Grain Growth Model

Grain boundaries (GBs) migrate to reduce the total free energy of the system. Various sources of free energy drive the GB migration, including stored defect energy, deformation energy, and GB energy. Various modeling approaches have been applied to model GB migration. While all of the various methods predict similar behavior, the phase-field method has emerged as one of the more popular due to its flexibility.

In MOOSE, we have implemented the multiphase grain growth model originally developed in Chen and Yang (1994) and Chen (1995) and further developed in Moelans et al. (2008). The variables evolve to reduce the overall free energy of the system, representing GB migration. The evolution of each grain's order parameter is defined with the Allen-Cahn equation: where is the free energy functional, is the order parameter mobility, and the operator represents a variational derivative. The free energy for this problem is where is the total number of order parameters, represents the local free energy density, and represents any additional sources of energy density. For the grain growth model, where is the free energy weight and for symmetric interfacial profiles.

The model parameters , and are defined in terms of the GB energy , the diffuse GB width , and the GB mobility . In reality, the GB energy and mobility are anisotropic, depending on both the misorientation and inclination of the GB. However, it is common to assume that the GB properties are isotropic. In the case of isotropic GB energy and mobility and symmetric interfacial profiles (), Moelans et al. (2008) defined expressions for the model parameters in terms of , , and :

MOOSE Implementation

The grain growth model implementation in MOOSE can simulate grain growth in 2D and 3D, and can model large polycrystals with thousands of grains. A system of Allen-Cahn equations is solved to define the grain boundary migration. In MOOSE, we solve them in residual weak form: where is the test function. In standard MOOSE fashion, the various terms in the Allen-Cahn equation have been implemented in separate kernels. The MOOSE objects that are used in the grain growth model are summarized, below:


  • GBEvolution - Defines the model parameters , , and using the equations assuming isotropic properties.

  • GBAnistropy - Defines parameters , , and considering misorientation dependence for the GB energy.


  • TimeDerivative - Defines the term.

  • ACGrGrPoly - Defines the term.

  • ACInterface - Defines the term.


  • BndsCalcAux - To visualize the GB, it is convenient to use .

Simplified MOOSE syntax

The default input file for MOOSE, in which each variable and kernel needed for each variable are added individually, would be very cumbersome for the grain growth model which can have many variables. Therefore, Actions have been created that automate the creation of the various order parameters and their kernels.

  • GrainGrowthAction has the simplest syntax. It creates all of the variables and kernels needed for a basic grain growth model.

  • PolycrystalVariablesAction just creates the variables. It can also be used for other models besides grain growth to create a series of variables with standard naming syntax.

  • PolycrystalKernelAction just creates the kernels needed for each of the order parameter variables.

Initial Conditions

The initial conditions (ICs) for the polycrystal models are created using the ICs block in the input file. Under the ICs block, there is an additional block called PolycrystalICs. Under this block, there are various options to create initial conditions for bicrystals, tricrystals and polycrystals. These options are shown in the Table, below.

IC Action nameDescription
BicrystalBoundingBoxICTwo grains defined by a bounding box
BicrystalCircleGrainICCircle grain and matrix grain
Tricrystal2CircleGrainsICTwo circle grains and a matrix grain
PolycrystalRandomICRandomly seeds grain order parameters
PolycrystalColoringICPolycrystal initial conditions. Grain shapes are specified by a polycrystal UserObject (see below).

The polycrystal UserObjects available for use with PolycrystalColoringIC are:

  • PolycrystalVoronoi - Creates polycrystal grain structure using a Voronoi tessellation.

  • PolycrystalHex - Creates a hexagonal polycrystal grain structure.

  • PolycrystalCircles - Creates circular/spherical grains from a file defining center coordinates and radii.

  • PolycrystalEBSD - Reconstructs grain structures from EBSD data in a specific file format. Used in conjunction with the EBSD Reader.

There is also one tricrystal IC without an associated action: TricrystalTripleJunctionIC.

Variable Remapping

If each order parameter is used to represent one grain, the computational cost gets very high to model polycrystal grain growth. However, if each order parameter is used to represent more than one grain, unphysical grain coalescence occurs when grains represented by the same variable come in contact. MOOSE uses the remapping algorithm GrainTracker to overcome this issue. Order parameters are used to represent multiple grains and grains are then remapped to other variables when needed to avoid coalescence.

Model Verification

The grain growth model has been verified against analytical solutions for two cases, a circular grain imbedded in a larger grain and a half loop grain imbedded in a larger grain.

Circular Grain

For a circular grain, the grain boundary velocity is calculated according to where is the driving force. In our simple verification cases, the driving force depends only on the curvature of the grain boundary and can be written as where is the GB energy and is the radius of curvature. The change in area with time is equal to Thus, the area at any time can be calculated with where is the initial radius of the circular grain.

This case can be easily implemented using MOOSE, and the change in the area with time is outputted using a Postprocessor, as shown in the below input which leverages data from (Schönfelder et al., 1997).

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  nx = 10
  ny = 10
  nz = 0
  xmin = 0
  xmax = 400
  ymin = 0
  ymax = 400
  zmin = 0
  zmax = 0
  elem_type = QUAD4
  uniform_refine = 1

  op_num = 2
  var_name_base = gr


      radius = 300
      x = 400
      y = 0

    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE


    type = BndsCalcAux
    variable = bnds

    type = GBEvolution
    T = 500 # K
    wGB = 60 # nm
    GBmob0 = 2.5e-6 #m^4/(Js) from Schoenfelder 1997
    Q = 0.23 #Migration energy in eV
    GBenergy = 0.708 #GB energy in J/m^2

    type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
    variable = gr1

    type = SMP
    full = true

  type = Transient
  scheme = bdf2
  solve_type = 'NEWTON'

  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 31'

  l_tol = 1.0e-4
  l_max_its = 30
  nl_max_its = 20
  nl_rel_tol = 1.0e-9
  start_time = 0.0
  num_steps = 5
  dt = 80.0

    initial_adaptivity = 2
    refine_fraction = 0.8
    coarsen_fraction = 0.05
    max_h_level = 2

  execute_on = 'timestep_end'
  exodus = true

Half Loop Grain

Following the same approach from the circle grain but for the half loop geometry gives the expression

This case can also be easily implemented in MOOSE, with the area outputted using a Postprocessor:

  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2
  nx = 10
  ny = 10
  nz = 0
  xmin = 0
  xmax = 1000
  ymin = 0
  ymax = 1000
  zmin = 0
  zmax = 0
  elem_type = QUAD4

  uniform_refine = 2

  op_num = 2
  var_name_base = gr
  v = 'gr0 gr1'

    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE
      type = ThumbIC
      xcoord = 500.0
      height = 600.0
      width = 400.0
      invalue = 0.0
      outvalue = 1.0

    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE
      type = ThumbIC
      xcoord = 500.0
      height = 600.0
      width = 400.0
      invalue = 1.0
      outvalue = 0.0

    order = FIRST
    family = LAGRANGE


    type = BndsCalcAux
    variable = bnds

  active = ' '

      primary = 0
      secondary = 2
      translation = '0 1000 0'

      primary = 1
      secondary = 3
      translation = '-1000 0 0'

    type = GBEvolution
    T = 500 # K
    wGB = 60 # nm
    GBmob0 = 2.5e-6 #m^4/(Js) from Schoenfelder 1997
    Q = 0.23 #Migration energy in eV
    GBenergy = 0.708 #GB energy in J/m^2

    type = ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
    variable = gr1

   type = SMP
   full = true

  type = Transient
  scheme = 'bdf2'

  solve_type = 'NEWTON'

  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -ksp_gmres_restart'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg 31'

  l_tol = 1.0e-4
  l_max_its = 30

  nl_max_its = 20
  nl_rel_tol = 1.0e-9

  start_time = 0.0
  num_steps = 10
  dt = 80.0

    initial_adaptivity = 2
    refine_fraction = 0.8
    coarsen_fraction = 0.05
    max_h_level = 2

  execute_on = 'timestep_end'
  exodus = true

Example Input Files

An example 2D input file for a polycrystal simulation using GrainTracker is available. It should be run on at least 4 processors:

# This simulation predicts GB migration of a 2D copper polycrystal with 100 grains represented with 8 order parameters
# Mesh adaptivity and time step adaptivity are used
# An AuxVariable is used to calculate the grain boundary locations
# Postprocessors are used to record time step and the number of grains

  # Mesh block.  Meshes can be read in or automatically generated
  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 2 # Problem dimension
  nx = 44 # Number of elements in the x-direction
  ny = 44 # Number of elements in the y-direction
  xmax = 1000 # maximum x-coordinate of the mesh
  ymax = 1000 # maximum y-coordinate of the mesh
  elem_type = QUAD4 # Type of elements used in the mesh
  uniform_refine = 2 # Initial uniform refinement of the mesh

  # Parameters used by several kernels that are defined globally to simplify input file
  op_num = 8 # Number of order parameters used
  var_name_base = gr # Base name of grains


    type = PolycrystalVoronoi
    grain_num = 100 # Number of grains
    rand_seed = 10
    int_width = 7
    type = GrainTracker

      polycrystal_ic_uo = voronoi

  # Dependent variables
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL

  # AuxKernel block, defining the equations used to calculate the auxvars
    # AuxKernel that calculates the GB term
    type = BndsCalcAux
    variable = bnds
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = unique_grains
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = UNIQUE_REGION
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = var_indices
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = VARIABLE_COLORING
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

  # Boundary Condition block
      auto_direction = 'x y' # Makes problem periodic in the x and y directions

    # Material properties
    type = GBEvolution
    T = 450 # Constant temperature of the simulation (for mobility calculation)
    wGB = 14 # Width of the diffuse GB
    GBmob0 = 2.5e-6 #m^4(Js) for copper from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry
    Q = 0.23 #eV for copper from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry
    GBenergy = 0.708 #J/m^2 from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry

  # Scalar postprocessors
    # Outputs the current time step
    type = TimestepSize

  type = Transient # Type of executioner, here it is transient with an adaptive time step
  scheme = bdf2 # Type of time integration (2nd order backward euler), defaults to 1st order backward euler

  #Preconditioned JFNK (default)
  solve_type = 'PJFNK'

  # Uses newton iteration to solve the problem.
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'

  l_max_its = 50 # Max number of linear iterations
  l_tol = 1e-4 # Relative tolerance for linear solves
  nl_max_its = 10 # Max number of nonlinear iterations

  end_time = 4000

    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    dt = 20 # Initial time step.  In this simulation it changes.
    optimal_iterations = 6 # Time step will adapt to maintain this number of nonlinear iterations

    # Block that turns on mesh adaptivity. Note that mesh will never coarsen beyond initial mesh (before uniform refinement)
    initial_adaptivity = 2 # Number of times mesh is adapted to initial condition
    refine_fraction = 0.8 # Fraction of high error that will be refined
    coarsen_fraction = 0.05 # Fraction of low error that will coarsened
    max_h_level = 2 # Max number of refinements used, starting from initial mesh (before uniform refinement)

  exodus = true # Exodus file will be outputted
  csv = true

An example 3D input file is also available. It should be run on at least 2 processors:

# This simulation predicts GB migration of a 3D copper polycrystal with 25 grains represented with 15 order parameters
# Time step adaptivity are used
# An AuxVariable is used to calculate the grain boundary locations
# Postprocessors are used to record time step and the number of grains

  # Mesh block.  Meshes can be read in or automatically generated
  type = GeneratedMesh
  dim = 3 # Problem dimension
  nx = 10 # Number of elements in the x-direction
  ny = 10 # Number of elements in the y-direction
  nz = 10
  xmax = 1000 # maximum x-coordinate of the mesh
  ymax = 1000 # maximum y-coordinate of the mesh
  zmax = 1000
  uniform_refine = 1 # Initial uniform refinement of the mesh

  parallel_type = distributed

  # Parameters used by several kernels that are defined globally to simplify input file
  op_num = 15 # Number of order parameters used
  var_name_base = gr # Base name of grains
  order = CONSTANT
  family = MONOMIAL

      family = LAGRANGE
      order = FIRST

    type = PolycrystalVoronoi
    grain_num = 25 # Number of grains
    rand_seed = 10
    coloring_algorithm = jp
    type = GrainTracker
    threshold = 0.2
    connecting_threshold = 0.08
    compute_halo_maps = true # Only necessary for displaying HALOS
    polycrystal_ic_uo = voronoi

      polycrystal_ic_uo = voronoi

  # Dependent variables




















  # AuxKernel block, defining the equations used to calculate the auxvars
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = unique_grains
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = UNIQUE_REGION
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = var_indices
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = VARIABLE_COLORING
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = ghost_regions
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = GHOSTED_ENTITIES
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halos
    flood_counter = voronoi
    field_display = HALOS
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo0
    map_index = 0
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo1
    map_index = 1
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo2
    map_index = 2
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo3
    map_index = 3
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo4
    map_index = 4
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo5
    map_index = 5
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo6
    map_index = 6
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo7
    map_index = 7
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo8
    map_index = 8
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo9
    map_index = 9
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo10
    map_index = 10
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo11
    map_index = 11
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo12
    map_index = 12
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo13
    map_index = 13
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halo14
    map_index = 14
    field_display = HALOS
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = ProcessorIDAux
    variable = proc
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'


    # Material properties
    type = GBEvolution
    T = 450 # Constant temperature of the simulation (for mobility calculation)
    wGB = 125 # Width of the diffuse GB
    GBmob0 = 2.5e-6 #m^4(Js) for copper from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry
    Q = 0.23 #eV for copper from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry
    GBenergy = 0.708 #J/m^2 from schonfelder1997molecular bibtex entry

  # Scalar postprocessors
    # Outputs the current time step
    type = TimestepSize

  type = Transient # Type of executioner, here it is transient with an adaptive time step
  scheme = bdf2 # Type of time integration (2nd order backward euler), defaults to 1st order backward euler

  #Preconditioned JFNK (default)
  solve_type = 'PJFNK'

  # Uses newton iteration to solve the problem.
  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'asm'

  l_max_its = 30 # Max number of linear iterations
  l_tol = 1e-4 # Relative tolerance for linear solves
  nl_max_its = 20 # Max number of nonlinear iterations

  start_time = 0.0
  end_time = 4000

    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    dt = 25 # Initial time step.  In this simulation it changes.
    optimal_iterations = 6 # Time step will adapt to maintain this number of nonlinear iterations

  exodus = true
  csv = true
    type = PerfGraphOutput
    execute_on = 'initial final' # Default is "final"
    level = 2 # Default is 1

There is also an example reconstructing the initial grain structure from EBSD data. It should be run on at least 4 processors:

    type = EBSDMeshGenerator
    filename = IN100_120x120.txt
    pre_refine = 2

  op_num = 8
  var_name_base = gr

    type = EBSDReader
    type = PolycrystalEBSD
    coloring_algorithm = bt
    ebsd_reader = ebsd_reader
    enable_var_coloring = true
    type = GrainTracker
    flood_entity_type = ELEMENTAL
    compute_halo_maps = true # For displaying HALO fields
    polycrystal_ic_uo = ebsd

      polycrystal_ic_uo = ebsd


    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    family = MONOMIAL
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT


    type = BndsCalcAux
    variable = bnds
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = ghost_elements
    field_display = GHOSTED_ENTITIES
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = halos
    field_display = HALOS
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = var_indices_ic
    execute_on = 'initial'
    flood_counter = ebsd
    field_display = VARIABLE_COLORING
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = unique_grains_ic
    execute_on = 'initial'
    flood_counter = ebsd
    field_display = UNIQUE_REGION
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = var_indices
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = VARIABLE_COLORING
    type = FeatureFloodCountAux
    variable = unique_grains
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    flood_counter = grain_tracker
    field_display = UNIQUE_REGION
    type = EBSDReaderPointDataAux
    variable = ebsd_grains
    ebsd_reader = ebsd_reader
    data_name = 'feature_id'
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'

      crystal_structure = cubic
      euler_angle_provider = ebsd_reader
      grain_tracker = grain_tracker

    # T = 500 # K
    type = GBEvolution
    T = 500
    wGB = 0.6 # um
    GBmob0 = 2.5e-6 # m^4/(Js) from Schoenfelder 1997
    Q = 0.23 # Migration energy in eV
    GBenergy = 0.708 # GB energy in J/m^2
    molar_volume = 7.11e-6 # Molar volume in m^3/mol
    length_scale = 1.0e-6
    time_scale = 1.0e-6

    type = TimestepSize
    type = NumElements
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = NumNodes
    execute_on = 'initial timestep_end'
    type = NumDOFs

  type = Transient
  scheme = bdf2
  solve_type = PJFNK

  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type -pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre    boomeramg      0.7'

  l_tol = 1.0e-4
  l_max_its = 20
  nl_max_its = 20
  nl_rel_tol = 1.0e-8

  start_time = 0.0
  num_steps = 30

    type = IterationAdaptiveDT
    cutback_factor = 0.9
    dt = 10.0
    growth_factor = 1.1
    optimal_iterations = 7

    initial_adaptivity = 2
    refine_fraction = 0.7
    coarsen_fraction = 0.1
    max_h_level = 2

  exodus = true
  checkpoint = true
  perf_graph = true


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  3. N. Moelans, B. Blanpain, and P. Wollants. Quantitative analysis of grain boundary properties in a generalized phase field model for grain growth in anisotropic systems. Physical Review B, 78(2):024113, Jul 2008. URL: (visited on 2016-06-02), doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.78.024113.[BibTeX]
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