Let's see if we can extract the x deflection of the left cantilever. It should be a positive value and the scalar we can extract is the maximum disp_x value in the simulation cell (the left cantilever has positive displacements as it bends right in the positive x direction, while the right cantilever has negative displacements as it bends left in the negative x direction). So we need a postprocessor object that gives us an extreme value of a given variable. Take a look at NodalExtremeValue and try to set it up to output the maximum positive x deflection.

Add the following top level block to the input

    type = NodalExtremeValue
    value_type = max
    variable = disp_x

Then update your [Outputs] block to look like this.

  exodus = true
  csv = true

When you run the simulation you should see output like this

Postprocessor Values:
| time           | x_deflection   |
|   0.000000e+00 |   0.000000e+00 |
|   5.000000e-01 |   2.371558e-02 |
|   1.000000e+00 |   4.744654e-02 |
|   1.500000e+00 |   7.119190e-02 |
|   2.000000e+00 |   9.495067e-02 |
|   2.500000e+00 |   1.187218e-01 |
|   3.000000e+00 |   1.425044e-01 |
|   3.500000e+00 |   1.662974e-01 |
|   4.000000e+00 |   1.900998e-01 |
|   4.500000e+00 |   2.139106e-01 |
|   5.000000e+00 |   2.377289e-01 |

We can plot this data and obtain a curve that shows the x deflection as a function of time (and in our simulation time is proportional to the applied pressure).