
Mesh generator which constructs node sets from side sets


This MeshGenerator object allows the user to generate a corresponding node set for every side set in the mesh. It does not delete or erase side sets.

In the current implementation, this operation indiscriminately converts all side sets into node sets.


This operation can also be performed automatically at the end of the mesh generation process if construct_node_list_from_side_list = true in the [Mesh] block.

  construct_node_list_from_side_list = false
    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 3
    nx = 3
    ny = 3
    nz = 3
    xmax = 3
    ymax = 3
    zmax = 3
    type = ParsedSubdomainMeshGenerator
    input = gmg
    combinatorial_geometry = 'x < 1 & y > 1 & y < 2'
    block_id = 1
    type = ParsedGenerateSideset
    input = subdomains
    combinatorial_geometry = 'z < 1'
    included_subdomains = '1'
    normal = '1 0 0'
    new_sideset_name = interior
    type = NodeSetsFromSideSetsGenerator
    input = sideset

Input Parameters

  • inputInput mesh the operation will be applied to

    C++ Type:MeshGeneratorName


    Description:Input mesh the operation will be applied to

Required Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • save_with_nameKeep the mesh from this mesh generator in memory with the name specified

    C++ Type:std::string


    Description:Keep the mesh from this mesh generator in memory with the name specified

Advanced Parameters

  • nemesisFalseWhether or not to output the mesh file in the nemesisformat (only if output = true)


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Whether or not to output the mesh file in the nemesisformat (only if output = true)

  • outputFalseWhether or not to output the mesh file after generating the mesh


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Whether or not to output the mesh file after generating the mesh

  • show_infoFalseWhether or not to show mesh info after generating the mesh (bounding box, element types, sidesets, nodesets, subdomains, etc)


    C++ Type:bool


    Description:Whether or not to show mesh info after generating the mesh (bounding box, element types, sidesets, nodesets, subdomains, etc)

Debugging Parameters