh::VectorValue<double>.) - NEML2ToMOOSESymmetricRankFourTensorMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type SymmetricRankFourTensorTempl<double>.) - NEML2ToMOOSESymmetricRankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Provide an output (or its derivative) from a NEML2 model as a MOOSE material property of type SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<double>.) - NonlocalDamageNonlocal damage model. Given an RadialAverage UO this creates a new damage index that can be used as for ComputeDamageStress without havign to change existing local damage models.
- PlasticTrussComputes the stress and strain for a truss element with plastic behavior defined by either linear hardening or a user-defined hardening function.
- PorosityFromStrainPorosity calculation from the inelastic strain.
- PowerLawCreepStressUpdateThis class uses the stress update material in a radial return isotropic power law creep model. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations.
- PowerLawSofteningSoftening model with an abrupt stress release upon cracking. This class is intended to be used with ComputeSmearedCrackingStress.
- PureElasticTractionSeparationPure elastic traction separation law.
- RankFourTensorToSymmetricRankFourTensorConverts material property of type RankFourTensorTempl<double> to type SymmetricRankFourTensorTempl<double>
- RankTwoCartesianComponentAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoCylindricalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a cylindrical coordinate system
- RankTwoDirectionalComponentCompute a Direction scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoInvariantCompute a invariant property of a RankTwoTensor
- RankTwoSphericalComponentCompute components of a rank-2 tensor in a spherical coordinate system
- RankTwoTensorToSymmetricRankTwoTensorConverts material property of type RankTwoTensorTempl<double> to type SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<double>
- SalehaniIrani3DCTraction3D Coupled (3DC) cohesive law of Salehani and Irani with no damage
- ScalarMaterialDamageScalar damage model for which the damage is prescribed by another material
- StrainEnergyDensityComputes the strain energy density using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StrainEnergyRateDensityComputes the strain energy density rate using a combination of the elastic and inelastic components of the strain increment, which is a valid assumption for monotonic behavior.
- StressBasedChemicalPotentialChemical potential from stress
- SumTensorIncrementsCompute tensor property by summing tensor increments
- SymmetricIsotropicElasticityTensorCompute a constant isotropic elasticity tensor.
- SymmetricRankFourTensorToRankFourTensorConverts material property of type SymmetricRankFourTensorTempl<double> to type RankFourTensorTempl<double>
- SymmetricRankTwoTensorToRankTwoTensorConverts material property of type SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<double> to type RankTwoTensorTempl<double>
- TemperatureDependentHardeningStressUpdateComputes the stress as a function of temperature and plastic strain from user-supplied hardening functions. This class can be used in conjunction with other creep and plasticity materials for more complex simulations
- TensileStressUpdateAssociative, smoothed, tensile (Rankine) plasticity with hardening/softening
- ThermalFractureIntegralCalculates summation of the derivative of the eigenstrains with respect to temperature.
- TwoPhaseStressMaterialCompute a global stress in a two phase model
- VolumeDeformGradCorrectedStressTransforms stress with volumetric term from previous configuration to this configuration
- WaveSpeedCalculate the wave speed as where is the effective stiffness, and is the material density.
- Phase Field App
- ADConstantAnisotropicMobilityProvide a constant mobility tensor value
- ADGBEvolutionComputes necessary material properties for the isotropic grain growth model
- ADInterfaceOrientationMaterial2D interfacial anisotropy
- ADMathCTDFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- ADMathFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy and its derivatives:
- ADSwitchingFunctionMultiPhaseMaterialCalculates the switching function for a given phase for a multi-phase, multi-order parameter model
- AsymmetricCrossTermBarrierFunctionMaterialFree energy contribution asymmetric across interfaces between arbitrary pairs of phases.
- BarrierFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide and its derivative in a polynomial. SIMPLE: LOW: HIGH:
- CompositeMobilityTensorAssemble a mobility tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- ComputeGBMisorientationTypeCalculate types of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- ComputePolycrystalElasticityTensorCompute an evolving elasticity tensor coupled to a grain growth phase field model.
- ConstantAnisotropicMobilityProvide a constant mobility tensor value
- CoupledValueFunctionFreeEnergyCompute a free energy from a lookup function
- CrossTermBarrierFunctionMaterialFree energy contribution symmetric across interfaces between arbitrary pairs of phases.
- DeformedGrainMaterialComputes scaled grain material properties
- DerivativeMultiPhaseMaterialTwo phase material that combines n phase materials using a switching function with and n non-conserved order parameters (to be used with SwitchingFunctionConstraint*).
- DerivativeTwoPhaseMaterialTwo phase material that combines two single phase materials using a switching function.
- DiscreteNucleationFree energy contribution for nucleating discrete particles
- ElasticEnergyMaterialFree energy material for the elastic energy contributions.
- ElectrochemicalDefectMaterialCalculates density, susceptibility, and derivatives for a defect species in the grand potential sintering model coupled with electrochemistry
- ElectrochemicalSinteringMaterialIncludes switching and thermodynamic properties for the grand potential sintering model coupled with electrochemistry
- ExternalForceDensityMaterialProviding external applied force density to grains
- ForceDensityMaterialCalculating the force density acting on a grain
- GBAnisotropyA material to compute anisotropic grain boundary energies and mobilities.
- GBDependentAnisotropicTensorCompute anisotropic rank two tensor based on GB phase variable
- GBDependentDiffusivityCompute diffusivity rank two tensor based on GB phase variable
- GBEvolutionComputes necessary material properties for the isotropic grain growth model
- GBWidthAnisotropyA material to compute anisotropic grain boundary energies and mobilities with user-specified grain boundary widths, independently for each interface between grains
- GrainAdvectionVelocityCalculation the advection velocity of grain due to rigid body translation and rotation
- GrandPotentialInterfaceCalculate Grand Potential interface parameters for a specified interfacial free energy and width
- GrandPotentialSinteringMaterialIncludes switching and thermodynamic properties for the grand potential sintering model
- GrandPotentialTensorMaterialDiffusion and mobility parameters for grand potential model governing equations. Uses a tensor diffusivity
- IdealGasFreeEnergyFree energy of an ideal gas.
- InterfaceOrientationMaterial2D interfacial anisotropy
- InterfaceOrientationMultiphaseMaterialThis Material accounts for the the orientation dependence of interfacial energy for multi-phase multi-order parameter phase-field model.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationDerivativesComputes the KKS phase concentration derivatives wrt global concentrations and order parameters, which are used in the chain rules in the KKS kernels. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMaterial.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMaterialComputes the KKS phase concentrations by using nested Newton iteration to solve the equal chemical potential and concentration conservation equations. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationDerivatives.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseDerivativesComputes the KKS phase concentration derivatives wrt global concentrations and order parameters, which are used for the chain rule in the KKS kernels. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseMaterial.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseMaterialComputes the KKS phase concentrations by using a nested Newton iteration to solve the equal chemical potential and concentration conservation equations for multiphase systems. This class is intented to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseDerivatives.
- KKSXeVacSolidMaterialKKS Solid phase free energy for Xe,Vac in UO2. Fm(cmg,cmv)
- LinearizedInterfaceFunctionDefines the order parameter substitution for linearized interface phase field models
- MathCTDFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- MathEBFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- MathFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy and its derivatives:
- MixedSwitchingFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide h(eta) and its derivative in one of two polynomial forms. MIX234 and MIX246
- MultiBarrierFunctionMaterialDouble well phase transformation barrier free energy contribution.
- PFCRFFMaterialDefined the mobility, alpha and A constants for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- PFCTradMaterialPolynomial coefficients for a phase field crystal correlation function
- PFParamsPolyFreeEnergyPhase field parameters for polynomial free energy for single component systems
- PhaseNormalTensorCalculate normal tensor of a phase based on gradient
- PolycrystalDiffusivityGenerates a diffusion coefficient to distinguish between the bulk, pore, grain boundaries, and surfaces
- PolycrystalDiffusivityTensorBaseGenerates a diffusion tensor to distinguish between the bulk, grain boundaries, and surfaces
- PolynomialFreeEnergyPolynomial free energy for single component systems
- RegularSolutionFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the free energy of a regular solution
- StrainGradDispDerivativesProvide the constant derivatives of strain w.r.t. the displacement gradient components.
- SwitchingFunction3PhaseMaterialMaterial for switching function that prevents formation of a third phase at a two-phase interface:
- SwitchingFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide and its derivative in one of two polynomial forms. SIMPLE: HIGH:
- SwitchingFunctionMultiPhaseMaterialCalculates the switching function for a given phase for a multi-phase, multi-order parameter model
- ThirdPhaseSuppressionMaterialFree Energy contribution that penalizes more than two order parameters being non-zero
- TimeStepMaterialProvide various time stepping quantities as material properties.
- VanDerWaalsFreeEnergyFree energy of a Van der Waals gas.
- VariableGradientMaterialCompute the norm of the gradient of a variable
- Moose App
- CreateDisplacedProblemActionCreate a Problem object that utilizes displacements.
- DisplayGhostingActionAction to setup AuxVariables and AuxKernels to display ghosting when running in parallel
- ElementIDOutputActionAction for copying extra element IDs into auxiliary variables for output.
- SetupMeshActionAdd or create Mesh object to the simulation.
- SetupMeshCompleteActionPerform operations on the mesh in preparation for a simulation.
- AddMeshGeneratorActionAdd a MeshGenerator object to the simulation.
- AddMetaDataGeneratorThis mesh generator assigns extraneous mesh metadata to the input mesh
- AdvancedExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
- AllSideSetsByNormalsGeneratorAdds sidesets to the entire mesh based on unique normals.
- AnnularMeshGeneratorFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created at dmin and dmax, and given these names
- BlockDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes elements from the specified subdomains
- BlockToMeshConverterGeneratorConverts one or more blocks (subdomains) from a mesh into a stand-alone mesh with a single block in it.
- BoundaryDeletionGeneratorMesh generator which removes side sets
- BoundingBoxNodeSetGeneratorAssigns all of the nodes either inside or outside of a bounding box to a new nodeset.
- BreakBoundaryOnSubdomainGeneratorBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name
- BreakMeshByBlockGeneratorBreak the mesh at interfaces between blocks. New nodes will be generated so elements on each side of the break are no longer connected. At the moment, this only works on a REPLICATED mesh
- BreakMeshByElementGeneratorBreak all element-element interfaces in the specified subdomains.
- CartesianMeshGeneratorThis CartesianMeshGenerator creates a non-uniform Cartesian mesh.
- CircularBoundaryCorrectionGeneratorThis CircularBoundaryCorrectionGenerator object is designed to correct full or partial circular boundaries in a 2D mesh to preserve areas.
- CoarsenBlockGeneratorMesh generator which coarsens one or more blocks in an existing mesh. The coarsening algorithm works best for regular meshes.
- CombinerGeneratorCombine multiple meshes (or copies of one mesh) together into one (disjoint) mesh. Can optionally translate those meshes before combining them.
- ConcentricCircleMeshGeneratorThis ConcentricCircleMeshGenerator source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
- CutMeshByLevelSetGeneratorThis CutMeshByLevelSetGenerator object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on outside the give level set with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting surface to ensure a smooth cross-section. The output mesh only consists of TET4 elements.
- CutMeshByPlaneGeneratorThis CutMeshByPlaneGenerator object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on one side of a given plane with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting plane to ensure a smooth cross-section. The output mesh only consists of TET4 elements.
- DistributedRectilinearMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
- ElementGeneratorGenerates individual elements given a list of nodal positions.
- ElementOrderConversionGeneratorMesh generator which converts orders of elements
- ElementSubdomainIDGeneratorAllows the user to assign each element the subdomain ID of their choice
- ElementsToSimplicesConverterSplits all non-simplex elements in a mesh into simplices.
- ElementsToTetrahedronsConverterThis ElementsToTetrahedronsConverter object is designed to convert all the elements in a 3D mesh consisting only linear elements into TET4 elements.
- ExamplePatchMeshGeneratorCreates 2D or 3D patch meshes.
- ExplodeMeshGeneratorBreak all element-element interfaces in the specified subdomains.
- ExtraNodesetGeneratorCreates a new node set and a new boundary made with the nodes the user provides.
- FancyExtruderGeneratorExtrudes a 1D mesh into 2D, or a 2D mesh into 3D, can have a variable height for each elevation, variable number of layers within each elevation, variable growth factors of axial element sizes within each elevation and remap subdomain_ids, boundary_ids and element extra integers within each elevation as well as interface boundaries between neighboring elevation layers.
- FileMeshGeneratorRead a mesh from a file.
- FillBetweenCurvesGeneratorThis FillBetweenCurvesGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
- FillBetweenPointVectorsGeneratorThis FillBetweenPointVectorsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer with two sides containing different numbers of nodes.
- FillBetweenSidesetsGeneratorThis FillBetweenSidesetsGenerator object is designed to generate a transition layer to connect two boundaries of two input meshes.
- FlipSidesetGeneratorA Mesh Generator which flips a given sideset
- GeneratedMeshGeneratorCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
- ImageMeshGeneratorGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
- ImageSubdomainGeneratorSamples an image at the coordinates of each element centroid, using the resulting pixel color value as each element's subdomain ID
- LowerDBlockFromSidesetGeneratorAdds lower dimensional elements on the specified sidesets.
- MeshCollectionGeneratorCollects multiple meshes into a single (unconnected) mesh.
- MeshDiagnosticsGeneratorRuns a series of diagnostics on the mesh to detect potential issues such as unsupported features
- MeshExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes the entire structure along the specified axis increasing the dimensionality of the mesh.
- MeshRepairGeneratorMesh generator to perform various improvement / fixing operations on an input mesh
- MoveNodeGeneratorModifies the position of one or more nodes
- NodeSetsFromSideSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs node sets from side sets
- OrientedSubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines a subdomain inside or outside of a bounding box with arbitrary orientation.
- OverlayMeshGeneratorCreates a Cartesian mesh overlaying the input mesh region.
- ParsedCurveGeneratorThis ParsedCurveGenerator object is designed to generate a mesh of a curve that consists of EDGE2 elements.
- ParsedElementDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements such that the parsed expression is evaluated as strictly positive. The parameters of the parsed expression can be the X,Y,Z coordinates of the element vertex average (must be 'x','y','z' in the expression), the element volume (must be 'volume' in the expression) and the element id ('id' in the expression).
- ParsedExtraElementIDGeneratorUses a parsed expression to set an extra element id for elements (via their centroids).
- ParsedGenerateNodesetA MeshGenerator that adds nodes to a nodeset if the node satisfies the
expression. - ParsedGenerateSidesetA MeshGenerator that adds element sides to a sideset if the centroid of the side satisfies the
expression. - ParsedNodeTransformGeneratorApplies a transform to a the x,y,z coordinates of a Mesh
- ParsedSubdomainMeshGeneratorUses a parsed expression (
) to determine if an element (via its centroid) is inside the region defined by the expression and assigns a new block ID. - PatchMeshGeneratorCreates 2D or 3D patch meshes.
- PatternedMeshGeneratorCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
- PlaneDeletionGeneratorRemoves elements lying 'above' the plane (in the direction of the normal).
- PlaneIDMeshGeneratorAdds an extra element integer that identifies planes in a mesh.
- PolyLineMeshGeneratorGenerates meshes from edges connecting a list of points.
- RefineBlockGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more blocks in an existing mesh
- RefineSidesetGeneratorMesh generator which refines one or more sidesets
- RenameBlockGeneratorChanges the block IDs and/or block names for a given set of blocks defined by either block ID or block name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of blocks is supported.
- RenameBoundaryGeneratorChanges the boundary IDs and/or boundary names for a given set of boundaries defined by either boundary ID or boundary name. The changes are independent of ordering. The merging of boundaries is supported.
- RinglebMeshGeneratorCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
- SideSetExtruderGeneratorTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes a selected sideset along the specified axis.
- SideSetsAroundSubdomainGeneratorAdds element faces that are on the exterior of the given block to the sidesets specified
- SideSetsBetweenSubdomainsGeneratorMeshGenerator that creates a sideset composed of the nodes located between two or more subdomains.
- SideSetsFromBoundingBoxGeneratorDefines new sidesets using currently-defined sideset IDs inside or outside of a bounding box.
- SideSetsFromNodeSetsGeneratorMesh generator which constructs side sets from node sets
- SideSetsFromNormalsGeneratorAdds a new named sideset to the mesh for all faces matching the specified normal.
- SideSetsFromPointsGeneratorAdds a new sideset starting at the specified point containing all connected element faces with the same normal.
- SmoothMeshGeneratorUtilizes a simple Laplacian based smoother to attempt to improve mesh quality. Will not move boundary nodes or nodes along block/subdomain boundaries
- SphereMeshGeneratorGenerate a 3-D sphere mesh centered on the origin
- SpiralAnnularMeshGeneratorCreates an annular mesh based on TRI3 or TRI6 elements on several rings.
- StackGeneratorUse the supplied meshes and stitch them on top of each other
- StitchBoundaryMeshGeneratorAllows a pair of boundaries to be stitched together.
- StitchedMeshGeneratorAllows multiple mesh files to be stitched together to form a single mesh.
- SubdomainBoundingBoxGeneratorChanges the subdomain ID of elements either (XOR) inside or outside the specified box to the specified ID.
- SubdomainIDGeneratorSets all the elements of the input mesh to a unique subdomain ID.
- SubdomainPerElementGeneratorAllows the user to assign each element the subdomain ID of their choice
- SymmetryTransformGeneratorApplies a symmetry transformation to the entire mesh.
- TiledMeshGeneratorUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x, y, and z directions.
- TransfiniteMeshGeneratorCreates a QUAD4 mesh given a set of corner vertices and edge types. The edge type can be either LINE, CIRCARC, DISCRETE or PARSED, with LINE as the default option. For the non-default options the user needs to specify additional parameters via the edge_parameter option as follows: for CIRCARC the deviation of the midpoint from an arccircle, for DISCRETE a set of points, or a paramterization via the PARSED option. Opposite edges may have different distributions s long as the number of points is identical. Along opposite edges a different point distribution can be prescribed via the options bias_x or bias_y for opposing edges.
- TransformGeneratorApplies a linear transform to the entire mesh.
- UniqueExtraIDMeshGeneratorAdd a new extra element integer ID by finding unique combinations of the existing extra element integer ID values
- XYDelaunayGeneratorTriangulates meshes within boundaries defined by input meshes.
- XYMeshLineCutterThis XYMeshLineCutter object is designed to trim the input mesh by removing all the elements on one side of a given straight line with special processing on the elements crossed by the cutting line to ensure a smooth cross-section.
- XYZDelaunayGeneratorCreates tetrahedral 3D meshes within boundaries defined by input meshes.
- AnnularMeshFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If dmin!0 and dmax!360, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created a dmin and dmax, and given these names
- ConcentricCircleMeshThis ConcentricCircleMesh source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
- FileMeshRead a mesh from a file.
- GeneratedMeshCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
- ImageMeshGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
- MeshGeneratorMeshMesh generated using mesh generators
- PatternedMeshCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
- RinglebMeshCreates a mesh for the Ringleb problem.
- SpiralAnnularMeshCreates an annual mesh based on TRI3 elements (it can also be TRI6 elements) on several rings.
- StitchedMeshReads in all of the given meshes and stitches them all together into one mesh.
- TiledMeshUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x,y, and z directions.
- Partitioner
- Heat Transfer App
- PatchSidesetGeneratorDivides the given sideset into smaller patches of roughly equal size.
- Phase Field App
- EBSDMeshGeneratorMesh generated from a specified DREAM.3D EBSD data file.
- SphereSurfaceMeshGeneratorGenerated sphere mesh - a two dimensional manifold embedded in three dimensional space
- EBSDMeshMesh generated from a specified DREAM.3D EBSD data file.
- Moose App
- PartitionerActionAdd a Partitioner object to the simulation.
- BlockWeightedPartitionerPartition mesh by weighting blocks
- GridPartitionerCreate a uniform grid that overlays the mesh to be partitioned. Assign all elements within each cell of the grid to the same processor.
- HierarchicalGridPartitionerPartitions a mesh into sub-partitions for each computational node then into partitions within that node. All partitions are made using a regular grid.
- LibmeshPartitionerMesh partitioning using capabilities defined in libMesh.
- PetscExternalPartitionerPartition mesh using external packages via PETSc MatPartitioning interface
- RandomPartitionerAssigns element processor ids randomly with a given seed.
- SingleRankPartitionerAssigns element processor ids to a single MPI rank.
- Moose App
- AddMeshDivisionActionAdd a MeshDivision object to the simulation.
- CartesianGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a Cartesian grid. Numbering increases from bottom to top and from left to right and from back to front. The inner ordering is X, then Y, then Z
- CylindricalGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a cylindrical grid. The innermost numbering of divisions is the radial bins, then comes the azimuthal bins, then the axial bins
- ExtraElementIntegerDivisionDivide the mesh by increasing extra element IDs. The division will be contiguously numbered even if the extra element ids are not
- FunctorBinnedValuesDivisionDivide the mesh along based on uniformly binned values of a functor.
- NearestPositionsDivisionDivide the mesh using a nearest-point / voronoi algorithm, with the points coming from a Positions object
- NestedDivisionDivide the mesh using nested divisions objects
- SphericalGridDivisionDivide the mesh along a spherical grid.
- SubdomainsDivisionDivide the mesh by increasing subdomain ids. The division will be contiguously numbered even if the subdomain ids are not
- Moose App
- AddMeshModifiersActionAdd a MeshModifier object to the simulation.
- ActivateElementsByPathDetermine activated elements.
- ActivateElementsCoupledDetermine activated elements.
- CoupledVarThresholdElementSubdomainModifierModify the element subdomain ID if a coupled variable satisfies the criterion for the threshold (above, equal, or below)
- SidesetAroundSubdomainUpdaterSets up a boundary between inner_subdomains and outer_subdomains
- TimedSubdomainModifierModify element subdomain ID of entire subdomains for given points in time. This mesh modifier only runs on the undisplaced mesh, and it will modify both the undisplaced and the displaced mesh.
- VariableValueElementSubdomainModifierModify the element subdomain ID based on the provided variable value.
- Heat Transfer App
- ThermalContactActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of Thermal Contact
- Phase Field App
- ConservedActionSet up the variable(s) and the kernels needed for a conserved phase field variable. Note that for a direct solve, the element family and order are overwritten with hermite and third.
- Phase Field App
- DisplacementGradientsActionSet up variables, kernels, and materials for a the displacement gradients and their elastic free energy derivatives for non-split Cahn-Hilliard problems.
- Phase Field App
- EulerAngle2RGBActionSet up auxvariables and auxkernels to output Euler angles as RGB values interpolated across inverse pole figure
- Phase Field App
- GrainGrowthActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a grain growth simulation
- Phase Field App
- GrainGrowthLinearizedInterfaceActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a grain growth simulation with a linearized interface
- Phase Field App
- GrandPotentialKernelActionAutomatically generate most or all of the kernels for the grand potential model
- Phase Field App
- NonconservedActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a non-conserved phase field variable
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonCohesiveZoneActionStore common cohesive zone paramters
- CohesiveZoneActionAction to create an instance of the cohesive zone model kernel for each displacement component
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonSolidMechanicsActionStore common solid mechanics parameters
- DynamicSolidMechanicsPhysicsSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Solid Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainActionSet up the GeneralizedPlaneStrain environment
- Solid Mechanics App
- GlobalStrainActionSet up the GlobalStrainAction environment
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonLineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- LineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonSolidMechanicsActionStore common solid mechanics parameters
- QuasiStaticSolidMechanicsPhysicsSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Solid Mechanics App
- MaterialVectorBodyForceActionSet up volumetric body force kernels
- Heat Transfer App
- MortarGapHeatTransferActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of heat transfer through an open/closed gap using a mortar formulation and a modular design approach
- Moose App
- AddMultiAppActionAdd a MultiApp object to the simulation.
- CentroidMultiAppAutomatically generates Sub-App positions from centroids of elements in the parent app mesh.
- FullSolveMultiAppPerforms a complete simulation during each execution.
- QuadraturePointMultiAppAutomatically generates sub-App positions from the elemental quadrature points, with the default quadrature, in the parent mesh.
- TransientMultiAppMultiApp for performing coupled simulations with the parent and sub-application both progressing in time.
- Solid Mechanics App
- NEML2ActionCommonThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Parse a NEML2 input file) - NEML2ActionThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Set up the NEML2 material model)
- Moose App
- AddNodalKernelActionAdd a NodalKernel object to the simulation.
- ConstantRateComputes residual or the rate in a simple ODE of du/dt = rate.
- CoupledForceNodalKernelAdds a force proportional to the value of the coupled variable
- LowerBoundNodalKernelUsed to prevent a coupled variable from going below a lower bound
- PenaltyDirichletNodalKernelEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet value on nodesets.
- ReactionNodalKernelImplements a simple consuming reaction term at nodes
- TimeDerivativeNodalKernelForms the contribution to the residual and jacobian of the time derivative term from an ODE being solved at all nodes.
- UpperBoundNodalKernelUsed to prevent a coupled variable from going above a upper bound
- UserForcingFunctionNodalKernelResidual contribution to an ODE from a source function acting at nodes.
- Solid Mechanics App
- NodalGravityComputes the gravitational force for a given nodal mass.
- NodalRotationalInertiaCalculates the inertial torques and inertia proportional damping corresponding to the nodal rotational inertia.
- NodalTranslationalInertiaComputes the inertial forces and mass proportional damping terms corresponding to nodal mass.
- Moose App
- AddNodalNormalsActionCreates Auxiliary variables and objects for computing the outward facing normal from a node.
- Moose App
- AutoCheckpointActionAction to create shortcut syntax-specified checkpoints and automatic checkpoints.
- CommonOutputActionAdds short-cut syntax and common parameters to the Outputs block.
- MaterialOutputActionOutputs material properties to various Outputs objects, based on the parameters set in each Material
- AddOutputActionAction responsible for creating Output objects.
- BlockRestrictionDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying information regarding block-restriction of objects.
- CSVOutput for postprocessors, vector postprocessors, and scalar variables using comma seperated values (CSV).
- CheckpointOutput for MOOSE recovery checkpoint files.
- ConsoleObject for screen output.
- ControlOutputOutput for displaying objects and parameters associated with the Control system.
- DOFMapOutput degree-of-freedom (DOF) map.
- ExodusObject for output data in the Exodus format
- GMVObject for outputting data in the GMV format
- GnuplotOutput for postprocessors and scalar variables in GNU plot format.
- JSONOutput for Reporter values using JSON format.
- MaterialPropertyDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying material property information.
- NemesisObject for output data in the Nemesis (parallel ExodusII) format.
- PerfGraphOutputControls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE
- ProgressOutput a simulation time progress bar on the console.
- ReporterDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying Reporter information.
- SolutionHistoryOutputs the non-linear and linear iteration solve history.
- TecplotObject for outputting data in the Tecplot format
- TopResidualDebugOutputDebug output object for displaying the top contributing residuals.
- VTKOutput data using the Visualization Toolkit (VTK).
- VariableResidualNormsDebugOutputReports the residual norm for each variable.
- XDAObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
- XDRObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format.
- XMLOutputOutput for VectorPostprocessor using XML format.
- Ray Tracing App
- RayTracingExodusOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Exodus format.
- RayTracingNemesisOutputs ray segments and data as segments using the Nemesis format.
- Moose App
- DiffusionCGDiscretizes a diffusion equation with the continuous Galerkin finite element method
- Moose App
- DiffusionFVAdd diffusion physics discretized with cell-centered finite volume
- Heat Transfer App
- HeatConductionCGCreates the heat conduction equation discretized with CG
- Heat Transfer App
- HeatConductionFVCreates the heat conduction equation discretized with nonlinear finite volume
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonCohesiveZoneActionStore common cohesive zone paramters
- CohesiveZoneActionAction to create an instance of the cohesive zone model kernel for each displacement component
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonSolidMechanicsActionStore common solid mechanics parameters
- DynamicSolidMechanicsPhysicsSet up dynamic stress divergence kernels
- Solid Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainActionSet up the GeneralizedPlaneStrain environment
- Solid Mechanics App
- GlobalStrainActionSet up the GlobalStrainAction environment
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonLineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- LineElementActionSets up variables, stress divergence kernels and materials required for a static analysis with beam or truss elements. Also sets up aux variables, aux kernels, and consistent or nodal inertia kernels for dynamic analysis with beam elements.
- Solid Mechanics App
- MaterialVectorBodyForceActionSet up volumetric body force kernels
- Solid Mechanics App
- CommonSolidMechanicsActionStore common solid mechanics parameters
- QuasiStaticSolidMechanicsPhysicsSet up stress divergence kernels with coordinate system aware logic
- Moose App
- AddPositionsActionAdd a Positions object to the simulation.
- DistributedPositionsDistribute positions, using translations, over one or more positions
- ElementCentroidPositionsPositions of element centroids.
- ElementGroupCentroidPositionsGets the Positions of the centroid of groups of elements. Groups may be defined using subdomains or element extra ids.
- FilePositionsImport positions from one or more files.
- FunctorPositionsImport positions from one or more reporters, for example other Positions
- InputPositionsPositions set directly from a user parameter in the input file
- MultiAppPositionsObtain positions from MultiApps. This may only be used to set the positions of those same multiapps if an 'initial_positions' parameter is used.
- QuadraturePointsPositionsPositions of element quadrature points.
- ReporterPositionsImport positions from one or more reporters, for example other Positions
- TransformedPositionsTransform, with a linear transformation, positions from another Positions object
- Moose App
- AddPostprocessorActionAdd a Postprocessor object to the simulation.
- ADElementAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a volume.
- ADElementExtremeFunctorValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a functor over the domain.
- ADElementExtremeMaterialPropertyDetermines the minimum or maximum of a material property over a volume.
- ADElementIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified functor
- ADElementIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of the material property over the domain
- ADElementL2FunctorErrorComputes L2 error between an 'approximate' functor and an 'exact' functor
- ADInterfaceDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- ADInterfaceDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- ADSideAdvectiveFluxIntegralComputes the volumetric advected quantity through a sideset.
- ADSideAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a side set.
- ADSideDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified functor, using the single-sided face argument, which usually means that the functor will be evaluated from a single side of the surface, not interpolated between both sides.
- ADSideIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of a scalar material property component over the domain.
- ADSideVectorDiffusivityFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- AreaPostprocessorComputes the "area" or dimension - 1 "volume" of a given boundary or boundaries in your mesh.
- AverageElementSizeComputes the average element size.
- AverageNodalVariableValueComputes the average value of a field by sampling all nodal solutions on the domain or within a subdomain
- AverageVariableChangeComputes the volume-weighted L1 or L2 norm of the change of a variable over a time step or between nonlinear iterations.
- AxisymmetricCenterlineAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset located along the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- ChainControlDataPostprocessorGets a Real or bool chain control value.
- ChangeOverFixedPointPostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a single or multiple fixed point iterations
- ChangeOverTimePostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- ChangeOverTimestepPostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- ConstantPostprocessorPostprocessor that holds a constant value
- CumulativeValuePostprocessorCreates a cumulative sum of a Postprocessor value with time.
- DifferencePostprocessorComputes the difference between two postprocessors
- ElementArrayL2NormEvaluates L2-norm of a component of an array variable
- ElementAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a volume.
- ElementAverageSecondTimeDerivativeComputes the element averaged second derivative of variable
- ElementAverageTimeDerivativeComputes a volume integral of the time derivative of a given variable
- ElementAverageValueComputes the volumetric average of a variable
- ElementExtremeFunctorValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a functor over the domain.
- ElementExtremeMaterialPropertyDetermines the minimum or maximum of a material property over a volume.
- ElementExtremeValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a variable over the domain.
- ElementH1ErrorComputes the H1 error between a variable and a function
- ElementH1SemiErrorReturns the gradient difference norm part of the H1 error
- ElementHCurlErrorReturns the H(curl)-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHCurlSemiErrorReturns the H(curl)-seminorm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHDivErrorReturns the H(div)-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHDivSemiErrorReturns the H(div)-seminorm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementIntegralArrayVariablePostprocessorIntegral of one component of an array variable.
- ElementIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified functor
- ElementIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of the material property over the domain
- ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ElementL1ErrorComputes L1 error between an elemental field variable and an analytical function.
- ElementL2DifferenceComputes the element-wise L2 difference between the current variable and a coupled variable.
- ElementL2ErrorComputes L2 error between a field variable and an analytical function
- ElementL2FunctorErrorComputes L2 error between an 'approximate' functor and an 'exact' functor
- ElementL2NormComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ElementSidesL2NormComputes the L2 norm of a variable over element sides.
- ElementVectorL2ErrorReturns the L2-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementW1pErrorComputes the W1p norm of the difference between a variable and an analytic solution, as a function
- ElementalVariableValueOutputs an elemental variable value at a particular location
- EmptyPostprocessorA postprocessor object that returns a value of zero.
- FindValueOnLineFind a specific target value along a sampling line. The variable values along the line should change monotonically. The target value is searched using a bisection algorithm.
- FunctionElementAverageComputes the average of a function over a volume.
- FunctionElementIntegralIntegrates a function over elements
- FunctionSideAverageComputes the average of a function over a boundary.
- FunctionSideIntegralComputes the integral of a function over a boundary.
- FunctionValuePostprocessorComputes the value of a supplied function at a single point (scalable)
- GreaterThanLessThanPostprocessorCount number of DOFs of a non-linear variable that are greater than or less than a given threshold
- InterfaceAverageVariableValuePostprocessorComputes the average value of a variable on an interface. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- InterfaceDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- InterfaceDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- InterfaceIntegralVariableValuePostprocessorAdd access to variables and their gradient on an interface.
- InternalSideIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes an integral on internal sides of the specified variable
- IsMatrixSymmetricReport whether the system matrix is symmetric or not.
- LinearCombinationPostprocessorComputes a linear combination between an arbitrary number of post-processors
- MemoryUsageMemory usage statistics for the running simulation.
- NearestNodeNumberOutputs the nearest node number to a point
- NodalExtremeValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a variable over the domain.
- NodalL2ErrorThe L2-norm of the difference between a variable and a function computed at nodes.
- NodalL2NormComputes the nodal L2-norm of the coupled variable, which is defined by summing the square of its value at every node and taking the square root.
- NodalMaxValueComputes the maximum (over all the nodal values) of a variable.
- NodalMaxValueIdFinds the node id with the maximum nodal value across all postprocessors.
- NodalProxyMaxValueFinds the node id with the maximum nodal value across all postprocessors.
- NodalSumComputes the sum of all of the nodal values of the specified variable. Note: This object sets the default "unique_node_execute" flag to true to avoid double counting nodes between shared blocks.
- NodalVariableValueOutputs values of a nodal variable at a particular location
- NumDOFsReturn the number of Degrees of freedom from either the NL, Aux or both systems.
- NumElementsReturn the number of active or total elements in the simulation.
- NumElemsReturn the number of active or total elements in the simulation.
- NumFailedTimeStepsCollects the number of failed time steps from the time stepper.
- NumFixedPointIterationsReturns the number of fixed point iterations taken by the executioner.
- NumLinearIterationsCompute the number of linear iterations.
- NumMeshDivisionsReturn the number of divisions/regions from a MeshDivision object.
- NumNodesReturns the total number of nodes in a simulation (works with DistributedMesh)
- NumNonlinearIterationsOutputs the number of nonlinear iterations
- NumPicardIterationsReturns the number of fixed point iterations taken by the executioner.
- NumPositionsReturn the number of Positions from a Positions object.
- NumRelationshipManagersReturn the number of relationship managers active.
- NumResidualEvaluationsReturns the total number of residual evaluations performed.
- NumTimeStepsReports the timestep number
- NumVarsReturn the number of variables from either the NL, Aux, or both systems.
- ParsedPostprocessorComputes a parsed expression with post-processors
- PercentChangePostprocessorComputes the percent change of a postprocessor value compared to the value at the previous timestep.
- PerfGraphDataRetrieves performance information about a section from the PerfGraph.
- PointValueCompute the value of a variable at a specified location
- PostprocessorComparisonCompares two post-processors and produces a boolean value
- PseudoTimestepComputes pseudo-time steps for obtaining steady-state solutions through a pseudo transient process.
- ReceiverReports the value stored in this processor, which is usually filled in by another object. The Receiver does not compute its own value.
- RelativeDifferencePostprocessorComputes the absolute value of the relative difference between 2 post-processor values.
- RelativeSolutionDifferenceNormComputes the relative norm of the solution difference of two consecutive time steps.
- ResidualReport the non-linear residual.
- ScalarL2ErrorCompute L2 error of a scalar variable using analytic function.
- ScalarVariableReturns the value of a scalar variable as a postprocessor value.
- ScalePostprocessorScales a post-processor by a value
- SideAdvectiveFluxIntegralComputes the volumetric advected quantity through a sideset.
- SideAverageFunctorPostprocessorComputes the average of a functor over a side set.
- SideAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a side set.
- SideAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- SideDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideExtremeValueFinds either the min or max variable value of a variable over a boundary.
- SideFVFluxBCIntegralComputes the side integral of different finite volume flux boundary conditions.
- SideFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified functor, using the single-sided face argument, which usually means that the functor will be evaluated from a single side of the surface, not interpolated between both sides.
- SideIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of a scalar material property component over the domain.
- SideIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified variable
- SideVectorDiffusivityFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- TagVectorSumComputes the sum of components of the requested tagged vector
- TimeExtremeValueA postprocessor for reporting the extreme value of another postprocessor over time.
- TimeIntegratedPostprocessorIntegrate a Postprocessor value over time using trapezoidal rule.
- TimePostprocessorReports the current time
- TimestepSizeReports the timestep size
- TotalVariableValueIntegrate a Postprocessor value over time using trapezoidal rule.
- VariableInnerProductComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- VariableResidualComputes the L2 norm of the residual of a single variable in the solution vector.
- VectorPostprocessorComparisonCompares two vector post-processors of equal size and produces a boolean value
- VectorPostprocessorComponentReturns the value of the specified component of a VectorPostprocessor
- VectorPostprocessorReductionValueTakes a VectorPostprocessor and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as postprocessor.
- VolumePostprocessorComputes the volume of a specified block
- raccoon App
- ExternalWorkThis class computes the total external work. The power expenditure (rate of external work) is defined as . The power expenditure is integrated in time to get the total work.
- KineticEnergyThis class computes the total kinetic energy of the form .
- LargeDeformationJIntegralThis class computes the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
- PhaseFieldJIntegralCompute the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
- SolutionChangeNormThis class computes the solution change (L2) norm of selected variables.
- Heat Transfer App
- ADConvectiveHeatTransferSideIntegralComputes the total convective heat transfer across a boundary.
- ConvectiveHeatTransferSideIntegralComputes the total convective heat transfer across a boundary.
- ExposedSideAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on the exposed portion of a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationPPThis postprocessor allows to extract radiosity, heat flux density, and temperature from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase object.
- HomogenizedThermalConductivityPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity
- ThermalConductivityComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- ViewFactorPPThis postprocessor allows to extract view factors from ViewFactor userobjects.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADMassComputes the mass of the solid as the integral of the density material property
- ADMaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- ADMaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- ADSidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationElasticConstantsPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CavityPressurePostprocessorInterfaces with the CavityPressureUserObject to store the initial number of moles of a gas contained within an internal volume.
- CrackFrontDataDetermines which nodes are along the crack front
- CriticalTimeStepComputes and reports the critical time step for the explicit solver.
- MassComputes the mass of the solid as the integral of the density material property
- MaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- MaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- MaterialTimeStepPostprocessorThis postprocessor estimates a timestep that reduces the increment change in a material property below a given threshold.
- NormalBoundaryDisplacementThis postprocessor computes the normal displacement on a given set of boundaries.
- PolarMomentOfInertiaCompute the polar moment of inertia of a sideset w.r.t. a point and a direction
- SidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- TorqueReactionTorqueReaction calculates the torque in 2D and 3Dabout a user-specified axis of rotation centeredat a user-specified origin.
- Ray Tracing App
- RayDataValueObtains a value from the data or aux data of a Ray after tracing has been completed.
- RayIntegralValueObtains the integrated value accumulated into a Ray from an IntegralRayKernel-derived class.
- RayTracingStudyResultGets a result from a RayTracingStudy.
- Phase Field App
- AverageGrainVolumeCalculate average grain area in a polycrystal
- DiscreteNucleationDataOutput diagnostic data on a DiscreteNucleationInserter
- DiscreteNucleationTimeStepReturn a time step limit for nucleation event to be used by IterationAdaptiveDT
- FauxGrainTrackerFake grain tracker object for cases where the number of grains is equal to the number of order parameters.
- FauxPolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal when the number of order parameters equal to the number of grains
- FeatureFloodCountThe object is able to find and count "connected components" in any solution field or number of solution fields. A primary example would be to count "bubbles".
- FeatureVolumeFractionComputes the total feature volume fraction from a vectorpostprocessor computing the feature volume
- GrainBoundaryAreaCalculate total grain boundary length in 2D and area in 3D
- GrainTrackerGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- GrainTrackerElasticityGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- PFCElementEnergyIntegralComputes the integral of the energy from the temperature. Note that the kb factor is missing.
- PolycrystalCirclesPolycrystal circles generated from a vector input or read from a file
- PolycrystalEBSDObject for setting up a polycrystal structure from an EBSD Datafile
- PolycrystalHexPerturbed hexagonal polycrystal
- PolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiAction)
- WeightedVariableAverageAverage a variable value using a weight mask given by a material property.
- Moose App
- SetupPreconditionerActionAdd a Preconditioner object to the simulation.
- AddFieldSplitActionAdd a Split object to the simulation.
- SplitField split based preconditioner for nonlinear solver.
- FDPFinite difference preconditioner (FDP) builds a numerical Jacobian for preconditioning, only use for testing and verification.
- FSPPreconditioner designed to map onto PETSc's PCFieldSplit.
- PBPPhysics-based preconditioner (PBP) allows individual physics to have their own preconditioner.
- SMPSingle matrix preconditioner (SMP) builds a preconditioner using user defined off-diagonal parts of the Jacobian.
- VCPVarialble condensation preconditioner (VCP) condenses out specified variable(s) from the Jacobian matrix and produces a system of equations with less unkowns to be solved by the underlying preconditioners.
- Moose App
- CreateProblemActionAdd a Problem object to the simulation.
- DynamicObjectRegistrationActionRegister MooseObjects from other applications dynamically.
- DisplacedProblemA Problem object for providing access to the displaced finite element mesh and associated variables.
- DumpObjectsProblemSingle purpose problem object that does not run the given input but allows deconstructing actions into their series of underlying Moose objects and variables.
- EigenProblemProblem object for solving an eigenvalue problem.
- FEProblemA normal (default) Problem object that contains a single NonlinearSystem and a single AuxiliarySystem object.
- ReferenceResidualProblemProblem that checks for convergence relative to a user-supplied reference quantity rather than the initial residual
- Moose App
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageActionMark material properties for projected stateful storage.
- Heat Transfer App
- ViewFactorRayBCThis ray boundary condition is applied on all sidesets bounding a radiation cavity except symmetry sidesets. It kills rays that hit the sideset and scores the ray for computation of view factors.
- Ray Tracing App
- AddRayBCActionAdds a RayBC for use in ray tracing to the simulation.
- KillRayBCA RayBC that kills a Ray on a boundary.
- NullRayBCA RayBC that does nothing to a Ray on a boundary.
- ReflectRayBCA RayBC that reflects a Ray in a specular manner on a boundary.
- Ray Tracing App
- AddRayKernelActionAdds a RayKernel for use in ray tracing to the simulation.
- ADLineSourceRayKernelDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into RayKernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, postprocessors, and data on rays. Implements the weak form along a line.
- FunctionIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a function along a Ray.
- KillRayKernelA RayKernel that kills a Ray.
- LineSourceRayKernelDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into RayKernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, postprocessors, and data on rays. Implements the weak form along a line.
- MaterialIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a Material property along a Ray.
- NullRayKernelA RayKernel that does nothing.
- RayDistanceAuxAccumulates the distance traversed by each Ray segment into an aux variable for the element that the segments are in.
- VariableIntegralRayKernelIntegrates a Variable or AuxVariable along a Ray.
- Moose App
- AddReporterActionAdd a Reporter object to the simulation.
- AccumulateReporterReporter which accumulates the value of a inputted reporter value over time into a vector reporter value of the same type.
- ConstantReporterReporter with constant values to be accessed by other objects, can be modified using transfers.
- ElementVariableStatisticsElement reporter to get statistics for a coupled variable. This can be transfered to other apps.
- ExtraIDIntegralReporterThis ExtraIDIntegralReporter source code is to integrate variables based on parsed extra IDs based on reporter system.
- IterationInfoReport the time and iteration information for the simulation.
- MeshInfoReport mesh information, such as the number of elements, nodes, and degrees of freedom.
- MeshMetaDataReporterReports the mesh meta data.
- NodalVariableStatisticsNodal reporter to get statistics for a coupled variable. This can be transfered to other apps.
- PerfGraphReporterReports the full performance graph from the PerfGraph.
- RestartableDataReporterReports restartable data and restartable meta data.
- SolutionInvalidityReporterReports the Summary Table of Solution Invalid Counts.
- Moose App
- AddSamplerActionAdd a Sampler object to the simulation.
- Moose App
- AddScalarKernelActionAdd a AuxScalarKernel object to the simulation.
- ADScalarTimeDerivativeAdds the time derivative contribution to the residual for a scalar variable.
- AverageValueConstraintThis class is used to enforce integral of phi with a Lagrange multiplier approach.
- CoupledODETimeDerivativeResidual contribution of ODE from the time derivative of a coupled variable.
- NodalEqualValueConstraintConstrain two nodes to have identical values.
- NullScalarKernelScalar kernel that sets a zero residual, to avoid error from system missing this variable.
- ODETimeDerivativeReturns the time derivative contribution to the residual for a scalar variable.
- ParsedODEKernelParsed expression ODE kernel.
- Solid Mechanics App
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainGeneralized Plane Strain Scalar Kernel
- GlobalStrainScalar Kernel to solve for the global strain
- HomogenizationConstraintScalarKernelCalculate the scalar equation residual and Jacobian associated with the homogenization constraint.
- Heat Transfer App
- ThermalContactActionAction that controls the creation of all of the necessary objects for calculation of Thermal Contact
- Moose App
- AddTimesActionAdd a Times object to the simulation.
- CSVFileTimesImport times from one or more files.
- ExodusFileTimesImport times from one or more Exodus files.
- FunctorTimesTimes created by evaluating a functor at the (0,0,0) point and the current time
- InputTimesTimes set directly from a user parameter in the input file
- ReporterTimesImport times from one or more reporters, for example other Times
- SimulationTimesTimes simulated
- TimeIntervalTimesTimes between a start time and end time with a fixed time interval.
- Moose App
- AddTransferActionAdd a Transfer object to the simulation.
- MultiAppCloneReporterTransferDeclare and transfer reporter data from sub-application(s) to main application.
- MultiAppCopyTransferCopies variables (nonlinear and auxiliary) between multiapps that have identical meshes.
- MultiAppGeneralFieldNearestLocationTransferTransfers field data at the MultiApp position by finding the value at the nearest neighbor(s) in the origin application.
- MultiAppGeneralFieldNearestNodeTransferTransfers field data at the MultiApp position by finding the value at the nearest neighbor(s) in the origin application.
- MultiAppGeneralFieldShapeEvaluationTransferTransfers field data at the MultiApp position using the finite element shape functions from the origin application.
- MultiAppGeneralFieldUserObjectTransferTransfers user object spatial evaluations from an origin app onto a variable in the target application.
- MultiAppGeometricInterpolationTransferTransfers the value to the target domain from a combination/interpolation of the values on the nearest nodes in the source domain, using coefficients based on the distance to each node.
- MultiAppInterpolationTransferTransfers the value to the target domain from a combination/interpolation of the values on the nearest nodes in the source domain, using coefficients based on the distance to each node.
- MultiAppMeshFunctionTransferTransfers field data at the MultiApp position using solution the finite element function from the main/parent application, via a 'libMesh::MeshFunction' object.
- MultiAppNearestNodeTransferTransfer the value to the target domain from the nearest node in the source domain.
- MultiAppPostprocessorInterpolationTransferTransfer postprocessor data from sub-application into field data on the parent application.
- MultiAppPostprocessorToAuxScalarTransferTransfers from a postprocessor to a scalar auxiliary variable.
- MultiAppPostprocessorTransferTransfers postprocessor data between the master application and sub-application(s).
- MultiAppProjectionTransferPerform a projection between a master and sub-application mesh of a field variable.
- MultiAppReporterTransferTransfers reporter data between two applications.
- MultiAppScalarToAuxScalarTransferTransfers data from a scalar variable to an auxiliary scalar variable from different applications.
- MultiAppShapeEvaluationTransferTransfers field data at the MultiApp position using solution the finite element function from the main/parent application, via a 'libMesh::MeshFunction' object.
- MultiAppUserObjectTransferSamples a variable's value in the Parent app domain at the point where the MultiApp is and copies that value into a post-processor in the MultiApp
- MultiAppVariableValueSamplePostprocessorTransferSamples the value of a variable within the main application at each sub-application position and transfers the value to a postprocessor on the sub-application(s) when performing the to-multiapp transfer. Reconstructs the value of a CONSTANT MONOMIAL variable associating the value of each element to the value of the postprocessor in the closest sub-application whem performing the from-multiapp transfer.
- MultiAppVariableValueSampleTransferTransfers the value of a variable within the master application at each sub-application position and transfers the value to a field variable on the sub-application(s).
- MultiAppVectorPostprocessorTransferThis transfer distributes the N values of a VectorPostprocessor to Postprocessors located in N sub-apps or collects Postprocessor values from N sub-apps into a VectorPostprocessor
- Moose App
- AddUserObjectActionAdd a UserObject object to the simulation.
- ADElementAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a volume.
- ADElementExtremeFunctorValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a functor over the domain.
- ADElementExtremeMaterialPropertyDetermines the minimum or maximum of a material property over a volume.
- ADElementIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified functor
- ADElementIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of the material property over the domain
- ADElementL2FunctorErrorComputes L2 error between an 'approximate' functor and an 'exact' functor
- ADInterfaceDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- ADInterfaceDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRankFourTensorPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRankTwoTensorPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRealPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ADProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRealVectorValuePrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ADSideAdvectiveFluxIntegralComputes the volumetric advected quantity through a sideset.
- ADSideAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a side set.
- ADSideDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ADSideIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified functor, using the single-sided face argument, which usually means that the functor will be evaluated from a single side of the surface, not interpolated between both sides.
- ADSideIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of a scalar material property component over the domain.
- ADSideVectorDiffusivityFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- ActivateElementsByPathDetermine activated elements.
- ActivateElementsCoupledDetermine activated elements.
- AreaPostprocessorComputes the "area" or dimension - 1 "volume" of a given boundary or boundaries in your mesh.
- AverageElementSizeComputes the average element size.
- AverageNodalVariableValueComputes the average value of a field by sampling all nodal solutions on the domain or within a subdomain
- AverageVariableChangeComputes the volume-weighted L1 or L2 norm of the change of a variable over a time step or between nonlinear iterations.
- AxisymmetricCenterlineAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset located along the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- ChainControlDataPostprocessorGets a Real or bool chain control value.
- ChangeOverFixedPointPostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a single or multiple fixed point iterations
- ChangeOverTimePostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- ChangeOverTimestepPostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- ConstantPostprocessorPostprocessor that holds a constant value
- CoupledVarThresholdElementSubdomainModifierModify the element subdomain ID if a coupled variable satisfies the criterion for the threshold (above, equal, or below)
- CumulativeValuePostprocessorCreates a cumulative sum of a Postprocessor value with time.
- DifferencePostprocessorComputes the difference between two postprocessors
- ElemSideNeighborLayersGeomTesterUser object to calculate ghosted elements on a single processor or the union across all processors.
- ElemSideNeighborLayersTesterUser object to calculate ghosted elements on a single processor or the union across all processors.
- ElementArrayL2NormEvaluates L2-norm of a component of an array variable
- ElementAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a volume.
- ElementAverageSecondTimeDerivativeComputes the element averaged second derivative of variable
- ElementAverageTimeDerivativeComputes a volume integral of the time derivative of a given variable
- ElementAverageValueComputes the volumetric average of a variable
- ElementExtremeFunctorValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a functor over the domain.
- ElementExtremeMaterialPropertyDetermines the minimum or maximum of a material property over a volume.
- ElementExtremeValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a variable over the domain.
- ElementH1ErrorComputes the H1 error between a variable and a function
- ElementH1SemiErrorReturns the gradient difference norm part of the H1 error
- ElementHCurlErrorReturns the H(curl)-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHCurlSemiErrorReturns the H(curl)-seminorm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHDivErrorReturns the H(div)-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementHDivSemiErrorReturns the H(div)-seminorm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementIntegralArrayVariablePostprocessorIntegral of one component of an array variable.
- ElementIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified functor
- ElementIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of the material property over the domain
- ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ElementIntegralVariableUserObjectcomputes a volume integral of a variable.
- ElementL1ErrorComputes L1 error between an elemental field variable and an analytical function.
- ElementL2DifferenceComputes the element-wise L2 difference between the current variable and a coupled variable.
- ElementL2ErrorComputes L2 error between a field variable and an analytical function
- ElementL2FunctorErrorComputes L2 error between an 'approximate' functor and an 'exact' functor
- ElementL2NormComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- ElementPropertyReadFileUser Object to read property data from an external file and assign it to elements / nodes / subdomains etc.
- ElementQualityCheckerClass to check the quality of each element using different metrics from libmesh.
- ElementSidesL2NormComputes the L2 norm of a variable over element sides.
- ElementVectorL2ErrorReturns the L2-norm of the difference between a pair of computed and analytical vector-valued solutions.
- ElementW1pErrorComputes the W1p norm of the difference between a variable and an analytic solution, as a function
- ElementalVariableValueOutputs an elemental variable value at a particular location
- EmptyPostprocessorA postprocessor object that returns a value of zero.
- FindValueOnLineFind a specific target value along a sampling line. The variable values along the line should change monotonically. The target value is searched using a bisection algorithm.
- FunctionElementAverageComputes the average of a function over a volume.
- FunctionElementIntegralIntegrates a function over elements
- FunctionElementIntegralUserObjectComputes a volume integral of a function.
- FunctionLayeredIntegralIntegrates a function in layers
- FunctionSideAverageComputes the average of a function over a boundary.
- FunctionSideIntegralComputes the integral of a function over a boundary.
- FunctionValuePostprocessorComputes the value of a supplied function at a single point (scalable)
- GeometrySphereSnap nodes to the surface of a sphere either during adaptivity or on execution
- GhostingUserObjectCreates ghosting maps that can be queried by external objects.
- GreaterThanLessThanPostprocessorCount number of DOFs of a non-linear variable that are greater than or less than a given threshold
- InterfaceAverageVariableValuePostprocessorComputes the average value of a variable on an interface. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- InterfaceDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- InterfaceDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the diffusive flux on the interface.
- InterfaceIntegralVariableValuePostprocessorAdd access to variables and their gradient on an interface.
- InterfaceQpMaterialPropertyRealUOComputes the value, rate or increment of a Real Material property across an interface. The value, rate or increment is computed according to the provided interface_value_type parameter
- InterfaceQpValueUserObjectComputes the variable value, rate or increment across an interface. The value, rate or increment is computed according to the provided interface_value_type parameter
- InternalSideIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes an integral on internal sides of the specified variable
- IsMatrixSymmetricReport whether the system matrix is symmetric or not.
- JSONFileReaderLoads a JSON file and makes it content available to consumers
- LayeredAverageComputes averages of variables over layers
- LayeredExtremumMaterialPropertyCompute material property extrema over layers.
- LayeredIntegralCompute variable integrals over layers.
- LayeredSideAverageComputes side averages of a variable storing partial sums for the specified number of intervals in a direction (x,y,z).
- LayeredSideAverageFunctorComputes layered side averages of a functor.
- LayeredSideDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux of a variable on layers alongside a boundary.
- LayeredSideFluxAverageComputes the diffusive flux of a variable on layers alongside a boundary.
- LayeredSideIntegralComputes surface integral of a variable storing partial sums for the specified number of intervals in a direction (x,y,z).
- LayeredSideIntegralFunctorComputes layered side integrals of a functor.
- LinearCombinationPostprocessorComputes a linear combination between an arbitrary number of post-processors
- MemoryUsageMemory usage statistics for the running simulation.
- MessageFromInputPrint out a message from the input file
- MoveNodesToSphereSnap nodes to the surface of a sphere either during adaptivity or on execution
- NearestNodeNumberOutputs the nearest node number to a point
- NearestNodeNumberUOFinds and outputs the nearest node number to a point
- NearestPointAverageCompute element variable averages for nearest-point based subdomains
- NearestPointLayeredAverageComputes averages of a variable storing partial sums for the specified number of intervals in a direction (x,y,z). Given a list of points this object computes the layered average closest to each one of those points.
- NearestPointLayeredIntegralComputes integrals of a variable storing partial sums for the specified number of intervals in a direction (x,y,z). Given a list of points this object computes the layered integral closest to each one of those points.
- NearestPointLayeredSideAverageCompute layered side averages for nearest-point based subdomains
- NearestPointLayeredSideAverageFunctorComputes layered side averages of a functor nearest to a set of points.
- NearestPointLayeredSideDiffusiveFluxAverageCompute layered side diffusive flux averages for nearest-point based subdivisions
- NearestPointLayeredSideFluxAverageCompute layered side diffusive flux averages for nearest-point based subdivisions
- NearestPointLayeredSideIntegralCompute layered side integrals for nearest-point based sidesets
- NearestPointLayeredSideIntegralFunctorComputes layered side integrals of a functor nearest to a set of points.
- NearestRadiusLayeredAverageComputes averages of a variable storing partial sums for the specified number of intervals in a direction (x,y,z). Given a list of points this object computes the layered average closest to each one of those points, where the distance is computed in terms of radius (or distance to the origin in the plane perpendicular to 'direction').
- NodalExtremeValueFinds either the min or max elemental value of a variable over the domain.
- NodalL2ErrorThe L2-norm of the difference between a variable and a function computed at nodes.
- NodalL2NormComputes the nodal L2-norm of the coupled variable, which is defined by summing the square of its value at every node and taking the square root.
- NodalMaxValueComputes the maximum (over all the nodal values) of a variable.
- NodalMaxValueIdFinds the node id with the maximum nodal value across all postprocessors.
- NodalNormalsCornerComputes nodal normals at boundary corners.
- NodalNormalsEvaluatorHelper object to compute nodal normal values via the NodalNormals input block.
- NodalNormalsPreprocessorAn object that prepares MOOSE for computing nodal normal vectors. This object is automatically created via the [NodalNormals] input block.
- NodalPatchRecoveryMaterialPropertyPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property.
- NodalProxyMaxValueFinds the node id with the maximum nodal value across all postprocessors.
- NodalSumComputes the sum of all of the nodal values of the specified variable. Note: This object sets the default "unique_node_execute" flag to true to avoid double counting nodes between shared blocks.
- NodalVariableValueOutputs values of a nodal variable at a particular location
- NumDOFsReturn the number of Degrees of freedom from either the NL, Aux or both systems.
- NumElementsReturn the number of active or total elements in the simulation.
- NumElemsReturn the number of active or total elements in the simulation.
- NumFailedTimeStepsCollects the number of failed time steps from the time stepper.
- NumFixedPointIterationsReturns the number of fixed point iterations taken by the executioner.
- NumLinearIterationsCompute the number of linear iterations.
- NumMeshDivisionsReturn the number of divisions/regions from a MeshDivision object.
- NumNodesReturns the total number of nodes in a simulation (works with DistributedMesh)
- NumNonlinearIterationsOutputs the number of nonlinear iterations
- NumPicardIterationsReturns the number of fixed point iterations taken by the executioner.
- NumPositionsReturn the number of Positions from a Positions object.
- NumRelationshipManagersReturn the number of relationship managers active.
- NumResidualEvaluationsReturns the total number of residual evaluations performed.
- NumTimeStepsReports the timestep number
- NumVarsReturn the number of variables from either the NL, Aux, or both systems.
- ParsedPostprocessorComputes a parsed expression with post-processors
- PercentChangePostprocessorComputes the percent change of a postprocessor value compared to the value at the previous timestep.
- PerfGraphDataRetrieves performance information about a section from the PerfGraph.
- PointValueCompute the value of a variable at a specified location
- PointwiseRenormalizeVectorPointwise renormalize the solution of a set of variables comprising a vector
- PostprocessorComparisonCompares two post-processors and produces a boolean value
- PostprocessorSpatialUserObjectUser object (spatial) that holds a postprocessor value.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRankFourTensorPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRankTwoTensorPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRealPrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- ProjectedStatefulMaterialNodalPatchRecoveryRealVectorValuePrepare patches for use in nodal patch recovery based on a material property for material property states projected onto nodal variables.
- PropertyReadFileUser Object to read property data from an external file and assign it to elements / nodes / subdomains etc.
- PseudoTimestepComputes pseudo-time steps for obtaining steady-state solutions through a pseudo transient process.
- RadialAveragePerform a radial average of a material property
- ReceiverReports the value stored in this processor, which is usually filled in by another object. The Receiver does not compute its own value.
- RelativeDifferencePostprocessorComputes the absolute value of the relative difference between 2 post-processor values.
- RelativeSolutionDifferenceNormComputes the relative norm of the solution difference of two consecutive time steps.
- ResidualReport the non-linear residual.
- ScalarL2ErrorCompute L2 error of a scalar variable using analytic function.
- ScalarVariableReturns the value of a scalar variable as a postprocessor value.
- ScalePostprocessorScales a post-processor by a value
- SideAdvectiveFluxIntegralComputes the volumetric advected quantity through a sideset.
- SideAverageFunctorPostprocessorComputes the average of a functor over a side set.
- SideAverageMaterialPropertyComputes the average of a material property over a side set.
- SideAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- SideDiffusiveFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideDiffusiveFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideExtremeValueFinds either the min or max variable value of a variable over a boundary.
- SideFVFluxBCIntegralComputes the side integral of different finite volume flux boundary conditions.
- SideFluxAverageComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SideIntegralFunctorPostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified functor, using the single-sided face argument, which usually means that the functor will be evaluated from a single side of the surface, not interpolated between both sides.
- SideIntegralMaterialPropertyCompute the integral of a scalar material property component over the domain.
- SideIntegralVariablePostprocessorComputes a surface integral of the specified variable
- SideVectorDiffusivityFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the diffusive flux over the specified boundary
- SidesetAroundSubdomainUpdaterSets up a boundary between inner_subdomains and outer_subdomains
- SolutionUserObjectReads a variable from a mesh in one simulation to another
- TagVectorSumComputes the sum of components of the requested tagged vector
- TerminatorRequests termination of the current solve based on the evaluation of a parsed logical expression of the Postprocessor value(s).
- TimeExtremeValueA postprocessor for reporting the extreme value of another postprocessor over time.
- TimeIntegratedPostprocessorIntegrate a Postprocessor value over time using trapezoidal rule.
- TimePostprocessorReports the current time
- TimedSubdomainModifierModify element subdomain ID of entire subdomains for given points in time. This mesh modifier only runs on the undisplaced mesh, and it will modify both the undisplaced and the displaced mesh.
- TimestepSizeReports the timestep size
- TotalVariableValueIntegrate a Postprocessor value over time using trapezoidal rule.
- VariableInnerProductComputes a volume integral of the specified variable
- VariableResidualComputes the L2 norm of the residual of a single variable in the solution vector.
- VariableValueElementSubdomainModifierModify the element subdomain ID based on the provided variable value.
- VectorPostprocessorComparisonCompares two vector post-processors of equal size and produces a boolean value
- VectorPostprocessorComponentReturns the value of the specified component of a VectorPostprocessor
- VectorPostprocessorReductionValueTakes a VectorPostprocessor and performs a reduction operation on it (max, min, sum, average) and stores as postprocessor.
- VerifyElementUniqueIDVerifies that all element ids are unique.
- VerifyNodalUniqueIDVerifies that all node ids are unique.
- VolumePostprocessorComputes the volume of a specified block
- raccoon App
- ExternalWorkThis class computes the total external work. The power expenditure (rate of external work) is defined as . The power expenditure is integrated in time to get the total work.
- KineticEnergyThis class computes the total kinetic energy of the form .
- LargeDeformationJIntegralThis class computes the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
- PhaseFieldJIntegralCompute the J integral for a phase-field model of fracture
- SolutionChangeNormThis class computes the solution change (L2) norm of selected variables.
- Heat Transfer App
- ADConvectiveHeatTransferSideIntegralComputes the total convective heat transfer across a boundary.
- ConstantViewFactorSurfaceRadiationConstantViewFactorSurfaceRadiation computes radiative heat transfer between side sets and the view factors are provided in the input file
- ConvectiveHeatTransferSideIntegralComputes the total convective heat transfer across a boundary.
- ExposedSideAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on the exposed portion of a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- FunctorGapFluxModelConductionGap flux model for varying gap conductance using a functor for temperature.
- FunctorGapFluxModelRadiationGap flux model for heat transfer across a gap due to radiation, based on the diffusion approximation. Uses a temperature functor.
- GapFluxModelConductionGap flux model for varying gap conductance using a coupled variable for temperature
- GapFluxModelPressureDependentConductionHeat flux model across a closed gap to calculate the conductance between two solid materials
- GapFluxModelRadiationGap flux model for heat conduction across a gap due to radiation, based on the diffusion approximation. Uses a coupled temperature variable.
- GapFluxModelRadiativeGap flux demonstration model for radiative heat conductance
- GapFluxModelSimpleGap flux model with a constant conductance
- GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationPPThis postprocessor allows to extract radiosity, heat flux density, and temperature from the GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase object.
- HomogenizedThermalConductivityPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for thermal conductivity
- RayTracingViewFactorComputes view factors for arbitrary geometries using raytracing.
- SelfShadowSideUserObjectCompute the illumination status for a self shadowing sideset
- ThermalConductivityComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- UnobstructedPlanarViewFactorComputes the view factors for planar faces in unubstructed radiative heat transfer.
- ViewFactorObjectSurfaceRadiationViewFactorObjectSurfaceRadiation computes radiative heat transfer between side sets and the view factors are computed by a ViewFactor object
- ViewFactorPPThis postprocessor allows to extract view factors from ViewFactor userobjects.
- ViewFactorRayStudyThis ray study is used to compute view factors in cavities with obstruction. It sends out rays from surfaces bounding the radiation cavity into a set of directions determined by an angular quadrature. The rays are tracked and view factors are computed by determining the surface where the ray dies.
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADMassComputes the mass of the solid as the integral of the density material property
- ADMaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- ADMaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- ADSidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- AbaqusUExternalDBCoupling user object to use Abaqus UEXTERNALDB subroutines in MOOSE
- AbaqusUserElementCoupling UserObject to use Abaqus UEL plugins in MOOSE
- AsymptoticExpansionHomogenizationElasticConstantsPostprocessor for asymptotic expansion homogenization for elasticity
- CavityPressurePostprocessorInterfaces with the CavityPressureUserObject to store the initial number of moles of a gas contained within an internal volume.
- CavityPressureUserObjectUses the ideal gas law to compute internal pressure and an initial moles of gas quantity.
- CrackFrontDataDetermines which nodes are along the crack front
- CrackFrontDefinitionUsed to describe geometric characteristics of the crack front for fracture integral calculations
- CriticalTimeStepComputes and reports the critical time step for the explicit solver.
- CrystalPlasticitySlipRateGSSPhenomenological constitutive model slip rate class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticitySlipResistanceGSSPhenomenological constitutive models' slip resistance base class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticityStateVarRateComponentGSSPhenomenological constitutive model state variable evolution rate component base class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- CrystalPlasticityStateVarRateComponentVocePhenomenological Voce constitutive model state variable evolution rate component base class.
- CrystalPlasticityStateVariableCrystal plasticity state variable class. Override the virtual functions in your class
- EulerAngleFileReaderRead Euler angle data from a file and provide it to other objects.
- GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObjectGeneralized plane strain UserObject to provide residual and diagonal Jacobian entries.
- GlobalStrainUserObjectGlobal Strain UserObject to provide Residual and diagonal Jacobian entry
- HEVPEqvPlasticStrainUser Object to integrate equivalent plastic strain
- HEVPEqvPlasticStrainRateUser Object computing equivalent plastic strain rate
- HEVPFlowRatePowerLawJ2User object to evaluate power law flow rate and flow direction based on J2
- HEVPLinearHardeningUser Object for linear hardening
- HEVPRambergOsgoodHardeningUser object for Ramberg-Osgood hardening power law hardening
- HomogenizationConstraintCalculate element contribution to the homogenization constraint depending on the homogenization constraint type.
- LinearViscoelasticityManagerManages the updating of the semi-implicit single-step first-order finite difference time-stepping scheme
- MOOSEOldPostprocessorToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE postprocessor value for insertion into the specified input variable or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEOldRankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type RankTwoTensorTempl<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEOldRealMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type double for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEOldRealVectorValueMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type libMesh::VectorValue<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEOldSymmetricRankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEOldVariableToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE variable for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEPostprocessorToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE postprocessor value for insertion into the specified input variable or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSERankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type RankTwoTensorTempl<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSERealMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type double for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSERealVectorValueMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type libMesh::VectorValue<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSESymmetricRankTwoTensorMaterialPropertyToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE material property of type SymmetricRankTwoTensorTempl<double> for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MOOSEVariableToNEML2The
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Gather a MOOSE variable for insertion into the specified input or model parameter of a NEML2 model.) - MassComputes the mass of the solid as the integral of the density material property
- MaterialTensorAverageComputes the average of a RankTwoTensor component over a volume.
- MaterialTensorIntegralThis postprocessor computes an element integral of a component of a material tensor as specified by the user-supplied indices
- MaterialTimeStepPostprocessorThis postprocessor estimates a timestep that reduces the increment change in a material property below a given threshold.
- NEML2BatchIndexGeneratorGenerates the element to batch index map for MOOSEToNEML2 gatherers, NEML2ToMOOSE retrievers, and the NEML2 executor
- NEML2ModelExecutorThe
library is required but not enabled. Refer to the documentation for guidance on how to enable it. (Original description: Execute the specified NEML2 model) - NormalBoundaryDisplacementThis postprocessor computes the normal displacement on a given set of boundaries.
- PolarMomentOfInertiaCompute the polar moment of inertia of a sideset w.r.t. a point and a direction
- SidesetReactionComputes the integrated reaction force in a user-specified direction on a sideset from the surface traction
- SolidMechanicsHardeningConstantNo hardening - the parameter is independent of the internal parameter(s)
- SolidMechanicsHardeningCubicHardening is Cubic
- SolidMechanicsHardeningCutExponentialHardening is Cut-exponential
- SolidMechanicsHardeningExponentialHardening is Exponential
- SolidMechanicsHardeningGaussianHardening is Gaussian
- SolidMechanicsHardeningPowerRuleHardening defined by power rule
- SolidMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with no smoothing of the cone tip.
- SolidMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerHyperbolicNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with hyperbolic smoothing of the cone tip.
- SolidMechanicsPlasticIsotropicSDIsotropicSD plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- SolidMechanicsPlasticJ2J2 plasticity, associative, with hardening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticMeanCapClass that limits the mean stress. Yield function = a*mean_stress - strength. mean_stress = (stress_xx + stress_yy + stress_zz)/3
- SolidMechanicsPlasticMeanCapTCAssociative mean-cap tensile and compressive plasticity with hardening/softening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombMultiNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticOrthotropicOrthotropic plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- SolidMechanicsPlasticSimpleTesterClass that can be used for testing multi-surface plasticity models. Yield function = a*stress_yy + b*stress_zz + c*stress_xx + d*(stress_xy + stress_yx)/2 + e*(stress_xz + stress_zx)/2 + f*(stress_yz + stress_zy)/2 - strength
- SolidMechanicsPlasticTensileAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, and tensile_strength = 1
- SolidMechanicsPlasticTensileMultiAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShearNon-associative finite-strain weak-plane shear perfect plasticity. Here cohesion = 1, tan(phi) = 1 = tan(psi)
- SolidMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- SolidMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileNAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, with specified, fixed normal vector. (WeakPlaneTensile combined with specifying N in the Material might be preferable to you.)
- StepUserObjectMaps the time steps and the load step simulation times. It can be used in either direction depending on the simulation setup. It generates steps to be used in StepPeriod to control the enabled/disabled state of objects with user-provided simulation steps.
- TensorMechanicsHardeningConstantNo hardening - the parameter is independent of the internal parameter(s)
- TensorMechanicsHardeningCubicHardening is Cubic
- TensorMechanicsHardeningCutExponentialHardening is Cut-exponential
- TensorMechanicsHardeningExponentialHardening is Exponential
- TensorMechanicsHardeningGaussianHardening is Gaussian
- TensorMechanicsHardeningPowerRuleHardening defined by power rule
- TensorMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with no smoothing of the cone tip.
- TensorMechanicsPlasticDruckerPragerHyperbolicNon-associative Drucker Prager plasticity with hyperbolic smoothing of the cone tip.
- TensorMechanicsPlasticIsotropicSDIsotropicSD plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- TensorMechanicsPlasticJ2J2 plasticity, associative, with hardening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMeanCapClass that limits the mean stress. Yield function = a*mean_stress - strength. mean_stress = (stress_xx + stress_yy + stress_zz)/3
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMeanCapTCAssociative mean-cap tensile and compressive plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticMohrCoulombMultiNon-associative Mohr-Coulomb plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticOrthotropicOrthotropic plasticity for pressure sensitive materials and also models the strength differential effect
- TensorMechanicsPlasticSimpleTesterClass that can be used for testing multi-surface plasticity models. Yield function = a*stress_yy + b*stress_zz + c*stress_xx + d*(stress_xy + stress_yx)/2 + e*(stress_xz + stress_zx)/2 + f*(stress_yz + stress_zy)/2 - strength
- TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, and tensile_strength = 1
- TensorMechanicsPlasticTensileMultiAssociative tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShearNon-associative finite-strain weak-plane shear perfect plasticity. Here cohesion = 1, tan(phi) = 1 = tan(psi)
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening
- TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneTensileNAssociative weak-plane tensile plasticity with hardening/softening, with specified, fixed normal vector. (WeakPlaneTensile combined with specifying N in the Material might be preferable to you.)
- TorqueReactionTorqueReaction calculates the torque in 2D and 3Dabout a user-specified axis of rotation centeredat a user-specified origin.
- Ray Tracing App
- ConeRayStudyRay study that spawns Rays in the direction of a cone from a given set of starting points.
- RayDataValueObtains a value from the data or aux data of a Ray after tracing has been completed.
- RayIntegralValueObtains the integrated value accumulated into a Ray from an IntegralRayKernel-derived class.
- RayTracingStudyResultGets a result from a RayTracingStudy.
- RepeatableRayStudyA ray tracing study that generates rays from vector of user-input start points and end points/directions.
- Phase Field App
- AverageGrainVolumeCalculate average grain area in a polycrystal
- ComputeExternalGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- ComputeGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- ConservedMaskedNormalNoiseGaussian normal distributed random number noise provider with an applied spatially dependent material property mask for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedMaskedUniformNoiseUniformly distributed random number noise provider with an applied spatially dependent material property mask for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedNormalNoiseGaussian normal distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedUniformNoiseUniformly distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConstantGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- DiscreteNucleationDataOutput diagnostic data on a DiscreteNucleationInserter
- DiscreteNucleationFromFileManages the list of currently active nucleation sites and adds new sites according to a predetermined list from a CSV file (use this with sync_times).
- DiscreteNucleationInserterManages the list of currently active nucleation sites and adds new sites according to a given probability function.
- DiscreteNucleationMapGenerates a spatial smoothed map of all nucleation sites with the data of the DiscreteNucleationInserter for use by the DiscreteNucleation material.
- DiscreteNucleationTimeStepReturn a time step limit for nucleation event to be used by IterationAdaptiveDT
- EBSDReaderLoad and manage DREAM.3D EBSD data files for running simulations on reconstructed microstructures.
- EulerAngleUpdaterProvide updated euler angles after rigid body rotation of the grains.
- FauxGrainTrackerFake grain tracker object for cases where the number of grains is equal to the number of order parameters.
- FauxPolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal when the number of order parameters equal to the number of grains
- FeatureFloodCountThe object is able to find and count "connected components" in any solution field or number of solution fields. A primary example would be to count "bubbles".
- FeatureVolumeFractionComputes the total feature volume fraction from a vectorpostprocessor computing the feature volume
- GrainBoundaryAreaCalculate total grain boundary length in 2D and area in 3D
- GrainForceAndTorqueSumUserobject for summing forces and torques acting on a grain
- GrainTrackerGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- GrainTrackerElasticityGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- MaskedGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for masking/pinning grains and making forces and torques acting on that grain zero
- PFCElementEnergyIntegralComputes the integral of the energy from the temperature. Note that the kb factor is missing.
- PolycrystalCirclesPolycrystal circles generated from a vector input or read from a file
- PolycrystalEBSDObject for setting up a polycrystal structure from an EBSD Datafile
- PolycrystalHexPerturbed hexagonal polycrystal
- PolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiAction)
- RandomEulerAngleProviderAssign random Euler angles for each grain.
- SolutionRasterizerProcess an XYZ file of atomic coordinates and filter atoms via threshold or map variable values.
- WeightedVariableAverageAverage a variable value using a weight mask given by a material property.
- Moose App
- AddVariableActionAdd a non-linear variable to the simulation.
- CopyNodalVarsActionCopies variable information from a file.
- ArrayMooseVariableUsed for grouping standard field variables with the same finite element family and order
- MooseLinearVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableRepresents standard field variables, e.g. Lagrange, Hermite, or non-constant Monomials
- MooseVariableBaseBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableConstMonomialSpecialization for constant monomials that avoids unnecessary loops
- MooseVariableFVRealBase class for Moose variables. This should never be the terminal object type
- MooseVariableScalarMoose wrapper class around scalar variables
- VectorMooseVariableRepresents vector field variables, e.g. Vector Lagrange, Nedelec or Raviart-Thomas
- Phase Field App
- CHPFCRFFSplitVariablesActionCreates the L auxiliary variables, as well as a MultiApp along with transfers to set the variables, for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- HHPFCRFFSplitVariablesActionCreates the L nonlinear variables for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model, when using a split approach
- Phase Field App
- PFCRFFVariablesActionCreates the L nonlinear variables for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalVariablesActionSet up order parameter variables for a polycrystal simulation
- Moose App
- AddVectorPostprocessorActionAdd a VectorPostprocessor object to the simulation.
- CSVReaderConverts columns of a CSV file into vectors of a VectorPostprocessor.
- CSVReaderVectorPostprocessorConverts columns of a CSV file into vectors of a VectorPostprocessor.
- ConstantVectorPostprocessorPopulate constant VectorPostprocessorValue directly from input file.
- CylindricalAverageCompute a cylindrical average of a variableas a function of radius throughout the simulation domain.
- EigenvaluesReturns the Eigen values from the nonlinear Eigen system.
- ElementMaterialSamplerRecords all Real-valued material properties of a material object, or Real-valued material properties of the supplied property names on quadrature points on elements at the indicated execution points.
- ElementValueSamplerSamples values of variables on elements.
- ElementVariablesDifferenceMaxComputes the largest difference between two variable fields.
- ElementsAlongLineOutputs the IDs of every element intersected by a user-defined line
- ElementsAlongPlaneOutputs the IDs of every element intersected by a user-defined plane
- ExtraIDIntegralVectorPostprocessorIntegrates or averages variables based on extra element IDs
- HistogramVectorPostprocessorCompute a histogram for each column of a VectorPostprocessor
- IntersectionPointsAlongLineGet the intersection points for all of the elements that are intersected by a line.
- LeastSquaresFitPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor
- LeastSquaresFitHistoryPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor and stores the full time history of the coefficients
- LineFunctionSamplerSample one or more functions along a line.
- LineMaterialRealSamplerSamples real-valued material properties for all quadrature points in all elements that are intersected by a specified line
- LineValueSamplerSamples variable(s) along a specified line
- MaterialVectorPostprocessorRecords all Real-valued material properties of a material object, or Real-valued material properties of the supplied property names on quadrature points on elements at the indicated execution points.
- MeshDivisionFunctorReductionVectorPostprocessorPerform reductions on functors based on a per-mesh-division basis
- NearestPointIntegralVariablePostprocessorCompute element variable integrals for nearest-point based subdomains
- NodalValueSamplerSamples values of nodal variable(s).
- PointValueSamplerSample a variable at specific points.
- PositionsFunctorValueSamplerSample one or more functors at points specified by a Positions object.
- SideValueSamplerSample variable(s) along a sideset, internal or external.
- SidesetInfoVectorPostprocessorThis VectorPostprocessor collects meta data for provided sidesets.
- SpatialUserObjectVectorPostprocessorOutputs the values of a spatial user object in the order of the specified spatial points
- SphericalAverageCompute a spherical average of a variable as a function of radius throughout the simulation domain.
- VariableValueVolumeHistogramCompute a histogram of volume fractions binned according to variable values.
- VectorMemoryUsageGet memory stats for all ranks in the simulation
- VectorOfPostprocessorsOutputs the values of an arbitrary user-specified set of postprocessors as a vector in the order specified by the user
- VolumeHistogramCompute a histogram of volume fractions binned according to variable values.
- WorkBalanceComputes several metrics for workload balance per processor
- Heat Transfer App
- SurfaceRadiationVectorPostprocessorVectorPostprocessor for accessing information stored in surface radiation user object
- ViewfactorVectorPostprocessorVectorPostprocessor for accessing view factors from GrayLambertSurfaceRadiationBase UO
- Solid Mechanics App
- ADInteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
- AverageSectionValueSamplerCompute the section's variable average in three-dimensions given a user-defined definition of the cross section.
- CrackFrontNonlocalScalarMaterialComputes the average material at points provided by the crack_front_definition vectorpostprocessor.
- CrackFrontNonlocalStressComputes the average stress normal to the crack face.
- InteractionIntegralComputes the interaction integral, which is used to compute various fracture mechanics parameters at a crack tip, including KI, KII, KIII, and the T stress.
- JIntegralComputes the J-Integral, a measure of the strain energy release rate at a crack tip, which can be used as a criterion for fracture growth. It can, alternatively, compute the C(t) integral
- LineMaterialRankTwoSamplerAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor
- LineMaterialRankTwoScalarSamplerCompute a scalar property of a RankTwoTensor
- MixedModeEquivalentKComputes the mixed-mode stress intensity factor given the , , and stress intensity factors
- Ray Tracing App
- PerProcessorRayTracingResultsVectorPostprocessorAccumulates ray tracing results (information about the trace) on a per-processor basis.
- Phase Field App
- EulerAngleUpdaterCheckProvide updated Euler angles after rigid body rotation of the grains.
- FeatureVolumeVectorPostprocessorThis object is designed to pull information from the data structures of a "FeatureFloodCount" or derived object (e.g. individual feature volumes)
- GrainForcesPostprocessorOutputs the values from GrainForcesPostprocessor
- GrainTextureVectorPostprocessorGives out info on the grain boundary properties