- Phase Field App
- DiscreteNucleationMarkerMark new nucleation sites for refinement
- Phase Field App
- BndsCalcAuxCalculate location of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- CrossTermGradientFreeEnergyFree energy contribution from the cross terms in ACMultiInterface
- DiscreteNucleationAuxProject the DiscreteNucleationMap state onto an AuxVariable
- EBSDReaderAvgDataAuxOutputs the requested EBSD reader average data, for a given phase if specified, for the grain at the local node/element.
- EBSDReaderPointDataAuxOutputs the requested EBSD reader point data.
- EulerAngleProvider2RGBAuxOutput RGB representation of crystal orientation from user object to an AuxVariable. The entire domain must have the same crystal structure.
- EulerAngleVariables2RGBAuxOutputs one color or a scalar for the RGB-encoding of the local Euler angles for the grain orientation
- FeatureFloodCountAuxFeature detection by connectivity analysis
- GrainAdvectionAuxCalculates the advection velocity of grain due to rigid body translation and rotation
- GrainBoundaryVelocityCompute the velocity of grain boundaries.
- KKSGlobalFreeEnergyTotal free energy in KKS system, including chemical, barrier and gradient terms
- KKSMultiFreeEnergyTotal free energy in multi-phase KKS system, including chemical, barrier and gradient terms
- LinearizedInterfaceAuxCalculates the order parameter from the linearized interface function
- OutputEulerAnglesOutput Euler angles from user object to an AuxVariable.
- PFCEnergyDensityComputes the crystal free energy density
- PFCRFFEnergyDensityComputes the crystal free energy density for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- SolutionAuxMisorientationBoundaryCalculate location of grain boundaries by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
- TotalFreeEnergyTotal free energy (both the bulk and gradient parts), where the bulk free energy has been defined in a material
- MatVecRealGradAuxKernel
- MaterialVectorAuxKernel
- MaterialVectorGradAuxKernel
- Phase Field App
- MatVecRealGradAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the gradient of the real standard vector-valued properties specified
- Phase Field App
- MaterialVectorAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the standard vector-valued properties specified
- Phase Field App
- MaterialVectorGradAuxKernelActionOutputs all components of the gradient of the real standard vector-valued properties specified
- Phase Field App
- MultiAuxVariables
- Phase Field App
- MultiAuxVariablesActionSet up auxvariables for components of MaterialProperty<std::vector<data_type> > for polycrystal sample.
- Phase Field App
- FourierNoiseGenerate noise from a fourier series
- Phase Field App
- BimodalInverseSuperellipsoidsICBimodal size distribution of large particles (specified in input file, value invalue) and small particles (placed randomly inside the larger particles, value outvalue)
- BimodalSuperellipsoidsICBimodal size distribution of large particles (specified in input file) and small particles (placed randomly outside the larger particles)
- BndsCalcICInitialize the location of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- ClosePackICClose packed arrangement of smooth circles
- CoupledValueFunctionICInitialize the variable from a lookup function
- CrossICCross-shaped initial condition
- IsolatedBoundingBoxICSpecify variable values inside and outside a list of isolated boxes shaped axis-aligned regions defined by pairs of opposing corners
- LatticeSmoothCircleICPerturbed square lattice of smooth circles
- MultiBoundingBoxICAllows setting the initial condition of a value of a field inside and outside multiple bounding boxes.
- MultiSmoothCircleICRandom distribution of smooth circles with given minimum spacing
- MultiSmoothSuperellipsoidICRandom distribution of smooth ellipse with given minimum spacing
- NestedBoundingBoxICSpecify variable values inside a list of nested boxes shaped axis-aligned regions defined by pairs of opposing corners
- PFCFreezingICBase class for generating a random field for a variable.
- PolycrystalColoringICRandom Voronoi tesselation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiICAction)
- PolycrystalColoringICLinearizedInterfaceSets up polycrystal initial conditions from user objects for transformed linearized interface
- PolycrystalRandomICRandom initial condition for a polycrystalline material
- PolycrystalVoronoiVoidICRandom distribution of smooth circles with given minimum spacing
- RampICLinear ramp along the x-axis with given values at the left and right extreme points.
- ReconPhaseVarICSets the initial condition of the phase weights from the EBSD reader
- RndBoundingBoxICRandom noise with different min/max inside/outside of a bounding box
- RndSmoothCircleICRandom noise with different min/max inside/outside of a smooth circle
- SmoothCircleFromFileICMultiple smooth circles read from a text file
- SmoothCircleICCircle with a smooth interface
- SmoothCircleICLinearizedInterfaceCircle with a smooth interface transformed using the linearized interface function
- SmoothSuperellipsoidICSuperellipsoid with a smooth interface
- SpecifiedSmoothCircleICMultiple smooth circles with manually specified radii and center points
- SpecifiedSmoothSuperellipsoidICMultiple smooth superellipsoids with manually specified center points; semiaxes a,b,c; and exponents n
- ThumbICThumb shaped bicrystal for grain boundary mobility tests
- Tricrystal2CircleGrainsICTricrystal with two circles/bubbles
- TricrystalTripleJunctionICTricrystal with a triple junction
- PolycrystalICs
- Phase Field App
- BicrystalBoundingBoxIC
- BicrystalCircleGrainIC
- PolycrystalColoringIC
- PolycrystalRandomIC
- PolycrystalVoronoiVoidIC
- Tricrystal2CircleGrainsIC
- Phase Field App
- BicrystalBoundingBoxICActionConstructs a bicrystal, where one grain is on the inside of the box and the other grain is the outside of the box
- Phase Field App
- BicrystalCircleGrainICActionBicrystal with a circular grain and an embedding outer grain
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalColoringICActionAction to create ICs for polycrystal variables from a UserObject
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalRandomICActionSets random polycrystal initial conditions for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalVoronoiVoidICActionSets polycrystal Voronoi void initial conditions for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- Tricrystal2CircleGrainsICActionSets initial conditions for the order parameters representing the tri-crystal grain structure
- Phase Field App
- EqualGradientLagrangeInterfaceEnforce componentwise gradient continuity between two different variables across a subdomain boundary using a Lagrange multiplier
- EqualGradientLagrangeMultiplierLagrange multiplier kernel for EqualGradientLagrangeInterface.
- InterfaceDiffusionBoundaryTermAdd weak form surface terms of the Diffusion equation for two different variables across a subdomain boundary
- InterfaceDiffusionFluxMatchEnforce flux continuity between two different variables across a subdomain boundary
- Phase Field App
- ACBarrierFunctionAllen-Cahn kernel used when 'mu' is a function of variables
- ACGBPolyGrain-Boundary model concentration dependent residual
- ACGrGrElasticDrivingForceAdds elastic energy contribution to the Allen-Cahn equation
- ACGrGrMultiMulti-phase poly-crystalline Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACGrGrPolyGrain-Boundary model poly-crystalline interface Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACGrGrPolyLinearizedInterfaceGrain growth model Allen-Cahn Kernel with linearized interface variable transformation
- ACInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACInterface2DMultiPhase1Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where the derivative of interface parameter kappa wrt the gradient of order parameter is considered.
- ACInterface2DMultiPhase2Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where the interface parameter kappa is considered.
- ACInterfaceChangedVariableGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel using a change of variable
- ACInterfaceCleavageFractureGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel where crack propagation along weakcleavage plane is preferred
- ACInterfaceKobayashi1Anisotropic gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 1
- ACInterfaceKobayashi2Anisotropic Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 2
- ACInterfaceStressInterface stress driving force Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ACKappaFunctionGradient energy term for when kappa as a function of the variable
- ACMultiInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel with cross terms
- ACSEDGPolyStored Energy contribution to grain growth
- ACSwitchingKernel for Allen-Cahn equation that adds derivatives of switching functions and energies
- ADACBarrierFunctionAllen-Cahn kernel used when 'mu' is a function of variables
- ADACGrGrMultiMulti-phase poly-crystalline Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADACInterfaceGradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADACInterfaceKobayashi1Anisotropic gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 1
- ADACInterfaceKobayashi2Anisotropic Gradient energy Allen-Cahn Kernel Part 2
- ADACKappaFunctionGradient energy term for when kappa as a function of the variable
- ADACSwitchingKernel for Allen-Cahn equation that adds derivatives of switching functions and energies
- ADAllenCahnAllen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- ADCHSoretMobilityAdds contribution due to thermo-migration to the Cahn-Hilliard equation using a concentration 'u', temperature 'T', and thermal mobility 'mobility' (in units of length squared per time).
- ADCHSplitChemicalPotentialChemical potential kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- ADCHSplitConcentrationConcentration kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- ADCoefCoupledTimeDerivativeScaled time derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable
- ADCoupledSwitchingTimeDerivativeCoupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative by
- ADGrainGrowthGrain-Boundary model poly-crystalline interface Allen-Cahn Kernel
- ADMatAnisoDiffusionDiffusion equation kernel that takes an anisotropic diffusivity from a material property
- ADSplitCHParsedSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- ADSplitCHWResSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- ADSplitCHWResAnisoSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- ADSusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a variable by a generalized susceptibility
- AllenCahnAllen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- AllenCahnElasticEnergyOffDiagThis kernel calculates off-diagonal Jacobian of elastic energy in AllenCahn with respect to displacements
- AntitrappingCurrentKernel that provides antitrapping current at the interface for alloy solidification
- CHBulkPFCTradCahn-Hilliard kernel for a polynomial phase field crystal free energy.
- CHInterfaceGradient energy Cahn-Hilliard Kernel with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- CHInterfaceAnisoGradient energy Cahn-Hilliard Kernel with a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- CHMathSimple demonstration Cahn-Hilliard Kernel using an algebraic double-well potential
- CHPFCRFFCahn-Hilliard residual for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- CHSplitChemicalPotentialChemical potential kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- CHSplitConcentrationConcentration kernel in Split Cahn-Hilliard that solves chemical potential in a weak form
- CHSplitFluxComputes flux as nodal variable
- CahnHilliardCahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy and a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- CahnHilliardAnisoCahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy and a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- ChangedVariableTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative bythe derivative of the nonlinear preconditioning function
- CoefCoupledTimeDerivativeScaled time derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable
- ConservedLangevinNoiseSource term for noise from a ConservedNoise userobject
- CoupledAllenCahnCoupled Allen-Cahn Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- CoupledMaterialDerivativeKernel that implements the first derivative of a function material property with respect to a coupled variable.
- CoupledSusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified coupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a coupled variable by a generalized susceptibility
- CoupledSwitchingTimeDerivativeCoupled time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative by
- DiscreteNucleationForceTerm for inserting grain nuclei or phases in non-conserved order parameter fields
- GradientComponentSet the kernel variable to a specified component of the gradient of a coupled variable.
- HHPFCRFFReaction type kernel for the RFF phase fit crystal model
- KKSACBulkCKKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSCHBulkKKS model kernel for the Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This operates on the concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable
- KKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase KKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSMultiACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- KKSMultiPhaseConcentrationKKS multi-phase model kernel to enforce . The non-linear variable of this kernel is , the final phase concentration in the list.
- KKSPhaseChemicalPotentialKKS model kernel to enforce the pointwise equality of phase chemical potentials . The non-linear variable of this kernel is .
- KKSPhaseConcentrationKKS model kernel to enforce the decomposition of concentration into phase concentration . The non-linear variable of this kernel is .
- KKSSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable
- LangevinNoiseSource term for non-conserved Langevin noise
- LaplacianSplitSplit with a variable that holds the Laplacian of a phase field variable.
- MaskedBodyForceKernel that defines a body force modified by a material mask
- MaskedExponentialKernel to add dilute solution term to Poisson's equation for electrochemical sintering
- MatAnisoDiffusionDiffusion equation Kernel that takes an anisotropic Diffusivity from a material property
- MatGradSquareCoupledGradient square of a coupled variable.
- MultiGrainRigidBodyMotionAdds rigid body motion to grains
- NestedKKSACBulkCKKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase KKS model kernel (part 2 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiACBulkFKKS model kernel (part 1 of 2) for the Bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms NOT dependent on chemical potential.
- NestedKKSMultiSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable.
- NestedKKSSplitCHCResKKS model kernel for the split Bulk Cahn-Hilliard term. This kernel operates on the physical concentration 'c' as the non-linear variable.
- SLKKSChemicalPotentialSLKKS model kernel to enforce the pointwise equality of sublattice chemical potentials in the same phase.
- SLKKSMultiACBulkCMulti-phase SLKKS model kernel for the bulk Allen-Cahn. This includes all terms dependent on chemical potential.
- SLKKSMultiPhaseConcentrationSLKKS multi-phase model kernel to enforce . The non-linear variable of this kernel is a phase's sublattice concentration
- SLKKSPhaseConcentrationSublattice KKS model kernel to enforce the decomposition of concentration into phase and sublattice concentrations The non-linear variable of this kernel is a sublattice concentration of phase b.
- SLKKSSumEnforce the sum of sublattice concentrations to a given phase concentration.
- SimpleACInterfaceGradient energy for Allen-Cahn Kernel with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter
- SimpleCHInterfaceGradient energy for Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter
- SimpleCoupledACInterfaceGradient energy for Allen-Cahn Kernel with constant Mobility and Interfacial parameter for a coupled order parameter variable.
- SimpleSplitCHWResGradient energy for split Cahn-Hilliard equation with constant Mobility for a coupled order parameter variable.
- SingleGrainRigidBodyMotionAdds rigid mody motion to a single grain
- SoretDiffusionAdd Soret effect to Split formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel
- SplitCHMathSimple demonstration split formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel using an algebraic double-well potential
- SplitCHParsedSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel that uses a DerivativeMaterial Free Energy
- SplitCHWResSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a scalar (isotropic) mobility
- SplitCHWResAnisoSplit formulation Cahn-Hilliard Kernel for the chemical potential variable with a tensor (anisotropic) mobility
- SusceptibilityTimeDerivativeA modified time derivative Kernel that multiplies the time derivative of a variable by a generalized susceptibility
- SwitchingFunctionConstraintEtaLagrange multiplier kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system. This kernel acts on a non-conserved order parameter eta_i.
- SwitchingFunctionConstraintLagrangeLagrange multiplier kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system. This kernel acts on the Lagrange multiplier variable.
- SwitchingFunctionPenaltyPenalty kernel to constrain the sum of all switching functions in a multiphase system.
- CHPFCRFFSplitKernel
- HHPFCRFFSplitKernel
- PFCRFFKernel
- PolycrystalElasticDrivingForce
- PolycrystalKernel
- PolycrystalStoredEnergy
- RigidBodyMultiKernel
- Phase Field App
- CHPFCRFFSplitKernelActionCreates the kernels for the transient Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- HHPFCRFFSplitKernelActionSet up kernels for the rational function fit (RFF) phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PFCRFFKernelActionSet up kernels for the rational function fit (RFF) phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalElasticDrivingForceActionAction that adds the elastic driving force for each order parameter
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalKernelActionSet up ACGrGrPoly, ACInterface, TimeDerivative, and ACGBPoly kernels
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalStoredEnergyActionAction that adds the contribution of stored energy associated with dislocations to grain growth models
- Phase Field App
- RigidBodyMultiKernelActionAction for applying Allen-Cahn equations and SingleGrainRigidBodyMotion to grains
- Phase Field App
- ADConstantAnisotropicMobilityProvide a constant mobility tensor value
- ADGBEvolutionComputes necessary material properties for the isotropic grain growth model
- ADInterfaceOrientationMaterial2D interfacial anisotropy
- ADMathCTDFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- ADMathFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy and its derivatives:
- ADSwitchingFunctionMultiPhaseMaterialCalculates the switching function for a given phase for a multi-phase, multi-order parameter model
- AsymmetricCrossTermBarrierFunctionMaterialFree energy contribution asymmetric across interfaces between arbitrary pairs of phases.
- BarrierFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide and its derivative in a polynomial. SIMPLE: LOW: HIGH:
- CompositeMobilityTensorAssemble a mobility tensor from multiple tensor contributions weighted by material properties
- ComputeGBMisorientationTypeCalculate types of grain boundaries in a polycrystalline sample
- ComputePolycrystalElasticityTensorCompute an evolving elasticity tensor coupled to a grain growth phase field model.
- ConstantAnisotropicMobilityProvide a constant mobility tensor value
- CoupledValueFunctionFreeEnergyCompute a free energy from a lookup function
- CrossTermBarrierFunctionMaterialFree energy contribution symmetric across interfaces between arbitrary pairs of phases.
- DeformedGrainMaterialComputes scaled grain material properties
- DerivativeMultiPhaseMaterialTwo phase material that combines n phase materials using a switching function with and n non-conserved order parameters (to be used with SwitchingFunctionConstraint*).
- DerivativeTwoPhaseMaterialTwo phase material that combines two single phase materials using a switching function.
- DiscreteNucleationFree energy contribution for nucleating discrete particles
- ElasticEnergyMaterialFree energy material for the elastic energy contributions.
- ElectrochemicalDefectMaterialCalculates density, susceptibility, and derivatives for a defect species in the grand potential sintering model coupled with electrochemistry
- ElectrochemicalSinteringMaterialIncludes switching and thermodynamic properties for the grand potential sintering model coupled with electrochemistry
- ExternalForceDensityMaterialProviding external applied force density to grains
- ForceDensityMaterialCalculating the force density acting on a grain
- GBAnisotropyA material to compute anisotropic grain boundary energies and mobilities.
- GBDependentAnisotropicTensorCompute anisotropic rank two tensor based on GB phase variable
- GBDependentDiffusivityCompute diffusivity rank two tensor based on GB phase variable
- GBEvolutionComputes necessary material properties for the isotropic grain growth model
- GBWidthAnisotropyA material to compute anisotropic grain boundary energies and mobilities with user-specified grain boundary widths, independently for each interface between grains
- GrainAdvectionVelocityCalculation the advection velocity of grain due to rigid body translation and rotation
- GrandPotentialInterfaceCalculate Grand Potential interface parameters for a specified interfacial free energy and width
- GrandPotentialSinteringMaterialIncludes switching and thermodynamic properties for the grand potential sintering model
- GrandPotentialTensorMaterialDiffusion and mobility parameters for grand potential model governing equations. Uses a tensor diffusivity
- IdealGasFreeEnergyFree energy of an ideal gas.
- InterfaceOrientationMaterial2D interfacial anisotropy
- InterfaceOrientationMultiphaseMaterialThis Material accounts for the the orientation dependence of interfacial energy for multi-phase multi-order parameter phase-field model.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationDerivativesComputes the KKS phase concentration derivatives wrt global concentrations and order parameters, which are used in the chain rules in the KKS kernels. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMaterial.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMaterialComputes the KKS phase concentrations by using nested Newton iteration to solve the equal chemical potential and concentration conservation equations. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationDerivatives.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseDerivativesComputes the KKS phase concentration derivatives wrt global concentrations and order parameters, which are used for the chain rule in the KKS kernels. This class is intended to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseMaterial.
- KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseMaterialComputes the KKS phase concentrations by using a nested Newton iteration to solve the equal chemical potential and concentration conservation equations for multiphase systems. This class is intented to be used with KKSPhaseConcentrationMultiPhaseDerivatives.
- KKSXeVacSolidMaterialKKS Solid phase free energy for Xe,Vac in UO2. Fm(cmg,cmv)
- LinearizedInterfaceFunctionDefines the order parameter substitution for linearized interface phase field models
- MathCTDFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- MathEBFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy using the expression builder and automatic differentiation
- MathFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the math free energy and its derivatives:
- MixedSwitchingFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide h(eta) and its derivative in one of two polynomial forms. MIX234 and MIX246
- MultiBarrierFunctionMaterialDouble well phase transformation barrier free energy contribution.
- PFCRFFMaterialDefined the mobility, alpha and A constants for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- PFCTradMaterialPolynomial coefficients for a phase field crystal correlation function
- PFParamsPolyFreeEnergyPhase field parameters for polynomial free energy for single component systems
- PhaseNormalTensorCalculate normal tensor of a phase based on gradient
- PolycrystalDiffusivityGenerates a diffusion coefficient to distinguish between the bulk, pore, grain boundaries, and surfaces
- PolycrystalDiffusivityTensorBaseGenerates a diffusion tensor to distinguish between the bulk, grain boundaries, and surfaces
- PolynomialFreeEnergyPolynomial free energy for single component systems
- RegularSolutionFreeEnergyMaterial that implements the free energy of a regular solution
- StrainGradDispDerivativesProvide the constant derivatives of strain w.r.t. the displacement gradient components.
- SwitchingFunction3PhaseMaterialMaterial for switching function that prevents formation of a third phase at a two-phase interface:
- SwitchingFunctionMaterialHelper material to provide and its derivative in one of two polynomial forms. SIMPLE: HIGH:
- SwitchingFunctionMultiPhaseMaterialCalculates the switching function for a given phase for a multi-phase, multi-order parameter model
- ThirdPhaseSuppressionMaterialFree Energy contribution that penalizes more than two order parameters being non-zero
- TimeStepMaterialProvide various time stepping quantities as material properties.
- VanDerWaalsFreeEnergyFree energy of a Van der Waals gas.
- VariableGradientMaterialCompute the norm of the gradient of a variable
- Phase Field App
- EBSDMeshGeneratorMesh generated from a specified DREAM.3D EBSD data file.
- SphereSurfaceMeshGeneratorGenerated sphere mesh - a two dimensional manifold embedded in three dimensional space
- EBSDMeshMesh generated from a specified DREAM.3D EBSD data file.
- Phase Field App
- PhaseField
- Phase Field App
- Conserved
- DisplacementGradients
- EulerAngles2RGB
- GrainGrowth
- GrainGrowthLinearizedInterface
- GrandPotential
- Nonconserved
- Phase Field App
- ConservedActionSet up the variable(s) and the kernels needed for a conserved phase field variable. Note that for a direct solve, the element family and order are overwritten with hermite and third.
- Phase Field App
- DisplacementGradientsActionSet up variables, kernels, and materials for a the displacement gradients and their elastic free energy derivatives for non-split Cahn-Hilliard problems.
- Phase Field App
- EulerAngle2RGBActionSet up auxvariables and auxkernels to output Euler angles as RGB values interpolated across inverse pole figure
- Phase Field App
- GrainGrowthActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a grain growth simulation
- Phase Field App
- GrainGrowthLinearizedInterfaceActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a grain growth simulation with a linearized interface
- Phase Field App
- GrandPotentialKernelActionAutomatically generate most or all of the kernels for the grand potential model
- Phase Field App
- NonconservedActionSet up the variable and the kernels needed for a non-conserved phase field variable
- Phase Field App
- AverageGrainVolumeCalculate average grain area in a polycrystal
- DiscreteNucleationDataOutput diagnostic data on a DiscreteNucleationInserter
- DiscreteNucleationTimeStepReturn a time step limit for nucleation event to be used by IterationAdaptiveDT
- FauxGrainTrackerFake grain tracker object for cases where the number of grains is equal to the number of order parameters.
- FauxPolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal when the number of order parameters equal to the number of grains
- FeatureFloodCountThe object is able to find and count "connected components" in any solution field or number of solution fields. A primary example would be to count "bubbles".
- FeatureVolumeFractionComputes the total feature volume fraction from a vectorpostprocessor computing the feature volume
- GrainBoundaryAreaCalculate total grain boundary length in 2D and area in 3D
- GrainTrackerGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- GrainTrackerElasticityGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- PFCElementEnergyIntegralComputes the integral of the energy from the temperature. Note that the kb factor is missing.
- PolycrystalCirclesPolycrystal circles generated from a vector input or read from a file
- PolycrystalEBSDObject for setting up a polycrystal structure from an EBSD Datafile
- PolycrystalHexPerturbed hexagonal polycrystal
- PolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiAction)
- WeightedVariableAverageAverage a variable value using a weight mask given by a material property.
- Phase Field App
- AverageGrainVolumeCalculate average grain area in a polycrystal
- ComputeExternalGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- ComputeGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- ConservedMaskedNormalNoiseGaussian normal distributed random number noise provider with an applied spatially dependent material property mask for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedMaskedUniformNoiseUniformly distributed random number noise provider with an applied spatially dependent material property mask for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedNormalNoiseGaussian normal distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConservedUniformNoiseUniformly distributed random number noise provider for the ConservedLangevinNoise kernel.
- ConstantGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for calculating force and torque acting on a grain
- DiscreteNucleationDataOutput diagnostic data on a DiscreteNucleationInserter
- DiscreteNucleationFromFileManages the list of currently active nucleation sites and adds new sites according to a predetermined list from a CSV file (use this with sync_times).
- DiscreteNucleationInserterManages the list of currently active nucleation sites and adds new sites according to a given probability function.
- DiscreteNucleationMapGenerates a spatial smoothed map of all nucleation sites with the data of the DiscreteNucleationInserter for use by the DiscreteNucleation material.
- DiscreteNucleationTimeStepReturn a time step limit for nucleation event to be used by IterationAdaptiveDT
- EBSDReaderLoad and manage DREAM.3D EBSD data files for running simulations on reconstructed microstructures.
- EulerAngleUpdaterProvide updated euler angles after rigid body rotation of the grains.
- FauxGrainTrackerFake grain tracker object for cases where the number of grains is equal to the number of order parameters.
- FauxPolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal when the number of order parameters equal to the number of grains
- FeatureFloodCountThe object is able to find and count "connected components" in any solution field or number of solution fields. A primary example would be to count "bubbles".
- FeatureVolumeFractionComputes the total feature volume fraction from a vectorpostprocessor computing the feature volume
- GrainBoundaryAreaCalculate total grain boundary length in 2D and area in 3D
- GrainForceAndTorqueSumUserobject for summing forces and torques acting on a grain
- GrainTrackerGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- GrainTrackerElasticityGrain Tracker object for running reduced order parameter simulations without grain coalescence.
- MaskedGrainForceAndTorqueUserobject for masking/pinning grains and making forces and torques acting on that grain zero
- PFCElementEnergyIntegralComputes the integral of the energy from the temperature. Note that the kb factor is missing.
- PolycrystalCirclesPolycrystal circles generated from a vector input or read from a file
- PolycrystalEBSDObject for setting up a polycrystal structure from an EBSD Datafile
- PolycrystalHexPerturbed hexagonal polycrystal
- PolycrystalVoronoiRandom Voronoi tessellation polycrystal (used by PolycrystalVoronoiAction)
- RandomEulerAngleProviderAssign random Euler angles for each grain.
- SolutionRasterizerProcess an XYZ file of atomic coordinates and filter atoms via threshold or map variable values.
- WeightedVariableAverageAverage a variable value using a weight mask given by a material property.
- Phase Field App
- CHPFCRFFSplitVariablesActionCreates the L auxiliary variables, as well as a MultiApp along with transfers to set the variables, for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- HHPFCRFFSplitVariablesActionCreates the L nonlinear variables for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model, when using a split approach
- Phase Field App
- PFCRFFVariablesActionCreates the L nonlinear variables for the Cahn-Hilliard equation for the RFF form of the phase field crystal model
- Phase Field App
- PolycrystalVariablesActionSet up order parameter variables for a polycrystal simulation
- Phase Field App
- EulerAngleUpdaterCheckProvide updated Euler angles after rigid body rotation of the grains.
- FeatureVolumeVectorPostprocessorThis object is designed to pull information from the data structures of a "FeatureFloodCount" or derived object (e.g. individual feature volumes)
- GrainForcesPostprocessorOutputs the values from GrainForcesPostprocessor
- GrainTextureVectorPostprocessorGives out info on the grain boundary properties