RACCOON is a perfect example of integration of multiple open source projects.

  • RACCOON is built upon MOOSE, an object oriented parallel FEM framework.

  • MOOSE is built upon libMesh, a C++ FEM library, to utilize its FEM basics.

  • Both MOOSE and libMesh rely on many other tools, such as PETSc.

Therefore, it can be complicated to get RACCOON to work. Fortunately, the installation process has been thought through and thoroughly tested. The installation process can be summarized in the following steps, each of which should only take a handful of commands.

commentnote:Install RACCOON on the Duke Computing Cluster (DCC)

Instead of the instructions below, refer to these instructions for setting up RACCOON on the Duke Computing Cluster. Contact Professor John Dolbow if you are our group member and need access to DCC.

Step 1: Install dependencies

First, follow these instructions to install environment packages for MOOSE and RACCOON.

Step 2: Clone RACCOON

Next, clone RACCOON to your local projects directory:

mkdir ~/projects
cd ~/projects
git clone
cd raccoon
git checkout master
git submodule update --init --recursive

These commands should download a copy of RACCOON and a copy of MOOSE (as a submodule) to your local projects directory.

[Optional] In Step 1, if you didn't choose to include moose-libmesh in your Conda environment, you need to compile PETSc and libMesh using


Step 3: Compile RACCOON

Next, you can compile RACCOON using

make -j N

where N is the number of processors you want to use to compile RACCOON in parallel.

[Optional] To make sure RACCOON is working properly, run the regression tests:

./run_tests -j N