The KernelScalarBase
is part of the scalar augmentation system to complement the ScalarKernel class. Its principal purpose is to add standard quadrature loops and assembly routines to handle the contributions from a single added scalar variable to a Kernel class, including the entire row of the Jacobian. These routines will assist with representing weak form terms in a partial differential equation involving scalar variables integrated over the interior of a domain. As usual, this piece of physics is referred to as the "residual" and is evaluated at integration quadrature points within that domain. To implement your own physics in MOOSE, you create your own kernel by subclassing the MOOSE KernelScalarBase
The Kernel scalar augmentation system supports the use of automatic differentiation (AD) for residual calculations, as such there are two options for creating field-scalar coupling objects: KernelScalarBase
and ADKernelScalarBase
. To further understand automatic differentiation, please refer to the Automatic Differentiation page for more information.
Developers should read all sections; users can find Parameters described at the bottom.
Creation of Kernel Scalar Coupling Classes
Each Kernel
object has a focus field variable or spatial variable; its job is to contribute to the residual as well as the row of the Jacobian matrix. Herein, as in the source code of Kernels
, this spatial variable will be called _var
. In a coupled (multi-physics) weak form, all domain integral terms containing the test function of _var
are potential candidates for Kernel
The philosophy of the scalar augmentation class KernelScalarBase
is to add a focus scalar variable referred to as _kappa
to the Kernel
object so that all terms in the coupled weak form that involve _var
, _kappa
, and/or their test functions can be assembled in one or multiple class instances. This philosophy is similar to how the lower dimensional variable _lambda
is added to the element faces of DGKernel
and IntegratedBC
objects associated with the hybrid finite element method (HFEM). Documentation for that approach can be found HFEMDiffusion and HFEMDirichletBC along with the base classes DGLowerDKernel
and LowerDIntegratedBC
In a KernelScalarBase
subclass, a naming scheme is established for the quadrature point methods of the two variable types: methods contributing to the test function of _kappa
have "Scalar" near the front and methods contributing to the trial function of scalar variables in the Jacobian have "Scalar" at the end. The computeScalarQpResidual()
function should be overridden (see Parameters for cases where the scalar should be suppressed). The computeQpResidual()
function must be overridden as usual for Kernels
, although it may return zero.
For non-AD objects, several contributions to the Jacobian matrix can be optionally overridden for use in Newton-type nonlinear solvers. As mentioned later, the developer should choose and document which terms (rows) of the residual and terms (rows and columns) of the Jacobian will be attributed to an instance of the developed class. These choices can be motivated by whether some terms in the weak form can be or have already been implemented within other MOOSE classes.
: Jacobian component d-_var
-residual / d-_var
: off-diagonal Jacobian component d-_var
-residual / d-jvar
: off-diagonal Jacobian component d-_var
-residual / d-svar
: Jacobian component d-_kappa
-residual / d-_kappa
: off-diagonal Jacobian component d-_kappa
-residual / d-jvar
: off-diagonal Jacobian component d-_kappa
-residual / d-svar
Examples of some of these methods are shown below in Examples from Source Code. Loops over the coupled variables wrap around these quadrature loops. The integer for the spatial variable is jvar_num
and the integer for the scalar variable is svar_num
Also, there are some pre-calculation routines that are called within the quadrature loop once before the loop over spatial variable test and shape functions as well as before the loop over scalar components. These methods are useful for material or stabilization calculations.
: evaluations depending on qp but independent of test functionsinitScalarQpJacobian(jvar_num)
: evaluations depending on qp but independent of test and shape functionsinitScalarQpOffDiagJacobian(jsvar)
: evaluations depending on qp but independent of test and shape functions
In addition to those mentioned in the Kernel documentation, you have access to several member variables inside your KernelScalarBase
class for computing the residual and Jacobian values in the above mentioned functions:
: indices for the current test and trial scalar component respectively._kappa
: value of the scalar variable this Kernel operates on; indexed by_h
: ID number of this scalar variable; useful to differentiate from others._k_order
: order (number of components) of the scalar variable.
Since the test and trial "shape" functions of a scalar are "1", variables are not required for that value. Examples of the source codes below demonstrate this fact.
only works with MOOSE configured with global AD indexing (the default).
While these quadrature loops are convenient for implementation in a single object, the speed of parallel execution may be slower due to the sequential assembly needed from each element assembling to the same scalar variable _kappa
. For greater speed, the developer may instead implement the terms for computeScalarQpResidual()
and computeScalarQpJacobian()
through a derived class of ElementIntegralUserObject
as discussed at Coupling with Spatial Variables.
Examples from Source Code
As mentioned, the computeScalarQpResidual
method should be overridden for both flavors of kernels, non-AD and AD. As an example, consider the scalar residual weak form term of the ScalarLMKernel
The ScalarLMKernel
class is implemented using the GenericKernelScalar
template class to contain both the AD and non-AD versions within the same source files; the test sources files in the SolidMechanics module described at the bottom of this section appear more simply since they are non-AD only: Listing 5. The computeScalarQpResidual
method for this class is provided in Listing 1, where _value/_pp_value
is equal to .
Listing 1: The C++ weak-form residual statement of Eq. (1).
template <bool is_ad>
return _u[_qp] - _value / _pp_value;
(moose/framework/src/kernels/ScalarLMKernel.C)Meanwhile, the contribution to the spatial variable residual of this object is associated with Eq. (2) and implemented in Listing 2 (note that the scalar variable _kappa
is termed as in this weak form).
Listing 2: The C++ weak-form residual statement of Eq. (2).
template <bool is_ad>
return _kappa[0] * _test[_i][_qp];
(moose/framework/src/kernels/ScalarLMKernel.C)This object also overrides the computeScalarQpOffDiagJacobian
method to define the Jacobian term related to Eq. (1) as shown in Listing 3.
Listing 3: The C++ weak-form Jacobian for d-_kappa
-residual / d-jvar
template <bool is_ad>
ScalarLMKernelTempl<is_ad>::computeScalarQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar)
// This function will never be called for the AD version. But because C++ does
// not support an optional function declaration based on a template parameter,
// we must keep this template for all cases.
"In ADScalarLMKernel, computeScalarQpOffDiagJacobian should not be called. Check "
"computeOffDiagJacobian "
if (jvar == _var.number())
return _phi[_j][_qp];
return 0.;
(moose/framework/src/kernels/ScalarLMKernel.C)Notice that there is a conditional to confirm that the coupled jvar
is the focus variable _var
, otherwise it returns zero. Also, this method only returns a "Real" value since this method is only called by the non-AD version of the class during Jacobian computation; an assert is used to verify this intention.
Similarly, it also overrides the computeQpOffDiagJacobianScalar
method to define the Jacobian term related to Eq. (2) as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4: The C++ weak-form Jacobian for d-_var
-residual / d-svar
template <bool is_ad>
ScalarLMKernelTempl<is_ad>::computeQpOffDiagJacobianScalar(unsigned int svar)
// This function will never be called for the AD version. But because C++ does
// not support an optional function declaration based on a template parameter,
// we must keep this template for all cases.
"In ADScalarLMKernel, computeQpOffDiagJacobianScalar should not be called. Check "
"computeOffDiagJacobianScalar "
if (svar == _kappa_var)
return _test[_i][_qp];
return 0.;
(moose/framework/src/kernels/ScalarLMKernel.C)Also notice the conditional that confirms the coupled svar
is the focus scalar _kappa
, otherwise it returns zero.
Depending upon the weak form and its coupling terms between spatial and scalar variables, not all of the methods listed in Creation of Kernel Scalar Coupling Classes need to be overridden.
The AD version of this object, ADScalarLMKernel
, only requires the residual implementation. A solely AD source file would only need to override computeScalarQpResidual
and computeQpResidual
and leave all the Jacobian methods as base definitions, which return zero. See MortarScalarBase for examples of AD-only and non-AD separate classes.
As a more complicated example of the scalar augmentation system for kernels, the SolidMechanics test app contains headers, source, and test files for an alternative implementation of the "HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergence" system from the SolidMechanics module. This Kernel is designated with the suffix "S" to distinguish from the existing objects in the module. Also, there are other intermediate classes such as "TotalLagrangianStressDivergence" that are also designated with an "S" suffix. These other classes are needed since the lower class needs to also derive from KernelScalarBase
. Meanwhile, they do not need the scalar_variable
parameter and function identically to their original module source object; see the Parameters section for a comment about leaving this parameter blank.
The scalar augmentation system is designed such that multiple scalar variables can be coupled to an instance of the Kernel class, each focusing on one scalar from the list. This approach is similar to how SolidMechanics module classes operator on one component variable of the displacement vector field and are coupled to the other components. The developer can decide how to organize the coupling and off-diagonal Jacobian terms in a logical way and document this for the user.
Examples of two schemes for decomposing the coupling terms and having multiple scalar variables are contained in the source files of the SolidMechanics module test directory as well as input files 2drow.i
and 2dsole.i
, with listings below. The comments within these header and source files serve as documentation and should be consulted to visualize how the rows and columns of the relevant residual and Jacobian contributions are handled. The suffix "R" refers to assembling the entire row of the Jacobian in one object, and the suffix "A" refers to assembling symmetric pairs of the residual and Jacobian; see the header file for clarification.
Listing 5: Organization of spatial and scalar variable contributions by row.
/// Total Lagrangian formulation with most homogenization terms (one disp_xyz field and one scalar)
/// The macro_gradient variable is split into two scalars: the first component called '_hvar'
/// herein and all other components called '_avar' herein. For parameter _beta = 0, the primary
/// scalar (_kappa) is _hvar and the coupled scalar is _avar. For parameter _beta = 1, the primary
/// scalar (_kappa) is _avar and the coupled scalar is _hvar. Just like the primary field variable
/// (_var) is either disp_x or disp_y or disp_z depending on _alpha.
/// Thus, each instance of HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceR acts on one field variable
/// (_disp_alpha) and one scalar variable (_hvar_beta). The job of the kernel is to assemble the
/// residual of all dofs of _disp_alpha and of all dofs of _hvar_beta (namely, selected rows).
/// Also, it assembles the ENTIRE row for _disp_alpha and _hvar_beta (namely the columns
/// from all dofs of all _disp field variables and all dofs of all scalar variables _hvar and
/// _avar). The rows for the other field/scalar variables are handled by other instances of the
/// kernel, according to the flags compute_scalar_residuals and compute_field_residuals.
/// When compute_field_residuals is given, only component=_alpha matters and beta = {0,1}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceR
variable = disp_x
component = 0
macro_var = hvar
macro_other = hvarA
prime_scalar = 0
compute_field_residuals = true
compute_scalar_residuals = false
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceR
variable = disp_y
component = 1
macro_var = hvar
macro_other = hvarA
prime_scalar = 0
compute_field_residuals = true
compute_scalar_residuals = false
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceR
variable = disp_x
component = 0
macro_var = hvar
macro_other = hvarA
prime_scalar = 0
compute_field_residuals = false
compute_scalar_residuals = true
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceR
variable = disp_y
component = 1
macro_var = hvarA
macro_other = hvar
prime_scalar = 1
compute_field_residuals = false
compute_scalar_residuals = true
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
(moose/modules/solid_mechanics/test/tests/lagrangian/cartesian/total/homogenization/scalar_kernel/2drow.i)Listing 6: Organization of spatial and scalar variable contributions by symmetric pairs.
/// Total Lagrangian formulation with most homogenization terms (one disp_xyz field and one scalar)
/// The macro_gradient variable is split into two scalars: the first component called '_hvar'
/// herein and all other components called '_avar' herein. For parameter _beta = 0, the primary
/// scalar (_kappa) is _hvar and the coupled scalar is _avar. For parameter _beta = 1, the primary
/// scalar (_kappa) is _avar and the coupled scalar is _hvar. Just like the primary field variable
/// (_var) is either disp_x or disp_y or disp_z depending on _alpha.
/// Thus, each instance of HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA acts on one field variable
/// (_disp_alpha) and one scalar variable (_hvar_beta). The job of the kernel is to assemble the
/// residual of all dofs of _disp_alpha and of all dofs of _hvar_beta (namely, selected entries).
/// It assembles a symmetric portion of the Jacobian for _disp_alpha and _hvar_beta, with some
/// logical checks to access only the particular desired terms (often for _alpha or _beta = 0).
/// The entries for the other field/scalar variables are handled by other instances of the
/// kernel, which have other values of _alpha AND _beta. The logical checks ensure the proper
/// decomposition of the jobs.
/// In summary, for x=disp_x etc. and h=_hvar and a=_avar, then the contributions of the instances are
/// _alpha=0, _beta=0
/// R = [Rx, 00, 00, Rh, 00 ]^T
/// J = [Jxx, Jxy, Jxz, Jxh, 000
/// Jhx, 000, 000, Jhh, Jha]
/// _alpha=1, _beta=0
/// R = [00, Ry, 00, 00, 00 ]^T
/// J = [Jyx, Jyy, Jyz, Jyh, 000
/// 000, Jhy, 000, 000, 000]
/// _alpha=2, _beta=0
/// R = [00, 00, Rz, 00, 00 ]^T
/// J = [Jzx, Jzy, Jzz, Jzh, 000
/// 000, 000, Jhz, 000, 000]
/// _alpha=0, _beta=1
/// R = [00, 00, 00, 00, Ra ]^T
/// J = [000, 000, 000, 000, Jxa
/// Jax, 000, 000, Jah, Jaa]
/// _alpha=1, _beta=1
/// R = [00, 00, 00, 00, 00 ]^T
/// J = [000, 000, 000, 000, Jya
/// 000, Jay, 000, 000, 000]
/// _alpha=2, _beta=1
/// R = [00, 00, 00, 00, 00 ]^T
/// J = [000, 000, 000, 000, Jza
/// 000, 000, Jaz, 000, 000]
/// In this manner, the full R and J are obtained with NO duplication of jobs:
/// R = [Rx, Ry, Rz, Rh, Ra ]^T
/// J = [Jxx, Jxy, Jxz, Jxh, Jxa
/// Jyx, Jyy, Jyz, Jyh, Jya
/// Jzx, Jzy, Jzz, Jzh, Jza
/// Jhx, Jhy, Jhz, Jhh, Jha
/// Jax, Jay, Jaz, Jah, Jaa]
class HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA : public TotalLagrangianStressDivergenceS
static InputParameters validParams();
HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA(const InputParameters & parameters);
// Add overrides to base class contributions to only happen for _beta==0, to happen only once
virtual Real computeQpResidual() override;
virtual Real computeQpJacobianDisplacement(unsigned int alpha, unsigned int beta) override;
* Method for computing the scalar part of residual for _kappa
virtual void computeScalarResidual() override;
* Method for computing the scalar variable part of Jacobian for d-_kappa-residual / d-_kappa
virtual void computeScalarJacobian() override;
* Method for computing an off-diagonal jacobian component d-_kappa-residual / d-jvar
* jvar is looped over all field variables, which herein is just disp_x and disp_y
virtual void computeScalarOffDiagJacobian(const unsigned int jvar_num) override;
* Method for computing an off-diagonal jacobian component at quadrature points.
virtual Real computeScalarQpOffDiagJacobian(const unsigned int jvar_num) override;
* Method for computing an off-diagonal jacobian component d-_var-residual / d-svar.
* svar is looped over all scalar variables, which herein is just _kappa and _kappa_other
virtual void computeOffDiagJacobianScalarLocal(const unsigned int svar_num) override;
* Method for computing d-_var-residual / d-_svar at quadrature points.
virtual Real computeQpOffDiagJacobianScalar(const unsigned int svar_num) override;
* Method for computing an off-diagonal jacobian component d-_kappa-residual / d-svar
* svar is looped over other scalar variables, which herein is just _kappa_other
virtual void computeScalarOffDiagJacobianScalar(const unsigned int svar_num) override;
/// Which component of the scalar vector residual this constraint is responsible for
const unsigned int _beta;
/// (Pointer to) Scalar variable this kernel operates on
const MooseVariableScalar * const _kappao_var_ptr;
/// The unknown scalar variable ID
const unsigned int _kappao_var;
/// Order of the scalar variable, used in several places
const unsigned int _ko_order;
/// Reference to the current solution at the current quadrature point
const VariableValue & _kappa_other;
/// Type of each constraint (stress or strain) for each component
HomogenizationA::ConstraintMap _cmap;
/// The constraint type; initialize with 'none'
HomogenizationA::ConstraintType _ctype = HomogenizationA::ConstraintType::None;
/// Used internally to iterate over each scalar component
unsigned int _m;
unsigned int _n;
unsigned int _a;
unsigned int _b;
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA
variable = disp_x
component = 0
macro_var = hvar
macro_other = hvarA
prime_scalar = 0
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA
variable = disp_y
component = 1
macro_var = hvar
macro_other = hvarA
prime_scalar = 0
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA
variable = disp_x
component = 0
macro_var = hvarA
macro_other = hvar
prime_scalar = 1
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
type = HomogenizedTotalLagrangianStressDivergenceA
variable = disp_y
component = 1
macro_var = hvarA
macro_other = hvar
prime_scalar = 1
constraint_types = ${constraint_types}
targets = ${targets}
(moose/modules/solid_mechanics/test/tests/lagrangian/cartesian/total/homogenization/scalar_kernel/2dsole.i)The displaced mesh features are not yet tested for the scalar augmentation system.
There is one required parameters the user must supply for a kernel derived from KernelScalarBase
: the focus scalar variable of the kernel, for which assembly of the residual and Jacobian contributions will occur. It must be aMooseScalarVariable
. This parameter may be renamed in a derived class to be more physically meaningful.
If the scalar_variable
parameter is not specified, then the derived class will behave identically to a regular Kernel
, namely without any scalar functionality. This feature is useful if the scalar augmentation in inserted into a class structure with several levels and not all derived members use scalar variables.
As an example, the parameter listing is shown below for the ScalarLMKernel
object with the scalar_variable
parameter renamed to kappa
type = Diffusion
variable = u
type = BodyForce
variable = u
function = ffn
type = ScalarLMKernel
variable = u
kappa = lambda
pp_name = pp
value = 2.666666666666666
(moose/test/tests/kernels/scalar_kernel_constraint/scalar_constraint_kernel.i)Note: to avoid an error message "Variable 'kappa' does not exist in this system", the following block should be added to the input file:
kernel_coverage_check = false
error_on_jacobian_nonzero_reallocation = true
(moose/test/tests/kernels/scalar_kernel_constraint/scalar_constraint_kernel.i)There are also some optional parameters that can be supplied to KernelScalarBase
classes. They are:
: Whether to compute scalar residuals. This will automatically be set to false if ascalar_variable
parameter is not supplied. Other cases where the user may want to set this to false is during testing when the scalar variable is anAuxVariable
and not a solution variable in the system.compute_field_residuals
: Whether to compute residuals for the primal field variable. If severalKernelScalarBase
objects are used in the input file to compute different rows (i.e. different variables) of the global residual, then some objects can be targeted to field variable rows and others to scalar variable rows.